Vasiljević, Perica

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  • Vasiljević, Perica (12)

Author's Bibliography

Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective

Najman, Stevo; Stojanović, Sanja; Živković, Jelena; Najdanović, Jelena; Radenković, Milena; Vasiljević, Perica; Ignjatović, Nenad

(Banja Luka : Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, 2023)

AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Stojanović, Sanja
AU  - Živković, Jelena
AU  - Najdanović, Jelena
AU  - Radenković, Milena
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Regenerative medicine (RM) exploits the innate potential of the human body to effectively repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs with the help of various biomaterials. Tissue engineering (TE) makes it possible to replace damaged tissues and organs with new ones. Research in the field of biomaterials has significantly improved the area of RM and TE. Biomaterials are used as orthopedic, dental, cardiovascular implants, medical devices, in the fields of reconstructive and regenerative medicine, among others. Important preconditions for the biomaterial to be used for implantation are its biocompatibility and biofunctionality. Biomaterials should enable adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation of cells. The biological properties of biomaterials are a reflection of their physicochemical properties, such as internal architecture, surface characteristics and charge. Biomaterials used in tissue regeneration should mimic the natural structure of the extracellular matrix and represent a physiological microenvironment for normal cellular functions. These biomaterials should also have adequate biodegradability properties to facilitate the formation and growth of new tissue. Biomaterials for use in RM can be of natural or synthetic origin, polymers by structural properties, ceramic and composite type, and based on bioreactivity they can be bioinert or bioactive. In RM and TE, polymers of different classes, natural and synthetic, are used, which can be made as intelligent materials. The structure of hydrogels in the form of a porous network represents a good matrix for cell activity. Ceramic biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite (HAp) are selected for use in RM and TE, especially solid tissues. Properties, such as composition, particle size, material shape, porosity, surface charge, topography, etc., are relevant for the proper use of HAp materials. The properties of HAp allow modification of its structure, surface, particle size design at the micro and nano level, hybridization with polymers, metals, etc. which is very important for its applications. Designed micro-nanohybrid HAp structure is most similar to the bone structure, making the cell environment closest to natural. Bone tissue engineering (BTE) is based on the combined use of cells, osteostimulating (osteoinductive) factors and biomaterials as a scaffolds and carriers for bone regeneration and defects repair. In BTE adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) are often used that are induced in vitro towards osteogenic cells or endothelial cells, and freshly isolated stromal vascular fraction can also be used. Blood components (PRP, blood plasma or blood clot) can be included in the composition of the BTE construct as a source of osteoinductive factors. In vitro models and methods were used to examine the biocompatibility, immunomodulatory and regenerative potential of biomaterials, as well as their influence on cellular functions. After in vitro methods, and before clinical studies, various in vivo animal models are used to examine the regenerative potential of biomaterials, such as subcutaneous implantations and bone defects in tibia, femur and calvaria in experimental animals (mouse, rat, rabbit).
PB  - Banja Luka : Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska
T2  - Contemporary Materials
T1  - Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective
VL  - 14
IS  - 1
DO  - 10.7251/COMEN2301001N
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Najman, Stevo and Stojanović, Sanja and Živković, Jelena and Najdanović, Jelena and Radenković, Milena and Vasiljević, Perica and Ignjatović, Nenad",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Regenerative medicine (RM) exploits the innate potential of the human body to effectively repair and regenerate damaged tissues and organs with the help of various biomaterials. Tissue engineering (TE) makes it possible to replace damaged tissues and organs with new ones. Research in the field of biomaterials has significantly improved the area of RM and TE. Biomaterials are used as orthopedic, dental, cardiovascular implants, medical devices, in the fields of reconstructive and regenerative medicine, among others. Important preconditions for the biomaterial to be used for implantation are its biocompatibility and biofunctionality. Biomaterials should enable adhesion, migration, proliferation and differentiation of cells. The biological properties of biomaterials are a reflection of their physicochemical properties, such as internal architecture, surface characteristics and charge. Biomaterials used in tissue regeneration should mimic the natural structure of the extracellular matrix and represent a physiological microenvironment for normal cellular functions. These biomaterials should also have adequate biodegradability properties to facilitate the formation and growth of new tissue. Biomaterials for use in RM can be of natural or synthetic origin, polymers by structural properties, ceramic and composite type, and based on bioreactivity they can be bioinert or bioactive. In RM and TE, polymers of different classes, natural and synthetic, are used, which can be made as intelligent materials. The structure of hydrogels in the form of a porous network represents a good matrix for cell activity. Ceramic biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite (HAp) are selected for use in RM and TE, especially solid tissues. Properties, such as composition, particle size, material shape, porosity, surface charge, topography, etc., are relevant for the proper use of HAp materials. The properties of HAp allow modification of its structure, surface, particle size design at the micro and nano level, hybridization with polymers, metals, etc. which is very important for its applications. Designed micro-nanohybrid HAp structure is most similar to the bone structure, making the cell environment closest to natural. Bone tissue engineering (BTE) is based on the combined use of cells, osteostimulating (osteoinductive) factors and biomaterials as a scaffolds and carriers for bone regeneration and defects repair. In BTE adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) are often used that are induced in vitro towards osteogenic cells or endothelial cells, and freshly isolated stromal vascular fraction can also be used. Blood components (PRP, blood plasma or blood clot) can be included in the composition of the BTE construct as a source of osteoinductive factors. In vitro models and methods were used to examine the biocompatibility, immunomodulatory and regenerative potential of biomaterials, as well as their influence on cellular functions. After in vitro methods, and before clinical studies, various in vivo animal models are used to examine the regenerative potential of biomaterials, such as subcutaneous implantations and bone defects in tibia, femur and calvaria in experimental animals (mouse, rat, rabbit).",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska",
journal = "Contemporary Materials",
title = "Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective",
volume = "14",
number = "1",
doi = "10.7251/COMEN2301001N",
url = ""
Najman, S., Stojanović, S., Živković, J., Najdanović, J., Radenković, M., Vasiljević, P.,& Ignjatović, N.. (2023). Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective. in Contemporary Materials
Banja Luka : Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska., 14(1).
Najman S, Stojanović S, Živković J, Najdanović J, Radenković M, Vasiljević P, Ignjatović N. Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective. in Contemporary Materials. 2023;14(1).
doi:10.7251/COMEN2301001N .
Najman, Stevo, Stojanović, Sanja, Živković, Jelena, Najdanović, Jelena, Radenković, Milena, Vasiljević, Perica, Ignjatović, Nenad, "Applications of biomaterials in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering – concepts and perspective" in Contemporary Materials, 14, no. 1 (2023), ., .

Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације

Stojanović, Sanja; Najdanović, Jelena; Mitić, Žarko; Vasiljević, Perica; Ignjatović, Nenad; Najman, Stevo

(Banja Luka : ANURS, 2022)

AU  - Stojanović, Sanja
AU  - Najdanović, Jelena
AU  - Mitić, Žarko
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Najman, Stevo
PY  - 2022
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Тестирање биоматеријала намењених за примену у регенеративној медицини на ћелијским моделима in vitro је неопходан први корак у циљу процене биокомпатибилности биоматеријала али и њихове биофункционалности. Постоје различити начини тестирања биоматеријала, као и различити ћелијски модели на којима се врши тестирање. Одабир адекватног ћелијског модела врши се на основу врсте биоматеријала и његове потенцијалне примене а тестирање се врши најпре стандардним тестовима као што су тестови цитотоксичности и генотоксичности а затим се испитују друге биолошке карактеристике као што су нпр. способност биоматеријала да индукује диференцијацију ћелија у одређени тип или способност активације макрофага ка одређеном фенотипу и индукција њиховог одговора ин витро, и многе друге. У овом раду ће бити преглед резултата наших досадашњих истраживања у области карактеризације биоматеријала и испитивања на ћелијским моделима in vitro. Испитивали смо биоматеријале намењене за регенерацију тврдих ткива, нпр. материјали на бази хидроксиапатита, калцијум фосфата, природног и синтетског порекла, тако и биоматеријале за регенерацију меких ткива, нпр. материјали на бази колагена или других полимера како природног тако и синтетског порекла. Да би се побољшала биофункционалност биоматеријала често им се додају биоактивне супстанце или њихове комбинације, а материјали могу бити у различитим облицима, у виду скафолда, у виду гранула, нано- или микро- димензија, мембрана и разним другим, при чему облик материјала утиче и на одабир ћелијског модела који се користи за тестирање. За карактеризацију биматеријала користили смо методе као што су SEM, EDX, FTIR и друге. Рађени су и тестови цитотоксичности, генотоксичности, пролиферације, миграције, диференцијације, фагоцитозе и многи други, а биоматеријале смо тестирали у директном контакту са ћелијама и у индиректном контакту. Испитивали смо и промене биоматеријала након интеракције са ћелијама као и понашање биоматеријала у различитим условима in vitro.
AB  - Testing biomaterials intended for use in regenerative medicine on cell models in vitro is a necessary first step in order to assess the biocompatibility of biomaterials as well as their biofunctionality. There are different methods of testing biomaterials, as well as different cell models on which testing is performed. The selection of an adequate cell model is made based on the type of biomaterial and its potential application, and testing is performed first using standard tests such as cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests, and then other biological characteristics are examined such as, for example, the ability of biomaterials to induce the differentiation of cells into a certain type or the ability to activate macrophages towards a certain phenotype and the induction of their response in vitro, and many others. This paper will present the results of our research in the field of characterization of biomaterials and examination on cell models in vitro. We examined biomaterials intended for the regeneration of hard tissues, e.g. materials based on hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphate, of natural and synthetic origin, as well as biomaterials for the regeneration of soft tissues, e.g. materials based on collagen or other polymers of both natural and synthetic origin. In order to improve the biofunctionality of biomaterials, bioactive substances or their combinations are often added, and the biomaterials can be in different forms, in the form of scaffolds, in the form of granules, nano- or micro-dimensions, membranes and many others, whereby the shape of the material also affects the selection of the cell model used for testing. To characterize bimaterials, we used methods such as SEM, EDX, FTIR and others. In addition to cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests, we performed proliferation, migration, differentiation, phagocytosis and many other tests, and we tested biomaterials both in direct contact with cells and in indirect contact. We also examined changes in biomaterials after interaction with cells, as well as the behavior of biomaterials in various conditions in vitro.
PB  - Banja Luka : ANURS
C3  - Contemporary Materials 2022 - Савремени материјали, 8-9. 9. 2022.
T1  - Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације
T1  - Interaction of cells with different biomaterials in vitro and methods of characterization
