Prikaz rezultata 484-503 od 911

      Temporal Formulas in Serbian Oral Epic Songs [1]
      Teodora Toleva, Vlijanieto na Avstro – Ungarija za săzdavaneto na albanskata nacija (1896–1908) [The Influence of Austria-Hungary on the Formation of the Albanian Nation, 1896–1908]. Sofia: Siela Norma AD, 2012, pp. 573. [1]
      Testimonies to common life: German writers of travel accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries about the Greeks in Serbia [1]
      The 'zograph' model of orthodox painting in Southeast Europe 1830-1870 [1]
      The 1905 Parliamentary Crisis in Serbia [1]
      The Aborted British Salonika Expedition of February 1915 [1]
      The Absolute Power of the Sovereign, Bureaucracy, Democracy and Constitutional Government in the Works of Slobodan Jovanović [1]
      The Aspects of French Literature in the Belgrade Journal 'Delo' 1894-1915 [1]
      The Austro-Hungarian Creation of a “Humanitarian” Pretext for the Planned Invasion of Serbia in 1912–1913: Facts and Counter-Facts [1]
      The Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Serbia as a “Civilizing Mission” (1915–1918) [1]
      The Austro-Hungarian Occupation Regime in Serbia and Its Break-Down in 1918 [1]
      The Balkans in Seattle A Chronicle of the 18th Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature, and Folklore. University of Washington Seattle, WA, 29–31 March 2012 [1]
      The Balkans' new political dynamic [1]
      The Bay of Cattaro (Kotor) School of Icon-Painting 1680–1860 [1]
      The Beginning of the 1875 Serbian Uprising in Herzegovina. The British Perspective [1]
      The boundary between the domains of the Kosača and the Branković south of the Tara river [1]
      The British Adriatic Squadron and the Evacuation of Serbs from the Albanian Coast 1915–1916 [1]
      The bronze signum from Timacum Maius and its cultic attribution [1]
      The Bulgarian-Yugoslav Dispute over the Macedonian Question as a Reflection of the Soviet-Yugoslav Controversy (1968–1980) [1]
      The Byzantine Apocalyptic Tradition a Fourteenth-century Serbian Version of the Apocalypse of Anastasia [1]