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Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936)

Денда, Стефан; Мицић, Јасна; Милановић Пешић, Ана

(Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет, 2024-08)

AU  - Денда, Стефан
AU  - Мицић, Јасна
AU  - Милановић Пешић, Ана
PY  - 2024-08
UR  -
AB  - Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору започиње развој крајем 19. века. У том периоду, при водећим универзитетским центрима се успостављају први департмани за географију и струковна удружења (географска друштва). Почетком 20. века покрећу се и први географски часописи, међу којима је са најдужом традицијом Гласник Српског географског
друштва (1912). Међутим, бројне историјско-политичке околности, пре свега Први светски рат, заустављају даљи напредак у развоју ове науке. Ипак, завршетак Великог рата, осим стварања јединствене државе (Краљевина СХС), доноси нову етапу у реализацији наставно-научног рада. Нова улога и задаци географије су захтевали размену искустава и међународну сарадњу. Као први корак у том правцу, истиче се организација Првог конгреса словенских географа и етнографа у Прагу 1924. године. Након смрти Јована Цвијића, одржана су још три Конгреса, у Републици Пољској (1927), Краљевини Југославији (1930) и Краљевини Бугарској (1936). Сви конгреси су осим научног имали и друштвено-политички значај изражен кроз подршку званичних власти. Стога, циљ овог рада јесте анализа учешћа и дискурса представника научне заједнице из Краљевине СХС (Југославије) у приликама међуратног периода. Резултати су показали да је у научном раду акценат био на физичко-географским, картографским и етнолошким истраживањима. Истовремено, у потпуности су занемарена демографска истраживања, као и гео(политичке) и економско-географске теме (аграрна, индустријска и сл.) проистекле из Цвијићеве антропогеографске школе. Поменути скупови су и поред бројних недостатака допринели обједињавању научне заједнице и промоцији географије у словенским земљама. Такође, они су представљали полазну основу за нова истраживања и организацију научног рада у деценијама након Другог светског рата, како на југословенском простору, тако и у широј међународној научној заједници.
AB  - Geographical science on the territory of former Yugoslavia began to develop at the end of
the 19th century. In that period, the first geography departments and professional associations, as
well as geographical societies, were established at the leading university centers. At the beginning
of the 20th century, the first geographical journals were launched, among which the Bulletin of
the Serbian Geographical Society (1912) has the longest tradition. However, numerous historical
and political circumstances, primarily the First World War, stopped further progress in this field.
Nevertheless, the end of the Great War, apart from the creation of a single state (the Kingdom of
SCS), brought a new stage in the realization of teaching and scientific work. New tasks and roles
of geography required the exchange of experiences and international cooperation. As a first step in
that direction, the organization of the First Congress of the Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers
in Prague in 1924 stands out. After the death of Jovan Cvijić, three more Congresses were held
in Poland (1927), the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1930), and the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1936). All the
congresses, apart from their scientific value, also had socio-political significance expressed through
the support of the official authorities. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the participation and
discourse of the representatives of the scientific community from the Kingdom of SCS (Yugoslavia) in the circumstances of the interwar period. The results showed that in the scientific work, the emphasis was on physical-geographic, cartographic, and ethnological research. At the same time, demographic research, as well as geo(political) and economic-geographic topics (agricultural, industrial, etc.) stemming from Cvijić’s anthropogeographical school, were completely neglected. Despite numerous shortcomings, the mentioned meetings contributed to the unification of the scientific community and the promotion of geography in the Slavic countries. Also, they represented the starting point for new research and the organization of scientific work in the decades after the Second World War, both on the territory of Yugoslavia and in the wider international scientific community.
PB  - Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет
C3  - Зборник радова VI Конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем "QUO VADIS GEOGRAPHIA"? У сусрет новим географским хоризонтима
T1  - Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936)
T1  - Geographical Science in the Former Yugoslav Territory and the Congresses of the Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers (1924–1936)
SP  - 101
EP  - 113
DO  - 10.5937/KonGef24071D
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Денда, Стефан and Мицић, Јасна and Милановић Пешић, Ана",
year = "2024-08",
abstract = "Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору започиње развој крајем 19. века. У том периоду, при водећим универзитетским центрима се успостављају први департмани за географију и струковна удружења (географска друштва). Почетком 20. века покрећу се и први географски часописи, међу којима је са најдужом традицијом Гласник Српског географског
друштва (1912). Међутим, бројне историјско-политичке околности, пре свега Први светски рат, заустављају даљи напредак у развоју ове науке. Ипак, завршетак Великог рата, осим стварања јединствене државе (Краљевина СХС), доноси нову етапу у реализацији наставно-научног рада. Нова улога и задаци географије су захтевали размену искустава и међународну сарадњу. Као први корак у том правцу, истиче се организација Првог конгреса словенских географа и етнографа у Прагу 1924. године. Након смрти Јована Цвијића, одржана су још три Конгреса, у Републици Пољској (1927), Краљевини Југославији (1930) и Краљевини Бугарској (1936). Сви конгреси су осим научног имали и друштвено-политички значај изражен кроз подршку званичних власти. Стога, циљ овог рада јесте анализа учешћа и дискурса представника научне заједнице из Краљевине СХС (Југославије) у приликама међуратног периода. Резултати су показали да је у научном раду акценат био на физичко-географским, картографским и етнолошким истраживањима. Истовремено, у потпуности су занемарена демографска истраживања, као и гео(политичке) и економско-географске теме (аграрна, индустријска и сл.) проистекле из Цвијићеве антропогеографске школе. Поменути скупови су и поред бројних недостатака допринели обједињавању научне заједнице и промоцији географије у словенским земљама. Такође, они су представљали полазну основу за нова истраживања и организацију научног рада у деценијама након Другог светског рата, како на југословенском простору, тако и у широј међународној научној заједници., Geographical science on the territory of former Yugoslavia began to develop at the end of
the 19th century. In that period, the first geography departments and professional associations, as
well as geographical societies, were established at the leading university centers. At the beginning
of the 20th century, the first geographical journals were launched, among which the Bulletin of
the Serbian Geographical Society (1912) has the longest tradition. However, numerous historical
and political circumstances, primarily the First World War, stopped further progress in this field.
Nevertheless, the end of the Great War, apart from the creation of a single state (the Kingdom of
SCS), brought a new stage in the realization of teaching and scientific work. New tasks and roles
of geography required the exchange of experiences and international cooperation. As a first step in
that direction, the organization of the First Congress of the Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers
in Prague in 1924 stands out. After the death of Jovan Cvijić, three more Congresses were held
in Poland (1927), the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1930), and the Kingdom of Bulgaria (1936). All the
congresses, apart from their scientific value, also had socio-political significance expressed through
the support of the official authorities. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the participation and
discourse of the representatives of the scientific community from the Kingdom of SCS (Yugoslavia) in the circumstances of the interwar period. The results showed that in the scientific work, the emphasis was on physical-geographic, cartographic, and ethnological research. At the same time, demographic research, as well as geo(political) and economic-geographic topics (agricultural, industrial, etc.) stemming from Cvijić’s anthropogeographical school, were completely neglected. Despite numerous shortcomings, the mentioned meetings contributed to the unification of the scientific community and the promotion of geography in the Slavic countries. Also, they represented the starting point for new research and the organization of scientific work in the decades after the Second World War, both on the territory of Yugoslavia and in the wider international scientific community.",
publisher = "Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет",
journal = "Зборник радова VI Конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем "QUO VADIS GEOGRAPHIA"? У сусрет новим географским хоризонтима",
title = "Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936), Geographical Science in the Former Yugoslav Territory and the Congresses of the Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers (1924–1936)",
pages = "101-113",
doi = "10.5937/KonGef24071D",
url = ""
Денда, С., Мицић, Ј.,& Милановић Пешић, А.. (2024-08). Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936). in Зборник радова VI Конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем "QUO VADIS GEOGRAPHIA"? У сусрет новим географским хоризонтима
Београд : Универзитет у Београду - Географски факултет., 101-113.
Денда С, Мицић Ј, Милановић Пешић А. Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936). in Зборник радова VI Конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем "QUO VADIS GEOGRAPHIA"? У сусрет новим географским хоризонтима. 2024;:101-113.
doi:10.5937/KonGef24071D .
Денда, Стефан, Мицић, Јасна, Милановић Пешић, Ана, "Географска наука на бившем југословенском простору и конгреси словенских географа и етнографа (1924–1936)" in Зборник радова VI Конгреса географа Србије са међународним учешћем "QUO VADIS GEOGRAPHIA"? У сусрет новим географским хоризонтима (2024-08):101-113, ., .

The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region

Petrović, Vladimir P.

(Bucureşti : Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României, 2024-07)

AU  - Petrović, Vladimir P.
PY  - 2024-07
UR  -
AB  - Abstract:

For more than ten years in a row, archaeologists of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in cooperation with the Ausonius Institute from Bordeaux, have been conducting archaeological research on the Roman and Byzantine settlement located in the area of the village of Niševac near Svrljig, in the Svrljiški Timok River valley. It was the first station on the Roman itinerary road between Naissus (Niš) and Trajan’s colony of Ratiaria on the Danube (Archar in northwestern Bulgaria). In addition to significant architectural remains and various archaeological findings, some inscriptions in Latin and Greek are also known from this area. This bilingualism of the texts indicates the very location of Timacum Maius, which was located on a vital communication line and a linguistic and administrative interprovincial barrier. Although chronologically different, the epigraphic findings I report raise broader scientific questions about the significance of this ancient settlement and its population, especially in the early military history of the Naissus region.
PB  - Bucureşti : Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României
T2  - Cercetări Arheologice
T1  - The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region
SP  - 135
EP  - 142
VL  - 31
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.46535/ca.31.1.09
DO  - 10.46535/ca.31.1.09
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Vladimir P.",
year = "2024-07",
abstract = "Abstract:

For more than ten years in a row, archaeologists of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in cooperation with the Ausonius Institute from Bordeaux, have been conducting archaeological research on the Roman and Byzantine settlement located in the area of the village of Niševac near Svrljig, in the Svrljiški Timok River valley. It was the first station on the Roman itinerary road between Naissus (Niš) and Trajan’s colony of Ratiaria on the Danube (Archar in northwestern Bulgaria). In addition to significant architectural remains and various archaeological findings, some inscriptions in Latin and Greek are also known from this area. This bilingualism of the texts indicates the very location of Timacum Maius, which was located on a vital communication line and a linguistic and administrative interprovincial barrier. Although chronologically different, the epigraphic findings I report raise broader scientific questions about the significance of this ancient settlement and its population, especially in the early military history of the Naissus region.",
publisher = "Bucureşti : Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României",
journal = "Cercetări Arheologice",
title = "The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region",
pages = "135-142",
volume = "31",
number = "1",
doi = "10.46535/ca.31.1.09, 10.46535/ca.31.1.09",
url = ""
Petrović, V. P.. (2024-07). The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region. in Cercetări Arheologice
Bucureşti : Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României., 31(1), 135-142.
Petrović VP. The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region. in Cercetări Arheologice. 2024;31(1):135-142.
doi:10.46535/ca.31.1.09 .
Petrović, Vladimir P., "The Epigraphic Testimonies from Timacum Maius (Eastern Moesia Superior): The Important Clues for the Character and Organization of Naissus Region" in Cercetări Arheologice, 31, no. 1 (2024-07):135-142, ., .

Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији

Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата; Јевтић, Александар

(Београд : Удружење урбаниста Србије, 2024-05-09)

AU  - Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата
AU  - Јевтић, Александар
PY  - 2024-05-09
UR  -
AB  - У раду истражујемо улогу урбанистичког планирања у Србији у обезбеђивању социјалног становања. Социјално становање је један од кључних инструмената у обезбеђивању приступачних и одрживих стамбених решења за особе и породице са ниским примањима. Питање социјалног становања данас постаје све важније јер се градови широм света суочавају са растућим ценама станова и све већим бројем особа која се налазе у стању бескућништва. Урбано планирање, између осталог, обухвата развој градова и заједница ради стварања окружења које је функционално, одрживо и погодно за квалитетан живот. Кроз прописе о планирању и коришћењу земљишта, као и планирање саобраћаја и инфраструктуре, урбанизам има за циљ да допринесе формирању и развоју насеља која су добро повезана, економски одржива и друштвено инклузивна. У том контексту, третман социјалног становање у урбанистичким плановима повезано је са обезбеђивањем приступа основним услугама и садржајима и може да допринесе стварању инклузивнијих и одрживијих заједница. У овом раду сагледавамо однос закона који регулише планирање и изградњу према савременом концепту социјалног становања. На примеру генералних планова четири велика града – Београда, Крагујевца, Новог Сада и Ниша – сагледавамо домет и улогу урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији у последње две деценије.
AB  - In this paper, we investigate the role of urban planning in providing social housing in Serbia. Social housing is essential in providing affordable and sustainable housing options for low-income individuals and families. In recent years, the issue of social housing has gained traction as cities around the world face rising housing prices and a growing number of individuals experiencing homelessness. Urban planning encompasses the design and development of cities and communities to create environments that are functional, sustainable, and conducive to quality of life. Through land use regulations, transportation planning, and infrastructure development, urban planning aims at creating neighborhoods that are well-connected, economically viable, and socially inclusive. Furthermore, the position of social housing within urban plans is critical in ensuring access to essential services and amenities. This paper explores the intersection between planning and construction laws and the contemporary notion of social housing. By analyzing the general plans of the major cities Belgrade, Kragujevac, Novi Sad, and Niš, we investigate the extent to which urban planning has influenced the provision of social housing in Serbia over the past twenty years.
PB  - Београд :  Удружење урбаниста Србије
C3  - 20. Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Урбанизам и одрживи развој"
T1  - Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији
T1  - The role of urban plans in social housing provision in Serbia
SP  - 217
EP  - 223
DO  - 10.46793/Urbanizam24.217VM
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата and Јевтић, Александар",
year = "2024-05-09",
abstract = "У раду истражујемо улогу урбанистичког планирања у Србији у обезбеђивању социјалног становања. Социјално становање је један од кључних инструмената у обезбеђивању приступачних и одрживих стамбених решења за особе и породице са ниским примањима. Питање социјалног становања данас постаје све важније јер се градови широм света суочавају са растућим ценама станова и све већим бројем особа која се налазе у стању бескућништва. Урбано планирање, између осталог, обухвата развој градова и заједница ради стварања окружења које је функционално, одрживо и погодно за квалитетан живот. Кроз прописе о планирању и коришћењу земљишта, као и планирање саобраћаја и инфраструктуре, урбанизам има за циљ да допринесе формирању и развоју насеља која су добро повезана, економски одржива и друштвено инклузивна. У том контексту, третман социјалног становање у урбанистичким плановима повезано је са обезбеђивањем приступа основним услугама и садржајима и може да допринесе стварању инклузивнијих и одрживијих заједница. У овом раду сагледавамо однос закона који регулише планирање и изградњу према савременом концепту социјалног становања. На примеру генералних планова четири велика града – Београда, Крагујевца, Новог Сада и Ниша – сагледавамо домет и улогу урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији у последње две деценије., In this paper, we investigate the role of urban planning in providing social housing in Serbia. Social housing is essential in providing affordable and sustainable housing options for low-income individuals and families. In recent years, the issue of social housing has gained traction as cities around the world face rising housing prices and a growing number of individuals experiencing homelessness. Urban planning encompasses the design and development of cities and communities to create environments that are functional, sustainable, and conducive to quality of life. Through land use regulations, transportation planning, and infrastructure development, urban planning aims at creating neighborhoods that are well-connected, economically viable, and socially inclusive. Furthermore, the position of social housing within urban plans is critical in ensuring access to essential services and amenities. This paper explores the intersection between planning and construction laws and the contemporary notion of social housing. By analyzing the general plans of the major cities Belgrade, Kragujevac, Novi Sad, and Niš, we investigate the extent to which urban planning has influenced the provision of social housing in Serbia over the past twenty years.",
publisher = "Београд :  Удружење урбаниста Србије",
journal = "20. Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Урбанизам и одрживи развој"",
title = "Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији, The role of urban plans in social housing provision in Serbia",
pages = "217-223",
doi = "10.46793/Urbanizam24.217VM",
url = ""
Вуксановић-Мацура, З.,& Јевтић, А.. (2024-05-09). Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији. in 20. Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Урбанизам и одрживи развој"
Београд :  Удружење урбаниста Србије., 217-223.
Вуксановић-Мацура З, Јевтић А. Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији. in 20. Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Урбанизам и одрживи развој". 2024;:217-223.
doi:10.46793/Urbanizam24.217VM .
Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата, Јевтић, Александар, "Улога урбанистичких планова у обезбеђивању социјалног становања у Србији" in 20. Научно-стручна конференција са међународним учешћем "Урбанизам и одрживи развој" (2024-05-09):217-223, ., .

Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes

Terzić, Aleksandra; Bjeljac, Željko; Ćurčić, Nevena

(Prague : Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences, 2024-05-01)

AU  - Terzić, Aleksandra
AU  - Bjeljac, Željko
AU  - Ćurčić, Nevena
PY  - 2024-05-01
UR  -
AB  - Cultural heritage is an important part of the cultural identity of any nation. The care of cultural heritage includes the protection and preservation of the material heritage of the majority nation and the heritage of all other ethnic communities that have left their cultural traces in the area under consideration. The protection of cultural heritage reflects the maturity of a society. That’s why the approach to the protection of cultural monuments should not be selective, narrow and strictly national, but comprehensive, preserving the cultural values of earlier eras and peoples as a general civilisational asset. The research aims to reveal how today’s youth perceive the Ottoman heritage in Serbia, their emotional relationship with it, and whether they recognise the Ottoman heritage as a possible resource for tourism in Serbia. The results indicate that the student population perceives the positive aspects of the Ottoman era in this region, as reflected in the legacy of Oriental culture and the multi-ethnic and multicultural order, to a large extent. Architectural heritage, gastronomy and intangible heritage (language and literature, legends, music, dances, traditions) are largely recognised as representative of the Ottoman cultural heritage and foreign influences on national culture. Their potential for tourism has also been recognised. However, the possible obstacles in the development process of the cultural route are foreseen in strong nationalism and negative collective memory, which were identified as key barriers.
PB  - Prague : Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences
T2  - Kulturní studia
T1  - Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes
SP  - 90
EP  - 119
VL  - 22
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.7160/KS.2024.220104
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Terzić, Aleksandra and Bjeljac, Željko and Ćurčić, Nevena",
year = "2024-05-01",
abstract = "Cultural heritage is an important part of the cultural identity of any nation. The care of cultural heritage includes the protection and preservation of the material heritage of the majority nation and the heritage of all other ethnic communities that have left their cultural traces in the area under consideration. The protection of cultural heritage reflects the maturity of a society. That’s why the approach to the protection of cultural monuments should not be selective, narrow and strictly national, but comprehensive, preserving the cultural values of earlier eras and peoples as a general civilisational asset. The research aims to reveal how today’s youth perceive the Ottoman heritage in Serbia, their emotional relationship with it, and whether they recognise the Ottoman heritage as a possible resource for tourism in Serbia. The results indicate that the student population perceives the positive aspects of the Ottoman era in this region, as reflected in the legacy of Oriental culture and the multi-ethnic and multicultural order, to a large extent. Architectural heritage, gastronomy and intangible heritage (language and literature, legends, music, dances, traditions) are largely recognised as representative of the Ottoman cultural heritage and foreign influences on national culture. Their potential for tourism has also been recognised. However, the possible obstacles in the development process of the cultural route are foreseen in strong nationalism and negative collective memory, which were identified as key barriers.",
publisher = "Prague : Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences",
journal = "Kulturní studia",
title = "Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes",
pages = "90-119",
volume = "22",
number = "1",
doi = "10.7160/KS.2024.220104",
url = ""
Terzić, A., Bjeljac, Ž.,& Ćurčić, N.. (2024-05-01). Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes. in Kulturní studia
Prague : Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences., 22(1), 90-119.
Terzić A, Bjeljac Ž, Ćurčić N. Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes. in Kulturní studia. 2024;22(1):90-119.
doi:10.7160/KS.2024.220104 .
Terzić, Aleksandra, Bjeljac, Željko, Ćurčić, Nevena, "Ottoman heritage in Serbia on a cultural route: students’ attitudes" in Kulturní studia, 22, no. 1 (2024-05-01):90-119, ., .

Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities

Mihajlov, Teodora Sofija; Marković, Aleksandra M.; Stanković, Ranka; Krstev, Cvetana

(ELRA and ICCL, 2024-05)

AU  - Mihajlov, Teodora Sofija
AU  - Marković, Aleksandra M.
AU  - Stanković, Ranka
AU  - Krstev, Cvetana
PY  - 2024-05
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the work in progress on ELEXIS-SR corpus, the Serbian addition to the ELEXIS multilingual
annotated corpus (Martelli et al., 2023), comprising semantic annotations and word sense repositories. The ELEXIS
corpus has parallel annotations in ten European languages, serving as a cross-lingual benchmark for evaluating
low and medium-resourced European languages. The focus in this paper is on multiword expressions (MWEs) and
named entities (NEs), their recognition in the ELEXIS-SR sentence set, and comparison with annotations in other
languages. The first steps in building the Serbian sense inventory are discussed, and some results concerning
MWEs and NEs are analysed. Once completed, the ELEXIS-SR corpus will be the first sense annotated corpus
using the Serbian WordNet (SrpWN). Finally, ideas to represent MWE lexicon entries as Linguistic Linked-Open
Data (LLOD) and connect them with occurrences in the corpus are presented.
C3  - Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024
T1  - Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities
SP  - 106
EP  - 114
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mihajlov, Teodora Sofija and Marković, Aleksandra M. and Stanković, Ranka and Krstev, Cvetana",
year = "2024-05",
abstract = "This paper presents the work in progress on ELEXIS-SR corpus, the Serbian addition to the ELEXIS multilingual
annotated corpus (Martelli et al., 2023), comprising semantic annotations and word sense repositories. The ELEXIS
corpus has parallel annotations in ten European languages, serving as a cross-lingual benchmark for evaluating
low and medium-resourced European languages. The focus in this paper is on multiword expressions (MWEs) and
named entities (NEs), their recognition in the ELEXIS-SR sentence set, and comparison with annotations in other
languages. The first steps in building the Serbian sense inventory are discussed, and some results concerning
MWEs and NEs are analysed. Once completed, the ELEXIS-SR corpus will be the first sense annotated corpus
using the Serbian WordNet (SrpWN). Finally, ideas to represent MWE lexicon entries as Linguistic Linked-Open
Data (LLOD) and connect them with occurrences in the corpus are presented.",
publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
journal = "Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024",
title = "Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities",
pages = "106-114",
url = ""
Mihajlov, T. S., Marković, A. M., Stanković, R.,& Krstev, C.. (2024-05). Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities. in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024
ELRA and ICCL., 106-114.
Mihajlov TS, Marković AM, Stanković R, Krstev C. Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities. in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024. 2024;:106-114. .
Mihajlov, Teodora Sofija, Marković, Aleksandra M., Stanković, Ranka, Krstev, Cvetana, "Towards the semantic annotation of SR-ELEXIS corpus: Insights into Multiword Expressions and Named Entities" in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024 (2024-05):106-114, .

What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis

Denda, Stefan; Petrović, Marko D.; Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata; Radovanović, Milan M.; Ely-Ledesma, Edna

(Basel : MDPI, 2024-04-17)

AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Petrović, Marko D.
AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Ely-Ledesma, Edna
PY  - 2024-04-17
UR  -
AB  - Local markets have been a special setting throughout human history. Apart from their important social role, they had immeasurable economic importance as primary forms of exchange of goods (trade). Nonetheless, they experienced numerous transformational changes that affected their functioning. Like other countries, Serbia has a long tradition of market activity. However, several novelties have been introduced in recent years. Among many, the process of e-fiscalization is the main issue. Therefore, the focus of our research is based on a qualitative analysis of online media content (news and comments) related to the fiscalization of market activity. The attitudes of different categories of participants (state authorities, vendors, and customers) were analyzed. LIGRE open-access software was used for this purpose. The results of the analysis showed conflicting parties. Legislators emphasize the exclusive positive effects, while vendors point to the negative side of fiscalization. As a third party, customers (service users) have an undefined attitude in relation to fiscalization (pros/cons/neutral). There is an agreement to introduce market activity into legal flows. However, the key prerequisite is the prior resolution of a number of problems (working conditions, business costs, market monopoly, etc.).
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Societies
T1  - What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis
SP  - 53
VL  - 14
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.3390/soc14040053
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Denda, Stefan and Petrović, Marko D. and Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata and Radovanović, Milan M. and Ely-Ledesma, Edna",
year = "2024-04-17",
abstract = "Local markets have been a special setting throughout human history. Apart from their important social role, they had immeasurable economic importance as primary forms of exchange of goods (trade). Nonetheless, they experienced numerous transformational changes that affected their functioning. Like other countries, Serbia has a long tradition of market activity. However, several novelties have been introduced in recent years. Among many, the process of e-fiscalization is the main issue. Therefore, the focus of our research is based on a qualitative analysis of online media content (news and comments) related to the fiscalization of market activity. The attitudes of different categories of participants (state authorities, vendors, and customers) were analyzed. LIGRE open-access software was used for this purpose. The results of the analysis showed conflicting parties. Legislators emphasize the exclusive positive effects, while vendors point to the negative side of fiscalization. As a third party, customers (service users) have an undefined attitude in relation to fiscalization (pros/cons/neutral). There is an agreement to introduce market activity into legal flows. However, the key prerequisite is the prior resolution of a number of problems (working conditions, business costs, market monopoly, etc.).",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Societies",
title = "What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis",
pages = "53",
volume = "14",
number = "4",
doi = "10.3390/soc14040053",
url = ""
Denda, S., Petrović, M. D., Vuksanović-Macura, Z., Radovanović, M. M.,& Ely-Ledesma, E.. (2024-04-17). What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis. in Societies
Basel : MDPI., 14(4), 53.
Denda S, Petrović MD, Vuksanović-Macura Z, Radovanović MM, Ely-Ledesma E. What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis. in Societies. 2024;14(4):53.
doi:10.3390/soc14040053 .
Denda, Stefan, Petrović, Marko D., Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, Radovanović, Milan M., Ely-Ledesma, Edna, "What Are the Current Directions in the Local Marketplaces Fiscalization? The Online Media Content Analysis" in Societies, 14, no. 4 (2024-04-17):53, ., .

Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination

Denda, Stefan; Micić, Jasna; Todorić, Jovana

(Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, 2024-04)

AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Micić, Jasna
AU  - Todorić, Jovana
PY  - 2024-04
UR  -
AB  - Tourism in Serbia has gone through different phases. Since its organized development, Zlatibor
stands out as one of the distinguished destinations. It has diversified tourist offer and makes more than 40% of total overnight stays in the category of mountain resorts in Serbia. In this paper, the tourism assessment is made based on several indicators: demographic, spatial, and touristic, and six indicators, which were further divided into two groups: indexes of tourism development level and indexes of turnover intensity. The analysis was conducted for the period 1979–2023. The results revealed that Zlatibor achieved an impressive level of tourism development. On the other hand, the main issue arising is the sustainability of development, which needs to be addressed in the future.
PB  - Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism
C3  - Book of proceedings of XII International scientific-practical conference "Inovative aspects of the development service and tourism"
T1  - Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination
SP  - 9
EP  - 16
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Denda, Stefan and Micić, Jasna and Todorić, Jovana",
year = "2024-04",
abstract = "Tourism in Serbia has gone through different phases. Since its organized development, Zlatibor
stands out as one of the distinguished destinations. It has diversified tourist offer and makes more than 40% of total overnight stays in the category of mountain resorts in Serbia. In this paper, the tourism assessment is made based on several indicators: demographic, spatial, and touristic, and six indicators, which were further divided into two groups: indexes of tourism development level and indexes of turnover intensity. The analysis was conducted for the period 1979–2023. The results revealed that Zlatibor achieved an impressive level of tourism development. On the other hand, the main issue arising is the sustainability of development, which needs to be addressed in the future.",
publisher = "Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism",
journal = "Book of proceedings of XII International scientific-practical conference "Inovative aspects of the development service and tourism"",
title = "Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination",
pages = "9-16",
url = ""
Denda, S., Micić, J.,& Todorić, J.. (2024-04). Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination. in Book of proceedings of XII International scientific-practical conference "Inovative aspects of the development service and tourism"
Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism., 9-16.
Denda S, Micić J, Todorić J. Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination. in Book of proceedings of XII International scientific-practical conference "Inovative aspects of the development service and tourism". 2024;:9-16. .
Denda, Stefan, Micić, Jasna, Todorić, Jovana, "Tourism functionality indicators – development from a former rural settlement to the leading Serbian destination" in Book of proceedings of XII International scientific-practical conference "Inovative aspects of the development service and tourism" (2024-04):9-16, .

Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations

Micić, Jasna; Denda, Stefan; Jovanović, Radmila

(Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 2024-04)

AU  - Micić, Jasna
AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Jovanović, Radmila
PY  - 2024-04
UR  -
AB  - Dark tourism is fascinating because it unifies cultural heritage, history, and travels with death. Travels usually refer to hedonism and relaxation, but this niche tourism brought to the stage new dimensions: death and morbidity. Knowing that death is one of the greatest human fears, the authors investigated the domestic tourists’ perceptions of dark tourism and its development in Serbia. The research was conducted using an online survey. The questionnaire included three units: 1) sociodemographic characteristics, 2) familiarity and understanding of the dark tourism phenomenon, and 3) motivation for engaging in dark tourism. The results revealed that domestic tourists support dark tourism development, mainly due to its educational role. Tourists marked the acquisition of new knowledge, curiosity, and compassion as the primary motivators. Therefore, the older male population particularly expressed a dominant positive attitude toward the development of dark tourism. Once again, the important role of the local community in tourism development is confirmed, especially in “sensitive” forms of alternative tourism. Finally, the research contributes significantly to the theoretical framework and provides valuable guidelines for the planning and further development of dark tourism in Serbia.
PB  - Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
T2  - Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
T1  - Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations
SP  - 77
EP  - 91
VL  - 74
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.2298/IJGI230628005M
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Micić, Jasna and Denda, Stefan and Jovanović, Radmila",
year = "2024-04",
abstract = "Dark tourism is fascinating because it unifies cultural heritage, history, and travels with death. Travels usually refer to hedonism and relaxation, but this niche tourism brought to the stage new dimensions: death and morbidity. Knowing that death is one of the greatest human fears, the authors investigated the domestic tourists’ perceptions of dark tourism and its development in Serbia. The research was conducted using an online survey. The questionnaire included three units: 1) sociodemographic characteristics, 2) familiarity and understanding of the dark tourism phenomenon, and 3) motivation for engaging in dark tourism. The results revealed that domestic tourists support dark tourism development, mainly due to its educational role. Tourists marked the acquisition of new knowledge, curiosity, and compassion as the primary motivators. Therefore, the older male population particularly expressed a dominant positive attitude toward the development of dark tourism. Once again, the important role of the local community in tourism development is confirmed, especially in “sensitive” forms of alternative tourism. Finally, the research contributes significantly to the theoretical framework and provides valuable guidelines for the planning and further development of dark tourism in Serbia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA",
journal = "Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA",
title = "Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations",
pages = "77-91",
volume = "74",
number = "1",
doi = "10.2298/IJGI230628005M",
url = ""
Micić, J., Denda, S.,& Jovanović, R.. (2024-04). Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations. in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA., 74(1), 77-91.
Micić J, Denda S, Jovanović R. Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations. in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA. 2024;74(1):77-91.
doi:10.2298/IJGI230628005M .
Micić, Jasna, Denda, Stefan, Jovanović, Radmila, "Illuminating Darkness Through Vacations" in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 74, no. 1 (2024-04):77-91, ., .

Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја

Лукић, Добрила; Петровић, Марко Д.; Станић Јовановић, Сара

(Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ, 2024-04)

AU  - Лукић, Добрила
AU  - Петровић, Марко Д.
AU  - Станић Јовановић, Сара
PY  - 2024-04
UR  -
PB  - Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ
T1  - Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја
T1  - The Municipality of Golubac – Natural and Anthropogenic Characteristics of Tourist Development
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Лукић, Добрила and Петровић, Марко Д. and Станић Јовановић, Сара",
year = "2024-04",
publisher = "Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ",
title = "Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја, The Municipality of Golubac – Natural and Anthropogenic Characteristics of Tourist Development",
url = ""
Лукић, Д., Петровић, М. Д.,& Станић Јовановић, С.. (2024-04). Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја. 
Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ..
Лукић Д, Петровић МД, Станић Јовановић С. Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја. 2024;. .
Лукић, Добрила, Петровић, Марко Д., Станић Јовановић, Сара, "Општина Голубац - природне и антропогене одлике у својству туристичког развоја" (2024-04), .

Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia

Trifunović, Vesna

(De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024-03)

AU  - Trifunović, Vesna
PY  - 2024-03
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The paper argues that vaccines could be viewed as artifacts which
communicate various social messages and are used as instruments for fulfilling
different sociopolitical goals besides meeting public health needs. It further
suggests that such social, cultural and political influences may have real effects on
the choices of vaccine technologies or vaccine production, and aims to demonstrate
their importance in the area which is normally seen as the domain of objective
science. This is demonstrated by using the example of the locally produced oral
polio vaccine (OPV) in Serbia during the socialist and post-socialist periods in the
country’s history.
PB  - De Gruyter Oldenbourg
T2  - Comparative Southeast European Studies
T1  - Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia
SP  - 13
EP  - 32
VL  - 72
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.1515/soeu-2023-0018
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Trifunović, Vesna",
year = "2024-03",
abstract = "The paper argues that vaccines could be viewed as artifacts which
communicate various social messages and are used as instruments for fulfilling
different sociopolitical goals besides meeting public health needs. It further
suggests that such social, cultural and political influences may have real effects on
the choices of vaccine technologies or vaccine production, and aims to demonstrate
their importance in the area which is normally seen as the domain of objective
science. This is demonstrated by using the example of the locally produced oral
polio vaccine (OPV) in Serbia during the socialist and post-socialist periods in the
country’s history.",
publisher = "De Gruyter Oldenbourg",
journal = "Comparative Southeast European Studies",
title = "Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia",
pages = "13-32",
volume = "72",
number = "1",
doi = "10.1515/soeu-2023-0018",
url = ""
Trifunović, V.. (2024-03). Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia. in Comparative Southeast European Studies
De Gruyter Oldenbourg., 72(1), 13-32.
Trifunović V. Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia. in Comparative Southeast European Studies. 2024;72(1):13-32.
doi:10.1515/soeu-2023-0018 .
Trifunović, Vesna, "Vaccine as a Sociocultural Artefact: The Example of Locally Produced Polio Vaccine in Serbia" in Comparative Southeast European Studies, 72, no. 1 (2024-03):13-32, ., .

Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација

Бјељац, Жељко; Бранков, Јована

(Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ, 2024-02)

AU  - Бјељац, Жељко
AU  - Бранков, Јована
PY  - 2024-02
UR  -
AB  - Предмет истраживања ове монографије су стари народни спортови, игре и надметања, присутни  на територији Србије, али и бивше Југославије. С обзиром на ограничени обим савремене литературе која проучава ову тему, циљ  израде монографије био је да се унапреди знање о старим народним 
спортовима и играма, омогући њихова адекватна презентација и представе прелиминарни резултати спроведених истраживања, како би се ово наслеђе из прошлости сачувало од заборава. Аутори дају осврт на појам и место старих народних спортова и игара у светским оквирима, као и на њихов значај за простор бивше СФР Југославије и конкретно Србије. Резултати спроведеног истраживања на терену, које је обухватило анкетно истраживање и организацију фокус групе, такође су презентовани. Посебан део текста посвећен је опису и представљању појединих спортова и игара који су некада били широко заступљени у нашој и земљама региона, док су данас у потпуности ишчезли или се практикују у врло ограниченом обиму.
PB  - Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ
T1  - Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација
T1  - Old folk sports, games and competitions – preservation, transmission of knowledge and presentation
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Бјељац, Жељко and Бранков, Јована",
year = "2024-02",
abstract = "Предмет истраживања ове монографије су стари народни спортови, игре и надметања, присутни  на територији Србије, али и бивше Југославије. С обзиром на ограничени обим савремене литературе која проучава ову тему, циљ  израде монографије био је да се унапреди знање о старим народним 
спортовима и играма, омогући њихова адекватна презентација и представе прелиминарни резултати спроведених истраживања, како би се ово наслеђе из прошлости сачувало од заборава. Аутори дају осврт на појам и место старих народних спортова и игара у светским оквирима, као и на њихов значај за простор бивше СФР Југославије и конкретно Србије. Резултати спроведеног истраживања на терену, које је обухватило анкетно истраживање и организацију фокус групе, такође су презентовани. Посебан део текста посвећен је опису и представљању појединих спортова и игара који су некада били широко заступљени у нашој и земљама региона, док су данас у потпуности ишчезли или се практикују у врло ограниченом обиму.",
publisher = "Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ",
title = "Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација, Old folk sports, games and competitions – preservation, transmission of knowledge and presentation",
url = ""
Бјељац, Ж.,& Бранков, Ј.. (2024-02). Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација. 
Београд : Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ..
Бјељац Ж, Бранков Ј. Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација. 2024;. .
Бјељац, Жељко, Бранков, Јована, "Стари народни спортови, игре и надметања - очување, преношење знања и презентација" (2024-02), .


Jovanović, Teodora; Stojić Mitrović, Marta

(Zagreb : Sandorf, 2024-01)

AU  - Jovanović, Teodora
AU  - Stojić Mitrović, Marta
PY  - 2024-01
UR  -
AB  - U zdravorazumskom smislu, zona predstavlja oblast izdvojenu iz prostornog kontinuuma, koja ima određene karakteristike ili svrhu, i u skladu sa kojima se uspostavljaju specifične prakse i odnosi. Zone se često zamišljaju kao jasno ograničena područja. Ovde ćemo ponuditi objašnjenje da zone nisu jasno ograničene, već da ih karakterišu interakcije, preklapanja i diskontinuiteti.
PB  - Zagreb : Sandorf
T2  - Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU
T1  - Zona
SP  - 269
EP  - 281
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Teodora and Stojić Mitrović, Marta",
year = "2024-01",
abstract = "U zdravorazumskom smislu, zona predstavlja oblast izdvojenu iz prostornog kontinuuma, koja ima određene karakteristike ili svrhu, i u skladu sa kojima se uspostavljaju specifične prakse i odnosi. Zone se često zamišljaju kao jasno ograničena područja. Ovde ćemo ponuditi objašnjenje da zone nisu jasno ograničene, već da ih karakterišu interakcije, preklapanja i diskontinuiteti.",
publisher = "Zagreb : Sandorf",
journal = "Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU",
booktitle = "Zona",
pages = "269-281",
url = ""
Jovanović, T.,& Stojić Mitrović, M.. (2024-01). Zona. in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU
Zagreb : Sandorf., 269-281.
Jovanović T, Stojić Mitrović M. Zona. in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU. 2024;:269-281. .
Jovanović, Teodora, Stojić Mitrović, Marta, "Zona" in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU (2024-01):269-281, .


Jovanović, Teodora

(Zagreb : Sandorf, 2024-01)

AU  - Jovanović, Teodora
PY  - 2024-01
UR  -
AB  - Pojam prisile se koristi u najrazličitijim kontekstima — od migracija, preko seksualnog nasilja, kršenja ljudskih prava, krivičnog prava, do sprovođenja zakona, državnog autoriteta, diplomatije i dr.
PB  - Zagreb : Sandorf
T2  - Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU
T1  - Prisila
SP  - 161
EP  - 169
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jovanović, Teodora",
year = "2024-01",
abstract = "Pojam prisile se koristi u najrazličitijim kontekstima — od migracija, preko seksualnog nasilja, kršenja ljudskih prava, krivičnog prava, do sprovođenja zakona, državnog autoriteta, diplomatije i dr.",
publisher = "Zagreb : Sandorf",
journal = "Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU",
booktitle = "Prisila",
pages = "161-169",
url = ""
Jovanović, T.. (2024-01). Prisila. in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU
Zagreb : Sandorf., 161-169.
Jovanović T. Prisila. in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU. 2024;:161-169. .
Jovanović, Teodora, "Prisila" in Balkanska ruta: pojmovnik europskog režima iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU (2024-01):161-169, .

Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia

Janković, Zorica; Radisavljević, Ljiljana; Nježić, Irena; Vučkovac, Obrad; Ševkušić, Milica

(Zadar: University of Zadar, 2024)

AU  - Janković, Zorica
AU  - Radisavljević, Ljiljana
AU  - Nježić, Irena
AU  - Vučkovac, Obrad
AU  - Ševkušić, Milica
PY  - 2024
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Open science promotes transparency, open access, and reproducibility in research, ensuring that research outputs are openly available and reusable by others. However, traditional research assessment systems usually emphasize quantitative indicators, such as journal impact factors and citation counts, encouraging publication in ‘high-prestige’ journals and failing to fully capture the value of open science practices. Accordingly, a Current Research Information System (CRIS) tracking research outputs for assessment purposes does not necessarily encourage open science practices. This presentation explores the challenges and strategies involved in reconciling open science practices with research assessment requirements in Serbia during the process of establishing the national CRIS system eNauka. Over the past decade, the Serbian research community has made significant efforts to implement the principles of open science. This process has intensified since 2018, following the adoption of the Open Science Platform, which introduced a green open mandate, leading to the development of more than 80 institutional repositories within five years, most of which ensure compliance with the FAIR principles and are harvested by international aggregators. Research organizations have recognized the role of repositories in preserving research results and ensuring wide dissemination and improved visibility through open access. Intensive informal training provided by librarians and community development (Open Science Community, 2021) have been instrumental in raising awareness and improving the understanding of open science practices among researchers. In 2022, the ministry responsible for science started developing an information system to track research outputs in Serbia for reporting and assessment purposes, eNauka (eScience) portal. The portal provides registries of all accredited research organizations and all researchers in Serbia, as well as a database containing metadata about their research outputs, which predominantly include publications, patents and technical reports. Administrative data about organizations and researchers are curated by the organizations’ administrative staff and the ministry personnel. Metadata describing research outputs are harvested (e.g. Cobiss OPAC) or imported (Crossref, ORCID profiles) from various sources, but institutional repositories are the main data source. Metadata records in eNauka are harvested once a week and curated by officially appointed individuals from research organizations, usually librarians and repository managers. Thanks to this, the establishment of the national CRIS system additionally encouraged the development of institutional repositories. However, this process has been accompanied with some challenges and has threatened to disrupt progress in adopting open science practices. Here is a brief overview of the major challenges: One of the functions of eNauka is to facilitate research assessment. Along with publications, patents, technical reports, artworks and similar outputs that can be deposited in a repository, the national regulations recognize a number of results the evidence of which (e.g. signed certificates, invitation letters, diplomas) is typically not deposited in a repository. Due to this, repository managers have faced pressure to allow depositing materials not allowed by repository policies. A number of research organizations established repositories with the sole idea of feeding data into the national CRIS system. In such cases, repositories provided only metadata and it was practically impossible to persuade researchers to deposit full-text content, let alone to make it open access. In a number of well-functioning repositories good depositing practices were disrupted, as a number of researchers refused to provide full-text content. They either only provided metadata or deposited the front pages of their publications and insisted on depositing inappropriate materials. A major challenge was the pressure to align institutional repositories, using standard metadata schemas and vocabularies, with the non-standard classifications used by the ministry. The initiative to deal with these challenges came from the library community and the ministry accepted the request to establish a working group to develop guidelines for metadata curation in eNauka. It included librarians, i.e. repository managers, ministry analysts, the administrators of the eNauka portal, and ministry representatives. Their task was to harmonize the requirements of all stakeholders towards facilitating research assessment while maintaining the integrity of repositories and fostering open science practices. The working group produced two sets of guidelines (adopted in March 2024): guidelines for metadata curation in eNauka  explaining how to describe research outputs using standardized metadata in eNauka, and guidelines for repository managers, detailing the metadata and providing clear instructions regarding full-text deposition. These guidelines make it possible to meet the assessment requirements, while empowering the managers of institutional repositories to spread awareness at the level of their organization about the multiple benefits of open science. In this respect, the guidelines are particularly valuable for newly established repositories. The fact that the national CRIS system relies on repository data opens up many possibilities for the recognition and tracking of open research practices in research assessment. However, there are still many challenges to overcome, such as the lack of awareness and understanding of open science practices among researchers, ministry analysts and national policy makers. Many researchers are not fully aware of the benefits of open science or how to effectively implement open practices in their work. Similarly, ministry analysts lack the knowledge and tools needed to evaluate the full spectrum of research outputs that open science encompasses. Cultural resistance within the academic community also poses a barrier. Established norms and practices in research and assessment are deeply ingrained, and resistance to change is widespread in the local research community. Researchers are hesitant to embrace open science practices if they perceive them as risky, believe that these practices might negatively impact their career prospects, or simply if they get no reward for them. Policy reforms are crucial in integrating open science practices into research assessment. Funding agencies, universities, and research institutions should adopt policies that recognize and reward open science contributions.
PB  - Zadar: University of Zadar
C3  - Book of abstracts: The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the context of Open Science: PUBMET2024; 2024 Sep 12-13; Zadar, Croatia
T1  - Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia
SP  - 31
EP  - 34
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janković, Zorica and Radisavljević, Ljiljana and Nježić, Irena and Vučkovac, Obrad and Ševkušić, Milica",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Open science promotes transparency, open access, and reproducibility in research, ensuring that research outputs are openly available and reusable by others. However, traditional research assessment systems usually emphasize quantitative indicators, such as journal impact factors and citation counts, encouraging publication in ‘high-prestige’ journals and failing to fully capture the value of open science practices. Accordingly, a Current Research Information System (CRIS) tracking research outputs for assessment purposes does not necessarily encourage open science practices. This presentation explores the challenges and strategies involved in reconciling open science practices with research assessment requirements in Serbia during the process of establishing the national CRIS system eNauka. Over the past decade, the Serbian research community has made significant efforts to implement the principles of open science. This process has intensified since 2018, following the adoption of the Open Science Platform, which introduced a green open mandate, leading to the development of more than 80 institutional repositories within five years, most of which ensure compliance with the FAIR principles and are harvested by international aggregators. Research organizations have recognized the role of repositories in preserving research results and ensuring wide dissemination and improved visibility through open access. Intensive informal training provided by librarians and community development (Open Science Community, 2021) have been instrumental in raising awareness and improving the understanding of open science practices among researchers. In 2022, the ministry responsible for science started developing an information system to track research outputs in Serbia for reporting and assessment purposes, eNauka (eScience) portal. The portal provides registries of all accredited research organizations and all researchers in Serbia, as well as a database containing metadata about their research outputs, which predominantly include publications, patents and technical reports. Administrative data about organizations and researchers are curated by the organizations’ administrative staff and the ministry personnel. Metadata describing research outputs are harvested (e.g. Cobiss OPAC) or imported (Crossref, ORCID profiles) from various sources, but institutional repositories are the main data source. Metadata records in eNauka are harvested once a week and curated by officially appointed individuals from research organizations, usually librarians and repository managers. Thanks to this, the establishment of the national CRIS system additionally encouraged the development of institutional repositories. However, this process has been accompanied with some challenges and has threatened to disrupt progress in adopting open science practices. Here is a brief overview of the major challenges: One of the functions of eNauka is to facilitate research assessment. Along with publications, patents, technical reports, artworks and similar outputs that can be deposited in a repository, the national regulations recognize a number of results the evidence of which (e.g. signed certificates, invitation letters, diplomas) is typically not deposited in a repository. Due to this, repository managers have faced pressure to allow depositing materials not allowed by repository policies. A number of research organizations established repositories with the sole idea of feeding data into the national CRIS system. In such cases, repositories provided only metadata and it was practically impossible to persuade researchers to deposit full-text content, let alone to make it open access. In a number of well-functioning repositories good depositing practices were disrupted, as a number of researchers refused to provide full-text content. They either only provided metadata or deposited the front pages of their publications and insisted on depositing inappropriate materials. A major challenge was the pressure to align institutional repositories, using standard metadata schemas and vocabularies, with the non-standard classifications used by the ministry. The initiative to deal with these challenges came from the library community and the ministry accepted the request to establish a working group to develop guidelines for metadata curation in eNauka. It included librarians, i.e. repository managers, ministry analysts, the administrators of the eNauka portal, and ministry representatives. Their task was to harmonize the requirements of all stakeholders towards facilitating research assessment while maintaining the integrity of repositories and fostering open science practices. The working group produced two sets of guidelines (adopted in March 2024): guidelines for metadata curation in eNauka  explaining how to describe research outputs using standardized metadata in eNauka, and guidelines for repository managers, detailing the metadata and providing clear instructions regarding full-text deposition. These guidelines make it possible to meet the assessment requirements, while empowering the managers of institutional repositories to spread awareness at the level of their organization about the multiple benefits of open science. In this respect, the guidelines are particularly valuable for newly established repositories. The fact that the national CRIS system relies on repository data opens up many possibilities for the recognition and tracking of open research practices in research assessment. However, there are still many challenges to overcome, such as the lack of awareness and understanding of open science practices among researchers, ministry analysts and national policy makers. Many researchers are not fully aware of the benefits of open science or how to effectively implement open practices in their work. Similarly, ministry analysts lack the knowledge and tools needed to evaluate the full spectrum of research outputs that open science encompasses. Cultural resistance within the academic community also poses a barrier. Established norms and practices in research and assessment are deeply ingrained, and resistance to change is widespread in the local research community. Researchers are hesitant to embrace open science practices if they perceive them as risky, believe that these practices might negatively impact their career prospects, or simply if they get no reward for them. Policy reforms are crucial in integrating open science practices into research assessment. Funding agencies, universities, and research institutions should adopt policies that recognize and reward open science contributions.",
publisher = "Zadar: University of Zadar",
journal = "Book of abstracts: The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the context of Open Science: PUBMET2024; 2024 Sep 12-13; Zadar, Croatia",
title = "Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia",
pages = "31-34",
url = ""
Janković, Z., Radisavljević, L., Nježić, I., Vučkovac, O.,& Ševkušić, M.. (2024). Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia. in Book of abstracts: The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the context of Open Science: PUBMET2024; 2024 Sep 12-13; Zadar, Croatia
Zadar: University of Zadar., 31-34.
Janković Z, Radisavljević L, Nježić I, Vučkovac O, Ševkušić M. Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia. in Book of abstracts: The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the context of Open Science: PUBMET2024; 2024 Sep 12-13; Zadar, Croatia. 2024;:31-34. .
Janković, Zorica, Radisavljević, Ljiljana, Nježić, Irena, Vučkovac, Obrad, Ševkušić, Milica, "Reconciling open science practices and research assessment requirements in the process of establishing a national CRIS system in Serbia" in Book of abstracts: The 11th Conference on Scholarly Communication in the context of Open Science: PUBMET2024; 2024 Sep 12-13; Zadar, Croatia (2024):31-34, .

Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes

Aleksić, Katarina; Dimitrievska, Iva; Gočanin, Kristina; Stanković, Ana; Grozdanov, Anita; Stojković Simatović, Ivana; Marković, Smilja

(Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society, 2024)

AU  - Aleksić, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrievska, Iva
AU  - Gočanin, Kristina
AU  - Stanković, Ana
AU  - Grozdanov, Anita
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
AU  - Marković, Smilja
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Electrochemical sensors (ECS) are increasingly acknowledged for their superior capability in detecting and monitoring environmental pollutants, offering distinct advantages over conventional analytical methods. The essential performance parameters of ECS, including selectivity, sensitivity, response time, and portability, can be significantly enhanced through the modification of bare electrodes. A variety of materials, such as noble metals, metal oxides, polymers, and diverse carbonaceous substances, have been employed to optimize these sensors for improved analytical performance. The aim of our study was to modify screen-printed electrodes with a zinc oxide and graphene oxide (ZnO/GO) composite particles and test such prepared electrodes as an electrochemical sensor for detecting the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) as water pollutant. The ZnO/GO composite, with 0.005 wt% of GO, was synthesized by microwave processing of precipitate. The physicochemical characteristics of the ZnO/GO composite was analyzed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was applied for electrochemical quantification of DOX using three different types of screen-printed electrodes: Au, Pt, and C. The ink was prepared by mixing 10 mg of composite material and 1.5 mg carbon black with 40 μL of 5% Nafion solution, 225 μL ethanol, and 225 μL water. CV was performed in 25 mL of phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH = 7.0) with the addition of doxorubicin infusion solution (Ebewe Pharma, 50 mg DCF / 25 mL) in a portion of 10 μL to completely 160 μL. All measurements were done in a potential window of -0.4 – 0.6 V at a scan rate of 50 mV⋅s−1. The best activity, gained when screen printed carbon electrode was modified and used as ECS, was correlated with physicochemical characteristics of the ZnO/GO composite and discussed.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application XII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 18-20. September 2024
T1  - Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Katarina and Dimitrievska, Iva and Gočanin, Kristina and Stanković, Ana and Grozdanov, Anita and Stojković Simatović, Ivana and Marković, Smilja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Electrochemical sensors (ECS) are increasingly acknowledged for their superior capability in detecting and monitoring environmental pollutants, offering distinct advantages over conventional analytical methods. The essential performance parameters of ECS, including selectivity, sensitivity, response time, and portability, can be significantly enhanced through the modification of bare electrodes. A variety of materials, such as noble metals, metal oxides, polymers, and diverse carbonaceous substances, have been employed to optimize these sensors for improved analytical performance. The aim of our study was to modify screen-printed electrodes with a zinc oxide and graphene oxide (ZnO/GO) composite particles and test such prepared electrodes as an electrochemical sensor for detecting the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) as water pollutant. The ZnO/GO composite, with 0.005 wt% of GO, was synthesized by microwave processing of precipitate. The physicochemical characteristics of the ZnO/GO composite was analyzed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was applied for electrochemical quantification of DOX using three different types of screen-printed electrodes: Au, Pt, and C. The ink was prepared by mixing 10 mg of composite material and 1.5 mg carbon black with 40 μL of 5% Nafion solution, 225 μL ethanol, and 225 μL water. CV was performed in 25 mL of phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH = 7.0) with the addition of doxorubicin infusion solution (Ebewe Pharma, 50 mg DCF / 25 mL) in a portion of 10 μL to completely 160 μL. All measurements were done in a potential window of -0.4 – 0.6 V at a scan rate of 50 mV⋅s−1. The best activity, gained when screen printed carbon electrode was modified and used as ECS, was correlated with physicochemical characteristics of the ZnO/GO composite and discussed.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application XII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 18-20. September 2024",
title = "Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes"
Aleksić, K., Dimitrievska, I., Gočanin, K., Stanković, A., Grozdanov, A., Stojković Simatović, I.,& Marković, S.. (2024). Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes. in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application XII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 18-20. September 2024
Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society..
Aleksić K, Dimitrievska I, Gočanin K, Stanković A, Grozdanov A, Stojković Simatović I, Marković S. Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes. in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application XII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 18-20. September 2024. 2024;..
Aleksić, Katarina, Dimitrievska, Iva, Gočanin, Kristina, Stanković, Ana, Grozdanov, Anita, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, Marković, Smilja, "Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO/GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes" in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application XII New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 18-20. September 2024 (2024).

Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes

Aleksić, Katarina; Dimitrievska, Iva; Gočanin, Kristina; Stanković, Ana; Grozdanov, Anita; Stojković Simatović, Ivana; Marković, Smilja


AU  - Aleksić, Katarina
AU  - Dimitrievska, Iva
AU  - Gočanin, Kristina
AU  - Stanković, Ana
AU  - Grozdanov, Anita
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
AU  - Marković, Smilja
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Electrochemical sensors ( are increasingly acknowledged for their superior
capability in detecting and monitoring environmental pollutants, offering distinct advantages over conventional analytical methods The essential performance parameters of ECS, including selectivity, sensitivity, response time, and portability, can be significantly enhanced through the modification of bare electrodes A variety of materials, such as noble metals, metal oxides, polymers, and diverse carbonaceous substances, have been employed to optimize these sensors for improved analytical performance
T1  - Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Katarina and Dimitrievska, Iva and Gočanin, Kristina and Stanković, Ana and Grozdanov, Anita and Stojković Simatović, Ivana and Marković, Smilja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Electrochemical sensors ( are increasingly acknowledged for their superior
capability in detecting and monitoring environmental pollutants, offering distinct advantages over conventional analytical methods The essential performance parameters of ECS, including selectivity, sensitivity, response time, and portability, can be significantly enhanced through the modification of bare electrodes A variety of materials, such as noble metals, metal oxides, polymers, and diverse carbonaceous substances, have been employed to optimize these sensors for improved analytical performance",
title = "Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes"
Aleksić, K., Dimitrievska, I., Gočanin, K., Stanković, A., Grozdanov, A., Stojković Simatović, I.,& Marković, S.. (2024). Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes. .
Aleksić K, Dimitrievska I, Gočanin K, Stanković A, Grozdanov A, Stojković Simatović I, Marković S. Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes. 2024;..
Aleksić, Katarina, Dimitrievska, Iva, Gočanin, Kristina, Stanković, Ana, Grozdanov, Anita, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, Marković, Smilja, "Electrochemical Sensing of Doxorubicin on ZnO /GO Modified Screen Printed Electrodes" (2024).

Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes

Aleksić, Katarina; Stojković Simatović, Ivana; Nastasić, Ana; Trajković, Jovana; Marković, Smilja

(Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society, 2024)

AU  - Aleksić, Katarina
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
AU  - Nastasić, Ana
AU  - Trajković, Jovana
AU  - Marković, Smilja
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Diclofenac (DCF) is widely used anti-inflammatory drug, which due to its stability and poor degradation in water represents chemical contaminant that can cause negative effects on the environment. Considering the use of DCF in pharmacology and its negative impact on the environment, the development of sensitive, selective, cheap, and fast, analytical devices is recently in focus of environmental scientists and engineers. It has been shown that electrochemical sensors (ECS) have advantages over traditional analytical methods for detection and monitoring of chemical pollutants in water. Crucial performances of ECS: selectivity, sensitivity, response time and portability, can be improved by modification of bare electrodes. Until now different materials have been used for electrodes modification, among them are noble metals, metal oxides, polymers and variety of carbonaceous materials [1]. We synthesized and characterized zinc oxide particles to modify the glassy carbon electrodes and to test them as sensors for electrochemical detection of DCF. Zinc oxide particles were synthesized by a glycine-nitrate combustion process using 1 M aqueous solution of zinc-nitrate hexahydrate and glycine in the molar ratio 6:5. Precursor mixture was heated on a magnetic stirrer, at first up to 80 °C in order to release excess water, then heating was continued to 170 °C, with dwell time of 2 hours, until slow flameless combustion occurred. In addition, to prepare highly crystalline particles, the obtained amorphous powder was calcined in air atmosphere, at 400 and 500 °C for 4 hours; prepared samples were denoted as ZnO-400 and ZnO-500, due to the calcination temperature. To determine phase composition and purity the prepared samples were characterized by XRD, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, while field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was applied to determine particles morphology and size distribution. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) was applied for electrochemical quantification of DCF using a three-electrode system that included a glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode, and Pt foil as the counter electrode. The ink was prepared by mixing 10 mg of prepared particles, ZnO-400 and ZnO-500, and 1.5 mg carbon black with 40 μL of 5 % Nafion solution, 225 μL ethanol, and 225 μL water. LSV is performed in 25 mL of phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0) with the addition of diclofenac infusion solution (75 mg DCF / 3 mL, Galenika a.d.) in a portion of 1 μL to completely 12 μL. All measurements were done in a potential window of 0.2–1 V vs. SCE at a scan rate of 20 mV⋅s−1.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society
C3  - Book of Abstracts / 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, RSE-SEE, Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024
T1  - Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes
SP  - 117
EP  - 117
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Aleksić, Katarina and Stojković Simatović, Ivana and Nastasić, Ana and Trajković, Jovana and Marković, Smilja",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Diclofenac (DCF) is widely used anti-inflammatory drug, which due to its stability and poor degradation in water represents chemical contaminant that can cause negative effects on the environment. Considering the use of DCF in pharmacology and its negative impact on the environment, the development of sensitive, selective, cheap, and fast, analytical devices is recently in focus of environmental scientists and engineers. It has been shown that electrochemical sensors (ECS) have advantages over traditional analytical methods for detection and monitoring of chemical pollutants in water. Crucial performances of ECS: selectivity, sensitivity, response time and portability, can be improved by modification of bare electrodes. Until now different materials have been used for electrodes modification, among them are noble metals, metal oxides, polymers and variety of carbonaceous materials [1]. We synthesized and characterized zinc oxide particles to modify the glassy carbon electrodes and to test them as sensors for electrochemical detection of DCF. Zinc oxide particles were synthesized by a glycine-nitrate combustion process using 1 M aqueous solution of zinc-nitrate hexahydrate and glycine in the molar ratio 6:5. Precursor mixture was heated on a magnetic stirrer, at first up to 80 °C in order to release excess water, then heating was continued to 170 °C, with dwell time of 2 hours, until slow flameless combustion occurred. In addition, to prepare highly crystalline particles, the obtained amorphous powder was calcined in air atmosphere, at 400 and 500 °C for 4 hours; prepared samples were denoted as ZnO-400 and ZnO-500, due to the calcination temperature. To determine phase composition and purity the prepared samples were characterized by XRD, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, while field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) was applied to determine particles morphology and size distribution. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) was applied for electrochemical quantification of DCF using a three-electrode system that included a glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode, a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode, and Pt foil as the counter electrode. The ink was prepared by mixing 10 mg of prepared particles, ZnO-400 and ZnO-500, and 1.5 mg carbon black with 40 μL of 5 % Nafion solution, 225 μL ethanol, and 225 μL water. LSV is performed in 25 mL of phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0) with the addition of diclofenac infusion solution (75 mg DCF / 3 mL, Galenika a.d.) in a portion of 1 μL to completely 12 μL. All measurements were done in a potential window of 0.2–1 V vs. SCE at a scan rate of 20 mV⋅s−1.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society",
journal = "Book of Abstracts / 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, RSE-SEE, Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024",
title = "Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes",
pages = "117-117",
url = ""
Aleksić, K., Stojković Simatović, I., Nastasić, A., Trajković, J.,& Marković, S.. (2024). Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes. in Book of Abstracts / 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, RSE-SEE, Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024
Belgrade : Serbian Chemical Society., 117-117.
Aleksić K, Stojković Simatović I, Nastasić A, Trajković J, Marković S. Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes. in Book of Abstracts / 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, RSE-SEE, Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024. 2024;:117-117. .
Aleksić, Katarina, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, Nastasić, Ana, Trajković, Jovana, Marković, Smilja, "Electrochemical detection of diclofenac on ZnO-modified glassy carbon electrodes" in Book of Abstracts / 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry South-East Europe, RSE-SEE, Novi Sad, Serbia - June 3 to 7, 2024 (2024):117-117, .

Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study

Belošević Čavor, Jelena; Koteski, Vasil; Ivanovski, Valentin N.; Umićević, Ana; Toprek, Dragan; Kapidžić, Ana

(Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2024)

AU  - Belošević Čavor, Jelena
AU  - Koteski, Vasil
AU  - Ivanovski, Valentin N.
AU  - Umićević, Ana
AU  - Toprek, Dragan
AU  - Kapidžić, Ana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - ZnO is a complex material, whose properties are very sensitive to preparation conditions due to the presence of various intrinsic defects. Using the modified density functional calculations, we study the relative stability of the nonpolar (1010 and 1120) and the polar (zinc-terminated (0001)-Zn and oxygen-terminated (0001)-O) ZnO surfaces, as well as the influence of oxygen vacancies on their stability and electronic structure. In our study we consider models of surfaces with different positions and concentrations of oxygen vacancies. Particular attention is given to the charge state of the oxygen vacancies and charges of the individual atoms. We find that the 1010 surface is the most stable, while the polar (0001)-Zn surface is the least stable. Our calculations indicate that the configuration with oxygen vacancies at the top of the surface is the most favorable for all studied surfaces. The obtained results for the structural relaxations and energetics are compared with previous theoretical and experimental data.
PB  - Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia
C3  - Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Twenty-fifth Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024
T1  - Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study
SP  - 115
EP  - 115
ER  - 
author = "Belošević Čavor, Jelena and Koteski, Vasil and Ivanovski, Valentin N. and Umićević, Ana and Toprek, Dragan and Kapidžić, Ana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "ZnO is a complex material, whose properties are very sensitive to preparation conditions due to the presence of various intrinsic defects. Using the modified density functional calculations, we study the relative stability of the nonpolar (1010 and 1120) and the polar (zinc-terminated (0001)-Zn and oxygen-terminated (0001)-O) ZnO surfaces, as well as the influence of oxygen vacancies on their stability and electronic structure. In our study we consider models of surfaces with different positions and concentrations of oxygen vacancies. Particular attention is given to the charge state of the oxygen vacancies and charges of the individual atoms. We find that the 1010 surface is the most stable, while the polar (0001)-Zn surface is the least stable. Our calculations indicate that the configuration with oxygen vacancies at the top of the surface is the most favorable for all studied surfaces. The obtained results for the structural relaxations and energetics are compared with previous theoretical and experimental data.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia",
journal = "Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Twenty-fifth Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024",
title = "Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study",
pages = "115-115"
Belošević Čavor, J., Koteski, V., Ivanovski, V. N., Umićević, A., Toprek, D.,& Kapidžić, A.. (2024). Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study. in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Twenty-fifth Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024
Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia., 115-115.
Belošević Čavor J, Koteski V, Ivanovski VN, Umićević A, Toprek D, Kapidžić A. Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study. in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Twenty-fifth Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024. 2024;:115-115..
Belošević Čavor, Jelena, Koteski, Vasil, Ivanovski, Valentin N., Umićević, Ana, Toprek, Dragan, Kapidžić, Ana, "Modification of ZnO surfaces with oxygen vacancies: density functional study" in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Twenty-fifth Jubilee Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2024 & Thirteenth World Round Table Conference on Sintering XIII WRTCS 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 2 to 6, 2024 (2024):115-115.

FTIR data of CTAB

(Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2024)

PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Commercialy available CTAB (Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA, USA) used in Microwave processing of ZnO
AB  - ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal);
Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)
AB  - ***Dataset contents***
@WaPoDe CTAB.CSV (138.6Kb); README-CTAB.txt
PB  - Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
T1  - FTIR data of CTAB
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2024",
abstract = "Commercialy available CTAB (Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA, USA) used in Microwave processing of ZnO, ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal);
Y Absorbance, (number.decimal), ***Dataset contents***
@WaPoDe CTAB.CSV (138.6Kb); README-CTAB.txt",
publisher = "Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
title = "FTIR data of CTAB",
url = ""
(2024). FTIR data of CTAB. 
Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA..
FTIR data of CTAB. 2024;. .
"FTIR data of CTAB" (2024), .

FTIR data of Pluronic F127

(Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2024)

PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Commercialy available Pluronic F127 (Sigma Aldrich) used in Microwave processing of ZnO
AB  - ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal); Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)
AB  - ***Dataset contents***
@WaPoDe Pluronic.CSV (138.6Kb); README-Pluronic.txt
PB  - Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
T1  - FTIR data of Pluronic F127
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2024",
abstract = "Commercialy available Pluronic F127 (Sigma Aldrich) used in Microwave processing of ZnO, ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal); Y Absorbance, (number.decimal), ***Dataset contents***
@WaPoDe Pluronic.CSV (138.6Kb); README-Pluronic.txt",
publisher = "Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
title = "FTIR data of Pluronic F127",
url = ""
(2024). FTIR data of Pluronic F127. 
Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA..
FTIR data of Pluronic F127. 2024;. .
"FTIR data of Pluronic F127" (2024), .

FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2024)

PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024
AB  - ***Dataset contents***  WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO900000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO900000.txt
AB  - ***Column headers and field types*** X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal) Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
T1  - FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2024",
abstract = "Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024, ***Dataset contents***  WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO900000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO900000.txt, ***Column headers and field types*** X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal) Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
title = "FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol",
url = ""
(2024). FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol. 
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA..
FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol. 2024;. .
"FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 900,000 g/mol" (2024), .

FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2024)

PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024
AB  - ***Dataset contents***  WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO600000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO600000.txt
AB  - ***Column headers and field types*** X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal); Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
T1  - FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2024",
abstract = "Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024, ***Dataset contents***  WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO600000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO600000.txt, ***Column headers and field types*** X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal); Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
title = "FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol",
url = ""
(2024). FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol. 
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA..
FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol. 2024;. .
"FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 600,000 g/mol" (2024), .

FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2024)

PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024
AB  - ***Dataset contents***

WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO200000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO200000.txt
AB  - ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal);
Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
T1  - FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol
UR  -
ER  - 
year = "2024",
abstract = "Commercialy available Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol (ACROS Organics) used in Microwave processing of ZnO; Data collected on Thermo Scientific Nicolet IS10 on 1 April 2024, ***Dataset contents***

WaPoDe_FTIR_PEO200000_SM_2024-04-01.CSV (211.5Kb); README-PEO200000.txt, ***Column headers and field types***
X Wavenumber, cm-1 (number.decimal);
Y Absorbance, (number.decimal)",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
title = "FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol",
url = ""
(2024). FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol. 
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA..
FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol. 2024;. .
"FTIR data of Polyethylene oxide (PEO), molecular weight Mw 200,000 g/mol" (2024), .

Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling

Dinić, Ivana; Vuković, Marina; Bukumira, Marta; Rabasović, Mihailo; Mančić, Lidija

(Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2024)

AU  - Dinić, Ivana
AU  - Vuković, Marina
AU  - Bukumira, Marta
AU  - Rabasović, Mihailo
AU  - Mančić, Lidija
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Imaging of biological processes are of the great importance for early diagnostic of diseases and for understanding the disease pathway in the human body [1]. In order to improve image contrast and resolution, different optical fluorescent probes, such as florescent dyes, fluorescent proteins and quantum dots, have been developed. However, their application is somewhat restricted by photobleaching, cell autofluorescence, and small tissue penetration depth [2]. Lanthanide doped up-conversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) owing to their unique optical properties and high photochemical stability, represents a promising material for superior optical diagnostic and drug delivery systems [3]. Due to large anti-Stocks shift, UCNPs have converse excitation and emission profiles: under excitation by near-infrared light (NIR), they are able to emit visible or UV photons whit a shorter wavelength [4,5]. Hexagonal-phase NaYF4:Yb,Er nanocrystals are the best NIR-to-visible up-converting materials to date, but YF3 phase due to its wider optical transmission window, and the minimization of the excited state quenching of doped ions, is considered to be promising material for application in biolabeling as well. In this work, biocompatible YF3:YbEr and GdF3:YbEr mesocrystals were prepared by one-pot solvothermal synthesis in the presence of chitosan, and are used successfully as biolabeling agents. The crystallinity and phase purity of the obtained powders were confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction which revealed that both samples are with the orthorhombic Pnma crystal structure, and monophase. Homogeneous distribution of dopant ions in the host matrix was confirmed by STEM/EDS mapping (not shown). SEM and TEM analysis implied that particles possess morphology similar to the unshelled peanuts, which are built from smaller monocrystals (Figs 1a and b). It was shown that their capacity toward self-organization is determined by the amount of surface-preserved chitosan ligands, which presence is confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Chitosan presence provides biocompatibility, thus the viability of both, MRC- 5 lung fibroblast, and A549 lung carcinoma cells was highly preserved (>80%), after 24 h of incubation with the synthetized samples (50μg mL-1). To monitor the intracellular uptake, cells incubated with particles were further analyzed by laser scanning microscopy under 980nm excitation. A strong up-conversion emission (green spots at Figs 1c and d), indicated that particles (green spots) are positioned in the cells cytoplasmic area adjacent to the plasma membrane, in both cell lines. Such positioning, without disturbing cells nuclei confirms their capacity to be used as NIR cell labeling agents.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
C3  - Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024
T1  - Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling
SP  - 176
EP  - 177
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dinić, Ivana and Vuković, Marina and Bukumira, Marta and Rabasović, Mihailo and Mančić, Lidija",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Imaging of biological processes are of the great importance for early diagnostic of diseases and for understanding the disease pathway in the human body [1]. In order to improve image contrast and resolution, different optical fluorescent probes, such as florescent dyes, fluorescent proteins and quantum dots, have been developed. However, their application is somewhat restricted by photobleaching, cell autofluorescence, and small tissue penetration depth [2]. Lanthanide doped up-conversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) owing to their unique optical properties and high photochemical stability, represents a promising material for superior optical diagnostic and drug delivery systems [3]. Due to large anti-Stocks shift, UCNPs have converse excitation and emission profiles: under excitation by near-infrared light (NIR), they are able to emit visible or UV photons whit a shorter wavelength [4,5]. Hexagonal-phase NaYF4:Yb,Er nanocrystals are the best NIR-to-visible up-converting materials to date, but YF3 phase due to its wider optical transmission window, and the minimization of the excited state quenching of doped ions, is considered to be promising material for application in biolabeling as well. In this work, biocompatible YF3:YbEr and GdF3:YbEr mesocrystals were prepared by one-pot solvothermal synthesis in the presence of chitosan, and are used successfully as biolabeling agents. The crystallinity and phase purity of the obtained powders were confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction which revealed that both samples are with the orthorhombic Pnma crystal structure, and monophase. Homogeneous distribution of dopant ions in the host matrix was confirmed by STEM/EDS mapping (not shown). SEM and TEM analysis implied that particles possess morphology similar to the unshelled peanuts, which are built from smaller monocrystals (Figs 1a and b). It was shown that their capacity toward self-organization is determined by the amount of surface-preserved chitosan ligands, which presence is confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Chitosan presence provides biocompatibility, thus the viability of both, MRC- 5 lung fibroblast, and A549 lung carcinoma cells was highly preserved (>80%), after 24 h of incubation with the synthetized samples (50μg mL-1). To monitor the intracellular uptake, cells incubated with particles were further analyzed by laser scanning microscopy under 980nm excitation. A strong up-conversion emission (green spots at Figs 1c and d), indicated that particles (green spots) are positioned in the cells cytoplasmic area adjacent to the plasma membrane, in both cell lines. Such positioning, without disturbing cells nuclei confirms their capacity to be used as NIR cell labeling agents.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts",
journal = "Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024",
title = "Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling",
pages = "176-177",
url = ""
Dinić, I., Vuković, M., Bukumira, M., Rabasović, M.,& Mančić, L.. (2024). Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling. in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024
Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts., 176-177.
Dinić I, Vuković M, Bukumira M, Rabasović M, Mančić L. Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling. in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024. 2024;:176-177. .
Dinić, Ivana, Vuković, Marina, Bukumira, Marta, Rabasović, Mihailo, Mančić, Lidija, "Biocompatible Up-converting Yb/Er Doped Ln-fluoride Mesocrystals for Cell Labeling" in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024 (2024):176-177, .

Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio

Marković, Smilja; Aleksić, Katarina; Stanković, Ana; Radmilović, Nadežda; Stojković Simatović, Ivana; Mančić, Lidija

(Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2024)

AU  - Marković, Smilja
AU  - Aleksić, Katarina
AU  - Stanković, Ana
AU  - Radmilović, Nadežda
AU  - Stojković Simatović, Ivana
AU  - Mančić, Lidija
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Owing to its high energy density and environmentally friendly properties, hydrogen is recognized as promising fuels in the future energy system. Among the various techniques for H2 production, electrochemical water splitting, concerning both the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), is established as an efficient one. However, the kinetics of electrocatalytic water splitting reaction is significantly slowed down by the large energy barriers of the two-electron transfer (HER) and four-electron-proton coupled reaction (OER) pathways. The sluggish kinetics of water splitting processes can be overcome by employing electrocatalysts. It has been shown that Pt-based electrocatalysts exhibit the best HER activity, while IrO2 and RuO2-based electrocatalysts demonstrate the best OER activity [1,2]. Though, scarcity of noble metals and high price hindered their commercial applications in water splitting. Hence, it is an imperative to replace noble metal-based catalysts or reduce their amount through combination with abundant materials. The aim of this study was to examine an influence of ZnO to RuO2 mass ratio in the ZnO/RuO2 composites on their structural properties in order to prepare commercially acceptable materials with an enhanced photo(electro)-catalytic activity for water splitting. Composites of ZnO and RuO2 with mass ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 10:1, named 1ZnO/1RuO2, 2ZnO/1RuO2, 10ZnO/1RuO2, respectively, were synthesized using the microwave processing. The structural investigations of the composites were completed using TEM/HRTEM and ADF/STEM analysis, including EDXS elemental mapping (FEI Talos F200X microscope operating at 200 kV, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, United States). The electrocatalytic (EC) activity of the prepared composites towards OER and HER was examined through linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) in both acidic (0.1 M H2SO4, pH ∼ 1) and alkaline (0.1 M NaOH, pH ∼ 13) electrolytes. An Ivium VertexOne potentiostat/galvanostat and a conventional three-electrode quartz cell setup, including a glassy carbon as the working electrode, a platinum foil as the counter electrode, and a saturated calomel electrode as the reference electrode, were used for the EC measurements. The working electrode, with a surface area of 0.3 cm2, was coated with a catalyst ink prepared by previously published procedure [3]. The results of TEM analysis, Figure 1 (a-c), show that 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite is consisted of the smallest particles which are uniform in size and shape, while the both decreases of ZnO content (in 1ZnO/1RuO2 composite) and its increases (in 10ZnO/1RuO2) provoke appearance of larger, irregularly shaped particles. Besides, EDXS elemental mapping reveals that 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite possesses particles with the most homogeneous distribution of all constituting elements, Figure 1 (d-f). Figure 2 shows LSV curves illustrating the HER/OER catalytic performance of ZnO/RuO2 composites in a (a) 0.1 M H2SO4, and (b) 0.1 M NaOH electrolyte solutions. Solid lines represent LSV results obtained under dark conditions while dashed lines represent LSV results obtained after 60 minutes of simulated solar-light illumination. As can be seen from Figure 2, the 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite demonstrated superior HER/OER photo(electro)-catalytic activity in both electrolytes. Comprehensive structural analysis completed with Raman, PL and UV-Vis DR spectra indicates that superior HER/OER photo(electro)-catalytic activity of the 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite can be attributed to an optimal amount of oxygen vacancies in its crystal structure and homogeneous distribution of all constituting elements in the particles.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
C3  - Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024
T1  - Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio
SP  - 180
EP  - 182
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Marković, Smilja and Aleksić, Katarina and Stanković, Ana and Radmilović, Nadežda and Stojković Simatović, Ivana and Mančić, Lidija",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Owing to its high energy density and environmentally friendly properties, hydrogen is recognized as promising fuels in the future energy system. Among the various techniques for H2 production, electrochemical water splitting, concerning both the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER), is established as an efficient one. However, the kinetics of electrocatalytic water splitting reaction is significantly slowed down by the large energy barriers of the two-electron transfer (HER) and four-electron-proton coupled reaction (OER) pathways. The sluggish kinetics of water splitting processes can be overcome by employing electrocatalysts. It has been shown that Pt-based electrocatalysts exhibit the best HER activity, while IrO2 and RuO2-based electrocatalysts demonstrate the best OER activity [1,2]. Though, scarcity of noble metals and high price hindered their commercial applications in water splitting. Hence, it is an imperative to replace noble metal-based catalysts or reduce their amount through combination with abundant materials. The aim of this study was to examine an influence of ZnO to RuO2 mass ratio in the ZnO/RuO2 composites on their structural properties in order to prepare commercially acceptable materials with an enhanced photo(electro)-catalytic activity for water splitting. Composites of ZnO and RuO2 with mass ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and 10:1, named 1ZnO/1RuO2, 2ZnO/1RuO2, 10ZnO/1RuO2, respectively, were synthesized using the microwave processing. The structural investigations of the composites were completed using TEM/HRTEM and ADF/STEM analysis, including EDXS elemental mapping (FEI Talos F200X microscope operating at 200 kV, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, United States). The electrocatalytic (EC) activity of the prepared composites towards OER and HER was examined through linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) in both acidic (0.1 M H2SO4, pH ∼ 1) and alkaline (0.1 M NaOH, pH ∼ 13) electrolytes. An Ivium VertexOne potentiostat/galvanostat and a conventional three-electrode quartz cell setup, including a glassy carbon as the working electrode, a platinum foil as the counter electrode, and a saturated calomel electrode as the reference electrode, were used for the EC measurements. The working electrode, with a surface area of 0.3 cm2, was coated with a catalyst ink prepared by previously published procedure [3]. The results of TEM analysis, Figure 1 (a-c), show that 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite is consisted of the smallest particles which are uniform in size and shape, while the both decreases of ZnO content (in 1ZnO/1RuO2 composite) and its increases (in 10ZnO/1RuO2) provoke appearance of larger, irregularly shaped particles. Besides, EDXS elemental mapping reveals that 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite possesses particles with the most homogeneous distribution of all constituting elements, Figure 1 (d-f). Figure 2 shows LSV curves illustrating the HER/OER catalytic performance of ZnO/RuO2 composites in a (a) 0.1 M H2SO4, and (b) 0.1 M NaOH electrolyte solutions. Solid lines represent LSV results obtained under dark conditions while dashed lines represent LSV results obtained after 60 minutes of simulated solar-light illumination. As can be seen from Figure 2, the 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite demonstrated superior HER/OER photo(electro)-catalytic activity in both electrolytes. Comprehensive structural analysis completed with Raman, PL and UV-Vis DR spectra indicates that superior HER/OER photo(electro)-catalytic activity of the 2ZnO/1RuO2 composite can be attributed to an optimal amount of oxygen vacancies in its crystal structure and homogeneous distribution of all constituting elements in the particles.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts",
journal = "Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024",
title = "Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio",
pages = "180-182",
url = ""
Marković, S., Aleksić, K., Stanković, A., Radmilović, N., Stojković Simatović, I.,& Mančić, L.. (2024). Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio. in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024
Belgrade : Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts., 180-182.
Marković S, Aleksić K, Stanković A, Radmilović N, Stojković Simatović I, Mančić L. Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio. in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024. 2024;:180-182. .
Marković, Smilja, Aleksić, Katarina, Stanković, Ana, Radmilović, Nadežda, Stojković Simatović, Ivana, Mančić, Lidija, "Structural and Photo(Electro)-Catalytic Properties of ZnO/RuO2 Composites depending on ZnO to RuO2 Mass Ratio" in Program & Book of Abstracts / Third International Conference ELMINA 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, September 9th -13th, 2024 (2024):180-182, .