Приказ основних података о документу

dc.creatorFajfar, Tanja
dc.description.abstractThe primary function of terminology is effective communication among domain experts. To perform this function it is necessary to consider terminology principles when creating terms. The most important terminology principles are consistency, economy and linguistic adequacy. The principle of language culture is also important. In accordance with that principle, terminology of Slovene origin has priority when naming concepts. The section for terminological dictionaries of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts offers free advice on terminology on its website called Terminologišče. In this paper, some examples of the terminological questions and answers which are published on Terminologišče were selected to illustrate how the members of the section for terminological dictionaries decide in cases of conflicts of terminology principles. The chosen examples show that their advice on terminology is based on specific terminological dilemmas. No terminology principle automatically takes precedence over others. Priority was given to the borrowed term tretirati (Eng. treatment) which is in accordance with the principle of consistency. On the other hand, the term of Slovene origin vmesni dolg (Eng. mezzanine debt) was suggested because it corresponds to the principle of language culture. Terminological interventions which replace borrowed terminology with terminology of Slovene origin are reasonable. However, their success depends on several factors. They should be accepted by the majority of the domain experts, initiative to intervene should be given on time and a new term should name a concept adequately i.e. effectively.en
dc.description.abstractPri oblikovanju terminologije je treba upoštevati terminološka načela, med katerimi so najpomembnejša načelo ustaljenosti, načelo gospodarnosti in načelo jezikovnosistemske ustreznosti. V prispevku bo posebna pozornost namenjena načelu jezikovnokulturne ustreznosti, ki pri oblikovanju terminologije ne sme biti spregledano, hkrati pa je pogosto v nasprotju z drugimi načeli, npr. načelom gospodarnosti. S konkretnimi termini bo predstavljeno, kako se v primeru konflikta terminoloških načel pri terminološkem svetovanju na spletišču Terminologišče odločajo sodelavci Sekcije za terminološke slovarje Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU. Načelo jezikovnokulturne ustreznosti strokovnjaki in jezikoslovci dojemajo različno. Strokovnjaki mu posvečajo manj pozornosti, saj je njihovo zanimanje za terminologijo osredotočeno na pojme in njihovo nedvoumno poimenovanje, ki omogoča učinkovito strokovno sporazumevanje. Na drugi strani pa jezikoslovci poudarjajo pomen razvijanja terminologije v domačem jeziku. Kadar je odločitev za prevzeti termin dobro premišljena, ne sme biti razumljena kot odraz nenaklonjenosti domačemu poimenovanju, ampak kot ustreznejše terminološko poimenovanje. Kadar pa obe poimenovanji enakovredno označujeta pojem, je upravičeno pričakovati podporo domačemu terminu.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за српски језик САНУsr
dc.sourceСловенска терминологија данасsr
dc.subjectterminology principlesr
dc.subjectprinciple of language culturesr
dc.subjectprinciple of consistencysr
dc.subjectborrowed terminologysr
dc.subjectterminology of Slovene originsr
dc.subjectterminological interventionsr
dc.subjectterminološko načelosr
dc.subjectjezikovnokulturno načelosr
dc.subjectnačelo ustaljenostisr
dc.subjectprevzeta terminologijasr
dc.subjectneprevzeta terminologijasr
dc.subjectterminološka intervencijasr
dc.titleJezikovnokulturna ustreznost kot terminološko načelosl
dcterms.abstractФајфар, Тања; Језиковнокултурна устрезност кот терминолошко начело; Језиковнокултурна устрезност кот терминолошко начело;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 157. Одељење језика и књижевности ; књ. 28sr



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