Geography of Serbia

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Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору

Denda, Stefan

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Denda, Stefan
PY  - 2022
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AB  - Садржај докторске дисертације је просторно везан за златиборску микрорегију. Ради се о комплексној регионално-географској целини у природном и друштвеном погледу.Бројне околности су условиле висок ниво данашњег туристичког развоја простора Златибора. Стога, улога туризма је била један од главних разлога за детаљнију анализу поменутог простора. У складу са предметом истраживања, основни циљ дисертације је заснован на сагледавању утицаја развоја туризма на ставове становника везане заквалитет живота на територији општине Чајетина. Условно, могуће је издвојити неколико тематских целина. Најпре су дефинисани теоријско-методолошки оквири истраживања. Анализиране су границе и различити аспекти географског положаја. Такође, дат је преглед најважнијих истраживања која сутретирала ову просторну целину. У другом делу, акценат је дат физичко-географским и друштвено-географским карактеристика. Извршена је идeнтификација, и оцена природних и друштвених услова и ресурса простора Златибора узимајући у обзир историјски, демографски и економски оквир развоја. Посебно је обухваћен развој туризма и пратећих делатности оценом различитих параметара.У наставку је објашњен појам квалитета живота и његова повезаност са развојем туризма из угла локалне заједнице. Узимајући у обзир еколошке, економске и социо-културне аспекте туристичког развоја, проистиче његов утицај на квалитет живота становништва. На том правцу, у четвртом делу је формулисана методологија истраживања квалитета живота условљеног туризмом (енг. Tourism-related Quality of Life). Кроз анкетно истраживање тестиран је инструмент који је обухватио 36 елемената (показатеља) квалитета живота (36 зависних варијабли). Испитаници су дали одговоре о: 1. важности показатеља за квалитет живота, 2. задовољству показатељем квалитета живота и 3.оценили улогу (допринос) туризма за дати показатељ квалитет живота. Фокус истраживања јесте на трећем испитиваном сегменту – оцени улоге, тј. допринoса туризма елементима (показатељима) квалитета живота. Простор (територија) који је обухваћен анкетом јесте општина Чајетина, као централна административна целина на простору Златибора. Резултати истраживања су показали да је већина испитаника свесна важности показатеља квалитета живота на локалном нивоу. Исказано је умерено задовољство и релативно повољно дејство туристичког развоја на исте. У контексту утицаја туризма, присутне су извесне разлике између испитаника у складу са њиховим социо-економским и демографским обележјима. Такође, ставови испитаника о утицају туризма на показатеље квалитета живота су детерминисани њиховом интеракцијом са туристичким сектором.Додатно, установљена је позитивна веза (корелација) између груписаних и појединачних варијабли из анкетног упитника. Ово истраживање још једном потврђује значај комбиноване примене објективних и субјективних индикатора квалитета живота имајући у виду њихову нераздвојивост.
AB  - In terms of the spatial coverage, the doctoral dissertation deals with the Zlatibor microregion.It is a complex regional-geographic unit in natural and social terms. Numerous circumstances have contributed to the highly developed tourism in the Zlatibor area. Therefore, the role of tourism is one of the main reasons for a more detailed analysis of the mentioned area. In line with the subject of research, the main goal of the thesis focuses on the study of the impact of tourism development on the local population’s attitudes to the life quality in the territory of the Municipality of Čajetina. It is possible to tentatively single out several thematic units. As the first step, the theoretical and methodological frameworks of were defined. The boundaries and various aspects of geographical position were analyzed. Also, an overview of the most critical research dealing with this spatial unit has been provided. In the second section, the emphasis is given to physical geographical, and socio-geographical characteristics. In accordance with the historical, demographic, and economic development framework, the identification, and assessment of natural and social conditions and resources of the Zlatibor area was carried out. Special attention is paid to the development of tourism and accompanying activities by assessing various parameters. The concept of the quality of life and its connection with tourism development from the perspective of the local community is explained below. The influence of tourism development on the population's quality of life is derived from the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development. In this direction, in the fourth section, the methodology of research on the tourism-related quality of life was defined (eng. Tourism-related Quality of Life). Through a survey, an instrument with 36 elements (indicators) of the quality of life (36 dependent variables) was tested. The respondents provided feedback on (1) the importance of indicators forthe quality of life, (2) satisfaction with the indicator of the quality of life, and (3) assessed the role(contribution) of tourism for the selected indicator of the quality of life. The focus of the research is on the third examined segment: assessing the role, i.e. the contribution of tourism to the elements (indicators) of the quality of life. The area (territory) covered by the survey is the municipality of Čajetina, a central administrative unit in Zlatibor.The results of the research show that most respondents are aware of the importance of the quality of life indicators at the local level. Moderate satisfaction and the relatively favorable effect of tourism development are also observed. In the context of the impacts of tourism, some differences among the respondents in terms of their socio-economic and demographic characteristics are observed. Also, the attitudes of respondents to the impact of tourism on life quality indicators are determined by their interaction with the tourism sector. Additionally, a positive correlation between grouped and individual variables from the survey questionnaire was established. This research confirms the importance of the combined application of objective and subjective indicators of life quality.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору
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author = "Denda, Stefan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Садржај докторске дисертације је просторно везан за златиборску микрорегију. Ради се о комплексној регионално-географској целини у природном и друштвеном погледу.Бројне околности су условиле висок ниво данашњег туристичког развоја простора Златибора. Стога, улога туризма је била један од главних разлога за детаљнију анализу поменутог простора. У складу са предметом истраживања, основни циљ дисертације је заснован на сагледавању утицаја развоја туризма на ставове становника везане заквалитет живота на територији општине Чајетина. Условно, могуће је издвојити неколико тематских целина. Најпре су дефинисани теоријско-методолошки оквири истраживања. Анализиране су границе и различити аспекти географског положаја. Такође, дат је преглед најважнијих истраживања која сутретирала ову просторну целину. У другом делу, акценат је дат физичко-географским и друштвено-географским карактеристика. Извршена је идeнтификација, и оцена природних и друштвених услова и ресурса простора Златибора узимајући у обзир историјски, демографски и економски оквир развоја. Посебно је обухваћен развој туризма и пратећих делатности оценом различитих параметара.У наставку је објашњен појам квалитета живота и његова повезаност са развојем туризма из угла локалне заједнице. Узимајући у обзир еколошке, економске и социо-културне аспекте туристичког развоја, проистиче његов утицај на квалитет живота становништва. На том правцу, у четвртом делу је формулисана методологија истраживања квалитета живота условљеног туризмом (енг. Tourism-related Quality of Life). Кроз анкетно истраживање тестиран је инструмент који је обухватио 36 елемената (показатеља) квалитета живота (36 зависних варијабли). Испитаници су дали одговоре о: 1. важности показатеља за квалитет живота, 2. задовољству показатељем квалитета живота и 3.оценили улогу (допринос) туризма за дати показатељ квалитет живота. Фокус истраживања јесте на трећем испитиваном сегменту – оцени улоге, тј. допринoса туризма елементима (показатељима) квалитета живота. Простор (територија) који је обухваћен анкетом јесте општина Чајетина, као централна административна целина на простору Златибора. Резултати истраживања су показали да је већина испитаника свесна важности показатеља квалитета живота на локалном нивоу. Исказано је умерено задовољство и релативно повољно дејство туристичког развоја на исте. У контексту утицаја туризма, присутне су извесне разлике између испитаника у складу са њиховим социо-економским и демографским обележјима. Такође, ставови испитаника о утицају туризма на показатеље квалитета живота су детерминисани њиховом интеракцијом са туристичким сектором.Додатно, установљена је позитивна веза (корелација) између груписаних и појединачних варијабли из анкетног упитника. Ово истраживање још једном потврђује значај комбиноване примене објективних и субјективних индикатора квалитета живота имајући у виду њихову нераздвојивост., In terms of the spatial coverage, the doctoral dissertation deals with the Zlatibor microregion.It is a complex regional-geographic unit in natural and social terms. Numerous circumstances have contributed to the highly developed tourism in the Zlatibor area. Therefore, the role of tourism is one of the main reasons for a more detailed analysis of the mentioned area. In line with the subject of research, the main goal of the thesis focuses on the study of the impact of tourism development on the local population’s attitudes to the life quality in the territory of the Municipality of Čajetina. It is possible to tentatively single out several thematic units. As the first step, the theoretical and methodological frameworks of were defined. The boundaries and various aspects of geographical position were analyzed. Also, an overview of the most critical research dealing with this spatial unit has been provided. In the second section, the emphasis is given to physical geographical, and socio-geographical characteristics. In accordance with the historical, demographic, and economic development framework, the identification, and assessment of natural and social conditions and resources of the Zlatibor area was carried out. Special attention is paid to the development of tourism and accompanying activities by assessing various parameters. The concept of the quality of life and its connection with tourism development from the perspective of the local community is explained below. The influence of tourism development on the population's quality of life is derived from the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development. In this direction, in the fourth section, the methodology of research on the tourism-related quality of life was defined (eng. Tourism-related Quality of Life). Through a survey, an instrument with 36 elements (indicators) of the quality of life (36 dependent variables) was tested. The respondents provided feedback on (1) the importance of indicators forthe quality of life, (2) satisfaction with the indicator of the quality of life, and (3) assessed the role(contribution) of tourism for the selected indicator of the quality of life. The focus of the research is on the third examined segment: assessing the role, i.e. the contribution of tourism to the elements (indicators) of the quality of life. The area (territory) covered by the survey is the municipality of Čajetina, a central administrative unit in Zlatibor.The results of the research show that most respondents are aware of the importance of the quality of life indicators at the local level. Moderate satisfaction and the relatively favorable effect of tourism development are also observed. In the context of the impacts of tourism, some differences among the respondents in terms of their socio-economic and demographic characteristics are observed. Also, the attitudes of respondents to the impact of tourism on life quality indicators are determined by their interaction with the tourism sector. Additionally, a positive correlation between grouped and individual variables from the survey questionnaire was established. This research confirms the importance of the combined application of objective and subjective indicators of life quality.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору",
url = ""
Denda, S.. (2022). Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Denda S. Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору. in Универзитет у Београду. 2022;. .
Denda, Stefan, "Утицај туризма на ставове становништва о квалитету живота на Златибору" in Универзитет у Београду (2022), .

Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма

Micić, Jasna

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2022)

