Приказ резултата 543-562 од 987

      Tajnovita Misirlu - varijante jedne internacionalne melodije mediteranskog porekla u popularnoj muzici XX veka [1]
      Taking the Provinces Seriously [1]
      Takmičenja kao oblik javne guslarske prakse [1]
      Tamo gore maglita planina - etnomuzikološko-filološki prilog o jednoj pesmi iz kopaoničkog kraja [1]
      Tanano i precizno - umna zvučanja Vlastimira Peričića [1]
      Tekstura i materijal u savremenoj muzičkoj misli [1]
      Texture et matériau dans la pensée musicale contemporaine [1]
      The 'Guslar': Individual identity and tradition [1]
      The 'ugliness' of Jewish prayer: Voice quality as the expression of identity [1]
      The Affective Turn in Ethnomusicology [1]
      The anthologion Athos Lavra E-108: A Greek-Slavonic liturgical manuscript [1]
      The Appearance of Concept Albums in Yugoslav Popular Music: Kamen na kamen - Long Play Records [1]
      The attitude of the state sphere towards singing associations in Serbia and Kingdom of Yugoslavia [1]
      The Balzan Musicology Project Towards a global history of music, the Study of Global Modernisation, and Open Questions for the Future [1]
      The Beginnings of Serbian Music Historiography: Serbian Music Periodicals Between the World Wars [1]
      The birth of contemporary Russia out of the spirit of Russian music [1]
      The Coexistence of Older and Newer Two-Part Folk Singing in the Village of Prekonoga (Southeastern Serbia) as an Example of Bimusicality [1]
      The Compass Revisited: Rewriting Histories of Music in the South [1]
      The complementary nature of poetic and musical systems in ritual visits to households [1]
      The Composer and his Critics: The Reception of Stanojlo Rajičić’s Works in the Light of Crucial Events for the Development of Serbian Music in the Twentieth Century [1]