Приказ резултата 89-108 од 2780

      Avant-Garde as the poetics of a new evaluation of tradition [1]
      Avramović’s Contribution to Transition-Related Economic Reforms in Yugoslavia [1]
      Aкадемик Владан Ђорђевић: живот, дело, време (1844–1930) [1]
      Aлександар Лома, Топонимија бањске хрисовуље - Ка осмишљењу старосрпског топономастичког речника и бољем познавању општесловенских именословних образаца, Библиотека Ономатолошких прилога, књ. 2, САНУ, Београд 2013, 388 стр. [1]
      Balkan Horizons of Vladan Đorđević [1]
      Balkanisms in Rade Uhlik’s Studies [1]
      Basic types of private ethno villages in Serbia [1]
      Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) of Serbia [1]
      Bečkerek Programme [1]
      Beginning of theater life in Niš (1887–1914) [1]
      Belgrade war stories by Ivo Andrić: a path to inner writer’s biography [1]
      Between Fear, Doubt and Reality. Yugoslavia and Neighboring Warsaw Pact Countries in 1968.. [1]
      Bibi and Bibijako djive in Romani traditional culture in Serbia [1]
      Biblical and Apocryphal Patterns of the Prologue Vita of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah [1]
      Biography of Jovan Dučić [1]
      Biology of island populations of lacertid lizards [1]
      Bizantine Sources on Population and Church in Mediaeval Bosnia [1]
      Blacksmiths in Sandžak [1]
      Body weight regain: mechanisms of occurrence and therapeutic approach [1]
      Bogoljub Stankovic: Contributions ´ to generalized asymptotics and mechanics [1]