AU  - Micić, Jasna
PY  - 2022
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AB  - Становиште да је човек одвојен од свеукупног екосистема планете Земље и да су његове потребе примарне у односу на остала жива бића, довело је до угрожавања основних ресурса (вода, ваздух, земљиште), али и неповратног губитка појединих врста флоре и фауне. Због тога одрживи, односно уравнотежени развој треба да буде принцип на коме се заснива развој свих делатности, укључујући и туризам. Очуваних делова природе је све мање, те се повећава потреба за путовањима у пределе у којима је сачуван изворни изглед пејзажа. Екотуризам сеуправо јавља као спона између потребе за заштитом природе и њеног свесног коришћења.У докторској дисертацији анализирано је административно подручје Срема, које је подељено на седам општина. Спроведена је евалуација природних и антропогених потенцијала простора за развој одрживог екотуризма. Поред класичне туристичке валоризације у истраживању је коришћена и анализа погодности, заснована на примени географског информационог система и аналитичког хијерархијског процеса, а са циљем издвајања локација погодних за развој одрживог екотуризма. Вредновање је извршено наоснову пет група критеријума (топографија, остале природне особености, заштита природних ресурса, приступачност, карактеристике заједнице), у оквиру којих је дефинисано 11 поткритеријума. Тежинским преклапањем добијена је синтезна карта на којој су приказане четири категорије погодности: најпогодније, погодно, маргинално погодно и непогодно.Резултати су показали да се погодни простори за развој одрживог екотуризма налазе у оквиру заштићених природних подручја и у њиховим заштитним зонама. Са друге стране, у појединим општинама се погодне локације налазе и изван поменутих зона, у просторима у којима је природа очувана и у којима се налазе атрактивни природни и културни ресурси. На основу добијених резултата предложени су потенцијални туристички производи округа иприпадајућих општина. Такође, указано је на постојеће развојне изазове и могућности зањихово превазилажење.
AB  - The attitude that humans are separated from the overall ecosystem of the planet Earth and that their needs are primary compared to other living beings has led to the endangerment of basic resources (water, air, and soil), but also the irreversible loss of certain species of flora and fauna. Therefore, sustainable, i.e. balanced development should be the principle on which the development of all activities, including tourism, is based. There are fewer and fewer preserved parts of nature, and the need for travels to areas where the authentic landscape has been conserved is increasing. Sustainable ecotourism appears as a link between the need to protect nature and its conscious use. The doctoral dissertation analyzed the administrative area of Srem, which is divided into seven municipalities. An evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic potentials of the area for the development of sustainable ecotourism was carried out. In addition to the classic tourist valorization, the research also used land suitability analysis, based on the application of a geographic information system and analytical hierarchical process, intending to identify locations suitable for the development of sustainable ecotourism. The assessment was carried out based on five groups of criteria (topography, other natural features, protection of natural resources, accessibility, and community characteristics), within which 11 sub-criteria were defined. As a result of weighted overlay analysis, a synthesis map was obtained showing four suitability categories: most suitable, suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable. The results showed that suitable areas for the development of sustainable ecotourism are located within protected natural areas and in their protective zones. On the other hand, in some municipalities, suitable locations are also found outside the mentioned zones, in areas where nature is still preserved and where there are attractive natural and cultural resources. According to the obtained results, potential tourism products of the district and associated municipalities were proposed. Furthermore, the existing development challenges and opportunities for overcoming them were highlighted.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма
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author = "Micić, Jasna",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Становиште да је човек одвојен од свеукупног екосистема планете Земље и да су његове потребе примарне у односу на остала жива бића, довело је до угрожавања основних ресурса (вода, ваздух, земљиште), али и неповратног губитка појединих врста флоре и фауне. Због тога одрживи, односно уравнотежени развој треба да буде принцип на коме се заснива развој свих делатности, укључујући и туризам. Очуваних делова природе је све мање, те се повећава потреба за путовањима у пределе у којима је сачуван изворни изглед пејзажа. Екотуризам сеуправо јавља као спона између потребе за заштитом природе и њеног свесног коришћења.У докторској дисертацији анализирано је административно подручје Срема, које је подељено на седам општина. Спроведена је евалуација природних и антропогених потенцијала простора за развој одрживог екотуризма. Поред класичне туристичке валоризације у истраживању је коришћена и анализа погодности, заснована на примени географског информационог система и аналитичког хијерархијског процеса, а са циљем издвајања локација погодних за развој одрживог екотуризма. Вредновање је извршено наоснову пет група критеријума (топографија, остале природне особености, заштита природних ресурса, приступачност, карактеристике заједнице), у оквиру којих је дефинисано 11 поткритеријума. Тежинским преклапањем добијена је синтезна карта на којој су приказане четири категорије погодности: најпогодније, погодно, маргинално погодно и непогодно.Резултати су показали да се погодни простори за развој одрживог екотуризма налазе у оквиру заштићених природних подручја и у њиховим заштитним зонама. Са друге стране, у појединим општинама се погодне локације налазе и изван поменутих зона, у просторима у којима је природа очувана и у којима се налазе атрактивни природни и културни ресурси. На основу добијених резултата предложени су потенцијални туристички производи округа иприпадајућих општина. Такође, указано је на постојеће развојне изазове и могућности зањихово превазилажење., The attitude that humans are separated from the overall ecosystem of the planet Earth and that their needs are primary compared to other living beings has led to the endangerment of basic resources (water, air, and soil), but also the irreversible loss of certain species of flora and fauna. Therefore, sustainable, i.e. balanced development should be the principle on which the development of all activities, including tourism, is based. There are fewer and fewer preserved parts of nature, and the need for travels to areas where the authentic landscape has been conserved is increasing. Sustainable ecotourism appears as a link between the need to protect nature and its conscious use. The doctoral dissertation analyzed the administrative area of Srem, which is divided into seven municipalities. An evaluation of the natural and anthropogenic potentials of the area for the development of sustainable ecotourism was carried out. In addition to the classic tourist valorization, the research also used land suitability analysis, based on the application of a geographic information system and analytical hierarchical process, intending to identify locations suitable for the development of sustainable ecotourism. The assessment was carried out based on five groups of criteria (topography, other natural features, protection of natural resources, accessibility, and community characteristics), within which 11 sub-criteria were defined. As a result of weighted overlay analysis, a synthesis map was obtained showing four suitability categories: most suitable, suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable. The results showed that suitable areas for the development of sustainable ecotourism are located within protected natural areas and in their protective zones. On the other hand, in some municipalities, suitable locations are also found outside the mentioned zones, in areas where nature is still preserved and where there are attractive natural and cultural resources. According to the obtained results, potential tourism products of the district and associated municipalities were proposed. Furthermore, the existing development challenges and opportunities for overcoming them were highlighted.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма",
url = ""
Micić, J.. (2022). Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Micić J. Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма. in Универзитет у Београду. 2022;. .
Micić, Jasna, "Евалуација природних и антропогених потецијала Срема у функцији одрживог развоја екотуризма" in Универзитет у Београду (2022), .

Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији

Kokotović Kanazir, Vlasta

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2021)

AU  - Kokotović Kanazir, Vlasta
PY  - 2021
UR  -
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AB  - Људски капитал представља један од битних фактора за одређивање друштвеног иекономског развоја. Неједнакост у образовању доводи до неједнакости на тржишту рада штоима за последицу дугорочно не искоришћеност људског капитала, а самим тим и смањенупродуктивност. У другој половини двадесетог века дошло је до повећања потреба заквалитетнијом тј. образованијом радном снагом, што је условило повећање броја лица која сешколују. Лица са већим степеном школске спреме, имају бољи приступ тржишту рада и већумогућност запослења. Ипак, и поред многобројних студија на тему нивоа и квалитетаобразовања, ова тема се и даље сматра недовољно истраженом. Као разлог за то, најчешће сенаводи недостатак адекватних података или проблем њихове упоредивости, као и различитостобразовних система од земље до земље.Циљ дисертације је утврђивање стања људског капитала у Србији, његових демографскиходредница и сагледавање детерминанти људског капитала кроз ширу перспективу увођењем идругих димензија од значаја за свеукупни друштвени и економски развој. Истраживање јеспроведено на простору Републике Србије и обухватило је 168 општина. Стање људскогкапитала посматрано је кроз достигнути ниво образовања сагледавањем трендова у нивоушколске спреме на основу пописних резултата у периоду од 1981. до 2011. године.Демографске одреднице људског капитала анализиране су избором најважнијих демографскихкарактеристика попут старости, пола, економске активности, а одређивање просторнихдиспаритета у нивоу људског капитала сагледано је кроз анализу нивоа школске спреме премапопулационој величини општина. Детерминанте развоја људског капитала анализиране суметодом композитних индекса које поред образованости укључују и демографску и социо-економску перспективу. Према добијеним вредностима индекса издвојени су типови општиназа сваку од анализираних области (демографија, образовање, социо-економски услови). Наоснову компонентиних индекса креиран је композитни Индекс развијености људскогкапитала, и на основу његових вредности издвојено је шест типова општина (три типа сарелативно повољним вредностима и три са неповољним вредностима људског капитала).Евалуација стања развијености људског капитала може послужити као смерница у даљемпреузимању акција са циљем адекватне популационе политике на локалном нивоу,усклађивања понуде образовања и потреба тржишта рада и успоравања процеса емиграцијемладог, високообразованог становништва.
AB  - Human capital is one of the important factors in determining social and economicdevelopment. Inequality in education leads to inequality in the labor market, which results in longtermunderutilization of human capital, and thus reduced productivity. In the second half of thetwentieth century, there was an increase in the need for more quality and educated labor, which ledto an increase in the number of people attending school. People with a higher level of education havebetter access to the labor market and a greater possibility of employment. However, despite numerousstudies on the level and quality of education, this topic is still considered insufficiently researched.The reason for that is most often the lack of adequate data or the problem of their comparability, aswell as the diversity of education systems between countries. The aim of the dissertation is todetermine the state of human capital in Serbia, its demographic determinants and to consider thedeterminants of human capital through a broader perspective by introducing other dimensions,important for the overall social and economic development. The research was conducted on theterritory of the Republic of Serbia and included 168 municipalities. The state of human capital wasobserved through the achieved level of education by looking at trends in the level of education, basedon the Census results in the period from 1981 to 2011. Demographic determinants of human capitalwere analyzed by selecting the most important demographic characteristics, such as: age, gender andeconomic activity. Determining of spatial disparities in the achieved level of human capital was seenthrough the education analysis, according to the municipality’s population size. The determinants ofhuman capital development were analyzed using the method of composite indices, which, in additionto education, also include a demographic and socio-economic perspective. According to the obtainedvalues of the index, the types of municipalities were separated for each of the analyzed areas(demography, education, socio-economic conditions). Based on the component indices, a compositeHuman Capital Development Index was created, and based on its values, six types of municipalitieswere highlighted (three types with relatively favorable values and three with unfavorable values ofhuman capital). Evaluation of the human capital development can serve as a guideline in further actionwith the aim of adequate population policy at the local level, harmonizing the supply of educationand the needs of the labor market, which will decelerate the emigration of young, highly educatedpopulation in future.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Kokotović Kanazir, Vlasta",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Људски капитал представља један од битних фактора за одређивање друштвеног иекономског развоја. Неједнакост у образовању доводи до неједнакости на тржишту рада штоима за последицу дугорочно не искоришћеност људског капитала, а самим тим и смањенупродуктивност. У другој половини двадесетог века дошло је до повећања потреба заквалитетнијом тј. образованијом радном снагом, што је условило повећање броја лица која сешколују. Лица са већим степеном школске спреме, имају бољи приступ тржишту рада и већумогућност запослења. Ипак, и поред многобројних студија на тему нивоа и квалитетаобразовања, ова тема се и даље сматра недовољно истраженом. Као разлог за то, најчешће сенаводи недостатак адекватних података или проблем њихове упоредивости, као и различитостобразовних система од земље до земље.Циљ дисертације је утврђивање стања људског капитала у Србији, његових демографскиходредница и сагледавање детерминанти људског капитала кроз ширу перспективу увођењем идругих димензија од значаја за свеукупни друштвени и економски развој. Истраживање јеспроведено на простору Републике Србије и обухватило је 168 општина. Стање људскогкапитала посматрано је кроз достигнути ниво образовања сагледавањем трендова у нивоушколске спреме на основу пописних резултата у периоду од 1981. до 2011. године.Демографске одреднице људског капитала анализиране су избором најважнијих демографскихкарактеристика попут старости, пола, економске активности, а одређивање просторнихдиспаритета у нивоу људског капитала сагледано је кроз анализу нивоа школске спреме премапопулационој величини општина. Детерминанте развоја људског капитала анализиране суметодом композитних индекса које поред образованости укључују и демографску и социо-економску перспективу. Према добијеним вредностима индекса издвојени су типови општиназа сваку од анализираних области (демографија, образовање, социо-економски услови). Наоснову компонентиних индекса креиран је композитни Индекс развијености људскогкапитала, и на основу његових вредности издвојено је шест типова општина (три типа сарелативно повољним вредностима и три са неповољним вредностима људског капитала).Евалуација стања развијености људског капитала може послужити као смерница у даљемпреузимању акција са циљем адекватне популационе политике на локалном нивоу,усклађивања понуде образовања и потреба тржишта рада и успоравања процеса емиграцијемладог, високообразованог становништва., Human capital is one of the important factors in determining social and economicdevelopment. Inequality in education leads to inequality in the labor market, which results in longtermunderutilization of human capital, and thus reduced productivity. In the second half of thetwentieth century, there was an increase in the need for more quality and educated labor, which ledto an increase in the number of people attending school. People with a higher level of education havebetter access to the labor market and a greater possibility of employment. However, despite numerousstudies on the level and quality of education, this topic is still considered insufficiently researched.The reason for that is most often the lack of adequate data or the problem of their comparability, aswell as the diversity of education systems between countries. The aim of the dissertation is todetermine the state of human capital in Serbia, its demographic determinants and to consider thedeterminants of human capital through a broader perspective by introducing other dimensions,important for the overall social and economic development. The research was conducted on theterritory of the Republic of Serbia and included 168 municipalities. The state of human capital wasobserved through the achieved level of education by looking at trends in the level of education, basedon the Census results in the period from 1981 to 2011. Demographic determinants of human capitalwere analyzed by selecting the most important demographic characteristics, such as: age, gender andeconomic activity. Determining of spatial disparities in the achieved level of human capital was seenthrough the education analysis, according to the municipality’s population size. The determinants ofhuman capital development were analyzed using the method of composite indices, which, in additionto education, also include a demographic and socio-economic perspective. According to the obtainedvalues of the index, the types of municipalities were separated for each of the analyzed areas(demography, education, socio-economic conditions). Based on the component indices, a compositeHuman Capital Development Index was created, and based on its values, six types of municipalitieswere highlighted (three types with relatively favorable values and three with unfavorable values ofhuman capital). Evaluation of the human capital development can serve as a guideline in further actionwith the aim of adequate population policy at the local level, harmonizing the supply of educationand the needs of the labor market, which will decelerate the emigration of young, highly educatedpopulation in future.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији",
url = ""
Kokotović Kanazir, V.. (2021). Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Kokotović Kanazir V. Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду. 2021;. .
Kokotović Kanazir, Vlasta, "Демографске одреднице развоја људског капитала у Србији" in Универзитет у Београду (2021), .

Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values

Terzić, Aleksandra; Demirović, Dunja; Petrevska, Biljana; Limbert, Wolfgang

(Sage, 2020)

AU  - Terzić, Aleksandra
AU  - Demirović, Dunja
AU  - Petrevska, Biljana
AU  - Limbert, Wolfgang
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this study was to examine if human values sets indicating basic motivational aspects, shared by active sport participants, could be used for the creation of a specific market segmentation model. While the exploration of motivation scales and sport tourist typologies was vast, although limited to small samples, this research constructed a model that tested its applicability and validity on the large general samples. By using data collections from the European Social Survey, the model allowed comparability between surveyed countries by cross-checking multiple psychosocial and demographic factors. The findings identified four main factors that determine active sport tourist values, while at the same time, multiple-discriminant analysis indicated the existence of three active sport clusters, indicating preferences of different sport tourist segments. Furthermore, the study analyzed potential demand markets according to the geographical distribution of active sport segments. The study confirmed that basic human values play an important role in explaining motivation aspects in sport- and tourism-related choices. Overall, the findings may assist marketers in monitoring changes in preferences of sport participants and focus on specific marketing strategies for different segments.
PB  - Sage
T2  - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
T1  - Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values
SP  - 1214
EP  - 1236
VL  - 45
IS  - 7
DO  - 10.1177/1096348020926546
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Terzić, Aleksandra and Demirović, Dunja and Petrevska, Biljana and Limbert, Wolfgang",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The purpose of this study was to examine if human values sets indicating basic motivational aspects, shared by active sport participants, could be used for the creation of a specific market segmentation model. While the exploration of motivation scales and sport tourist typologies was vast, although limited to small samples, this research constructed a model that tested its applicability and validity on the large general samples. By using data collections from the European Social Survey, the model allowed comparability between surveyed countries by cross-checking multiple psychosocial and demographic factors. The findings identified four main factors that determine active sport tourist values, while at the same time, multiple-discriminant analysis indicated the existence of three active sport clusters, indicating preferences of different sport tourist segments. Furthermore, the study analyzed potential demand markets according to the geographical distribution of active sport segments. The study confirmed that basic human values play an important role in explaining motivation aspects in sport- and tourism-related choices. Overall, the findings may assist marketers in monitoring changes in preferences of sport participants and focus on specific marketing strategies for different segments.",
publisher = "Sage",
journal = "Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research",
title = "Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values",
pages = "1214-1236",
volume = "45",
number = "7",
doi = "10.1177/1096348020926546",
url = ""
Terzić, A., Demirović, D., Petrevska, B.,& Limbert, W.. (2020). Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values. in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
Sage., 45(7), 1214-1236.
Terzić A, Demirović D, Petrevska B, Limbert W. Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values. in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 2020;45(7):1214-1236.
doi:10.1177/1096348020926546 .
Terzić, Aleksandra, Demirović, Dunja, Petrevska, Biljana, Limbert, Wolfgang, "Active sport tourism in Europe: applying market segmentation model based on human values" in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 45, no. 7 (2020):1214-1236, ., .

Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији

Doljak, Dejan Lj.

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Doljak, Dejan Lj.
PY  - 2020
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AB  - Основни циљ докторске дисертације је да се утврди методологија за процену повољностипростора за изградњу фотонапонских електрана на земљи, на примеру две јединице локалнесамоуправе у Србији: Граду Врању и општини Кладово. Предложен модел заснива се напримени географског информационог система и методе вишекритеријумске анализе. Завредновање простора коришћене су три групе критеријума (климатске карактеристике,животна средина и локација) и њима припадајућих 10 фактора (ирадијација, температураваздуха, нагиб и, експозиција терена, педолошки састав, удаљеност од површинских вода,близина путева, електроенергетске инфраструктуре и места потрошње). Уз помоћкритеријума за елиминацију из поступка вредновања изузети су терени са нагибом преко 32°,заштићена природна и културна добра, изграђене површине, површинске воде, путеви,железница, и електроенергетска инфарструктура са заштитним појасом, као и осталенетравнате површине. За потребе истраживања направљен је модел просторне расподелеирадијације. На основу индекса просторне повољности одабране су експерименталнепарцеле за које је извршена процена техничког потенцијала за фотонапонску конверзију.Резултати спроведеног вредновања представљени су у виду карата на којима су приказанекласе повољности простора за изградњу фотонапонских електрана. Други део дисертацијепредставља анкетно истраживање, које има за циљ да утврди информисаност стручњака ишире јавности у вези коришћења обновљивих извора енергије, са посебним нагласком нафотонапонске системе. Анализом досадашњих активности у Србији на пољу коришћењаових система, као и на основу примера добре праксе у Кини, Немачкој и Словенији,закључено је да би доношење различитих развојних програма и финансијских механизама,који су усмерени на конкретне локације, омогућило боље перформансе фотонапонскихелектрана уз минималне трошкове и утицај на животну средину.
AB  - The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is to determine a methodology for the assessment ofspatial suitability for the development of ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants, by theexample of two local self-government units in Serbia: the City of Vranje and the municipality ofKladovo. The proposed model is based on the application of the geographical information systemand the multi-criteria analysis method. Three groups of criteria (climatic characteristics,environment, and location) and 10 related factors (irradiation, air temperature, terrain slope andaspect, pedological composition, distance from surface waters, and proximity to roads, electricityinfrastructure and places of consumption) were used to evaluate the spatial suitability. With the helpof the criteria for elimination, the terrain with a slope exceeding 32°, protected natural and culturalassets, built-up areas, surface water, road, railway and electricity infrastructure with a protectivebelt, as well as other non-grassed areas were excluded from the evaluation procedure. For thepurposes of the conducted research, a model of the spatial distribution of irradiation was developed.On the basis of the spatial suitability index, experimental plots were selected to estimate technicalpotential for photovoltaic conversion. The results of the evaluation are presented in the form ofmaps that shows the spatial suitability classes for the construction of photovoltaic power plants. Thesecond part of the doctoral dissertation is survey research aimed at establishing the awareness ofexperts and the public regarding the use of renewable energy sources, with particular emphasis onphotovoltaic systems. Based on the analysis of recent activities in Serbia in the field of using thesesystems, as well as on good practices in China, Germany and Slovenia concluded that adoptingdifferent development programs and site-specific financial mechanisms would enable betterperformance photovoltaic power plants with minimal cost and environmental impact.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Doljak, Dejan Lj.",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Основни циљ докторске дисертације је да се утврди методологија за процену повољностипростора за изградњу фотонапонских електрана на земљи, на примеру две јединице локалнесамоуправе у Србији: Граду Врању и општини Кладово. Предложен модел заснива се напримени географског информационог система и методе вишекритеријумске анализе. Завредновање простора коришћене су три групе критеријума (климатске карактеристике,животна средина и локација) и њима припадајућих 10 фактора (ирадијација, температураваздуха, нагиб и, експозиција терена, педолошки састав, удаљеност од површинских вода,близина путева, електроенергетске инфраструктуре и места потрошње). Уз помоћкритеријума за елиминацију из поступка вредновања изузети су терени са нагибом преко 32°,заштићена природна и културна добра, изграђене површине, површинске воде, путеви,железница, и електроенергетска инфарструктура са заштитним појасом, као и осталенетравнате површине. За потребе истраживања направљен је модел просторне расподелеирадијације. На основу индекса просторне повољности одабране су експерименталнепарцеле за које је извршена процена техничког потенцијала за фотонапонску конверзију.Резултати спроведеног вредновања представљени су у виду карата на којима су приказанекласе повољности простора за изградњу фотонапонских електрана. Други део дисертацијепредставља анкетно истраживање, које има за циљ да утврди информисаност стручњака ишире јавности у вези коришћења обновљивих извора енергије, са посебним нагласком нафотонапонске системе. Анализом досадашњих активности у Србији на пољу коришћењаових система, као и на основу примера добре праксе у Кини, Немачкој и Словенији,закључено је да би доношење различитих развојних програма и финансијских механизама,који су усмерени на конкретне локације, омогућило боље перформансе фотонапонскихелектрана уз минималне трошкове и утицај на животну средину., The main goal of the doctoral dissertation is to determine a methodology for the assessment ofspatial suitability for the development of ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants, by theexample of two local self-government units in Serbia: the City of Vranje and the municipality ofKladovo. The proposed model is based on the application of the geographical information systemand the multi-criteria analysis method. Three groups of criteria (climatic characteristics,environment, and location) and 10 related factors (irradiation, air temperature, terrain slope andaspect, pedological composition, distance from surface waters, and proximity to roads, electricityinfrastructure and places of consumption) were used to evaluate the spatial suitability. With the helpof the criteria for elimination, the terrain with a slope exceeding 32°, protected natural and culturalassets, built-up areas, surface water, road, railway and electricity infrastructure with a protectivebelt, as well as other non-grassed areas were excluded from the evaluation procedure. For thepurposes of the conducted research, a model of the spatial distribution of irradiation was developed.On the basis of the spatial suitability index, experimental plots were selected to estimate technicalpotential for photovoltaic conversion. The results of the evaluation are presented in the form ofmaps that shows the spatial suitability classes for the construction of photovoltaic power plants. Thesecond part of the doctoral dissertation is survey research aimed at establishing the awareness ofexperts and the public regarding the use of renewable energy sources, with particular emphasis onphotovoltaic systems. Based on the analysis of recent activities in Serbia in the field of using thesesystems, as well as on good practices in China, Germany and Slovenia concluded that adoptingdifferent development programs and site-specific financial mechanisms would enable betterperformance photovoltaic power plants with minimal cost and environmental impact.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији",
url = ""
Doljak, D. Lj.. (2020). Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Doljak DL. Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Doljak, Dejan Lj., "Вредновање геопростора за потребе планирања фотонапонских електрана у Србији" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences

Crnčević, Tijana; Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata

(Springer, Cham, 2020)

AU  - Crnčević, Tijana
AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - As a signatory of all relevant international documents that support climate change issues, the Republic of Serbia is conducting a continuous process of harmonization of the legal and planning framework. The expected adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy, together with the Action plan will accomplish an important step toward establishing the needed strategic framework to combat climate change and promote adaptation. In the context of climate change, throughout the planning process there is a need for accurate climate services coming from not
only national but also international sources (WMO Climate Services, FAO climate change resources, UNESCO’s climate change actions, etc.), covering data on rainfall, temperature, soil moisture and wind, as well as analyses and assessments within risk and vulnerability, together with projections and scenarios. Due to the increasingly visible effects of climate change, there is a need to enhance the level of protection of the natural and cultural heritage, and for the formation of appropriate databases. Thus, this paper gives an overview of the international and national framework regarding the climate services needed within the planning process and stresses their importance in achieving resilient climate planning of the natural and cultural heritage. Further, by presenting a selected case study, this paper outlines the main gaps as well as the advantages within the current framework in Serbia. The paper concludes by stressing that, within the planning process, climate services are playing a significant role in formulating adequate measures to cover mitigation and adaptation.
PB  - Springer, Cham
T2  - Handbook of Climate Services
T1  - Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences
SP  - 295
EP  - 310
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-030-36875-3_15
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Crnčević, Tijana and Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata",
year = "2020",
abstract = "As a signatory of all relevant international documents that support climate change issues, the Republic of Serbia is conducting a continuous process of harmonization of the legal and planning framework. The expected adoption of the National Climate Change Strategy, together with the Action plan will accomplish an important step toward establishing the needed strategic framework to combat climate change and promote adaptation. In the context of climate change, throughout the planning process there is a need for accurate climate services coming from not
only national but also international sources (WMO Climate Services, FAO climate change resources, UNESCO’s climate change actions, etc.), covering data on rainfall, temperature, soil moisture and wind, as well as analyses and assessments within risk and vulnerability, together with projections and scenarios. Due to the increasingly visible effects of climate change, there is a need to enhance the level of protection of the natural and cultural heritage, and for the formation of appropriate databases. Thus, this paper gives an overview of the international and national framework regarding the climate services needed within the planning process and stresses their importance in achieving resilient climate planning of the natural and cultural heritage. Further, by presenting a selected case study, this paper outlines the main gaps as well as the advantages within the current framework in Serbia. The paper concludes by stressing that, within the planning process, climate services are playing a significant role in formulating adequate measures to cover mitigation and adaptation.",
publisher = "Springer, Cham",
journal = "Handbook of Climate Services",
booktitle = "Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences",
pages = "295-310",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-36875-3_15",
url = ""
Crnčević, T.,& Vuksanović-Macura, Z.. (2020). Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences. in Handbook of Climate Services
Springer, Cham., 295-310.
Crnčević T, Vuksanović-Macura Z. Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences. in Handbook of Climate Services. 2020;:295-310.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-36875-3_15 .
Crnčević, Tijana, Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, "Climate Services for Resilient Climate Planning of the Natural Heritage—Serbian Experiences" in Handbook of Climate Services (2020):295-310, ., .

Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији

Jojić Glavonjić, Tamara

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Jojić Glavonjić, Tamara
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Два заштићена подручја Србије − специјални резерват природе „Царска бара” и предео  изузетних одлика „Власина”, анализирана су с аспекта природно-географског и социо економског потенцијала који би омогућио одрживи развој локалних заједница на тим  просторима. Основни циљ је био утврдити да ли проглашење једног простора заштићеним у  Србији утиче на свакодневни живот и привређивање локалног становништва и колико је  локална заједница укључена у процес управљања? Да ли су кочница развоја природни или  социо-економски фактори? Најпре је инвентарисан и анализиран природни потенцијал, затим социо-економски сагледан кроз анализу одрживости становништва, док су директни ставови  локалног становништва о животу у заштићеном подручју, управљачу и даљим плановима  везаним за живот и рад, добијени методом анкете. Апострофирајући туризам као једину  одрживу делатност пригодну за заштићена подручја, извршено је вредновање. Зависно од  врсте туризма, одговарајући елементи су оцењивани као позитивни или негативни за жељени  тип коришћења. Инвентарисано је и анализирано материјално и нематеријално културно  наслеђе. Могућности за развој рекреативног и излетничког туризма су оцењене као осредње,  за развој руралног такође, док је за развој туризма специфичних интересовања подручје ПИО  „Власина” оцењено као веома добро. Антропогеографски потенцијал оцењен је недовољно  атрактивним да буде самосталан туристички мотив. Сиромаштво локалног становништва као  последица незапослености која премашује (на Власини значајно) републички просек, јесте  главна кочница развоја истраживаних подручја. Ретка и нетакнута природа, декларативно законом заштићена, није сама по себи довољна, а предуслови одрживог развоја – свест  локалног становништва о вредностима њиховог завичаја и сарадња са управљачем, не  постоје.
AB  - Two Serbia’s protected areas, Special Nature Reserve “Carska bara” and Outstanding Nature  Landscape “Vlasina”, were analyzed from the aspect of natural-geographical and socio-economic  potential that would enable sustainable development of their local communities. The aim was to  determine whether the proclamation of a protected area in Serbia affects the daily life and economy of the local population and how much the local community is involved in the management process?  Are the limiting factors natural or socio-economic ones? An inventory of the natural potential was  drew up and analyzed, socio-economic potential was perceived through the analysis of population  sustainability, while the perception of the local residents about life in the protected area, their future  plans and the manager, were obtained by survey. Emphasizing tourism as the only sustainable  activity suitable for protected areas, an evaluation was performed. Depending on the type of  tourism, corresponding elements were rated as positive or negative. Tangible and intangible cultural  heritage was inventoried and analyzed. Opportunities for the development of recreational, excursion  and rural tourism, were rated passable, while the development of tourism of specific interests, for  the area of “Vlasina”, was estimated very good. The anthropogeographical potential was estimated insufficiently attractive for an independent tourist motive. Poverty of the local population as a  consequence of unemployment rate that exceeds the national average, was seen as the main obstacle  to the development of the researched areas. Untouched nature, protected by law, is not enough in  itself. Prerequisites for sustainable development, the ecological awareness of the local population  and cooperation with the manager, do not exist.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Jojić Glavonjić, Tamara",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Два заштићена подручја Србије − специјални резерват природе „Царска бара” и предео  изузетних одлика „Власина”, анализирана су с аспекта природно-географског и социо економског потенцијала који би омогућио одрживи развој локалних заједница на тим  просторима. Основни циљ је био утврдити да ли проглашење једног простора заштићеним у  Србији утиче на свакодневни живот и привређивање локалног становништва и колико је  локална заједница укључена у процес управљања? Да ли су кочница развоја природни или  социо-економски фактори? Најпре је инвентарисан и анализиран природни потенцијал, затим социо-економски сагледан кроз анализу одрживости становништва, док су директни ставови  локалног становништва о животу у заштићеном подручју, управљачу и даљим плановима  везаним за живот и рад, добијени методом анкете. Апострофирајући туризам као једину  одрживу делатност пригодну за заштићена подручја, извршено је вредновање. Зависно од  врсте туризма, одговарајући елементи су оцењивани као позитивни или негативни за жељени  тип коришћења. Инвентарисано је и анализирано материјално и нематеријално културно  наслеђе. Могућности за развој рекреативног и излетничког туризма су оцењене као осредње,  за развој руралног такође, док је за развој туризма специфичних интересовања подручје ПИО  „Власина” оцењено као веома добро. Антропогеографски потенцијал оцењен је недовољно  атрактивним да буде самосталан туристички мотив. Сиромаштво локалног становништва као  последица незапослености која премашује (на Власини значајно) републички просек, јесте  главна кочница развоја истраживаних подручја. Ретка и нетакнута природа, декларативно законом заштићена, није сама по себи довољна, а предуслови одрживог развоја – свест  локалног становништва о вредностима њиховог завичаја и сарадња са управљачем, не  постоје., Two Serbia’s protected areas, Special Nature Reserve “Carska bara” and Outstanding Nature  Landscape “Vlasina”, were analyzed from the aspect of natural-geographical and socio-economic  potential that would enable sustainable development of their local communities. The aim was to  determine whether the proclamation of a protected area in Serbia affects the daily life and economy of the local population and how much the local community is involved in the management process?  Are the limiting factors natural or socio-economic ones? An inventory of the natural potential was  drew up and analyzed, socio-economic potential was perceived through the analysis of population  sustainability, while the perception of the local residents about life in the protected area, their future  plans and the manager, were obtained by survey. Emphasizing tourism as the only sustainable  activity suitable for protected areas, an evaluation was performed. Depending on the type of  tourism, corresponding elements were rated as positive or negative. Tangible and intangible cultural  heritage was inventoried and analyzed. Opportunities for the development of recreational, excursion  and rural tourism, were rated passable, while the development of tourism of specific interests, for  the area of “Vlasina”, was estimated very good. The anthropogeographical potential was estimated insufficiently attractive for an independent tourist motive. Poverty of the local population as a  consequence of unemployment rate that exceeds the national average, was seen as the main obstacle  to the development of the researched areas. Untouched nature, protected by law, is not enough in  itself. Prerequisites for sustainable development, the ecological awareness of the local population  and cooperation with the manager, do not exist.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији",
url = ""
Jojić Glavonjić, T.. (2020). Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Jojić Glavonjić T. Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији. in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Jojić Glavonjić, Tamara, "Геоеколошко вредновање Рамсарских подручја у функцији одрживог развоја локалних заједница у Србији" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије

Лукић, Добрила; Петровић, Марко Д.

(Београд : Географски институт "Јован Цвијић" САНУ, 2020)

AU  - Лукић, Добрила
AU  - Петровић, Марко Д.
PY  - 2020
UR  -
PB  - Београд : Географски институт "Јован Цвијић" САНУ
T1  - Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије
T1  - Тhe Role of Geoheritage Sites in Tourism of Serbian Podunavlje Region
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Лукић, Добрила and Петровић, Марко Д.",
year = "2020",
publisher = "Београд : Географски институт "Јован Цвијић" САНУ",
title = "Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије, Тhe Role of Geoheritage Sites in Tourism of Serbian Podunavlje Region",
url = ""
Лукић, Д.,& Петровић, М. Д.. (2020). Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије. 
Београд : Географски институт "Јован Цвијић" САНУ..
Лукић Д, Петровић МД. Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије. 2020;. .
Лукић, Добрила, Петровић, Марко Д., "Улога објеката геонаслеђа у туризму Подунавља Србије" (2020), .

Дневни миграциони систем Београда

Filipović, Marko

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Filipović, Marko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Истраживање за предмет има детерминисање просторног и популационог обухватадневног миграционог система Београда. Дневна миграција радне снаге коришћена јекао релевантни показатељ функцијског испољавања центра рада и усмерености насељастановања. За примарни центар рада узето је урбано језгро - насеље Београд. Пореданализе дневног урбаног система главног града Србије, проучавани су и његовиподсистеми. Делови насеља Београд који припадају различитим градским општинамапосматрани су као засебна језгра. Додатни показатељ представљала су и дневнакретања радне снаге унутар самог насеља, односно између његових делова, са циљемпрецизнијег одређивања центара рада у оквиру урбаног језгра. Контингент дневнихмиграната анализиран је и према основним структурним обележјима. У циљуразумевања просторно популационих процеса у оквиру дневног миграционог системаБеограда, дат је осврт и на улогу мањих центара рада на територији или у непосреднојблизини Београдске области, као и најзначајнијих сателитских насеља. За временскиоквир истраживања трансформација у оквиру дневног миграционог система Београдаакценат је стављен на последњи међупописни период (2002-2011), при чему сукоришћени подаци посебне обраде РЗС. Добијени резултати потврдили су раднехипотезе постављене на почетку истраживања. Просторни обухват дневногмиграционог система Београда је повећан, а истакнут је и утицај прекинуте транзицијеи привредне рецесије. Истраживањем су утврђене промене у хијерархији подсистема,при чему су истакнуте најдинамичније промене које се дешавају у оквиру дневногурбаног система, чије језгро чини Нови Београд. Указано је на потребе и правце даљихистраживања дневног миграционог система Београда, као најдинамичнијеконцентрације функција и становништва на територији Републике Србије
AB  - The topic of the research is to determine spatial and population coverage of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade. Daily labor migration was used as a relevant indicator of functionalmanifestation of the work center and focus of the place of residence. The urban center - thesettlement of Belgrade - was taken as a primary center of work. In addition to the analysis ofthe daily urban system of the capital of Serbia, its subsystems were also studied. Parts of thesettlement of Belgrade that belong to different municipalities, were considered as separatenucleus. Daily labor mobility within the populated area itself, or more precisely between itsparts, were taken as additional indicator with the aim of determining the work centers moreprecisely within the urban nucleus. The contingent of commuters was also analyzed accordingto the basic structural features. In order to understand the spatial population processes withinthe daily migration system of Belgrade, the role of smaller work centers on the territory ornear the Belgrade area, tigether with the most important satellite settlements, were alsoreviewed. The emphasis for the time frame for the research of transformations within the dailymigration system of Belgrade, was placed on the last inter-census period (2002-2011), wherethe data for special processing of the SORS were used. Obtained results confirmed theworking hypotheses set at the beginning of the research. Spatial contain of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade has increased, and the impact of the interrupted transition and economicrecession has been highlighted. The research identified changes in the hierarchy ofsubsystems, highlighting the most dynamic changes that occur within the daily urban system,whose focal point is New Belgrade. The needs and directions of further research of the dailymigration system of Belgrade, as the most dynamic concentration of functions and populationon the territory of the Republic of Serbia, were pointed out
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Дневни миграциони систем Београда
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Filipović, Marko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Истраживање за предмет има детерминисање просторног и популационог обухватадневног миграционог система Београда. Дневна миграција радне снаге коришћена јекао релевантни показатељ функцијског испољавања центра рада и усмерености насељастановања. За примарни центар рада узето је урбано језгро - насеље Београд. Пореданализе дневног урбаног система главног града Србије, проучавани су и његовиподсистеми. Делови насеља Београд који припадају различитим градским општинамапосматрани су као засебна језгра. Додатни показатељ представљала су и дневнакретања радне снаге унутар самог насеља, односно између његових делова, са циљемпрецизнијег одређивања центара рада у оквиру урбаног језгра. Контингент дневнихмиграната анализиран је и према основним структурним обележјима. У циљуразумевања просторно популационих процеса у оквиру дневног миграционог системаБеограда, дат је осврт и на улогу мањих центара рада на територији или у непосреднојблизини Београдске области, као и најзначајнијих сателитских насеља. За временскиоквир истраживања трансформација у оквиру дневног миграционог система Београдаакценат је стављен на последњи међупописни период (2002-2011), при чему сукоришћени подаци посебне обраде РЗС. Добијени резултати потврдили су раднехипотезе постављене на почетку истраживања. Просторни обухват дневногмиграционог система Београда је повећан, а истакнут је и утицај прекинуте транзицијеи привредне рецесије. Истраживањем су утврђене промене у хијерархији подсистема,при чему су истакнуте најдинамичније промене које се дешавају у оквиру дневногурбаног система, чије језгро чини Нови Београд. Указано је на потребе и правце даљихистраживања дневног миграционог система Београда, као најдинамичнијеконцентрације функција и становништва на територији Републике Србије, The topic of the research is to determine spatial and population coverage of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade. Daily labor migration was used as a relevant indicator of functionalmanifestation of the work center and focus of the place of residence. The urban center - thesettlement of Belgrade - was taken as a primary center of work. In addition to the analysis ofthe daily urban system of the capital of Serbia, its subsystems were also studied. Parts of thesettlement of Belgrade that belong to different municipalities, were considered as separatenucleus. Daily labor mobility within the populated area itself, or more precisely between itsparts, were taken as additional indicator with the aim of determining the work centers moreprecisely within the urban nucleus. The contingent of commuters was also analyzed accordingto the basic structural features. In order to understand the spatial population processes withinthe daily migration system of Belgrade, the role of smaller work centers on the territory ornear the Belgrade area, tigether with the most important satellite settlements, were alsoreviewed. The emphasis for the time frame for the research of transformations within the dailymigration system of Belgrade, was placed on the last inter-census period (2002-2011), wherethe data for special processing of the SORS were used. Obtained results confirmed theworking hypotheses set at the beginning of the research. Spatial contain of daily migrationsystem of Belgrade has increased, and the impact of the interrupted transition and economicrecession has been highlighted. The research identified changes in the hierarchy ofsubsystems, highlighting the most dynamic changes that occur within the daily urban system,whose focal point is New Belgrade. The needs and directions of further research of the dailymigration system of Belgrade, as the most dynamic concentration of functions and populationon the territory of the Republic of Serbia, were pointed out",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Дневни миграциони систем Београда",
url = ""
Filipović, M.. (2020). Дневни миграциони систем Београда. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Filipović M. Дневни миграциони систем Београда. in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Filipović, Marko, "Дневни миграциони систем Београда" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia

Pecelj, Milica; Lukić, Milica; Filipović, Dejan; Protić, Branko; Bogdanović, Uroš

(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, Gottingen, 2020)

