Prikaz rezultata 10-29 od 57

      No More Kings [1]
      Protestantization of Roma : "to be" and/or "to have" [1]
      Research and Reflections of Academician Milan Lojanica on Belgrade’s Poorest Housing Stock in the Second Half of the 20th Century [1]
      Roma Housing in Numbers: A Comparison of Overall and Roma’s Housing Situation in Belgrade Based on Data from the 1991, 2002 and 2011 Censuses [1]
      Self-Construction and Roma Houses [1]
      Social Housing in Serbia and Roma [1]
      Society and political organization of Roma in modern Serbia [1]
      Students' identity forming : Roma students accommodated in University student dorms in Novi Sad [1]
      The Attempts to Relocate the Inhabitants of the Gazela Roma Settlement in New Belgrade between 2004 and 2009: Failures, Conflicts, Results and Consequences [1]
      The emergence of a project of language standardization for Rromani in USSR, SFR Yugoslavia and Serbia [1]
      The Housing of Roma in Socialist Serbia [1]
      The process of formulation of an urban plan for informal Roma settlements – the example of Mala Guba in Prokuplje [1]
      The Roma in Belgrade During World War II [1]
      Traditional Roma Bajta and its Infield in the Danube Region [1]
      Анализа стамбених склопова ромске куће [1]
      Друштвено и политичко организовање Рома у савременој Србији [1]
      Енергетске карактеристике ромских кућа [1]
      Интегративни преглед радова о становању и насељима Рома објављених у оквиру истраживачких активности Одбора САНУ за проучавање живота и обичаја Рома [1]
      Истраживања и рефлексије акадeмика Милана Лојанице о најнижем стамбеном фонду Београда друге половине двадесетог века [1]
      Ковачи у Санџаку [1]