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Corona in the Schoolyard: Children's Game Corona as a Form of Folklore Communication

dc.creatorTrubarac Matić, Đorđina
dc.creatorKrel, Aleksandar
dc.identifier.issn0353-1589 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2334-8801 (online)
dc.description.abstractOvaj prilog predstavlja nastavak rada posvećenog dečijoj igri pod nazivom korona, zabeleženoj unutar zajednice učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta OŠ „Sveti Sava” na Vračaru. U prethodnom radu bavili smo se opisom i analizom varijanta upražnjavanih tokom školskih godina 2019/2020. i 2020/2021. s akcentom stavljenim na proces geneze, oblikovanja i preoblikovanja varijanti ove igrovne prakse i to u ključu interakcionističke teorije kulture, konkretno, oslanjajući se na teorijske postavke i metodološke postupake Gerija Alana Fajna: proces oblikovanja ove nove igre posmatran je kao svojevrsna „crna kutija“ kroz koju se sagledavaju drugi sociokulturni fenomeni. U ovom radu pažnju usmeravamo ka pitanjima funkcionalnosti ove igre i, u vezi s tim, posmatramo je iz folklorističke perspektive, unutar koje ćemo dati kratak osvrt na naučne tokove proučavanja dečijih igara kao folklornih formi, folklorno-tipološko određenje igre korona, njenu komparativnu, dijahronijsko-semiotičku analizu, kao i njeno sagledavanje iz komunikacijske perspektive, tj. kao oblika folklorne komunikacije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe children's game Corona appeared spontaneously at the beginning of 2020 within a small folklore community of lower grade pupils at the “St. Sava” Elementary School in the Belgrade’s municipality of Vračar. Sudden changes in the daily routines of the community members created a need for controlled articulation of accumulated tension generated during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a sociocultural construct the chasing game of Corona underwent various modifications during the two academic years covered by our research (2020 and 2021), due to the changes that took place in the micro and macro sociocultural environment. Generally, the chasing games are common to children and they have an important developmental function, since they encourage the improvement of adaptive abilities and the agility in successful locomotor responses to stimuli from the external environment. Although the semiotic code of this type of games is based on the hunter ‒ prey relation, the game Corona belongs to a specific subtype of chasing games that is related to the idea of progressive spread of infectious disease, just as the traditional game of šugice/šuge (Serbian for Tag; literally, ’scabies’). The examples of this type of games have been observed in various parts of the world, where they refer to various infectious diseases: the plague, Spanish fever, leprosy, polio. All these games have their roots in the traumatic collective experiences of dealing with epidemics. The basic semiotic code (hunter‒prey relation) has undergone a secondary semiotization in this type of games, shifting to the binary opposition sick: healthy. However, they both stem from the same binary oppositions such as life: death; human : demonic; we: others. As the children's game Corona entails communication based on a set of symbolic actions, it operates as a "capacitor" of cultural and semiotic memory. It brings contents from deeper diachronic layers, actualizing cultural experience accumulated in the recent and distant past.sr
dc.description.abstractCette contribution est une suite du travail consacré au jeu d'enfants intitulé covid, relevée à l'intérieur de la communauté des élèves des classes élémentaires de l'école „Saint Sava” dans le quartier de Vračar. Dans le travail précédent nous avons effectué la description et l'analyse des variantes pratiquées au cours des années scolaires 2019/2020 et 2020/2021 en mettant l'accent sur le processus de genèse, de formation et de remodelage des variantes de cette pratique ludique et ceci à la lumière de la théorie interactionniste de la culture, ou concrètement, nous nous sommes appuyé sur les bases théoriques et les démarches méthodologiques de Gary Alan Fine: le processus de formation de ce nouveau jeu est observé comme une sorte de „boîte noire“ à travers laquelle sont appréhendés d'autres phénomènes socio-culturels. Dans ce travail nous concentrons notre attention sur les questions de fonctionnalité de ce jeu, qu'ensuite nous analysons dans une perspective folkloriste à l'intérieur de laquelle nous donnerons un bref aperçu des approches scientifiques dans l'etude des jeux d'enfants comme formes folkloriques, la définition fokloro-typologique du jeu de covid, son analyse comparative, diachronico-sémiotique, ainsi que son analyse dans une perspective communicationnelle, c'est-à-dire comme forme de communication folklorique.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Универзитет у Београду - Филозофски факултет, Одељење за етнологију и антропологију / Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropologyysr
dc.sourceEtnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology sr
dc.subjectdečja igra koronasr
dc.subjectdečji folklorsr
dc.subjectigre gonjenjasr
dc.subjectsemiotika folklornih formisr
dc.subjectchildren’s game Coronasr
dc.subjectchasing gamessr
dc.subjectthe semiotics of folkloric formssr
dc.subjectjeu d'enfants covidsr
dc.subjectfolklore enfantinsr
dc.subjectCOVID 19sr
dc.subjectJeu du loupsr
dc.subjectjeux de poursuitesr
dc.subjectsémiotique des formes folkloriquessr
dc.titleKorona u školskim dvorištu: dečija igra korona kao oblik folklorne komunikacijesr
dc.titleCorona in the Schoolyard: Children's Game Corona as a Form of Folklore Communicationsr
dc.titleLe covid dans la cour d'école: le jeu d'enfants covid comme forme de communication folkloriquesr



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