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The emergence of a project of language standardization for Rromani in USSR, SFR Yugoslavia and Serbia

dc.contributorВаради, Тибор
dc.creatorКуртијаде, Марсел
dc.description.abstractПосле кратког историјата покушаја стандардизације ромског језика током 20. века, односно предлога различитих ортографских ре- шења, прилог се бави радом аутора Марсела Куртијадеа и његових сарадника на стандардизацији ромског језика и борбом за примену у пракси „Варшавског правописа”, усвојеног на Четвртом конгресу Рома 1990. Прилог је настао на ос- нову предавања одржаног 3. јуна 2015. у Српској академији наука и уметности у Београду.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper reports how Rromani common spelling arose half a century ago on the territory of Southern Serbia in SFRY, when young Rroms began to write poetry, under the influence of other minorities and of the federal system of plurilinguism. In this context, one Rromani poet from Leskovac, Ismet Jašarević, attempted to write alternatively in his father’s and mother’s vernacular varieties, but noticed that, although there was a perfect mutual understanding in oral communication between speakers of the two varieties, this intelligibility was lacking as soon as these very varieties were written down. Therefore he tried to find a common writing for both of them. Thus, the question of a cover spelling was set up, with several attempts, mainly in his works, but also in Rašiti’s and Gaśi’s verses. The solution primarily coined there was then extended to a wider area, including SFR of Macedonia, and subsequently adapted successfully to more vernacular varieties. At the same time, there was a similar attempt of cover spelling in the USSR, at Leksa Manuš’s initiative, who planned an ABC-book in Moscow. Within Yugoslavia, there was also an ABC-book published in Sarajevo at “Svjetlost” publisher and a book “Rromani fonetika thaj lekhipa” printed in Novi Sad by Montenegrin publisher “Pobjeda” (both in 1986). The presentation also deals with the role played by the research around the edition of youth creation in answering the questions about the – then still unascertained – unity of Rromani, with the help of dialectometrical methods. In 1990 the 4th Worldwide Rromani Congress in Warsaw (with an important delegation from Yugoslavia) passed the Decision about the functioning of the Standard (or Integrated) Rromani Alphabet, which entered and was used shortly after in Romanian schools – with a total of 500.000 Rromani pupils who have benefited of mother tongue and culture classes since then. However, due partly to its isolation, as a consequence of the international Blocade against Yugoslavia, and partly due to internal conflicts between uneducated players, who found themselves in positions of stake holders, and various subsequent manipulations, the Common Integrated Rromani Spelling is still blocked in Serbia by supporters of Serbian Cyrillic and Croatian-type Latin spelling, although both of them are very far from the features of Rromani and their use would cut off Serbian Rroms from the European Rromani community in writing, publishing and informatics technology – that is to say in most media. It is by now too early to say if this is a well-designed plan of massive Romi (and racist) linguistic destruction or just the result of incompetency of organs of
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceРоми Србије у XXI векуsr
dc.subjectромски језикsr
dc.subjectВаршавски конгресsr
dc.subjectRomani languagesr
dc.subjectWarsaw congresssr
dc.titleРађање и судбина идеје о стандардизацији писaног ромског језика у СССР, СФРЈ и Србијиsr
dc.titleThe emergence of a project of language standardization for Rromani in USSR, SFR Yugoslavia and Serbiasr
dcterms.abstractKurtijade, Marsel; Rađanje i sudbina ideje o standardizaciji pisanog romskog jezika u SSSR, SFRJ i Srbiji;
dc.description.otherПосебна издања / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 688. Одељење друштвених наука, ISSN 0354-494X ; књ. 109sr



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