Between Democracy and Dictatorship: Serbian Society in the Yugoslav State during the 20th century

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Between Democracy and Dictatorship: Serbian Society in the Yugoslav State during the 20th century (en)
Српско друштво у југословенској држави у 20. веку: између демократије и диктатуре (sr)
Srpsko društvo u jugoslovenskoj državi u 20. veku: između demokratije i diktature (sr_RS)


Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941

Nikolić, Kosta

(Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, 2019)

AU  - Nikolić, Kosta
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - During the Second World War a brutal and distinctly complex war was fought in Yugoslavia. It was a mixture of an anti-fascist struggle for liberation as well as an ideological, civil, inter–ethnic and religious war, which witnessed a holocaust and genocide against Jews and Serbs. At least a million Yugoslavs died in that war, most of them ethnic Serbs. In their policies towards Yugoslavia, each of the three Allied Powers (the United States of America, the Soviet Union and Great Britain) had their short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goals were victory over the Axis powers. The long-term goals were related to the post-war order in Europe (and the world). The Allies were unanimous about the short-term goals, but differed with respect to long-term goals. The relations between Great Britain and the Soviet Union were especially sensitive: both countries wanted to use a victory in the war as a means of increasing their political power and influence. Yugoslavia was a useful buffer zone between British and Soviet ambitions, as well as being the territory in which the resistance to the Axis was the strongest. The relations between London and Moscow grew even more complicated when the two local resistance movements clashed over their opposing ideologies: nationalism versus communism. The foremost objective of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) was to effect a violent change to the pre-war legal and political order of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies SASA
T2  - Balcanica
T1  - Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941
SP  - 339
EP  - 366
VL  - 50
DO  - 10.2298/BALC1950339N
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Kosta",
year = "2019",
abstract = "During the Second World War a brutal and distinctly complex war was fought in Yugoslavia. It was a mixture of an anti-fascist struggle for liberation as well as an ideological, civil, inter–ethnic and religious war, which witnessed a holocaust and genocide against Jews and Serbs. At least a million Yugoslavs died in that war, most of them ethnic Serbs. In their policies towards Yugoslavia, each of the three Allied Powers (the United States of America, the Soviet Union and Great Britain) had their short-term and long-term goals. The short-term goals were victory over the Axis powers. The long-term goals were related to the post-war order in Europe (and the world). The Allies were unanimous about the short-term goals, but differed with respect to long-term goals. The relations between Great Britain and the Soviet Union were especially sensitive: both countries wanted to use a victory in the war as a means of increasing their political power and influence. Yugoslavia was a useful buffer zone between British and Soviet ambitions, as well as being the territory in which the resistance to the Axis was the strongest. The relations between London and Moscow grew even more complicated when the two local resistance movements clashed over their opposing ideologies: nationalism versus communism. The foremost objective of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) was to effect a violent change to the pre-war legal and political order of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies SASA",
journal = "Balcanica",
title = "Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941",
pages = "339-366",
volume = "50",
doi = "10.2298/BALC1950339N",
url = ""
Nikolić, K.. (2019). Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941. in Balcanica
Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies SASA., 50, 339-366.
Nikolić K. Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941. in Balcanica. 2019;50:339-366.
doi:10.2298/BALC1950339N .
Nikolić, Kosta, "Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Resistance Movements in Yugoslavia, 1941" in Balcanica, 50 (2019):339-366, ., .

Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата

Гашић, Ранка; Вуксановић Мацура, Злата

(Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ, 2019)

