Prikaz rezultata 173-192 od 2436

      Glagol osvetiti u zakoniku o rudnicima [1]
      Glorification profane du prince Lazar et des héros de Kosovo [1]
      Govor dven slovenskіh vasi na madžarskem ob nežiderskem jezeru [1]
      Grada o božavskom narječju [1]
      Grafija dubrovačkih testamenата 17. viјека [1]
      Grammatical Status of the Subordinate (Adverbial) Clause of Place – From Another View [1]
      Grammaticalization and Polyfunctionality of the Preposition ZA in Prizren-Timok and Kosovo-Resava Vernaculars [1]
      Grammaticalization of syntactic conflict resolution: Asymmetric constructions [1]
      Grecisms in Serbian: A review of previous and prospects for future studies [1]
      Gwara dzielnicy ocnоtа [1]
      Głowne kierunki badawcze polskiej onomastykі w latach 1960—1971 [1]
      Hanna Dalewska-Gren: Jezyki stowiariskie, Wydawnictwo naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 1997 [1]
      Helmut Schaller (Hrsg).: Grundfragen eines Südosteuropasprachatlas: Biblion Verlag, Marburg, 2001 [1]
      Hierarchiczność w opisie słowotwórczym – wybrane problemy [1]
      Hierarchy in Derivatological Description – Selected Problems [1]
      Hipoteza Lamanskoga o hazarskoj misiji sv. Ćirila [1]
      History and perspectives of language study: Papers in honor of Ranko Bugarski (ed. by Olga Mišeska Tomić, Milorad Radovanović), John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2000 [1]
      History of Serbian Linguistic Russian Studies in the Opus of Academician Predrag Piper [1]
      Honorifika v Češtine (česke vykani - teorie a korpusova data) [1]
      Hyperonyms and Quotations as Components of Definitions [1]