Приказ резултата 1283-1302 од 2588

      Science for Statecraft: the British Empire and New Sciences 1890-1920 [1]
      Scientific Meeting Rudo Polje, Karanovac, Kraljevo [1]
      Sculpture Ečka [2]
      Searching for a Viable Solution: Yugoslav and Czechoslovak Nation-Building Projects in the 1930s [1]
      Secret Knowledge : “God Gave It to Me”. Discourse of a Conjurer from Kosovo [1]
      Seervice historique de l’Armée de terre Vincennes Avec le général Piarron de Mondésir Un aller-retour de Brindisi à Valona, 18–24 décembre 1915 [1]
      Semantyka Rosji na Bałkanach [Semantics of Russia in the Balkans]. Colloquia Balkanica, Vol. 1. Ed. by Jolanta Sujecka. Warsaw: Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, 2011, pp. 204 [1]
      Semper rogare deum pro anima: молитве живих за спас душа умрлих [1]
      Sentio me grauatum de malo ablato - Compensation for the Sin of Ill-gotten Gain in the Wills of Kotor (Cattaro) Citizens 1326–1337 [1]
      Serbia and the Ilinden uprising [1]
      Serbia in British Politics (1889-1903) [1]
      Serbia's attitude towards national liberation movements in Austro-Hungary at the beginning of the 20th century [1]
      Serbia, the Serbo-Albanian Conflict and the First Balkan War [1]
      Serbian and Romanian epitaph [1]
      Serbian Cyrillic inscription [1]
      Serbian epitaph [1]
      Serbian Folk Culture between East and West [1]
      Serbian folk lyrical poems in 'Αττική Ίρις ' [1]
      Serbian government and the postponement of the national uprising in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina around the middle of the 19th century (1847–1848) [1]
      Serbian holy places and miraculous events: Based on nineteenth-century travel books [1]