Приказ резултата 1523-1542 од 8371

      Semantic Differentation in a Series of Noun Diminutives Derived from one Generative Base in the Serbian Language [1]
      Semantic Evolution of Some Greek Loans in Serbo-Croatian [1]
      Semantic of the Verbal Prefix Po- in Serbian Language [1]
      Semantic of the Verbal Prefix Pre- in Serbian Language [1]
      Semantic Parameters in Syntax [1]
      Semantic Ramification in Words Designating House and its Parts [1]
      Semantic Resources of Functional Verbs: Examples of Semantic Predicat ’sukobiti se’ [1]
      Semantic Roles of Case Relations vs. Substantival Word-Formational Categories [1]
      Semantic Value of the Suffixes -ota, -oća And –ost in Deriving Abstract Nouns Denoting Human Psysical and Spiritual Characteristics [1]
      Semantic-Derivational Dictionary of Serbian – A Model for Semantic-Derivational Dictionary of Turcisms in Serbian [1]
      Semantic-Derivative Analyses of Turkish Loanwords in Contemporary Serbian Literary Language [1]
      Semantics, analogy and alternation capacity of syntactic structures [1]
      Sentence structures with the connective verbs [1]
      Sentences which Contain Temporal Clauses in the Vernacular of the Prizren Podgor [1]
      Serbian (Natural) Language, “Gender-Sensitive Language”, Textbook Quality Standards [1]
      Serbian and Church Slavonic Interactions, as Displayed in the Serbian Grammares of Church Slavonic in the First Half of the 19th Century [1]
      Serbian and Greek : A Long History of Lexical Borrowing [1]
      Serbian as a Foreign Language in Theory and Practice [1]
      Serbian Astronomy from 18th until 19th century: (dis)continuity of the terminological system [1]
      Serbian Cultural Identity in the Context of the Linguistic Mosaic of the Balkans [1]