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On the Dialogue in Branko Ćopić's Prose : Verbs in Introductory Constructions

dc.creatorТанасић, Срето З.
dc.description.abstractУ раду се твори о представљању туђег говора у прози Бранка Ћопића по моделу директног roвора. Посебно се разматрају глаголи у предикатском језгру уводних конструкција. Иако је основна служба ових уводних конструкција да идентификују говорника чији говор оне уводе, оне често имају и функцију карактеризације књижевних ликова, а најчешће се јављају глаголи који имају наглашену експресивну вриједност.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyses the representation of others' speech on the model of direct speech in the selected prose of Branko Ćopić. In his works The Marshmallow Colour Garden and Head in the Gorge, Feet on the Horse, Branko Ćopić often allows his characters to speak and thereby introduce themselves. The classical way of presenting others' speech also occurs by integrating it into the authorial introductory constructions. In these works those constructions do not only have the function of a model making the integration possible, but predominantly serve the author's characterization of his heroes and their discourse. That can be clearly seen in the choice of verbal lexis in the center of those constructions. Most frequently they include verba dicendi with a more complex semantics, which also tell us how the heroes speak, and consequently how they react to a situation at hand or to the discourse of the other participant in the dialogue. Those verbs belong in the field of expressive lexis. Visual perception verbs also occur in these constructions, indicating the types of heroes' gaze as they talk. That gaze also indicates their reaction, their relation to a person, to their discourse or to a situation. All these verbs, as well as verbs of some other classes not listed here, almost regularly serve Branko Ćopić's purpose of modelling humor, humorous characters and atmosphere in which his characters move and talk.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Филолошки факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178021/RS//sr
dc.sourceСрпски језикsr
dc.subjectдиректни говорsr
dc.subjectуводне конструкцијеsr
dc.subjectсемантичке класе глаroлаsr
dc.titleО дијалогу у прози Бранка Ћопића : глаголи у уводним конструкцијамаsr
dc.titleOn the Dialogue in Branko Ćopić's Prose : Verbs in Introductory Constructionsen
dcterms.abstractTanasić, Sreto Z.; O dijalogu u prozi Branka Ćopića : glagoli u uvodnim konstrukcijama;



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