AU  - Pecelj, Milica
AU  - Lukić, Milica
AU  - Filipović, Dejan
AU  - Protić, Branko
AU  - Bogdanović, Uroš
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The objective of this paper is to assess the bioclimatic conditions in Serbia during summer in order to identify biothermal heat hazard. Special emphasis is placed on the bioclimatic index UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), whose purpose is to evaluate the degree of thermal stress that the human body is exposed to. For this research, mean daily and hourly (07:00 and 14:00 CET) meteorological data from three weather stations (Zlatibor, Novi Sad and Nig) have been collected for the period from 1998 to 2017. In order to identify patterns of biothermal heat stress conditions, the thresholds of the daily UTCI (UTCI >= 38 degrees C, referred to as very strong heat stress, VSHS) at 14:00 CET are compared with the thresholds of daily maximum air temperature (t(max) >= 35 degrees C, referred to as hot days, HDs), which are further termed as heat wave events (HWEs). The findings show that the UTCI heat stress category "very strong heat stress" at 14:00 CET indicates heat waves. The most extreme heat wave events occurred in 2007, 2012, 2015 and 2017. Moreover, three HWEs at Nis that occurred in July 2007 lasted 3, 10 and 4 d. HWEs and very strong heat stress events (VSHSEs) recorded in July 2007 (lasted 10 d each), 2012 (lasted 9 and 12 d) and 2015 (lasted 7 and 10 d) were of the longest duration and are considered to be the indicators of biothermal heat hazard. The daily UTCI14h heat stress becomes more extreme in terms of severity and heat wave duration up to very strong heat stress.
PB  - Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, Gottingen
T2  - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
T1  - Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia
SP  - 2021
EP  - 2036
VL  - 20
IS  - 7
DO  - 10.5194/nhess-20-2021-2020
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Pecelj, Milica and Lukić, Milica and Filipović, Dejan and Protić, Branko and Bogdanović, Uroš",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objective of this paper is to assess the bioclimatic conditions in Serbia during summer in order to identify biothermal heat hazard. Special emphasis is placed on the bioclimatic index UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index), whose purpose is to evaluate the degree of thermal stress that the human body is exposed to. For this research, mean daily and hourly (07:00 and 14:00 CET) meteorological data from three weather stations (Zlatibor, Novi Sad and Nig) have been collected for the period from 1998 to 2017. In order to identify patterns of biothermal heat stress conditions, the thresholds of the daily UTCI (UTCI >= 38 degrees C, referred to as very strong heat stress, VSHS) at 14:00 CET are compared with the thresholds of daily maximum air temperature (t(max) >= 35 degrees C, referred to as hot days, HDs), which are further termed as heat wave events (HWEs). The findings show that the UTCI heat stress category "very strong heat stress" at 14:00 CET indicates heat waves. The most extreme heat wave events occurred in 2007, 2012, 2015 and 2017. Moreover, three HWEs at Nis that occurred in July 2007 lasted 3, 10 and 4 d. HWEs and very strong heat stress events (VSHSEs) recorded in July 2007 (lasted 10 d each), 2012 (lasted 9 and 12 d) and 2015 (lasted 7 and 10 d) were of the longest duration and are considered to be the indicators of biothermal heat hazard. The daily UTCI14h heat stress becomes more extreme in terms of severity and heat wave duration up to very strong heat stress.",
publisher = "Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, Gottingen",
journal = "Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences",
title = "Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia",
pages = "2021-2036",
volume = "20",
number = "7",
doi = "10.5194/nhess-20-2021-2020",
url = ""
Pecelj, M., Lukić, M., Filipović, D., Protić, B.,& Bogdanović, U.. (2020). Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia. in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, Gottingen., 20(7), 2021-2036.
Pecelj M, Lukić M, Filipović D, Protić B, Bogdanović U. Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia. in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 2020;20(7):2021-2036.
doi:10.5194/nhess-20-2021-2020 .
Pecelj, Milica, Lukić, Milica, Filipović, Dejan, Protić, Branko, Bogdanović, Uroš, "Analysis of the Universal Thermal Climate Index during heat waves in Serbia" in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, no. 7 (2020):2021-2036, ., .

Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње

Žaja, Aleksandra

(Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет, 2020)

AU  - Žaja, Aleksandra
PY  - 2020
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Феномен урбаног ширења и конверзије површина у изграђене површине сматра се једним од најзначајнијих изазова просторног планирања у XXI веку. Са изазовом просторног ширења изграђеног ткива се суочио и Београд, главни град Републике Србије. У истраживању је опсервиран простор административног подручја Града Београда који чини 10 градских и седам приградских општина. Циљ истраживања је идентификовање адекватних, слободних површина за будућу изградњу на територији Града Београда. Евалуацијом тренутне структуре површина у Београду дефинисане су површине које су погодне за будућу изградњу. Идентификација и анализа потенцијала и ограничења неизграђених површина у функцији потенцијалног ширења изграђеног ткива града је рађена у складу са начелима одрживог града. Посматрањем тренутног стања и односа изграђеног земљишта и осталих површина, а користећи савремене геоинформационе технологије, урађена је категоризација слободних површина према категоријама погодности (од непогодног до најпогоднијег земљишта). Kатегоризација површина за изградњу даје увид у могуће правце даљег ширења изграђених форми у региону Београда. Сценарији будућег развоја изграђеног ткива Града формирани су на темељу анализе погодности земљишта методом тежинског преклапања слојева. Индиректни циљ истраживања je успостављање адекватног система подршке у процесу управљања и одлучивања кроз подршку у раду надлежним институцијама, као и у систему планирања у Србији и Београду. Увођење поступка у планерску праксу унапредило би поступак планирања и уређења урбаних подручја Србије.
AB  - The phenomenon of urban sprawl and the transfer of surfaces into built-up areas is considered to be one of the most significant challenges of spatial planning in the 21st century. Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia, also faced the challenge of expansion of the built tissue. The research observed the area of the administrative area of the City of Belgrade, which consists of 10 inner and seven outer municipalities. The research aims to identify adequate, non-built areas for future construction on the territory of the City of Belgrade. The evaluation of the current spatial structure in Belgrade has defined areas that are suitable for future construction. Identification and analysis of potentials and limitations of undeveloped areas for activity of built-up was done following the principles of a sustainable city. By observing the current condition and relationship between the built land and other areas, and using modern geoinformation technologies, the categorization of free areas according to the categories of convenience (from unsuitable to the most suitable land) was done. The categorization of areas for construction provides insight into possible directions for further expansion of built forms in the region of Belgrade. Scenarios for the future development of the constructed tissue of the City were formed based on the analysis of the suitability of the land by the method of weight overlapping of layers. The indirect goal of the research is to establish an adequate support system in the management and decision-making process through support in the work of competent institutions, as well as in the planning system in Serbia and Belgrade. The introduction of the procedure in planning practice would improve the process of planning and arranging urban areas in Serbia.
PB  - Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет
T2  - Универзитет у Београду
T1  - Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Žaja, Aleksandra",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Феномен урбаног ширења и конверзије површина у изграђене површине сматра се једним од најзначајнијих изазова просторног планирања у XXI веку. Са изазовом просторног ширења изграђеног ткива се суочио и Београд, главни град Републике Србије. У истраживању је опсервиран простор административног подручја Града Београда који чини 10 градских и седам приградских општина. Циљ истраживања је идентификовање адекватних, слободних површина за будућу изградњу на територији Града Београда. Евалуацијом тренутне структуре површина у Београду дефинисане су површине које су погодне за будућу изградњу. Идентификација и анализа потенцијала и ограничења неизграђених површина у функцији потенцијалног ширења изграђеног ткива града је рађена у складу са начелима одрживог града. Посматрањем тренутног стања и односа изграђеног земљишта и осталих површина, а користећи савремене геоинформационе технологије, урађена је категоризација слободних површина према категоријама погодности (од непогодног до најпогоднијег земљишта). Kатегоризација површина за изградњу даје увид у могуће правце даљег ширења изграђених форми у региону Београда. Сценарији будућег развоја изграђеног ткива Града формирани су на темељу анализе погодности земљишта методом тежинског преклапања слојева. Индиректни циљ истраживања je успостављање адекватног система подршке у процесу управљања и одлучивања кроз подршку у раду надлежним институцијама, као и у систему планирања у Србији и Београду. Увођење поступка у планерску праксу унапредило би поступак планирања и уређења урбаних подручја Србије., The phenomenon of urban sprawl and the transfer of surfaces into built-up areas is considered to be one of the most significant challenges of spatial planning in the 21st century. Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia, also faced the challenge of expansion of the built tissue. The research observed the area of the administrative area of the City of Belgrade, which consists of 10 inner and seven outer municipalities. The research aims to identify adequate, non-built areas for future construction on the territory of the City of Belgrade. The evaluation of the current spatial structure in Belgrade has defined areas that are suitable for future construction. Identification and analysis of potentials and limitations of undeveloped areas for activity of built-up was done following the principles of a sustainable city. By observing the current condition and relationship between the built land and other areas, and using modern geoinformation technologies, the categorization of free areas according to the categories of convenience (from unsuitable to the most suitable land) was done. The categorization of areas for construction provides insight into possible directions for further expansion of built forms in the region of Belgrade. Scenarios for the future development of the constructed tissue of the City were formed based on the analysis of the suitability of the land by the method of weight overlapping of layers. The indirect goal of the research is to establish an adequate support system in the management and decision-making process through support in the work of competent institutions, as well as in the planning system in Serbia and Belgrade. The introduction of the procedure in planning practice would improve the process of planning and arranging urban areas in Serbia.",
publisher = "Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет",
journal = "Универзитет у Београду",
title = "Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње",
url = ""
Žaja, A.. (2020). Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње. in Универзитет у Београду
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет..
Žaja A. Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње. in Универзитет у Београду. 2020;. .
Žaja, Aleksandra, "Неизграђено земљиште града Београда у функцији потенцијалне изградње" in Универзитет у Београду (2020), .

Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867

Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata; Novaković-Jevtić, Katarina


AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Novaković-Jevtić, Katarina
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Plan for the reconstruction of Belgrade, formulated by Emilijan Josimović in 1867 is one of the most researched urban plans in Serbia. Anyhow, one aspect of the plan, the survey of Belgrade, has remained outside the focus of scholars. This paper analyzes and presents the surveying of Belgrade, made by Josimović, as part of the activities on making the well-known plan of the city. The research question we have set out is: how, when, with which instruments, means, and the material did Josimović produce a geodetic map of the city? Archival materials, various maps, literary sources, as well as two Josimović’s publications from 1862 and 1867, were used in the description and analysis of the production of the first accurate geodetic map of Belgrade urban tissue from the mid-19th century.
T2  - Зборник Матице српске за ликовне уметности / Matica Srpska Journal of Fine Arts
T1  - Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867
SP  - 73
EP  - 87
IS  - 48
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata and Novaković-Jevtić, Katarina",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Plan for the reconstruction of Belgrade, formulated by Emilijan Josimović in 1867 is one of the most researched urban plans in Serbia. Anyhow, one aspect of the plan, the survey of Belgrade, has remained outside the focus of scholars. This paper analyzes and presents the surveying of Belgrade, made by Josimović, as part of the activities on making the well-known plan of the city. The research question we have set out is: how, when, with which instruments, means, and the material did Josimović produce a geodetic map of the city? Archival materials, various maps, literary sources, as well as two Josimović’s publications from 1862 and 1867, were used in the description and analysis of the production of the first accurate geodetic map of Belgrade urban tissue from the mid-19th century.",
journal = "Зборник Матице српске за ликовне уметности / Matica Srpska Journal of Fine Arts",
title = "Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867",
pages = "73-87",
number = "48",
url = ""
Vuksanović-Macura, Z.,& Novaković-Jevtić, K.. (2020). Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867. in Зборник Матице српске за ликовне уметности / Matica Srpska Journal of Fine Arts(48), 73-87.
Vuksanović-Macura Z, Novaković-Jevtić K. Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867. in Зборник Матице српске за ликовне уметности / Matica Srpska Journal of Fine Arts. 2020;(48):73-87. .
Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, Novaković-Jevtić, Katarina, "Surveying of Belgrade: Technical Background of Emilijan Josimović Plan from 1867" in Зборник Матице српске за ликовне уметности / Matica Srpska Journal of Fine Arts, no. 48 (2020):73-87, .

The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice

Micić, Jasna; Denda, Stefan; Popescu, Marius

(Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA, 2019)

AU  - Micić, Jasna
AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Popescu, Marius
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - There are numerous pull forces that determine destination choice. In the contemporary turbulent
conditions, safety and security risks have a growing role. This is particularly evident in the Mediterranean region, bearing in mind that the political crisis in the Arab world has reflected in this region as the largest receptive market. Therefore, the study has been conducted to determine which factors are the most important in the process of choosing a destination and whether the recent crises have affected travel habits. In addition to the descriptive statistics, the data obtained by the Likert scale were analyzed by independent samples t-test in SPSS. The results have revealed that price, service quality, and risk-related issues are the main parameters of destination choice. In this regard, the respondents expressed their understanding of contemporary security risks in the Mediterranean (terrorist acts, militant groups, migration crisis, etc.). The research also showed the influence of different sources of information on travel habits, primarily word-of-mouth process, and mass media. The crisis has affected the demand allocation, but not trip cancellation. Based on the abovementioned we can conclude that safety and security risks are not the only and decisive factor but represent an important parameter in the destination choice.
PB  - Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA
T2  - Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
T1  - The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice
SP  - 39
EP  - 52
VL  - 69
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.2298/IJGI1901039M
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Micić, Jasna and Denda, Stefan and Popescu, Marius",
year = "2019",
abstract = "There are numerous pull forces that determine destination choice. In the contemporary turbulent
conditions, safety and security risks have a growing role. This is particularly evident in the Mediterranean region, bearing in mind that the political crisis in the Arab world has reflected in this region as the largest receptive market. Therefore, the study has been conducted to determine which factors are the most important in the process of choosing a destination and whether the recent crises have affected travel habits. In addition to the descriptive statistics, the data obtained by the Likert scale were analyzed by independent samples t-test in SPSS. The results have revealed that price, service quality, and risk-related issues are the main parameters of destination choice. In this regard, the respondents expressed their understanding of contemporary security risks in the Mediterranean (terrorist acts, militant groups, migration crisis, etc.). The research also showed the influence of different sources of information on travel habits, primarily word-of-mouth process, and mass media. The crisis has affected the demand allocation, but not trip cancellation. Based on the abovementioned we can conclude that safety and security risks are not the only and decisive factor but represent an important parameter in the destination choice.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA",
journal = "Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA",
title = "The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice",
pages = "39-52",
volume = "69",
number = "1",
doi = "10.2298/IJGI1901039M",
url = ""
Micić, J., Denda, S.,& Popescu, M.. (2019). The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice. in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
Belgrade : Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA., 69(1), 39-52.
Micić J, Denda S, Popescu M. The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice. in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA. 2019;69(1):39-52.
doi:10.2298/IJGI1901039M .
Micić, Jasna, Denda, Stefan, Popescu, Marius, "The significance of the risk-related challenges in tourist destination choice" in Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 69, no. 1 (2019):39-52, ., .

Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017

Radovanović, Milan M.; Vyklyuk, Yaroslav; Stevančević, Milan T.; Milenković, Milan Đ; Jakovljević, Dejana M.; Petrović, Marko D.; Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B.; Vuković, Natalia; Vujko, Aleksandra Đ.; Sydor; Yamashkin, Anatoliy; Sydor, Petro; Vuković, Darko B.; Škoda, Miroslav

(Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2019)

AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Vyklyuk, Yaroslav
AU  - Stevančević, Milan T.
AU  - Milenković, Milan Đ
AU  - Jakovljević, Dejana M.
AU  - Petrović, Marko D.
AU  - Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B.
AU  - Vuković, Natalia
AU  - Vujko, Aleksandra Đ.
AU  - Sydor
AU  - Yamashkin, Anatoliy
AU  - Sydor, Petro
AU  - Vuković, Darko B.
AU  - Škoda, Miroslav
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Forest fires that occurred in Portugal on June 18, 2017, caused several tens of
human casualties. The cause of their emergence, as well as many others that occurred in western Europe at the same time remained unknown. Taking into account consequences, including loss of human lives and endangerment of ecosystem sustainability, discovering of the forest fires causes is the very significant question. The heliocentric hypothesis has indirectly been tested, according to which charged particles are a possible cause of forest fires. We must point out that it was not possible to verify whether in this specific case the particles by reaching the ground and burning the plant mass create the initial phase of the formation of the flame. Therefore, we have tried to determine whether during the critical period, i. e. from June 15-19 there is a certain statistical connection between certain parameters of the solar wind and meteorological elements. Based on the hourly values of the charged particles flow, a correlation analysis was performed with hourly values of individual meteorological elements including time lag at Monte Real station. The application of the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System models has shown that there is a high degree of connection between the flow of protons and the analyzed meteorological elements in Portugal. However, further verification of this hypothesis requires further laboratory testing.
PB  - Belgrade :  Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
T2  - Thermal Science
T1  - Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017
SP  - 73
EP  - 86
VL  - 23
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI180803251R
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Radovanović, Milan M. and Vyklyuk, Yaroslav and Stevančević, Milan T. and Milenković, Milan Đ and Jakovljević, Dejana M. and Petrović, Marko D. and Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B. and Vuković, Natalia and Vujko, Aleksandra Đ. and Sydor and Yamashkin, Anatoliy and Sydor, Petro and Vuković, Darko B. and Škoda, Miroslav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Forest fires that occurred in Portugal on June 18, 2017, caused several tens of
human casualties. The cause of their emergence, as well as many others that occurred in western Europe at the same time remained unknown. Taking into account consequences, including loss of human lives and endangerment of ecosystem sustainability, discovering of the forest fires causes is the very significant question. The heliocentric hypothesis has indirectly been tested, according to which charged particles are a possible cause of forest fires. We must point out that it was not possible to verify whether in this specific case the particles by reaching the ground and burning the plant mass create the initial phase of the formation of the flame. Therefore, we have tried to determine whether during the critical period, i. e. from June 15-19 there is a certain statistical connection between certain parameters of the solar wind and meteorological elements. Based on the hourly values of the charged particles flow, a correlation analysis was performed with hourly values of individual meteorological elements including time lag at Monte Real station. The application of the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System models has shown that there is a high degree of connection between the flow of protons and the analyzed meteorological elements in Portugal. However, further verification of this hypothesis requires further laboratory testing.",
publisher = "Belgrade :  Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences",
journal = "Thermal Science",
title = "Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017",
pages = "73-86",
volume = "23",
number = "1",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI180803251R",
url = ""
Radovanović, M. M., Vyklyuk, Y., Stevančević, M. T., Milenković, M. Đ., Jakovljević, D. M., Petrović, M. D., Malinović-Milićević, S. B., Vuković, N., Vujko, A. Đ., Sydor, Yamashkin, A., Sydor, P., Vuković, D. B.,& Škoda, M.. (2019). Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017. in Thermal Science
Belgrade :  Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences., 23(1), 73-86.
Radovanović MM, Vyklyuk Y, Stevančević MT, Milenković MĐ, Jakovljević DM, Petrović MD, Malinović-Milićević SB, Vuković N, Vujko AĐ, Sydor, Yamashkin A, Sydor P, Vuković DB, Škoda M. Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017. in Thermal Science. 2019;23(1):73-86.
doi:10.2298/TSCI180803251R .
Radovanović, Milan M., Vyklyuk, Yaroslav, Stevančević, Milan T., Milenković, Milan Đ, Jakovljević, Dejana M., Petrović, Marko D., Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B., Vuković, Natalia, Vujko, Aleksandra Đ., Sydor, Yamashkin, Anatoliy, Sydor, Petro, Vuković, Darko B., Škoda, Miroslav, "Forest fires in Portugal - case study, 18 june 2017" in Thermal Science, 23, no. 1 (2019):73-86, ., .

Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia

Vyklyuk, Yaroslav; Radovanović, Milan M.; Milovanović, Boško; Milenković, Milan; Petrović, Marko; Doljak, Dejan; Malinović-Milićević, Slavica; Vuković, Natalia; Vujko, Aleksandra; Matsiuk, Nataliia; Mukherjee, Saumitra

(Switzerland : Springer Nature, 2019)

AU  - Vyklyuk, Yaroslav
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Milovanović, Boško
AU  - Milenković, Milan
AU  - Petrović, Marko
AU  - Doljak, Dejan
AU  - Malinović-Milićević, Slavica
AU  - Vuković, Natalia
AU  - Vujko, Aleksandra
AU  - Matsiuk, Nataliia
AU  - Mukherjee, Saumitra
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - This research is devoted to the determination of the causal relationship between the flow of particles that are coming from the Sun and the hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Katia. To accomplish this, the lag correlation analysis was performed. High correlation coefficients confirmed a preliminary conclusion about the relationship between solar activities and the hurricane phenomenon, which allows further research. Five parameters i.e. characteristics of solar activity (10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7), the flows of protons and electrons with maximum energy, speed and density of solar wind particles) were chosen as model input, while the wind speed and air pressure of Irma, Jose, and Katia hurricanes were used as model output. Input data were sampled to a six hours interval in order to adapt the time interval to the observed data about hurricanes, in the period between September 28 and December 21, 2017. As a result of the preliminary analysis, using 12,274,264 linear models by parallel calculations, six of them were chosen as best. The identified lags were the basis for refinement of models with the artificial neural networks. Multilayer perceptrons with back propagation and recurrent LSTM have been chosen as commonly used artificial neural networks. Comparison of the accuracy of both linear and artificial neural networks results confirmed the adequacy of these models and made it possible to take into account the dynamics of the solar wind. Sensitivity analysis has shown that F10.7 has the greatest impact on the wind speed of the hurricanes. Despite low sensitivity of pressure to change the parameters of the solar wind, their strong fluctuations can cause a sharp decrease in pressure, and therefore the appearance of hurricanes.
PB  - Switzerland : Springer Nature
T2  - Astrophysics and Space Science
T1  - Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia
VL  - 364
IS  - 154
DO  - 10.1007/s10509-019-3646-5
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vyklyuk, Yaroslav and Radovanović, Milan M. and Milovanović, Boško and Milenković, Milan and Petrović, Marko and Doljak, Dejan and Malinović-Milićević, Slavica and Vuković, Natalia and Vujko, Aleksandra and Matsiuk, Nataliia and Mukherjee, Saumitra",
year = "2019",
abstract = "This research is devoted to the determination of the causal relationship between the flow of particles that are coming from the Sun and the hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Katia. To accomplish this, the lag correlation analysis was performed. High correlation coefficients confirmed a preliminary conclusion about the relationship between solar activities and the hurricane phenomenon, which allows further research. Five parameters i.e. characteristics of solar activity (10.7 cm solar radio flux (F10.7), the flows of protons and electrons with maximum energy, speed and density of solar wind particles) were chosen as model input, while the wind speed and air pressure of Irma, Jose, and Katia hurricanes were used as model output. Input data were sampled to a six hours interval in order to adapt the time interval to the observed data about hurricanes, in the period between September 28 and December 21, 2017. As a result of the preliminary analysis, using 12,274,264 linear models by parallel calculations, six of them were chosen as best. The identified lags were the basis for refinement of models with the artificial neural networks. Multilayer perceptrons with back propagation and recurrent LSTM have been chosen as commonly used artificial neural networks. Comparison of the accuracy of both linear and artificial neural networks results confirmed the adequacy of these models and made it possible to take into account the dynamics of the solar wind. Sensitivity analysis has shown that F10.7 has the greatest impact on the wind speed of the hurricanes. Despite low sensitivity of pressure to change the parameters of the solar wind, their strong fluctuations can cause a sharp decrease in pressure, and therefore the appearance of hurricanes.",
publisher = "Switzerland : Springer Nature",
journal = "Astrophysics and Space Science",
title = "Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia",
volume = "364",
number = "154",
doi = "10.1007/s10509-019-3646-5",
url = ""
Vyklyuk, Y., Radovanović, M. M., Milovanović, B., Milenković, M., Petrović, M., Doljak, D., Malinović-Milićević, S., Vuković, N., Vujko, A., Matsiuk, N.,& Mukherjee, S.. (2019). Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia. in Astrophysics and Space Science
Switzerland : Springer Nature., 364(154).
Vyklyuk Y, Radovanović MM, Milovanović B, Milenković M, Petrović M, Doljak D, Malinović-Milićević S, Vuković N, Vujko A, Matsiuk N, Mukherjee S. Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia. in Astrophysics and Space Science. 2019;364(154).
doi:10.1007/s10509-019-3646-5 .
Vyklyuk, Yaroslav, Radovanović, Milan M., Milovanović, Boško, Milenković, Milan, Petrović, Marko, Doljak, Dejan, Malinović-Milićević, Slavica, Vuković, Natalia, Vujko, Aleksandra, Matsiuk, Nataliia, Mukherjee, Saumitra, "Space weather and hurricanes Irma, Jose and Katia" in Astrophysics and Space Science, 364, no. 154 (2019), ., .

Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016

Stanojević, Gorica B.; Miljanović, Dragana N.; Doljak, Dejan Lj.; Ćurčić, Nina B.; Radovanović, Milan M.; Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B.; Hauriak, Olena

(Belgrade : Geographical Institute ''Jovan Cvijić'' SASA, 2019)

AU  - Stanojević, Gorica B.
AU  - Miljanović, Dragana N.
AU  - Doljak, Dejan Lj.
AU  - Ćurčić, Nina B.
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B.
AU  - Hauriak, Olena
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The long-term exposure to PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) is the leading global health risk factor. The spatio-temporal variability of annual values of the total PM2.5 concentrations in Serbia is analyzed using the high-resolution (0.01° × 0.01°) gridded data set V4.EU.02 for the period 2001–2016. Population counts and density data were used to calculate the population exposure while the urban land cover data were used to estimate the relations between the size of urban area and the concentration of PM2.5. The mean annual values vary in the range 13.93 μg/m3 –28.91 μg/m3 . The regional differences exist, but the highest values were obtained for urban environments (> 22.5 μg/m3 ). Negative trend of annual PM2.5 is present in most of the parts of the Serbian territory, especially in the eastern parts reaching –0.37 μg/m3 per year (p ≤ .05). More than 99% of the territory of Serbia has the mean annual values under the national safe limit established by regulation (25 μm/m3 ), but comparing to the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline (10 μm/m3 ), all the territory is above the safe level. In line with the trend of urbanization, there is a clear upward trend in the number of population exposed to the higher concentrations of PM2.5. The share of the population exposed to values higher than 25 μg/m3 increased from 6.65% in 2005 to 11.40% in 2015, while comparing to WHO standard, the total population in Serbia is exposed to the values higher than the safe one.
PB  - Belgrade : Geographical Institute ''Jovan Cvijić'' SASA
T2  - Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA
T1  - Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016
SP  - 197
EP  - 211
VL  - 69
IS  - 3
DO  - 10.2298/IJGI1903197S
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stanojević, Gorica B. and Miljanović, Dragana N. and Doljak, Dejan Lj. and Ćurčić, Nina B. and Radovanović, Milan M. and Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B. and Hauriak, Olena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The long-term exposure to PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm) is the leading global health risk factor. The spatio-temporal variability of annual values of the total PM2.5 concentrations in Serbia is analyzed using the high-resolution (0.01° × 0.01°) gridded data set V4.EU.02 for the period 2001–2016. Population counts and density data were used to calculate the population exposure while the urban land cover data were used to estimate the relations between the size of urban area and the concentration of PM2.5. The mean annual values vary in the range 13.93 μg/m3 –28.91 μg/m3 . The regional differences exist, but the highest values were obtained for urban environments (> 22.5 μg/m3 ). Negative trend of annual PM2.5 is present in most of the parts of the Serbian territory, especially in the eastern parts reaching –0.37 μg/m3 per year (p ≤ .05). More than 99% of the territory of Serbia has the mean annual values under the national safe limit established by regulation (25 μm/m3 ), but comparing to the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline (10 μm/m3 ), all the territory is above the safe level. In line with the trend of urbanization, there is a clear upward trend in the number of population exposed to the higher concentrations of PM2.5. The share of the population exposed to values higher than 25 μg/m3 increased from 6.65% in 2005 to 11.40% in 2015, while comparing to WHO standard, the total population in Serbia is exposed to the values higher than the safe one.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Geographical Institute ''Jovan Cvijić'' SASA",
journal = "Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA",
title = "Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016",
pages = "197-211",
volume = "69",
number = "3",
doi = "10.2298/IJGI1903197S",
url = ""
Stanojević, G. B., Miljanović, D. N., Doljak, D. Lj., Ćurčić, N. B., Radovanović, M. M., Malinović-Milićević, S. B.,& Hauriak, O.. (2019). Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016. in Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA
Belgrade : Geographical Institute ''Jovan Cvijić'' SASA., 69(3), 197-211.
Stanojević GB, Miljanović DN, Doljak DL, Ćurčić NB, Radovanović MM, Malinović-Milićević SB, Hauriak O. Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016. in Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA. 2019;69(3):197-211.
doi:10.2298/IJGI1903197S .
Stanojević, Gorica B., Miljanović, Dragana N., Doljak, Dejan Lj., Ćurčić, Nina B., Radovanović, Milan M., Malinović-Milićević, Slavica B., Hauriak, Olena, "Spatio-temporal varilability of annual PM 2.5 concentrations and population exposure assessment in Serbia for the period 2011-2016" in Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA, 69, no. 3 (2019):197-211, ., .

Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?

Nico, Giovanni; Nina, Aleksandra; Radovanović, Milan

(Moscow : Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Laboratory of Complex Mapping, 2019)

AU  - Nico, Giovanni
AU  - Nina, Aleksandra
AU  - Radovanović, Milan
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In this work we study the potential of C-band SAR images to map ionosphere disturbances
in the Arctic region. This region is a unique region for ionosphere studies due to the characteristics of the geomagnetic field. In particular, we focus on the SAR interferometry technique as means to measure the temporal variation of propagation delay in correspondence of ionosphere disturbances. This technique provides maps of propagation delay differences between the acquisition dates of the two coherent SAR images needed to estimate the propagation delay over the study area. The high spatial resolution of C-band SAR images, in the order of 25 meters could contribute to the study of spatial distribution of ionosphere disturbances. Digisondes, VLF/ELF receivers and the EISCAT radars in the available in the Arctic region provide the time of ionosphere disturbances due to the solar activity, monitored by the ACE satellite. This allows to select the SAR images to process to map the ionosphere disturbances. The typical spatial coverage and acquisition times of Sentinel-1 images over the Arctic region are reported. A numerical analysis is carried out to estimate the expected ionosphere propagation delay in Sentinel-1 interferograms and so the potential of SAR interferometry to map the effects of ionosphere disturbances.
PB  - Moscow : Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Laboratory of Complex Mapping
C3  - Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”
T1  - Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?
SP  - 290
EP  - 297
VL  - 25
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-290-297
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nico, Giovanni and Nina, Aleksandra and Radovanović, Milan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In this work we study the potential of C-band SAR images to map ionosphere disturbances
in the Arctic region. This region is a unique region for ionosphere studies due to the characteristics of the geomagnetic field. In particular, we focus on the SAR interferometry technique as means to measure the temporal variation of propagation delay in correspondence of ionosphere disturbances. This technique provides maps of propagation delay differences between the acquisition dates of the two coherent SAR images needed to estimate the propagation delay over the study area. The high spatial resolution of C-band SAR images, in the order of 25 meters could contribute to the study of spatial distribution of ionosphere disturbances. Digisondes, VLF/ELF receivers and the EISCAT radars in the available in the Arctic region provide the time of ionosphere disturbances due to the solar activity, monitored by the ACE satellite. This allows to select the SAR images to process to map the ionosphere disturbances. The typical spatial coverage and acquisition times of Sentinel-1 images over the Arctic region are reported. A numerical analysis is carried out to estimate the expected ionosphere propagation delay in Sentinel-1 interferograms and so the potential of SAR interferometry to map the effects of ionosphere disturbances.",
publisher = "Moscow : Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Laboratory of Complex Mapping",
journal = "Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”",
title = "Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?",
pages = "290-297",
volume = "25",
number = "1",
doi = "10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-290-297",
url = ""
Nico, G., Nina, A.,& Radovanović, M.. (2019). Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?. in Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”
Moscow : Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Laboratory of Complex Mapping., 25(1), 290-297.
Nico G, Nina A, Radovanović M. Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?. in Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2019;25(1):290-297.
doi:10.35595/2414-9179-2019-1-25-290-297 .
Nico, Giovanni, Nina, Aleksandra, Radovanović, Milan, "Can spaceborne synthetic aperture radar be useful for the mapping of ionospheric disturbances in the Arctic Region?" in Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”, 25, no. 1 (2019):290-297, ., .

Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors

Tretiakova, Tatiana N.; Brankov, Jovana; Petrović, Marko D.; Syromiatnikova, Yulia A.; Radovanović, Milan M.; Mikhailovich Yakovlev, Aleksey

(Oradea : University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning, 2019)

AU  - Tretiakova, Tatiana N.
AU  - Brankov, Jovana
AU  - Petrović, Marko D.
AU  - Syromiatnikova, Yulia A.
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Mikhailovich Yakovlev, Aleksey
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The research analyzes attitudes and habits of the visitors in the National Park (NP) Taganay on South Urals in Russia. The survey method was applied on a sample of 305 respondents in order to investigate visitors’ travel habits, as well as their perceptions regarding different experiences they were exposed to. The results identified a strong positive perception regarding overall experiences from visiting the NP. Specific permanent patterns of behavior were observed and compatibility between visitors’ habits and the environment was determined. The most significant variables affecting perceptions are the frequency of visits and the age. The study has identified certain concerns regarding environmental issues. Respondents were found sensitive to garbage production in public areas and the presence of noise in protected territory. The results of the study provide inputs for solving the long-standing conflict between nature conservation and mass tourism in Russian protected areas.
PB  - Oradea : University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning
PB  - Gdansk : Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport,  Faculty of Tourism and Recreation
T2  - GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
T1  - Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors
SP  - 595
EP  - 608
VL  - 25
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.30892/gtg.25225-383
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Tretiakova, Tatiana N. and Brankov, Jovana and Petrović, Marko D. and Syromiatnikova, Yulia A. and Radovanović, Milan M. and Mikhailovich Yakovlev, Aleksey",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The research analyzes attitudes and habits of the visitors in the National Park (NP) Taganay on South Urals in Russia. The survey method was applied on a sample of 305 respondents in order to investigate visitors’ travel habits, as well as their perceptions regarding different experiences they were exposed to. The results identified a strong positive perception regarding overall experiences from visiting the NP. Specific permanent patterns of behavior were observed and compatibility between visitors’ habits and the environment was determined. The most significant variables affecting perceptions are the frequency of visits and the age. The study has identified certain concerns regarding environmental issues. Respondents were found sensitive to garbage production in public areas and the presence of noise in protected territory. The results of the study provide inputs for solving the long-standing conflict between nature conservation and mass tourism in Russian protected areas.",
publisher = "Oradea : University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning, Gdansk : Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport,  Faculty of Tourism and Recreation",
journal = "GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites",
title = "Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors",
pages = "595-608",
volume = "25",
number = "2",
doi = "10.30892/gtg.25225-383",
url = ""
Tretiakova, T. N., Brankov, J., Petrović, M. D., Syromiatnikova, Y. A., Radovanović, M. M.,& Mikhailovich Yakovlev, A.. (2019). Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors. in GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Oradea : University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning., 25(2), 595-608.
Tretiakova TN, Brankov J, Petrović MD, Syromiatnikova YA, Radovanović MM, Mikhailovich Yakovlev A. Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors. in GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites. 2019;25(2):595-608.
doi:10.30892/gtg.25225-383 .
Tretiakova, Tatiana N., Brankov, Jovana, Petrović, Marko D., Syromiatnikova, Yulia A., Radovanović, Milan M., Mikhailovich Yakovlev, Aleksey, "Tourism and Natural Environment in the NP Taganay (Russia) - Habits And Perceptions of the Visitors" in GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 25, no. 2 (2019):595-608, ., .

Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare

Nina, Aleksandra M.; Čadež, Vladimir M.; Lakićević, Maša D.; Radovanović, Milan M.; Kolarski, Aleksandra B.; Popović, Luka Č.

(Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2019)

AU  - Nina, Aleksandra M.
AU  - Čadež, Vladimir M.
AU  - Lakićević, Maša D.
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Kolarski, Aleksandra B.
AU  - Popović, Luka Č.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In this paper we present an analysis of parameters describing the effective recombination processes in the upper ionospheric D-region in the period of its additional heating by the X-radiation emitted during a solar X-ray flare. We present a procedure for calculation of the effective recombination coefficient and electron loss rate in the period when the X-radiation flux detected by the GOES satellite in the wavelength domain between 0.1 and 0.8 nm increases. The developed procedure is based on observational data obtained in the low ionospheric monitoring by the very low/low frequency radio waves and it is related to the considered area and time period. The obtained expressions are applied to data for the very low frequency signal emitted in Germany and recorded in Serbia during the solar X-ray flare detected by the GOES-14 satellite on May 5, 2010.
PB  - Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
T2  - Thermal Science: an International Journal
T1  - Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare
SP  - 4043
EP  - 4053
VL  - 23
IS  - 6 (Part B)
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI190501313N
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nina, Aleksandra M. and Čadež, Vladimir M. and Lakićević, Maša D. and Radovanović, Milan M. and Kolarski, Aleksandra B. and Popović, Luka Č.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In this paper we present an analysis of parameters describing the effective recombination processes in the upper ionospheric D-region in the period of its additional heating by the X-radiation emitted during a solar X-ray flare. We present a procedure for calculation of the effective recombination coefficient and electron loss rate in the period when the X-radiation flux detected by the GOES satellite in the wavelength domain between 0.1 and 0.8 nm increases. The developed procedure is based on observational data obtained in the low ionospheric monitoring by the very low/low frequency radio waves and it is related to the considered area and time period. The obtained expressions are applied to data for the very low frequency signal emitted in Germany and recorded in Serbia during the solar X-ray flare detected by the GOES-14 satellite on May 5, 2010.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences",
journal = "Thermal Science: an International Journal",
title = "Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare",
pages = "4043-4053",
volume = "23",
number = "6 (Part B)",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI190501313N",
url = ""
Nina, A. M., Čadež, V. M., Lakićević, M. D., Radovanović, M. M., Kolarski, A. B.,& Popović, L. Č.. (2019). Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare. in Thermal Science: an International Journal
Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences., 23(6 (Part B)), 4043-4053.
Nina AM, Čadež VM, Lakićević MD, Radovanović MM, Kolarski AB, Popović LČ. Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare. in Thermal Science: an International Journal. 2019;23(6 (Part B)):4043-4053.
doi:10.2298/TSCI190501313N .
Nina, Aleksandra M., Čadež, Vladimir M., Lakićević, Maša D., Radovanović, Milan M., Kolarski, Aleksandra B., Popović, Luka Č., "Variations in ionospheric D-region recombination properties during increase of its X-ray heating induced by solar X-ray flare" in Thermal Science: an International Journal, 23, no. 6 (Part B) (2019):4043-4053, ., .

Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study

Denda, Stefan Lj.; Micić, Jasna M.; Milanović-Pešić, Ana Z.; Brankov, Jovana J.; Bjeljac, Željko N.

(Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2019)

AU  - Denda, Stefan Lj.
AU  - Micić, Jasna M.
AU  - Milanović-Pešić, Ana Z.
AU  - Brankov, Jovana J.
AU  - Bjeljac, Željko N.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Despite the significant natural potential, geothermal energy in Serbia has traditionally been used in balneology and recreation, while its share in the country’s total energy balance is almost negligible (0.05%). The present paper deals with the City Municipality of Vranjska Banja as a pioneer in the territory of Serbia in using geothermal energy for heating. The concept and methodology of the present research are directly related to the utilization of geothermal resources for district heating in the Vranjska Banja area. The presented analysis includes: determining the available amount of energy, identifying the energy needs of selected public
facilities, and the estimation of investment necessary for energy utilization. A survey, combined with field research, is focused on four public facilities connected to the heating system relying on geothermal sources, as well as on two facilities that should be connected to the system in the next phases. The results show economic, ecological, and technological advantages of using geothermal heating systems, as well as the acceptable price of equipment maintenance. An economic assessment of the transition of one facility from the existing heating system to a system relying on geothermal energy has also been made. The analysis confirms the cost-effectiveness
of using geothermal energy and reveals numerous ecological advantages (safe heating, absence of CO2 emission) over other energy sources.
PB  - Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences
T2  - Thermal Science: an International Journal
T1  - Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study
SP  - 4083
EP  - 4093
VL  - 23
IS  - 6 (Part B)
DO  - 10.2298/TSCI190816391D
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Denda, Stefan Lj. and Micić, Jasna M. and Milanović-Pešić, Ana Z. and Brankov, Jovana J. and Bjeljac, Željko N.",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Despite the significant natural potential, geothermal energy in Serbia has traditionally been used in balneology and recreation, while its share in the country’s total energy balance is almost negligible (0.05%). The present paper deals with the City Municipality of Vranjska Banja as a pioneer in the territory of Serbia in using geothermal energy for heating. The concept and methodology of the present research are directly related to the utilization of geothermal resources for district heating in the Vranjska Banja area. The presented analysis includes: determining the available amount of energy, identifying the energy needs of selected public
facilities, and the estimation of investment necessary for energy utilization. A survey, combined with field research, is focused on four public facilities connected to the heating system relying on geothermal sources, as well as on two facilities that should be connected to the system in the next phases. The results show economic, ecological, and technological advantages of using geothermal heating systems, as well as the acceptable price of equipment maintenance. An economic assessment of the transition of one facility from the existing heating system to a system relying on geothermal energy has also been made. The analysis confirms the cost-effectiveness
of using geothermal energy and reveals numerous ecological advantages (safe heating, absence of CO2 emission) over other energy sources.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences",
journal = "Thermal Science: an International Journal",
title = "Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study",
pages = "4083-4093",
volume = "23",
number = "6 (Part B)",
doi = "10.2298/TSCI190816391D",
url = ""
Denda, S. Lj., Micić, J. M., Milanović-Pešić, A. Z., Brankov, J. J.,& Bjeljac, Ž. N.. (2019). Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study. in Thermal Science: an International Journal
Belgrade : Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences., 23(6 (Part B)), 4083-4093.
Denda SL, Micić JM, Milanović-Pešić AZ, Brankov JJ, Bjeljac ŽN. Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study. in Thermal Science: an International Journal. 2019;23(6 (Part B)):4083-4093.
doi:10.2298/TSCI190816391D .
Denda, Stefan Lj., Micić, Jasna M., Milanović-Pešić, Ana Z., Brankov, Jovana J., Bjeljac, Željko N., "Utilization of geothermal springs as a renewable energy source: Vranjska Banja case study" in Thermal Science: an International Journal, 23, no. 6 (Part B) (2019):4083-4093, ., .

