Now showing items 291-310 of 1428

      Gabori Roma of Pančevo : faith and the language of faith [1]
      Gabriel Millet (1867–1953) : esquisse de sa carrière scientifique [1]
      Gabriel Millet : ses études de terrain sur les monuments serbes et leurs résultats [1]
      Gabriel Millet, ses étudiants serbes et son engagement dans la promotion de la culture et de l’art serbe en France [1]
      Gambe, Obrad [1]
      Gábor Ágoston: Guns for the sultan. Military power and the weapons industry in the Ottoman Empire, Cambridge university press, 2005 [1]
      Genealogies of Belgrade Families [1]
      Georges Castellan, Gabrijela Vidan & Antonia Bernard: Histoire de la Croatie et de la Slovénie, Crozon: Editions Armeline, 2011, pp. 522 [1]
      Georgije Grk [1]
      Ger Dejzings: Religija i identitet na Kosovu, Biblioteka XX vek, Beograd, 2005 [1]
      Gerhard Hirschfeld & Gerd Krumeich, Deutschland im Ersten Weltkrieg. Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 2013, pp. 331. [1]
      Giovаnni Gasbarri: Riscoprire Bisanzio. Lo studio dell’arte bizantina a Roma e in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento [1]
      Gjuha dhe konflikti etno-politik: Rasti i gjuhës shqipe në Beogradin bashkëkohor [1]
      Goran Musić. Making and Breaking the Yugoslav Working Class. The Story of Two Self-Managed Factories. Budapest – New York: Central European University Press, 2021, 273. [1]
      Gradski život u Boki Kotorskoj [1]
      Graiul vlah în școlile din Serbia răsăriteană: provocări și perspective [1]
      Granice i tumačenja. Marko A. Janković, Vladimir D. Mihajlović and Staša Babić (eds.) The Edges of the Roman World. 2014. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars. 265 pp. [1]
      Grčki slikari [1]
      Great Britain, the Little Entente and security in Danubian Europe, 1919-1936 [1]
      Great Britain, the Little Entente and the Genoa Conference of 1922 [1]