Приказ резултата 545-564 од 2780

      My Works Published in Magazines, Almanachs and Similar Publications in Carigrad, Thessalonica, Corfu, Skoplje, Sarajevo, Belgrade Bibliographical Data [1]
      Mythopoetics of Romantic Love and Passion in Kočina krajina [1]
      Mедитеранска исхрана у превенцији и лечењу депресије код гојазних [1]
      Mултифероични BaTaO3–NaFe2 O4 композити: од керамике до вишеслојних танких филмова [1]
      Najznačajniji naučni i stručni radovi Nikole Hajdina : u komentarima inostrane literature : u čast osamdeset pet godina života [1]
      Nanostructures of electro-conducting polymers and carbon nanomaterials produced by their carbonization [1]
      Narodna medicina u Srba by Dr Vladan Đorđević [1]
      National minorities “cultural autonomy” in the Republic of Serbia [1]
      National security and/or sovereignty of state (on internal and external functions of the sovereignty concept) [1]
      Natural potential of mineral waters in Serbia [1]
      Neotenic Triturus alpestris montenegrinus Radovanović, 1951 : in the contemporary evo-devo studies [1]
      New revisionism and оld stereotypes? On post-1991 historiography on Serbs and Serbia [1]
      New-Found Fragments from the Lovech Damaskin: preliminary notes [1]
      Nikola Hajdin: the most important scientific and professional accomplishments in foreign literature commentaries : on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday [1]
      Ninety Years of Research and Protection of the Architecture of Banjska (1928–2018) [1]
      No More Kings [1]
      Non-territorial self-governance in Serbia – 15 years long evolution of the legal framework of cultural autonomy [1]
      Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and polycystic ovary syndrome: is there a connection? [1]
      NooJ приступ аутоматској језичкој обради као алатка за систематизацију ромске граматике у опису и формалној настави [1]
      Normative and actual in the theory of popular sovereignty [1]