AU  - Гашић, Ранка
AU  - Вуксановић Мацура, Злата
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - У чланку је реч о урбанистичким плановима за трансформацију и уређење београдског приобаља, урађеним у периоду између два светска рата. Разматрани су планови и пројекти који су обрађивали питања речног саобраћаја, лука и пристаништа, регулисања обала и насипања баровитих терена. Oни су пројектовани у тесној спрези са решавањем железничког чвора и са потребама уређивања градског ткива. Кроз анализу процеса израде и реализације планова за формирање лука на Сави и Дунаву, те бурних стручних и јавних полемика које су га пратиле, приказана је тежња Београда да своје реке и обале стави у функцију урбаног развоја.
PB  - Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ
T2  - Живот на рекама Југоисточне Европе : историјски аспекти просторног планирања насеља и комуникација
T1  - Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата
T1  - The Urban Planning of Belgrade Riverbanks Between the World Wars
SP  - 229
EP  - 256
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Гашић, Ранка and Вуксановић Мацура, Злата",
year = "2019",
abstract = "У чланку је реч о урбанистичким плановима за трансформацију и уређење београдског приобаља, урађеним у периоду између два светска рата. Разматрани су планови и пројекти који су обрађивали питања речног саобраћаја, лука и пристаништа, регулисања обала и насипања баровитих терена. Oни су пројектовани у тесној спрези са решавањем железничког чвора и са потребама уређивања градског ткива. Кроз анализу процеса израде и реализације планова за формирање лука на Сави и Дунаву, те бурних стручних и јавних полемика које су га пратиле, приказана је тежња Београда да своје реке и обале стави у функцију урбаног развоја.",
publisher = "Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ",
journal = "Живот на рекама Југоисточне Европе : историјски аспекти просторног планирања насеља и комуникација",
booktitle = "Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата, The Urban Planning of Belgrade Riverbanks Between the World Wars",
pages = "229-256",
url = ""
Гашић, Р.,& Вуксановић Мацура, З.. (2019). Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата. in Живот на рекама Југоисточне Европе : историјски аспекти просторног планирања насеља и комуникација
Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ., 229-256.
Гашић Р, Вуксановић Мацура З. Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата. in Живот на рекама Југоисточне Европе : историјски аспекти просторног планирања насеља и комуникација. 2019;:229-256. .
Гашић, Ранка, Вуксановић Мацура, Злата, "Сава и Дунав у урбанистичком планирању Београда између два светска рата" in Живот на рекама Југоисточне Европе : историјски аспекти просторног планирања насеља и комуникација (2019):229-256, .

Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет

Бонџић, Драгомир

(Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности, 2019)

AU  - Бонџић, Драгомир
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The paper is based on the archival documents, press, memoirs and literature. It considers the place of the University of Belgrade in the life and work of
Dragoljub Jovanović. Jovanović was not a student of the University of Belgrade,
but his life was closely related to this institution from an early age. On two occasions he was a professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade in
two different historical epochs: for the first time from 1923 to 1932, and for the
second time, shortly in 1945/46. Both times, Jovanović’s work began with great
expectations and hopes, but it was interrupted by expulsion and court judgments. Special attention in the paper was paid to the expulsion of the Dragoljub
Jovanović from the Faculty of Law and the University of Belgrade in 1932 and
1946, as well as the role played by university authorities and university teaching
staff in that expulsion.
PB  - Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности
C3  - Друштвено-политичка и научна мисао и делатност Драгољуба Јовановића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 29. марта 2019. године
T1  - Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет
SP  - 169
EP  - 185
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Бонџић, Драгомир",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The paper is based on the archival documents, press, memoirs and literature. It considers the place of the University of Belgrade in the life and work of
Dragoljub Jovanović. Jovanović was not a student of the University of Belgrade,
but his life was closely related to this institution from an early age. On two occasions he was a professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Belgrade in
two different historical epochs: for the first time from 1923 to 1932, and for the
second time, shortly in 1945/46. Both times, Jovanović’s work began with great
expectations and hopes, but it was interrupted by expulsion and court judgments. Special attention in the paper was paid to the expulsion of the Dragoljub
Jovanović from the Faculty of Law and the University of Belgrade in 1932 and
1946, as well as the role played by university authorities and university teaching
staff in that expulsion.",
publisher = "Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности",
journal = "Друштвено-политичка и научна мисао и делатност Драгољуба Јовановића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 29. марта 2019. године",
title = "Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет",
pages = "169-185",
url = ""
Бонџић, Д.. (2019). Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет. in Друштвено-политичка и научна мисао и делатност Драгољуба Јовановића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 29. марта 2019. године
Београд : Српска академија наука и уметности., 169-185.
Бонџић Д. Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет. in Друштвено-политичка и научна мисао и делатност Драгољуба Јовановића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 29. марта 2019. године. 2019;:169-185. .
Бонџић, Драгомир, "Драгољуб Јовановић и Београдски универзитет" in Друштвено-политичка и научна мисао и делатност Драгољуба Јовановића : зборник радова са научног скупа одржаног 29. марта 2019. године (2019):169-185, .

Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War

Nikolić, Kosta; Dobrivojević, Ivana

(Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2017)

AU  - Nikolić, Kosta
AU  - Dobrivojević, Ivana
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The Second World War involved the conflict of three different ideologies - democracy, fascism and communism - an aspect in which it was different from the Great War. This ideological triangle led to various shifts in the positions, views, and alliances of each of the warring parties. Yugoslavia with its historical legacy could not avoid being torn by similar ideological conflicts. During the Second World War a brutal and exceptionally complex war was fought on its soil. The most important question studied in this paper concerns the foremost objective of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) - to carry out a violent change of the legal order and form of government of the pre-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
T2  - Balcanica
T1  - Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War
SP  - 243
EP  - 267
DO  - 10.2298/BALC1748243N
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Nikolić, Kosta and Dobrivojević, Ivana",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The Second World War involved the conflict of three different ideologies - democracy, fascism and communism - an aspect in which it was different from the Great War. This ideological triangle led to various shifts in the positions, views, and alliances of each of the warring parties. Yugoslavia with its historical legacy could not avoid being torn by similar ideological conflicts. During the Second World War a brutal and exceptionally complex war was fought on its soil. The most important question studied in this paper concerns the foremost objective of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (KPJ) - to carry out a violent change of the legal order and form of government of the pre-war Kingdom of Yugoslavia.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts",
journal = "Balcanica",
title = "Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War",
pages = "243-267",
number = "XLVIII",
doi = "10.2298/BALC1748243N",
url = ""
Nikolić, K.,& Dobrivojević, I.. (2017). Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War. in Balcanica
Belgrade : Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.(XLVIII), 243-267.
Nikolić K, Dobrivojević I. Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War. in Balcanica. 2017;(XLVIII):243-267.
doi:10.2298/BALC1748243N .
Nikolić, Kosta, Dobrivojević, Ivana, "Creating a Communist Yugoslavia in the Second World War" in Balcanica, no. XLVIII (2017):243-267, ., .

Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку

Чворовић, Јелена; Николић, Коста

(Београд : Етнографски институт САНУ / Belgrade : Institute of Ethnography SASA, 2012)

