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Two lost charters of the Brankovićs’ and their compilation (Chilandar № 58 and № 59)

dc.contributorМиљковић, Бојан
dc.contributorЏелебџић, Дејан
dc.creatorБојанин, Станоје
dc.description.abstractУ студији су анализирана два документа са истим текстом, настала крајем XIV, односно на прелазу из XIV у XV век, из манастира Хиландара – Хиландар №58 и Хиландар №59. Њихове спољне и унутрашње одлике збуњивале су истраживаче још од друге половине XIX века све до наших дана. Веровало се да први докуменат представља оригиналну повељу оверену потписом и печатом, док се други, неоверени, сматрао њеним преписом (односно, концептом повеље). Једна група истраживача је настанак повеље доводила у везу са браћом Бранковић, Гргуром и Вуком, а друга само са господином Вуком. Полазећи од већ познате чињенице да исти текст из оба сачувана преписа сведочи о постојању два правна чина, ова дипломатичка студија доноси сасвим другачије погледе о пореклу и времену настанка actio и conscriptio, и то не само једног већ два различита документа. У складу с тим, указано је на природу данас сачуваног текста у хиландарским преписима, на време настанка тих преписа и на могући значај овде представљених резултата за различита истраживања српске средњовековне дипломатике и историје.sr
dc.description.abstractThis study has shown that a document preserved in two transcripts from the second part of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th centuries – the Chilandar №58 and the Chilandar №59 (the latter is older) – is a compilation composed of two different charters of the Branković brothers. Those charters are deeds of gifts in the Drenica region donated to the Chilandar monastery. The first charter was issued jointly by Gregory and Vuk to their brother, the Chilnadar monk Roman, during the reign of Emperor Stephen Uroš (1355–1371), according which the three brothers bound themselves to endow the monastery. The second one was issued by Vuk independently as a regional magnate in the post-Nemanjić era. Until now, historiography considered document Chilandar №58/59 as either one charter of Gregory and Vuk or a charter of Lord Vuk into which were incorporated elements of the earlier joint charter. Diplomatic analysis of the document Chilandar №58/59 shows that parts of the texts of the two charters were mechanically transposed in order to form a new document. The text of the charter of Gregory and Vuk was preserved in the compilation for the most part (symbolic form of invocation, intitulatio, exposition/narration with petitio–interventio, disposition, spiritual sanctions and the part of eschatocol: apprecatio without date clause and signature), into which a smaller part of Vuk’s document was interpolated (intitulatio, exposition/narration and disposition). Thus, the Chilandar transcripts represent authentic fragments of two lost charters of the Brankovićs’. The motives for making the compilation were probably of a practical nature, in order to list the villages of Chilnadar’s metochion in the Drenica region in one document. Its later transcript, the Chilandar №58, was sealed using a false seal (Mošin 1966) and signed using an unauthentic signature of Lord Vuk Branković, as is shown in this paper. The signature does not correspond with the singature formula and intitulatiо in Vuk’s preserved documents, hence it could not have been used in the lost charters of the Brankovićs. This paper offers a review of existing research, and a text-analysis of the joint charter of Gregory and Vuk, of lord Vuk’s own charter as well as an analysis of the particular place in the compilation where the content of those two lost charters are intertwined. It shows us clearly a mixture of grammatical forms and diplomatic formulas of the two different documents. In this paper the new possible dating of the two lost charters of the Brankovićs’ is discussed and internal and external characteristics of the Chilandar transcripts and their dating are also presented. The newer transcript (Chilandar №58) contains a later margin note which testifi es, as is also shown in this paper, to the existence of another lost document of the Brankovićs’, but this time issued by Lord Vuk’s widow Mara and her sons.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Византолошки институт САНУsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Задужбина светог манастира Хиландараsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177032/RS//sr
dc.subjectвластеоске канцеларијеsr
dc.subjectканцеларије обласних господараsr
dc.subjectГргур и Вук Бранковићsr
dc.titleДве изгубљене повеље Бранковића и њихова компилација (Хиландар № 58 и № 59)sr
dc.titleTwo lost charters of the Brankovićs’ and their compilation (Chilandar № 58 and № 59)en
dcterms.abstractBojanin, Stanoje; Dve izgubljene povelje Brankovića i njihova kompilacija (Hilandar № 58 i № 59);
dc.rights.holderВизантолошки институт САНУ; Задужбина светог манастира Хиландараsr
dc.description.otherMélanges offerts à Mirjana Živojinović/Зборник у част Мирјане Живојиновићsr

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