Macura, Vladimir

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Macura, Vladimir (3)
  • Мацура, Владимир (1)

Author's Bibliography

Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia)

Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata; Gvozdic, Mirjana; Macura, Vladimir

(Taylor & Francis Group, 2020)

AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Gvozdic, Mirjana
AU  - Macura, Vladimir
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The concept of continuous planning (CP) refers to the periodic revisions of master plans in response to uncertainties faced by long-term urban planning. In this paper, we analyse CP practices in two European cities – Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia) and present how they cater for innovative planning tools which respond to the need to balance between both stability and change in long-term planning. We argue that in spite of its limitations, the CP approach adjusted to the local context, contributes to the certainty and stability of urban communities.
PB  - Taylor & Francis Group
T2  - Planning Theory and Practice
T1  - Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia)
SP  - 727
EP  - 747
VL  - 21
IS  - 5
DO  - 10.1080/14649357.2020.1849776
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata and Gvozdic, Mirjana and Macura, Vladimir",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The concept of continuous planning (CP) refers to the periodic revisions of master plans in response to uncertainties faced by long-term urban planning. In this paper, we analyse CP practices in two European cities – Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia) and present how they cater for innovative planning tools which respond to the need to balance between both stability and change in long-term planning. We argue that in spite of its limitations, the CP approach adjusted to the local context, contributes to the certainty and stability of urban communities.",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis Group",
journal = "Planning Theory and Practice",
title = "Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia)",
pages = "727-747",
volume = "21",
number = "5",
doi = "10.1080/14649357.2020.1849776",
url = ""
Vuksanović-Macura, Z., Gvozdic, M.,& Macura, V.. (2020). Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia). in Planning Theory and Practice
Taylor & Francis Group., 21(5), 727-747.
Vuksanović-Macura Z, Gvozdic M, Macura V. Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia). in Planning Theory and Practice. 2020;21(5):727-747.
doi:10.1080/14649357.2020.1849776 .
Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, Gvozdic, Mirjana, Macura, Vladimir, "Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia)" in Planning Theory and Practice, 21, no. 5 (2020):727-747, ., .

Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries

Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata; Radulović, Stojanka; Macura, Vladimir

(Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, 2018)

AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Radulović, Stojanka
AU  - Macura, Vladimir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - This paper studies land cover changes of Belgrade, over the past three centuries. For this purpose, we applied an interdisciplinary approach by integrating historical and landscape ecological perspectives. We produced four reconstruction maps presenting land cover around the turn of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, based on historical maps and written sources. The conversion of land cover from historical maps was done based on CORINE Land Cover level 3, while Land Cover level 1 was used for displaying on the reconstruction maps. This allowed us to compare the changes that occurred from the turn of one century to the next. It was determined that land cover of Belgrade has transformed from dominantly semi-natural in the 18th century, to agricultural in the 19th century, and artificial in the 20th century. We determined that the driving forces of land cover changes were activities that were part of the political agendas of various states that governed Belgrade. The present analysis bridges the gap in the relevant literature on land cover changes in Belgrade in the long-term, and provides qualitative and quantitative results relevant for research-based management actions, planning processes and restoration ecology.
PB  - Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia
T2  - Spatium
T1  - Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries
SP  - 42
EP  - 50
IS  - 40
DO  - 10.2298/SPAT1840042V
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata and Radulović, Stojanka and Macura, Vladimir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "This paper studies land cover changes of Belgrade, over the past three centuries. For this purpose, we applied an interdisciplinary approach by integrating historical and landscape ecological perspectives. We produced four reconstruction maps presenting land cover around the turn of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, based on historical maps and written sources. The conversion of land cover from historical maps was done based on CORINE Land Cover level 3, while Land Cover level 1 was used for displaying on the reconstruction maps. This allowed us to compare the changes that occurred from the turn of one century to the next. It was determined that land cover of Belgrade has transformed from dominantly semi-natural in the 18th century, to agricultural in the 19th century, and artificial in the 20th century. We determined that the driving forces of land cover changes were activities that were part of the political agendas of various states that governed Belgrade. The present analysis bridges the gap in the relevant literature on land cover changes in Belgrade in the long-term, and provides qualitative and quantitative results relevant for research-based management actions, planning processes and restoration ecology.",
publisher = "Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia",
journal = "Spatium",
title = "Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries",
pages = "42-50",
number = "40",
doi = "10.2298/SPAT1840042V",
url = ""
Vuksanović-Macura, Z., Radulović, S.,& Macura, V.. (2018). Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries. in Spatium
Belgrade: Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia.(40), 42-50.
Vuksanović-Macura Z, Radulović S, Macura V. Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries. in Spatium. 2018;(40):42-50.
doi:10.2298/SPAT1840042V .
Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, Radulović, Stojanka, Macura, Vladimir, "Land cover changes of the Belgrade area over the past three centuries" in Spatium, no. 40 (2018):42-50, ., .

Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу

Мацура, Владимир; Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата

(Београд : САНУ, Одељење друштвених наука, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада Рома, 2018)

AU  - Мацура, Владимир
AU  - Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - У раду је приказан процес израде плана детаљне регулације неформалног ромског насеља Мала Губа у Прокупљу. Описани су и дискутованo je o кључним корацима процеса кроз које се прошло, како би на крају план прихватили Роми и усвојила Скупштина општине Прокупље. Процес и његови кораци који су овде изложени, нису дефинисани Законом о планирању и изградњи – али њиме нису ни искључени; они су сугерирани Водичем за легализацију неформалних ромских насеља који је приредила Мисија ОЕБС-а у Србији у сарадњи са Министарством животне средине и просторног планирања Републике Србије. Суштина спроведеног процеса била је да су се три релевантна актера – општина Прокупље са својим службама, ромска заједница Мале Губе са Друштвом Рома Прокупље и урбанистички тим Југословенског института за урбанизам и становање (ЈУГИНУС) са Друштвом за унапређивање ромских насеља (ДУРН) – повезали, усагласили сва кључна питања и на тој основи израдили одговарајући урбанистички план. При том се пошло од два става. Први, да је партиципација, односно учешће становника Мале Губе, и заједнице у целини и породица и појединаца, у доношењу одлука у свим фазама израде урбанистичког плана, основно право и кључни предуслов за реализацију плана која ће се током времена обављати. Друго полазиште јесте да план треба да буде на линији стандарда којима ће бити обезбеђена одрживост насеља и његовог даљег развоја у циљу стварања животног амбијента који ће бити једнак другим насељима Прокупља.
AB  - The paper presents the process of formulation of a detailed regulation plan for the informal Roma settlement of Mala Guba in Prokuplje. It describes and discusses the key steps undertaken in the process in order to ensure the plan’s acceptance by the Roma population and adoption by the Municipal Assembly of Prokuplje. The process and the steps outlined in the paper are not defined by the Law on Planning and Construction. Nevertheless, they are not precluded by the law and they are suggested by the document Guidelines for Legalization of Informal Roma Settlements, prepared by the OSCE Mission to Serbia in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. The implemented process essentially involved the three relevant parties – the Municipality of Prokuplje with its services, the Roma community of Mala Guba with the Roma Association of Prokuplje, and the urban planning team of the Yugoslav Institute for Urban Planning and Housing (JUGINUS) with the Society for the Improvement of Roma Communities (DURN) – reaching agreement on all the key issues, and developing, based on this, an appropriate urban plan. Two positions were used as the starting point. One was that participation, i.e. the involvement of the inhabitants of Mala Guba, individuals, families and community in general, in all stages of the elaboration of the urban plan was their fundamental right and the key precondition for the plan’s implementation that would subsequently take place. According to the other position, the urban plan should be elaborated along the line of standards that would ensure the sustainability of the settlement and its further development towards creating a living environment equal to other neighbourhoods of Prokuplje.
PB  - Београд : САНУ, Одељење друштвених наука, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада Рома
T2  - Роми Србије у XXI веку / Serbian Roma in XXI Century
T1  - Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу
T1  - The process of formulation of an urban plan for informal Roma settlements – the example of Mala Guba in Prokuplje
SP  - 167
EP  - 189
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Мацура, Владимир and Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата",
year = "2018",
abstract = "У раду је приказан процес израде плана детаљне регулације неформалног ромског насеља Мала Губа у Прокупљу. Описани су и дискутованo je o кључним корацима процеса кроз које се прошло, како би на крају план прихватили Роми и усвојила Скупштина општине Прокупље. Процес и његови кораци који су овде изложени, нису дефинисани Законом о планирању и изградњи – али њиме нису ни искључени; они су сугерирани Водичем за легализацију неформалних ромских насеља који је приредила Мисија ОЕБС-а у Србији у сарадњи са Министарством животне средине и просторног планирања Републике Србије. Суштина спроведеног процеса била је да су се три релевантна актера – општина Прокупље са својим службама, ромска заједница Мале Губе са Друштвом Рома Прокупље и урбанистички тим Југословенског института за урбанизам и становање (ЈУГИНУС) са Друштвом за унапређивање ромских насеља (ДУРН) – повезали, усагласили сва кључна питања и на тој основи израдили одговарајући урбанистички план. При том се пошло од два става. Први, да је партиципација, односно учешће становника Мале Губе, и заједнице у целини и породица и појединаца, у доношењу одлука у свим фазама израде урбанистичког плана, основно право и кључни предуслов за реализацију плана која ће се током времена обављати. Друго полазиште јесте да план треба да буде на линији стандарда којима ће бити обезбеђена одрживост насеља и његовог даљег развоја у циљу стварања животног амбијента који ће бити једнак другим насељима Прокупља., The paper presents the process of formulation of a detailed regulation plan for the informal Roma settlement of Mala Guba in Prokuplje. It describes and discusses the key steps undertaken in the process in order to ensure the plan’s acceptance by the Roma population and adoption by the Municipal Assembly of Prokuplje. The process and the steps outlined in the paper are not defined by the Law on Planning and Construction. Nevertheless, they are not precluded by the law and they are suggested by the document Guidelines for Legalization of Informal Roma Settlements, prepared by the OSCE Mission to Serbia in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. The implemented process essentially involved the three relevant parties – the Municipality of Prokuplje with its services, the Roma community of Mala Guba with the Roma Association of Prokuplje, and the urban planning team of the Yugoslav Institute for Urban Planning and Housing (JUGINUS) with the Society for the Improvement of Roma Communities (DURN) – reaching agreement on all the key issues, and developing, based on this, an appropriate urban plan. Two positions were used as the starting point. One was that participation, i.e. the involvement of the inhabitants of Mala Guba, individuals, families and community in general, in all stages of the elaboration of the urban plan was their fundamental right and the key precondition for the plan’s implementation that would subsequently take place. According to the other position, the urban plan should be elaborated along the line of standards that would ensure the sustainability of the settlement and its further development towards creating a living environment equal to other neighbourhoods of Prokuplje.",
publisher = "Београд : САНУ, Одељење друштвених наука, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада Рома",
journal = "Роми Србије у XXI веку / Serbian Roma in XXI Century",
booktitle = "Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу, The process of formulation of an urban plan for informal Roma settlements – the example of Mala Guba in Prokuplje",
pages = "167-189",
url = ""
Мацура, В.,& Вуксановић-Мацура, З.. (2018). Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу. in Роми Србије у XXI веку / Serbian Roma in XXI Century
Београд : САНУ, Одељење друштвених наука, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада Рома., 167-189.
Мацура В, Вуксановић-Мацура З. Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу. in Роми Србије у XXI веку / Serbian Roma in XXI Century. 2018;:167-189. .
Мацура, Владимир, Вуксановић-Мацура, Злата, "Процес израде урбанистичког плана за неформална ромска насеља - пример Мале Губе у Прокупљу" in Роми Србије у XXI веку / Serbian Roma in XXI Century (2018):167-189, .

