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Crni labudovi i Višestruki svetovi - savremeni modeli u muzici, umetnosti i idejama

dc.creatorBarry, Barbara
dc.identifier.issn1450-9814 (print)
dc.description.abstractBlack Swans and Many Worlds are new models to help explain musical structures, and by extension, events in the social environment and in internal human experience. Many Worlds takes its departure point from quantum physics, and especially the work of Hugh Everett III, who used the defining point of a measurement in the sub-atomic world as initiating alternative courses of action. Everett extrapolated this idea to the macro-world: a defining point may initiate multiple outcomes, each with its own character and events, as parallel worlds. One application of this model is to consider musical works within a genre as Many Worlds. Black Swans derive from Nassim Taleb, who proposes that social, political, and in fact all aspects of today's world are not understandable by logical processes or incremental change but are often rocked by extreme, unpredictable shocks. If Many Worlds provide new ways of thinking about potentiality, probability and innovation, Black Swans arrest us in our tracks by eruptions that threaten to derail contemporary life, and with it, music, the arts and ideas.en
dc.description.abstractU svojoj studiji Muzika, umetnost i ideje (Music, the Arts and Ideas) Leonard B. Mejer (Leonard B. Meyer) na ubedljiv je način istakao značaj koncepata disonance i pluralnosti na području muzike s početka XX veka i ukazao na njihovo otelovljenje u vezama između muzike, umetnosti, književnosti i istorije ideja. U ovom radu se Mejerove postavke proširuju kroz oslanjanje na dva nova modela - jedan iz oblasti savremene fizike i drugi iz oblasti sociologije - koji omogućavaju uvid u pomenute veze početkom XXI veka u okviru pluralno i fragmentarno oblikovanog savremenog sveta. Dati modeli, osim toga, otvaraju nove perspektive posmatranja muzike i umetnosti iz prošlosti. Ukoliko ideja višestrukih svetova (Many Worlds) donosi drugačiji pogled na problem verovatnoće i inovativnosti, pojave poput crnih labudova (Black Swans) blokiraju nas kroz erupcije koje prete da izbace iz koloseka procese i produkte savremenog ž
dc.sourceМузикологија / Musicology
dc.subjectmusical structureen
dc.subjectQuantum mechanicsen
dc.titleBlack Swans and Many Worlds: Contemporary models in music, the arts and ideasen
dc.titleCrni labudovi i Višestruki svetovi - savremeni modeli u muzici, umetnosti i idejamasr
dcterms.abstractБаррy Барбара; Црни лабудови и Вишеструки светови - савремени модели у музици, уметности и идејама; Црни лабудови и Вишеструки светови - савремени модели у музици, уметности и идејама;
dc.citation.other(14): 201-234

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