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Phonetic Variation in the Speech of Refugees in Novi Sad

dc.creatorБошњаковић, Жарко
dc.creatorРадовановић, Драгана
dc.description.abstractУ раду се, с обзиром на психолошке (ставови појединца и средине), природне (узраст, пол) и социолошке (род, образовање, занимање) факторе, густину социјалних мрежа остварених у средини живљења (град, село) и рада, анализирају фонетске варијације (рефлекс јата, редукција вокала, вокалске групе -ае-; -ао, -ео, -уо; замене вокала, дистрибуција фонеме /х/, десоноризација финалних сугласника, јотовање) у говору колониста и избеглица из Босне и Херцеговине и Хрватске.sr
dc.description.abstractThe authors analyze the phonetic characteristics (jat replacement, vowel reduction, vowel replacement о > u, а > о, -l, the merging of the final vocalic sequences -ao, -eo, -uo, the medial vocalic sequence -ae-, the pronunciation of the sounds /ć/ and /đ/, the distribution of the phoneme /h/, the relationship between št/ć, desonorization) in the speech of different generations of refugees and immigrants from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina who settled in Novi Sad and some towns of Bačka (Bođani, Bački Jarak). The material was gathered through recording of interlocutions of subjects with familiar and unfamiliar interviewers, as well as through observation and subsequent noting. All subjects have dual forms in their speech, whose relationship varies depending on the time spent in the new environment, the subjects’ age, level and type of education, their jobs, but primarily on the attitude whether they want to adjust or retain nice memories of times they were once happy in their native lands. In the speech of older generation the dominant forms are the original, usually dialectal characteristics (long jat > je, vowel reduction, vowel replacement о > u, а > о, -ae- > -е-, desonorization), the intermediate generation speakers usually retain vowel reduction and iekavian pronunciation, as well as some features of colloquial standard language (-ао>-о/-ао, phoneme /h/ > ø/h). Younger generations have mainly adjusted to the new environment, except for those who have lived in Novi Sad for a short period of time, or have lived in a smaller community (Bođani). The oldest immigrants, having lived in a compact rural environment with the citizens of the same origin, and mainly being agricultural, have retained their dialectal idiom quite conspicuously. Their children, who have been educated and work in Novi Sad, especially in a customer service (salespersons), have almost entirely adopted the standard, except for some sporadic reductions or some colloquial forms.en
dc.publisherНови Сад : Филозофски факултетsr
dc.sourceГовор Новог Сада. Св. 1, Фонетске особинеsr
dc.subjectсрпски језикsr
dc.subjectхерцеговачко-крајишки дијалекатsr
dc.subjectшумадијсковојвођански дијалекатsr
dc.subjectпсихолошки и социјални фактори променаsr
dc.titleФонетске варијације у говору избеглица у Новом Садуsr
dc.titlePhonetic Variation in the Speech of Refugees in Novi Saden
dcterms.abstractBošnjaković, Žarko; Radovanović, Dragana; Fonetske varijacije u govoru izbeglica u Novom Sadu;



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