The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala

Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata; Macura, Vladimir

(SAGE Publications Inc, 2016)

AU  - Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata
AU  - Macura, Vladimir
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Abstract: This article describes a squatter settlement that arose in Belgrade between the two world wars and the communities that lived in it and fought for their right to housing. At the end of the war in 1918, a completely new phenomenon appeared in Belgrade—the squatter settlement. Jatagan-mala was the largest and best known among them. It is used as a case in point to analyze the municipal authorities’ attitude toward squatter settlements and their residents. It is shown how Belgrade Municipality threatened to demolish Jatagan-mala and then partially tore it down, and how it dealt with those who, as a result, were left without a roof over their head. The article also describes the residents’ battle not to lose their homes. Organized and strong in the beginning, over time, their efforts flagged, and in the end, they haggled over monetary compensation for their demolished homes.
PB  - SAGE Publications Inc
T2  - Journal of Urban History
T1  - The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala
DO  - 10.1177/0096144216632747
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata and Macura, Vladimir",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Abstract: This article describes a squatter settlement that arose in Belgrade between the two world wars and the communities that lived in it and fought for their right to housing. At the end of the war in 1918, a completely new phenomenon appeared in Belgrade—the squatter settlement. Jatagan-mala was the largest and best known among them. It is used as a case in point to analyze the municipal authorities’ attitude toward squatter settlements and their residents. It is shown how Belgrade Municipality threatened to demolish Jatagan-mala and then partially tore it down, and how it dealt with those who, as a result, were left without a roof over their head. The article also describes the residents’ battle not to lose their homes. Organized and strong in the beginning, over time, their efforts flagged, and in the end, they haggled over monetary compensation for their demolished homes.",
publisher = "SAGE Publications Inc",
journal = "Journal of Urban History",
title = "The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala",
doi = "10.1177/0096144216632747",
url = ""
Vuksanović-Macura, Z.,& Macura, V.. (2016). The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala. in Journal of Urban History
SAGE Publications Inc..
Vuksanović-Macura Z, Macura V. The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala. in Journal of Urban History. 2016;.
doi:10.1177/0096144216632747 .
Vuksanović-Macura, Zlata, Macura, Vladimir, "The Right to Housing: Squatter Settlements in Interwar Belgrade—The Defense and Demolition of Jatagan-mala" in Journal of Urban History (2016), ., .