AU  - Чворовић, Јелена
AU  - Николић, Коста
PY  - 2012
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - У овом тексту аутори покушавају да објасне фаворизовање
синова/мушких потомака у еволуционом смислу код
муслиманског становиштва у Санџаку, користећи
комплементарнe перспективе антропологије, демографије
и историје. Муслиманске породице са подручја Санџака
оставиле су више потомака кроз репродукцију мушке деце
у односу на своје хришћанске суседе. Анализа
демографских података, породичних лоза, друштвених и
економских услова указује на то да је систем наслеђивања
земље имао позитиван утицај на репродукцију мушких
потомака и да су из тог разлога непосредни потомци и
породичне лозе који су наследство преносили по мушкој
линији надмашили у репродукцији потомства и лозе који
нису чинила тако.
AB  - This paper attempts to explain parental son preferences among historical Muslim population in the
Sandžak region, southwestern Serbia. The paper draws
upon data collected in the course of anthropological
fieldwork studies in the region. The fieldwork was performed among Muslim and Christian families in Serbian
rural area of Sandžak, measuring maternal fitness in relation to several variables.
The data set comes from 120 women born between 1880–1924, representing so a
historical demographic data based on individual and lineage records. These data
were complemented with official records from Archive of Novi Pazar, whenever
possible. In this Serbian rural area, land is still considered as an abundant resource,
useful in establishing a family, livestock or agriculture. In the past, in spite of yearly
fluctuations in production, lands and labor constituted a stable source of wealth
from generation to generation. In this study, the data include the socio-economic
status of each woman, assigned according to her husband’s family economic status:
land-ownership vs. landless. This represents differences in resource availability in
terms of nutrition, wealth and workload among these women.
As the results show, the Muslim families, on average, left more surviving
descendants through sons, in contrast with their Christian counterparts. The basic
research question, then, is why? Furthermore, what were the impacts of particular
behaviors on reproductive and lineage success, under particular social and ecological conditions?
In this sample, regarding the Muslim families, the family structure was/is
traditional and stratified, characterized by a large disparity in the status of males
and females. Patrilineal inheritance, the concentration of wealth and power in males
and the social restriction of women all characterize even today this patriarchal family arrangement. This supports the Trivers–Willard hypothesis, especially in terms of
sex-biased parental investment after birth in the form of inheritance. In this population, wealth/land was heritable and has a positive effect on subsequent offspring reproduction; therefore, the lineages that concentrated inheritance in males out reproduced those that did not.
To a great extent, religion is politics in this region of the world. Social and
political tensions between different ethnic groups, drawn across religious lines, are central to the Sandžak cultures and it is also relevant in Serbia. In the Islamic
Sandžak, even today, the position of women and women’s roles in reproduction occupies central positions in religious, popular, and political discourse. It may be assumed that the Muslim community response to these concerns, especially when
they are a minority, is a stronger emphasis on aspects of family life conducive to
childbearing. Larger family sizes, greater demand for children, and territorial expansions could be the tended outcomes of these group struggles.
PB  - Београд : Етнографски институт САНУ / Belgrade : Institute of Ethnography SASA
T2  - Гласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA
T1  - Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку
T1  - Son Preference Among the Historical Sandžak Muslim Population
SP  - 55
EP  - 72
VL  - 60
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.2298/GEI1202055C
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Чворовић, Јелена and Николић, Коста",
year = "2012",
abstract = "У овом тексту аутори покушавају да објасне фаворизовање
синова/мушких потомака у еволуционом смислу код
муслиманског становиштва у Санџаку, користећи
комплементарнe перспективе антропологије, демографије
и историје. Муслиманске породице са подручја Санџака
оставиле су више потомака кроз репродукцију мушке деце
у односу на своје хришћанске суседе. Анализа
демографских података, породичних лоза, друштвених и
економских услова указује на то да је систем наслеђивања
земље имао позитиван утицај на репродукцију мушких
потомака и да су из тог разлога непосредни потомци и
породичне лозе који су наследство преносили по мушкој
линији надмашили у репродукцији потомства и лозе који
нису чинила тако., This paper attempts to explain parental son preferences among historical Muslim population in the
Sandžak region, southwestern Serbia. The paper draws
upon data collected in the course of anthropological
fieldwork studies in the region. The fieldwork was performed among Muslim and Christian families in Serbian
rural area of Sandžak, measuring maternal fitness in relation to several variables.
The data set comes from 120 women born between 1880–1924, representing so a
historical demographic data based on individual and lineage records. These data
were complemented with official records from Archive of Novi Pazar, whenever
possible. In this Serbian rural area, land is still considered as an abundant resource,
useful in establishing a family, livestock or agriculture. In the past, in spite of yearly
fluctuations in production, lands and labor constituted a stable source of wealth
from generation to generation. In this study, the data include the socio-economic
status of each woman, assigned according to her husband’s family economic status:
land-ownership vs. landless. This represents differences in resource availability in
terms of nutrition, wealth and workload among these women.
As the results show, the Muslim families, on average, left more surviving
descendants through sons, in contrast with their Christian counterparts. The basic
research question, then, is why? Furthermore, what were the impacts of particular
behaviors on reproductive and lineage success, under particular social and ecological conditions?
In this sample, regarding the Muslim families, the family structure was/is
traditional and stratified, characterized by a large disparity in the status of males
and females. Patrilineal inheritance, the concentration of wealth and power in males
and the social restriction of women all characterize even today this patriarchal family arrangement. This supports the Trivers–Willard hypothesis, especially in terms of
sex-biased parental investment after birth in the form of inheritance. In this population, wealth/land was heritable and has a positive effect on subsequent offspring reproduction; therefore, the lineages that concentrated inheritance in males out reproduced those that did not.
To a great extent, religion is politics in this region of the world. Social and
political tensions between different ethnic groups, drawn across religious lines, are central to the Sandžak cultures and it is also relevant in Serbia. In the Islamic
Sandžak, even today, the position of women and women’s roles in reproduction occupies central positions in religious, popular, and political discourse. It may be assumed that the Muslim community response to these concerns, especially when
they are a minority, is a stronger emphasis on aspects of family life conducive to
childbearing. Larger family sizes, greater demand for children, and territorial expansions could be the tended outcomes of these group struggles.",
publisher = "Београд : Етнографски институт САНУ / Belgrade : Institute of Ethnography SASA",
journal = "Гласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA",
title = "Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку, Son Preference Among the Historical Sandžak Muslim Population",
pages = "55-72",
volume = "60",
number = "2",
doi = "10.2298/GEI1202055C",
url = ""
Чворовић, Ј.,& Николић, К.. (2012). Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку. in Гласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA
Београд : Етнографски институт САНУ / Belgrade : Institute of Ethnography SASA., 60(2), 55-72.
Чворовић Ј, Николић К. Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку. in Гласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA. 2012;60(2):55-72.
doi:10.2298/GEI1202055C .
Чворовић, Јелена, Николић, Коста, "Фаворизовање мушке деце међу муслиманским становништвом у Санџаку" in Гласник Етнографског института САНУ / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA, 60, no. 2 (2012):55-72, ., .