Community Planning Priorities

Petrović, Marko D.

(Cham: Springer, 2019)

AU  - Petrović, Marko D.
PY  - 2019
UR  -
PB  - Cham: Springer
T2  - Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
T1  - Community Planning Priorities
DO  - 10.1007/978-3-319-71063-1_63-1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Petrović, Marko D.",
year = "2019",
publisher = "Cham: Springer",
journal = "Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals",
booktitle = "Community Planning Priorities",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-71063-1_63-1",
url = ""
Petrović, M. D.. (2019). Community Planning Priorities. in Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Cham: Springer..
Petrović MD. Community Planning Priorities. in Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 2019;.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-71063-1_63-1 .
Petrović, Marko D., "Community Planning Priorities" in Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2019), ., .

Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence

Milinković, Marija; Ćorović, Dragana; Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata

(Basel : MDPI, 2019)

AU  - Milinković, Marija
AU  - Ćorović, Dragana
AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
PY  - 2019
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Abstract: This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the complex goals of sustainable development of urban riverscapes. Its proposed method is a survey conducted through selection, interpretation and systematization of the relevant historical data that consider the Belgrade cityscape, and specifically, the New Belgrade public spaces at the river confluence. The theoretical framework, which relies on the concepts of ‘landscape urbanism’ and ‘critical practice of landscape architecture’, has affected the selection and interpretation of dense historical layers of modernization, formed in diverse socio-economic and political conditions. We have distinguished five historical strata that contribute significantly to comprehension of the present state. By looking at the traces of the formative period of Belgrade urban landscape, the moments of New Belgrade’s inception, inerasable impacts of war, vigorous post WWII socialist transformation and, finally, the series of Danube riverscape revisions, we intend to depict the complexity of the modern city legacy and thus stress the interconnectedness of past and future endeavours. As a counterpoint to globalizing tendencies in re-designing city riverfronts, this work is conceived as a lateral contribution to a broader investigation that informs, supports and constitutes more ecologically viable practices.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence
SP  - 1177
VL  - 11
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.3390/su11041177
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milinković, Marija and Ćorović, Dragana and Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Abstract: This article aims to underline the necessity of including historical enquiry in reaching the complex goals of sustainable development of urban riverscapes. Its proposed method is a survey conducted through selection, interpretation and systematization of the relevant historical data that consider the Belgrade cityscape, and specifically, the New Belgrade public spaces at the river confluence. The theoretical framework, which relies on the concepts of ‘landscape urbanism’ and ‘critical practice of landscape architecture’, has affected the selection and interpretation of dense historical layers of modernization, formed in diverse socio-economic and political conditions. We have distinguished five historical strata that contribute significantly to comprehension of the present state. By looking at the traces of the formative period of Belgrade urban landscape, the moments of New Belgrade’s inception, inerasable impacts of war, vigorous post WWII socialist transformation and, finally, the series of Danube riverscape revisions, we intend to depict the complexity of the modern city legacy and thus stress the interconnectedness of past and future endeavours. As a counterpoint to globalizing tendencies in re-designing city riverfronts, this work is conceived as a lateral contribution to a broader investigation that informs, supports and constitutes more ecologically viable practices.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence",
pages = "1177",
volume = "11",
number = "4",
doi = "10.3390/su11041177",
url = ""
Milinković, M., Ćorović, D.,& Vuksanović-Macura, Z.. (2019). Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 11(4), 1177.
Milinković M, Ćorović D, Vuksanović-Macura Z. Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence. in Sustainability. 2019;11(4):1177.
doi:10.3390/su11041177 .
Milinković, Marija, Ćorović, Dragana, Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, "Historical Enquiry as a Critical Method in Urban Riverscape Revisions: The Case of Belgrade’s Confluence" in Sustainability, 11, no. 4 (2019):1177, ., .

Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia

Denda, Stefan; Stojanović, Slađana; Malinić, Vladimir

(Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism, 2019)

AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Stojanović, Slađana
AU  - Malinić, Vladimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The tourism industry has recorded significant results both in the world and at the level of individual countries. The tourism destination policy is realized through the adoption of appropriate regulations and supporting documents. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to evaluate the Serbian legislation in this field, with an emphasis on the Law on Tourism. An analysis of the current regulations (laws, strategies, master plans, and rule books) was carried out.
The results pointed to the key tourist products and sites followed by statistical data. At the same time, the organization of the tourism and hospitality sector was presented, with the rights and obligations of all stakeholders. It was pointed out the significance of the Tourism Registry as a unique base in Serbian tourism. Finally, through the SWOT analysis, all good and bad aspects of this sector were presented as well as possible challenges in the future.
PB  - Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism
C3  - Book of proceedings of VII International scientific-practical conference "Innovative aspects of the development service and tourism"
T1  - Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia
SP  - 31
EP  - 37
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Denda, Stefan and Stojanović, Slađana and Malinić, Vladimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The tourism industry has recorded significant results both in the world and at the level of individual countries. The tourism destination policy is realized through the adoption of appropriate regulations and supporting documents. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to evaluate the Serbian legislation in this field, with an emphasis on the Law on Tourism. An analysis of the current regulations (laws, strategies, master plans, and rule books) was carried out.
The results pointed to the key tourist products and sites followed by statistical data. At the same time, the organization of the tourism and hospitality sector was presented, with the rights and obligations of all stakeholders. It was pointed out the significance of the Tourism Registry as a unique base in Serbian tourism. Finally, through the SWOT analysis, all good and bad aspects of this sector were presented as well as possible challenges in the future.",
publisher = "Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism",
journal = "Book of proceedings of VII International scientific-practical conference "Innovative aspects of the development service and tourism"",
title = "Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia",
pages = "31-37",
url = ""
Denda, S., Stojanović, S.,& Malinić, V.. (2019). Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia. in Book of proceedings of VII International scientific-practical conference "Innovative aspects of the development service and tourism"
Stavropol : Stavropol State Agrarian University, Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism., 31-37.
Denda S, Stojanović S, Malinić V. Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia. in Book of proceedings of VII International scientific-practical conference "Innovative aspects of the development service and tourism". 2019;:31-37. .
Denda, Stefan, Stojanović, Slađana, Malinić, Vladimir, "Legal Aspects of Tourism Development in Serbia" in Book of proceedings of VII International scientific-practical conference "Innovative aspects of the development service and tourism" (2019):31-37, .

Iron Gates – The Green Reopening

Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova, Diana; Berić, Dejan; Denda, Stefan; Florea-Saghin, Irina; Mitrofanenko, Tamara; Popescu, Marius; Stojanović, Jasna

(Krems : Danube University, 2019)

AU  - Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova, Diana
AU  - Berić, Dejan
AU  - Denda, Stefan
AU  - Florea-Saghin, Irina
AU  - Mitrofanenko, Tamara
AU  - Popescu, Marius
AU  - Stojanović, Jasna
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Former industrial communities in the Iron Gates area are facing development challenges. At the same time, examples of successful redevelopment in such communities exist both internationally and in the Danube region. The project aims at using a transdisciplinary case study method in order to: identify and analyze existing redevelopment initiatives, select pilot communities in the
project region and negotiate with them development scenarios for economic revitalization. The main scientific and practical outputs will include a system model of possible sustainable revival in former industrial communities and a practical Tool Kit for community-based local redevelopment.
PB  - Krems : Danube University
C3  - Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School Proceedings 2017 "Cultural and Social Implications of Global Change on the Danube River Basin"
T1  - Iron Gates – The Green Reopening
SP  - 90
EP  - 105
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova, Diana and Berić, Dejan and Denda, Stefan and Florea-Saghin, Irina and Mitrofanenko, Tamara and Popescu, Marius and Stojanović, Jasna",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Former industrial communities in the Iron Gates area are facing development challenges. At the same time, examples of successful redevelopment in such communities exist both internationally and in the Danube region. The project aims at using a transdisciplinary case study method in order to: identify and analyze existing redevelopment initiatives, select pilot communities in the
project region and negotiate with them development scenarios for economic revitalization. The main scientific and practical outputs will include a system model of possible sustainable revival in former industrial communities and a practical Tool Kit for community-based local redevelopment.",
publisher = "Krems : Danube University",
journal = "Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School Proceedings 2017 "Cultural and Social Implications of Global Change on the Danube River Basin"",
title = "Iron Gates – The Green Reopening",
pages = "90-105",
url = ""
Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova, D., Berić, D., Denda, S., Florea-Saghin, I., Mitrofanenko, T., Popescu, M.,& Stojanović, J.. (2019). Iron Gates – The Green Reopening. in Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School Proceedings 2017 "Cultural and Social Implications of Global Change on the Danube River Basin"
Krems : Danube University., 90-105.
Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova D, Berić D, Denda S, Florea-Saghin I, Mitrofanenko T, Popescu M, Stojanović J. Iron Gates – The Green Reopening. in Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School Proceedings 2017 "Cultural and Social Implications of Global Change on the Danube River Basin". 2019;:90-105. .
Nedelcheva Bebenova-Nikolova, Diana, Berić, Dejan, Denda, Stefan, Florea-Saghin, Irina, Mitrofanenko, Tamara, Popescu, Marius, Stojanović, Jasna, "Iron Gates – The Green Reopening" in Danube:Future Interdisciplinary School Proceedings 2017 "Cultural and Social Implications of Global Change on the Danube River Basin" (2019):90-105, .

Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development

Nedeljković Knežević, Milena; Petrović, Marko D.; Nedeljković, Slađana; Mijatov, Maja; Radovanović, Milan M.; Gajić, Mirjana; Škoda, Miroslav

(Basel : MDPI, 2019)

AU  - Nedeljković Knežević, Milena
AU  - Petrović, Marko D.
AU  - Nedeljković, Slađana
AU  - Mijatov, Maja
AU  - Radovanović, Milan M.
AU  - Gajić, Mirjana
AU  - Škoda, Miroslav
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential for restructuring industrial areas toward tourism development within local communities, with a special emphasis on the socio-cultural determinants of residents, as well as their attitudes regarding the sustainable development of tourism. The research is also oriented toward the interests of local communities with respect to entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism within regions relying on traditional industries, in this case, one of the largest open-pit mining surfaces in Europe (near the Serbian town of Lazarevac). The survey was conducted on a sample of 273 respondents. The research results point to the residents’ attitudes regarding the acceptability of tourism development options, as well as their attitudes toward tourism development, with the aim of providing the conditions for a successful transition from a typical heavy industrial setting toward sustainable tourism development.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development
VL  - 11
IS  - 6189
DO  - 10.3390/su11226189
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nedeljković Knežević, Milena and Petrović, Marko D. and Nedeljković, Slađana and Mijatov, Maja and Radovanović, Milan M. and Gajić, Mirjana and Škoda, Miroslav",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential for restructuring industrial areas toward tourism development within local communities, with a special emphasis on the socio-cultural determinants of residents, as well as their attitudes regarding the sustainable development of tourism. The research is also oriented toward the interests of local communities with respect to entrepreneurial activities in the field of tourism within regions relying on traditional industries, in this case, one of the largest open-pit mining surfaces in Europe (near the Serbian town of Lazarevac). The survey was conducted on a sample of 273 respondents. The research results point to the residents’ attitudes regarding the acceptability of tourism development options, as well as their attitudes toward tourism development, with the aim of providing the conditions for a successful transition from a typical heavy industrial setting toward sustainable tourism development.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development",
volume = "11",
number = "6189",
doi = "10.3390/su11226189",
url = ""
Nedeljković Knežević, M., Petrović, M. D., Nedeljković, S., Mijatov, M., Radovanović, M. M., Gajić, M.,& Škoda, M.. (2019). Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development. in Sustainability
Basel : MDPI., 11(6189).
Nedeljković Knežević M, Petrović MD, Nedeljković S, Mijatov M, Radovanović MM, Gajić M, Škoda M. Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development. in Sustainability. 2019;11(6189).
doi:10.3390/su11226189 .
Nedeljković Knežević, Milena, Petrović, Marko D., Nedeljković, Slađana, Mijatov, Maja, Radovanović, Milan M., Gajić, Mirjana, Škoda, Miroslav, "Changes in Traditional Activities of Industrial Area toward Sustainable Tourism Development" in Sustainability, 11, no. 6189 (2019), ., .