Prikaz rezultata 266-285 od 2069

      E-museum Publication in the System of On-line Museum Communication [1]
      Earth in beliefs and rituals of Serbs [1]
      Eastern Europe as the source of horror and humor: Films“Hostel” and “Euro trip” [1]
      Econativism and appropriation of green politics: controversies over the opening of the Rio Tinto lithium mine in Loznica and the shutdown of the Pljevlja thermal power plant [1]
      Ekonativizam i aproprijacija zelene politike: kontroverze u vezi sa otvaranjem rudnika litijuma Rio Tinto u Loznici i prestankom rada Termoelektrane Pljevlja [1]
      Emanuela Grama, Socialist Heritage: The Politics of Past and Place in Romania [1]
      Encampment in Europe in a comparative perspective [1]
      Encountering Fear, Natka Badurina, Una Bauer, Renata Jambrešić Kirin i Jelena Marković, ur. Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb,. 394 str. 2020. [1]
      Entrepreneurs in Transitional Serbia – the Context of Management and Socially Accepted Type of Private Enterprise [1]
      Epistemology of Canid Behavior and Domestication [1]
      Ethnic and Ethno-Cultural Contacts in the Pannonian-Carpathian Area [1]
      Ethnic identity : problems of theoretic determination [1]
      Ethnic identity of Serbs in Budapest and its surrounding: research of the Institute of ethnography of the SASA [1]
      Ethnic identity of Serbs in Temisoara [1]
      Ethnic Identity of the Serbs in Hungary: Research Results [1]
      Ethnic Stereotypes: How the Contemporary Greeks See the Serbs [1]
      Ethnicity and Integration in the Historical Context : Serbs in Timisoara [1]
      Ethnicity and pilgrimage: an example of pilgrimage to the monasteries of the Pirot district [1]
      Ethno-Cultural Annals for the study of the culture of eastern Serbia and the adjacent areas [1]
      Ethno-Cultural Annals for the study of the culture of eastern Serbia and the adjacent areas - Eastern Serbia as an inspiration and research challenge: a collection of works in honor of Prof. Dr. Sreten Petrović [1]