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Ethnic identity of Serbs in Temisoara

dc.creatorПавловић, Мирјана
dc.description.abstractНакон краћег прегледа историјског развоја и најважнијих савремених одлика Српске заједнице у Темишвару, у раду се анализира најприкладнији приступ у проучавању успостављања, обликовања и испољавања њихивог етничког идентитета. Примењује се ситуационо схватање етницитета уз нагласак на међугрупне контакте, симболичку и субјективну димензију етничког заједништва и различитости.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Serbs in Temisoara constitute an ethnic/national community of minority type, characterized by a rich history of centuries-long existence in the multi-ethnic setting of a country neighboring to their fatherland, and by a multitude of present-day problems faced in the state hit by social and political transition. Through the use of symbolic and functional analysis, the paper undertakes to provide an explanation and interpretation as to how and why the Temisoara Serbs have formed, preserved, and expressed their ethnic identity, and to survey the forms and facts of its manifestations in the past and in the present. A contemporary concept of ethnicity/ethnic identity, whose accent is on the situation approach, on the subjective dimension, on the symbolic character, but also on the combined cultural and social aspects of ethnic communion or diversity, represents undoubtedly the most appropriate viewpoint. The focus of research is, consequently, on indicators and symbols (language, faith, traditional customs, norms and values, food, music, etc.) of the actual or imagined compatibility or heterogeneousness in the we-they relations and along the line of ethnic boundaries.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Етнографски институт САНУ / Belgrade : Institute of Ethnography SASAsr
dc.relationСавремена сеоска и градска култура – путеви и трансформација, бр. 1868 / Contemporary Rural and Urban Culture - Ways of Transformation, no. 1868sr
dc.sourceТрадиционално и савремено у култури Срба / The Traditional and the Contemporary in the Culture of the Serbssr
dc.subjectетнички идентитетsr
dc.subjectситуациони приступsr
dc.subjectсимболи етницитетаsr
dc.subjectвишенационална срединаsr
dc.subjectethnic identitysr
dc.subjectmulti-ethnic settingsr
dc.subjectsituation approachsr
dc.subjectsymbols of ethnicitysr
dc.titleЕтнички идентитет Срба у Темишваруsr
dc.titleEthnic identity of Serbs in Temisoaraen
dcterms.abstractPavlović, Mirjana; Etnički identitet Srba u Temišvaru;
dc.rights.holderЕтнографски институт САНУsr
dc.description.otherПосебна издања Етнографског института САНУ ; 49 / Special editions, Institute of Ethnography SASA ; 49.sr



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