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Lives and work of the Serbian scientists

dc.contributorЂорђевић, Владан Д.
dc.description.abstractIntroduced here is the Volume 12 of the Edition The Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists published by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts through its Board for the Study of the Lives and Works of Serbian Scientists and Scientists of Serbian Origin, founded in 1992. Th e previous 11 volumes present the life stories and working biographies of about 140 scientific experts on natural, mathematical, medical and technical sciences whose commendable achievements have left indelible mark on Serbian science. Th is volume is being published aft er one-year delay, due to the lack of manuscripts which would meet the Board’s quality standards. In the meantime, the Board has undergone certain organizational changes. Appointed were three new co-editors; Dr Rade Dacić for mathematics, physics and geo-science areas of research, academician Dragoslav Marinković for chemical and biological sciences and academician Radoje Čolović for medical sciences. Th e Editor-in-Chief, along with his duty to coordinate the overall activities of the Board, will also be in charge of technical sciences. We hope that the changes will facilitate the working of the Board and make it more efficient in the future. Similar to the previous volume, medical professionals are most represented in this one, too. Included are seven of them, together with three engineers, one chemist, one biotechnologist, and one geologist and geographer. We are very happy to express our appreciation to all Board members for their eff ort and hard work in choosing competent authors and reviewers. We especially value their comments and ideas which helped this book to preserve the same quality which the earlier editions have. Our special gratitude is extended to the co-editors of the Edition. We also wish to thank the authors of particular articles, reviewers, language editors, technical staff at the Serbian Academy and the people of the publishing and printing house Službeni glasnik.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.subjectSerbian scientistssr
dc.subjectPavle Kenđelacsr
dc.subjectVladan Đorđevićsr
dc.subjectMilivoje Lozanićsr
dc.subjectToma Lekosr
dc.subjectVladimir Spužićsr
dc.subjectMitar Mitrovićsr
dc.subjectNenad Zrnićsr
dc.subjectVojislav Danilovićsr
dc.subjectMilan Đurićsr
dc.subjectVojin Šulovićsr
dc.subjectNovica Vučićsr
dc.subjectMilan Đorđevićsr
dc.subjectVujica Jevđevićsr
dc.titleЖивот и дело српских научникаsr
dc.titleLives and work of the Serbian scientistsen
dcterms.abstractŽivot i delo srpskih naučnika;
dc.description.otherБиографије и библиографије / Српска академија наука и уметности : књ. 12. II одељење, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада научника српског порекла ; књ. 12sr

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