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Narodna medicina u Srba by Dr Vladan Đorđević

dc.contributorКнежевић, Зоран
dc.contributorЧоловић, Радоје
dc.contributorРадојевић, Мира
dc.contributorДелић, Јован
dc.creatorВацић, Зоран
dc.description.abstractУ раду је анализиран историјат настанка књиге Народна медицина Срба аутора др Владана Ђорђевића, циљеви које је аутор поставио приликом писања ове студије, анализиран је њен садржај, указано на значај ове студије за проучавање етномедицине, употребe симплиција биљног, животињског и минералног порекла приликом лечења болести и повреда и рад „народних хирурга“. У овој студији Владан Ђорђевић народну медицину тумачи научном медицином; уз народне појмове из области анатомије, патологије и терапије наводи научну терминологију; компарира српску и немачку магијску медицину и тумачи карактер народног схватања настанка болести. Посебно је указано на значај „Питања за сакупљаче народне медицине“. Обрађена је и полемика која је вођена у листовима Правда и Јединство непосредно по изласку из штампе студије Владана Ђорђевића.sr
dc.description.abstractIn 1870, the Matica srpska made a decision to announce the launch of an essay competition for the best essay on the topic A lesson for the people on how to take care of their health and how to cure diseases. The manuscript Narodna medicina u Srba (Serbian Traditional Medicine) by Dr Vladan Đorđević was awarded in 1872 and was first published in the 114th issue of the journal Letopis Matice srpske, and then as a separate edition in Novi Sad in 1872. Vladan Đorđević used various literature and sources to write Narodna medicina u Srba (Serbian Traditional Medicine). To study traditional medicine in general, Đorđević used the works of ten, mostly German authors, whereas to study Serbian traditional medicine he used the manuscript of Vuk Vrčević and the published works by Ivan Franjo Jukić, Josif Pančić, Milan Đ. Milićević and Dr Jovan Valenta. The study consists of five chapters (traditional medicine practitioners and their patients, people’s general pathology, folk dietetics and gynecology, folk remedies, special pathology and therapy) and an appendix in which he published a questionnaire with 79 questions to gather ethnomedicinal material. Vladan Đorđević’s study was the first book dedicated to Serbian traditional medicine. Prior to his study, there were several published works but only dealing with certain aspects of traditional medicine (phytotherapy, magic medicine). Narodna medicina u Srba is important because of the approach of its author, that is, because (1) traditional medicine was interpreted with the help of scientific medicine. (2) By analyzing folk knowledge on human anatomy, etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of diseases (phytotherapy and “folk surgery”), the author of the study listed scientific terms for nearly 900 folk terms. (3) A questionnaire containing 79 questions for collecting folk knowledge and customs in the field of medicine. Vladan Đorđević’s intention behind Narodna medicina u Srba to encourage numerous researchers to look into this area of folk life more thoroughly, as well as to develop practical instructions that would help people develop hygiene practices and help prevent diseases, did not bear fruit. There were two reasons for that: (1) there were not enough people interested in the science of the people in Serbia at the time, (2) an extremely strong attack on Vladan Đorđević that ensued after the book was published. In the then Belgrade newspapers (Pravda and Jedinstvo), Vladan’s study was, due to his uncritical citation of the work by Milan Đ. Milićević, marked as “the greatest literary theft at the time”. The controversy between Vladan Đorđević and his opponent diverted the attention of the professional and general public from the study.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceВладан Ђорђевић : поводом сто седамдесет шест година од рођења = Vladan Đorđević : on the occasion of the 176th anniversary of his birthsr
dc.subjectВладан Ђорђевићsr
dc.subjectнародна хирургијаsr
dc.titleНародна медицина у Срба написао др Владан Ђорђевићsr
dc.titleNarodna medicina u Srba by Dr Vladan Đorđevićsr
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд ; књ. 189. Председништво ; књ. 14.sr



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