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stojanović, Sanja and Najdanović, Jelena and Mitić, Žarko and Vasiljević, Perica and Ignjatović, Nenad and Najman, Stevo",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Тестирање биоматеријала намењених за примену у регенеративној медицини на ћелијским моделима in vitro је неопходан први корак у циљу процене биокомпатибилности биоматеријала али и њихове биофункционалности. Постоје различити начини тестирања биоматеријала, као и различити ћелијски модели на којима се врши тестирање. Одабир адекватног ћелијског модела врши се на основу врсте биоматеријала и његове потенцијалне примене а тестирање се врши најпре стандардним тестовима као што су тестови цитотоксичности и генотоксичности а затим се испитују друге биолошке карактеристике као што су нпр. способност биоматеријала да индукује диференцијацију ћелија у одређени тип или способност активације макрофага ка одређеном фенотипу и индукција њиховог одговора ин витро, и многе друге. У овом раду ће бити преглед резултата наших досадашњих истраживања у области карактеризације биоматеријала и испитивања на ћелијским моделима in vitro. Испитивали смо биоматеријале намењене за регенерацију тврдих ткива, нпр. материјали на бази хидроксиапатита, калцијум фосфата, природног и синтетског порекла, тако и биоматеријале за регенерацију меких ткива, нпр. материјали на бази колагена или других полимера како природног тако и синтетског порекла. Да би се побољшала биофункционалност биоматеријала често им се додају биоактивне супстанце или њихове комбинације, а материјали могу бити у различитим облицима, у виду скафолда, у виду гранула, нано- или микро- димензија, мембрана и разним другим, при чему облик материјала утиче и на одабир ћелијског модела који се користи за тестирање. За карактеризацију биматеријала користили смо методе као што су SEM, EDX, FTIR и друге. Рађени су и тестови цитотоксичности, генотоксичности, пролиферације, миграције, диференцијације, фагоцитозе и многи други, а биоматеријале смо тестирали у директном контакту са ћелијама и у индиректном контакту. Испитивали смо и промене биоматеријала након интеракције са ћелијама као и понашање биоматеријала у различитим условима in vitro., Testing biomaterials intended for use in regenerative medicine on cell models in vitro is a necessary first step in order to assess the biocompatibility of biomaterials as well as their biofunctionality. There are different methods of testing biomaterials, as well as different cell models on which testing is performed. The selection of an adequate cell model is made based on the type of biomaterial and its potential application, and testing is performed first using standard tests such as cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests, and then other biological characteristics are examined such as, for example, the ability of biomaterials to induce the differentiation of cells into a certain type or the ability to activate macrophages towards a certain phenotype and the induction of their response in vitro, and many others. This paper will present the results of our research in the field of characterization of biomaterials and examination on cell models in vitro. We examined biomaterials intended for the regeneration of hard tissues, e.g. materials based on hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphate, of natural and synthetic origin, as well as biomaterials for the regeneration of soft tissues, e.g. materials based on collagen or other polymers of both natural and synthetic origin. In order to improve the biofunctionality of biomaterials, bioactive substances or their combinations are often added, and the biomaterials can be in different forms, in the form of scaffolds, in the form of granules, nano- or micro-dimensions, membranes and many others, whereby the shape of the material also affects the selection of the cell model used for testing. To characterize bimaterials, we used methods such as SEM, EDX, FTIR and others. In addition to cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests, we performed proliferation, migration, differentiation, phagocytosis and many other tests, and we tested biomaterials both in direct contact with cells and in indirect contact. We also examined changes in biomaterials after interaction with cells, as well as the behavior of biomaterials in various conditions in vitro.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : ANURS",
journal = "Contemporary Materials 2022 - Савремени материјали, 8-9. 9. 2022.",
title = "Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације, Interaction of cells with different biomaterials in vitro and methods of characterization",
url = ""
Stojanović, S., Najdanović, J., Mitić, Ž., Vasiljević, P., Ignjatović, N.,& Najman, S.. (2022). Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације. in Contemporary Materials 2022 - Савремени материјали, 8-9. 9. 2022.
Banja Luka : ANURS..
Stojanović S, Najdanović J, Mitić Ž, Vasiljević P, Ignjatović N, Najman S. Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације. in Contemporary Materials 2022 - Савремени материјали, 8-9. 9. 2022.. 2022;. .
Stojanović, Sanja, Najdanović, Jelena, Mitić, Žarko, Vasiljević, Perica, Ignjatović, Nenad, Najman, Stevo, "Интеракција ћелија са различитим биоматеријалима in vitro и методе карактеризације" in Contemporary Materials 2022 - Савремени материјали, 8-9. 9. 2022. (2022), .

Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation

Đorđević, Ljubiša; Najman, Stevo; Vasiljević, Perica; Miljković, Miroslav; Ignjatović, Nenad; Uskoković, Dragan; Plavšić, Milenko


AU  - Đorđević, Ljubiša
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Miljković, Miroslav
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
AU  - Plavšić, Milenko
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Implantation of a biomaterial is one of the important trends in solving the problem of bone tissue loss. Calcium hydroxiapatite (HAp), as the most representative bone component is a serious candidate for such implantations. The synthetic polymer poly-L-lactide (PLLA) in HAp/PLLA is often used as a polymeric material, with a role in the substitution of bone tissue collagen fibers. Fibers of PLLA may strengthen HAp and its good bioresorption provides space for tissue remodeling. Differences in porosity, microstructure, compressive consistency as well as bioresorbility of HAp/PLLA may be achieved by using PLLA with different molecular weights. In this study HAp/PLLA composites with PLLA of different molecular weights (50,000; 160,000 and 430,000) were implanted in mouse peritoneum in order to examine the influence of the molecular weight of PLLA on morphology changes. Microstructural changes of biomaterial (HAp/PLLA) surface were analyzed one week, three weeks and four months after their implantation using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results showed a significant difference in tissue reactions on the applied biocomposites, depending on their molecular weight. The most intense proliferation of cells was induced by HAp/PLLA 50,000 compared to HAp/PLLA 430,000 and HAp/PLLA 160,000. In the vicinity of HAp/PLLA 430,000 abundant erythrocytes were observed. The differences in biological reactions on the examined biocomposites are significant for their practical applications. HAp/PLLA composite biomaterials of different types and resorption rates require specific designing and programming to become suitable for particular purposes in an organism.
T2  - Acta Veterinaria
T1  - Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation
SP  - 234
EP  - 244
VL  - 66
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.1515/acve-2016-0020
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Ljubiša and Najman, Stevo and Vasiljević, Perica and Miljković, Miroslav and Ignjatović, Nenad and Uskoković, Dragan and Plavšić, Milenko",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Implantation of a biomaterial is one of the important trends in solving the problem of bone tissue loss. Calcium hydroxiapatite (HAp), as the most representative bone component is a serious candidate for such implantations. The synthetic polymer poly-L-lactide (PLLA) in HAp/PLLA is often used as a polymeric material, with a role in the substitution of bone tissue collagen fibers. Fibers of PLLA may strengthen HAp and its good bioresorption provides space for tissue remodeling. Differences in porosity, microstructure, compressive consistency as well as bioresorbility of HAp/PLLA may be achieved by using PLLA with different molecular weights. In this study HAp/PLLA composites with PLLA of different molecular weights (50,000; 160,000 and 430,000) were implanted in mouse peritoneum in order to examine the influence of the molecular weight of PLLA on morphology changes. Microstructural changes of biomaterial (HAp/PLLA) surface were analyzed one week, three weeks and four months after their implantation using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The results showed a significant difference in tissue reactions on the applied biocomposites, depending on their molecular weight. The most intense proliferation of cells was induced by HAp/PLLA 50,000 compared to HAp/PLLA 430,000 and HAp/PLLA 160,000. In the vicinity of HAp/PLLA 430,000 abundant erythrocytes were observed. The differences in biological reactions on the examined biocomposites are significant for their practical applications. HAp/PLLA composite biomaterials of different types and resorption rates require specific designing and programming to become suitable for particular purposes in an organism.",
journal = "Acta Veterinaria",
title = "Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation",
pages = "234-244",
volume = "66",
number = "2",
doi = "10.1515/acve-2016-0020",
url = ""
Đorđević, L., Najman, S., Vasiljević, P., Miljković, M., Ignjatović, N., Uskoković, D.,& Plavšić, M.. (2016). Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation. in Acta Veterinaria, 66(2), 234-244.
Đorđević L, Najman S, Vasiljević P, Miljković M, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D, Plavšić M. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation. in Acta Veterinaria. 2016;66(2):234-244.
doi:10.1515/acve-2016-0020 .
Đorđević, Ljubiša, Najman, Stevo, Vasiljević, Perica, Miljković, Miroslav, Ignjatović, Nenad, Uskoković, Dragan, Plavšić, Milenko, "Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation" in Acta Veterinaria, 66, no. 2 (2016):234-244, ., .

Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones

Ignjatović, Nenad; Ajduković, Zorica; Savić, Vojin; Najman, Stevo; Mihailović, Dragan; Vasiljević, Perica; Stojanović, Zoran S.; Uskoković, Vuk; Uskoković, Dragan

(Springer, 2013)

AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Ajduković, Zorica
AU  - Savić, Vojin
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Mihailović, Dragan
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Stojanović, Zoran S.
AU  - Uskoković, Vuk
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Indications exist that paramagnetic calcium phosphates may be able to promote regeneration of bone faster than their regular, diamagnetic counterparts. In this study, analyzed was the influence of paramagnetic cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on osteoporotic alveolar bone regeneration in rats. Simultaneously, biocompatibility of the material was tested in vitro, on osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 and epithelial Caco-2 cells in culture. The material was shown to be biocompatible and nontoxic when added to epithelial monolayers in vitro, while it caused a substantial decrease in the cell viability as well as deformation of the cytoskeleton and cell morphology when incubated with the osteoblastic cells. In the course of 6 months after the implantation of the material containing different amounts of cobalt, ranging from 5 to 12 wt%, in the osteoporotic alveolar bone of the lower jaw, the following parameters were investigated: histopathological parameters, alkaline phosphatase and alveolar bone density. The best result in terms of osteoporotic bone tissue regeneration was observed for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with the largest content of cobalt ions. The histological analysis showed a high level of reparatory ability of the nanoparticulate material implanted in the bone defect, paralleled by a corresponding increase in the alveolar bone density. The combined effect of growth factors from autologous plasma admixed to cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite was furthermore shown to have a crucial effect on the augmented osteoporotic bone regeneration upon the implantation of the biomaterial investigated in this study.
PB  - Springer
T2  - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
T1  - Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones
SP  - 343
EP  - 354
VL  - 24
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Nenad and Ajduković, Zorica and Savić, Vojin and Najman, Stevo and Mihailović, Dragan and Vasiljević, Perica and Stojanović, Zoran S. and Uskoković, Vuk and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Indications exist that paramagnetic calcium phosphates may be able to promote regeneration of bone faster than their regular, diamagnetic counterparts. In this study, analyzed was the influence of paramagnetic cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on osteoporotic alveolar bone regeneration in rats. Simultaneously, biocompatibility of the material was tested in vitro, on osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 and epithelial Caco-2 cells in culture. The material was shown to be biocompatible and nontoxic when added to epithelial monolayers in vitro, while it caused a substantial decrease in the cell viability as well as deformation of the cytoskeleton and cell morphology when incubated with the osteoblastic cells. In the course of 6 months after the implantation of the material containing different amounts of cobalt, ranging from 5 to 12 wt%, in the osteoporotic alveolar bone of the lower jaw, the following parameters were investigated: histopathological parameters, alkaline phosphatase and alveolar bone density. The best result in terms of osteoporotic bone tissue regeneration was observed for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with the largest content of cobalt ions. The histological analysis showed a high level of reparatory ability of the nanoparticulate material implanted in the bone defect, paralleled by a corresponding increase in the alveolar bone density. The combined effect of growth factors from autologous plasma admixed to cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite was furthermore shown to have a crucial effect on the augmented osteoporotic bone regeneration upon the implantation of the biomaterial investigated in this study.",
publisher = "Springer",
journal = "Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine",
title = "Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones",
pages = "343-354",
volume = "24",
number = "2",
doi = "10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1",
url = ""
Ignjatović, N., Ajduković, Z., Savić, V., Najman, S., Mihailović, D., Vasiljević, P., Stojanović, Z. S., Uskoković, V.,& Uskoković, D.. (2013). Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones. in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
Springer., 24(2), 343-354.
Ignjatović N, Ajduković Z, Savić V, Najman S, Mihailović D, Vasiljević P, Stojanović ZS, Uskoković V, Uskoković D. Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones. in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2013;24(2):343-354.
doi:10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1 .
Ignjatović, Nenad, Ajduković, Zorica, Savić, Vojin, Najman, Stevo, Mihailović, Dragan, Vasiljević, Perica, Stojanović, Zoran S., Uskoković, Vuk, Uskoković, Dragan, "Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones" in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 24, no. 2 (2013):343-354, ., .

Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones

Ignjatović, Nenad; Ajduković, Zorica; Savić, Vojin; Najman, Stevo; Mihailović, Dragan; Vasiljević, Perica; Stojanović, Zoran S.; Uskoković, Vuk; Uskoković, Dragan


AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Ajduković, Zorica
AU  - Savić, Vojin
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Mihailović, Dragan
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Stojanović, Zoran S.
AU  - Uskoković, Vuk
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Indications exist that paramagnetic calcium phosphates may be able to promote regeneration of bone faster than their regular, diamagnetic counterparts. In this study, analyzed was the influence of paramagnetic cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on osteoporotic alveolar bone regeneration in rats. Simultaneously, biocompatibility of the material was tested in vitro, on osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 and epithelial Caco-2 cells in culture. The material was shown to be biocompatible and nontoxic when added to epithelial monolayers in vitro, while it caused a substantial decrease in the cell viability as well as deformation of the cytoskeleton and cell morphology when incubated with the osteoblastic cells. In the course of 6 months after the implantation of the material containing different amounts of cobalt, ranging from 5 to 12 wt%, in the osteoporotic alveolar bone of the lower jaw, the following parameters were investigated: histopathological parameters, alkaline phosphatase and alveolar bone density. The best result in terms of osteoporotic bone tissue regeneration was observed for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with the largest content of cobalt ions. The histological analysis showed a high level of reparatory ability of the nanoparticulate material implanted in the bone defect, paralleled by a corresponding increase in the alveolar bone density. The combined effect of growth factors from autologous plasma admixed to cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite was furthermore shown to have a crucial effect on the augmented osteoporotic bone regeneration upon the implantation of the biomaterial investigated in this study.
T2  - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
T1  - Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones
SP  - 343
EP  - 354
VL  - 24
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ignjatović, Nenad and Ajduković, Zorica and Savić, Vojin and Najman, Stevo and Mihailović, Dragan and Vasiljević, Perica and Stojanović, Zoran S. and Uskoković, Vuk and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Indications exist that paramagnetic calcium phosphates may be able to promote regeneration of bone faster than their regular, diamagnetic counterparts. In this study, analyzed was the influence of paramagnetic cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on osteoporotic alveolar bone regeneration in rats. Simultaneously, biocompatibility of the material was tested in vitro, on osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 and epithelial Caco-2 cells in culture. The material was shown to be biocompatible and nontoxic when added to epithelial monolayers in vitro, while it caused a substantial decrease in the cell viability as well as deformation of the cytoskeleton and cell morphology when incubated with the osteoblastic cells. In the course of 6 months after the implantation of the material containing different amounts of cobalt, ranging from 5 to 12 wt%, in the osteoporotic alveolar bone of the lower jaw, the following parameters were investigated: histopathological parameters, alkaline phosphatase and alveolar bone density. The best result in terms of osteoporotic bone tissue regeneration was observed for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles with the largest content of cobalt ions. The histological analysis showed a high level of reparatory ability of the nanoparticulate material implanted in the bone defect, paralleled by a corresponding increase in the alveolar bone density. The combined effect of growth factors from autologous plasma admixed to cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite was furthermore shown to have a crucial effect on the augmented osteoporotic bone regeneration upon the implantation of the biomaterial investigated in this study.",
journal = "Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine",
title = "Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones",
pages = "343-354",
volume = "24",
number = "2",
doi = "10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1",
url = ""
Ignjatović, N., Ajduković, Z., Savić, V., Najman, S., Mihailović, D., Vasiljević, P., Stojanović, Z. S., Uskoković, V.,& Uskoković, D.. (2013). Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones. in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 24(2), 343-354.
Ignjatović N, Ajduković Z, Savić V, Najman S, Mihailović D, Vasiljević P, Stojanović ZS, Uskoković V, Uskoković D. Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones. in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2013;24(2):343-354.
doi:10.1007/s10856-012-4793-1 .
Ignjatović, Nenad, Ajduković, Zorica, Savić, Vojin, Najman, Stevo, Mihailović, Dragan, Vasiljević, Perica, Stojanović, Zoran S., Uskoković, Vuk, Uskoković, Dragan, "Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones" in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 24, no. 2 (2013):343-354, ., .

Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid

Vukelić, Marija Đ.; Mitić, Žarko; Miljković, Miroslav; Živković, Jelena M.; Ignjatović, Nenad; Uskoković, Dragan; Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z.; Vasiljević, Perica; Najman, Stevo

(Milano : Wichtig Publishing, 2012)

AU  - Vukelić, Marija Đ.
AU  - Mitić, Žarko
AU  - Miljković, Miroslav
AU  - Živković, Jelena M.
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
AU  - Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z.
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Najman, Stevo
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - Simulated body fluid (SBF) is an artificial fluid which has ionic composition and ionic concentration similar to human blood plasma. Purpose: This paper compares the interaction between the nanomaterial containing calcium phosphate/poly-dl-lactide-co-glycolide (N-CP/PLGA) and SBF, in order to investigate whether and to what extent inorganic ionic composition of human blood plasma leads to the aforementioned changes in the material. Methods: N-CP/PLGA was incubated for 1, 2, 3, and 5 weeks in SBF. The surface of the material was analyzed on SEM-EDS and FTIR spectrometer, while SBF was subjected to pH and electrical conductivity measurement. Results: Our results indicate that dissolution of the polymer component of the material N-CP/PLGA and precipitation of the material similar to hydroxyapatite on its surface are based on the morphologic changes seen in this material. Conclusions: The mechanism of the apatite formation on the bioceramic surface was intensively studied and was considered crucial in designing the new biomaterials. The results obtained in this work indicate that N-CP/PLGA may be a good candidate for application to bone regeneration.
PB  - Milano : Wichtig Publishing
T2  - Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials
T1  - Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid
SP  - 43
EP  - 48
DO  - 10.5301/JABFM.2012.9274
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vukelić, Marija Đ. and Mitić, Žarko and Miljković, Miroslav and Živković, Jelena M. and Ignjatović, Nenad and Uskoković, Dragan and Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z. and Vasiljević, Perica and Najman, Stevo",
year = "2012",
abstract = "Simulated body fluid (SBF) is an artificial fluid which has ionic composition and ionic concentration similar to human blood plasma. Purpose: This paper compares the interaction between the nanomaterial containing calcium phosphate/poly-dl-lactide-co-glycolide (N-CP/PLGA) and SBF, in order to investigate whether and to what extent inorganic ionic composition of human blood plasma leads to the aforementioned changes in the material. Methods: N-CP/PLGA was incubated for 1, 2, 3, and 5 weeks in SBF. The surface of the material was analyzed on SEM-EDS and FTIR spectrometer, while SBF was subjected to pH and electrical conductivity measurement. Results: Our results indicate that dissolution of the polymer component of the material N-CP/PLGA and precipitation of the material similar to hydroxyapatite on its surface are based on the morphologic changes seen in this material. Conclusions: The mechanism of the apatite formation on the bioceramic surface was intensively studied and was considered crucial in designing the new biomaterials. The results obtained in this work indicate that N-CP/PLGA may be a good candidate for application to bone regeneration.",
publisher = "Milano : Wichtig Publishing",
journal = "Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials",
title = "Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid",
pages = "43-48",
doi = "10.5301/JABFM.2012.9274",
url = ""
Vukelić, M. Đ., Mitić, Ž., Miljković, M., Živković, J. M., Ignjatović, N., Uskoković, D., Živanov Čurlis, J. Z., Vasiljević, P.,& Najman, S.. (2012). Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid. in Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials
Milano : Wichtig Publishing., 43-48.
Vukelić MĐ, Mitić Ž, Miljković M, Živković JM, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D, Živanov Čurlis JZ, Vasiljević P, Najman S. Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid. in Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials. 2012;:43-48.
doi:10.5301/JABFM.2012.9274 .
Vukelić, Marija Đ., Mitić, Žarko, Miljković, Miroslav, Živković, Jelena M., Ignjatović, Nenad, Uskoković, Dragan, Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z., Vasiljević, Perica, Najman, Stevo, "Apatite formation on nanomaterial calcium phosphate/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide in simulated body fluid" in Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials (2012):43-48, ., .

Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density

Ajduković, Zorica; Petrović, Milica B.; Milićević, Jelena; Đorđević, Nadica; Ignjatović, Nenad; Savić, Vojin; Najman, Stevo; Mihailović, Dragan; Vasiljević, Perica; Uskoković, Dragan

(Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia, 2011)

AU  - Ajduković, Zorica
AU  - Petrović, Milica B.
AU  - Milićević, Jelena
AU  - Đorđević, Nadica
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Savić, Vojin
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Mihailović, Dragan
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - One of the trends in the treatment of reduced bone density is in oral implantology through the use of new biomaterials with paramagnetic properties. In this in vivo study the effect of Ca /Co-HAp nanoparticles (calcium/cobalt-hydroxiapatite) in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density in experimental animals was examined by analyzing both the biochemical and histochemical markers and through analysis of alveolar bone density. The research was carried out on female Westar rats, aged 6-8 weeks, whom have been implanted nanobiomaterial in reduced alveolar bone density. Good results in regeneration of reduced bone density were achieved in six weeks after implantation of the nanoparticles with paramagnetic properties. Biochemical markers of osteogenesis showed statistically significant rise. Histological analysis revealed high level reparatory skills of the biocomposite implanted in the bone defect, while X-ray analyses evidenced rise of bone density. Implantation of Ca/Co-Hap enables rapid new formation, thus becoming the material of choice for accelerated reduced bone density regeneration.
PB  - Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia
C3  - The Thirteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011: Programme and the Book of Abstracts
T1  - Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density
SP  - 161
EP  - 161
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ajduković, Zorica and Petrović, Milica B. and Milićević, Jelena and Đorđević, Nadica and Ignjatović, Nenad and Savić, Vojin and Najman, Stevo and Mihailović, Dragan and Vasiljević, Perica and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "One of the trends in the treatment of reduced bone density is in oral implantology through the use of new biomaterials with paramagnetic properties. In this in vivo study the effect of Ca /Co-HAp nanoparticles (calcium/cobalt-hydroxiapatite) in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density in experimental animals was examined by analyzing both the biochemical and histochemical markers and through analysis of alveolar bone density. The research was carried out on female Westar rats, aged 6-8 weeks, whom have been implanted nanobiomaterial in reduced alveolar bone density. Good results in regeneration of reduced bone density were achieved in six weeks after implantation of the nanoparticles with paramagnetic properties. Biochemical markers of osteogenesis showed statistically significant rise. Histological analysis revealed high level reparatory skills of the biocomposite implanted in the bone defect, while X-ray analyses evidenced rise of bone density. Implantation of Ca/Co-Hap enables rapid new formation, thus becoming the material of choice for accelerated reduced bone density regeneration.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia",
journal = "The Thirteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011: Programme and the Book of Abstracts",
title = "Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density",
pages = "161-161",
url = ""
Ajduković, Z., Petrović, M. B., Milićević, J., Đorđević, N., Ignjatović, N., Savić, V., Najman, S., Mihailović, D., Vasiljević, P.,& Uskoković, D.. (2011). Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density. in The Thirteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011: Programme and the Book of Abstracts
Belgrade : Materials Research Society of Serbia., 161-161.
Ajduković Z, Petrović MB, Milićević J, Đorđević N, Ignjatović N, Savić V, Najman S, Mihailović D, Vasiljević P, Uskoković D. Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density. in The Thirteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011: Programme and the Book of Abstracts. 2011;:161-161. .
Ajduković, Zorica, Petrović, Milica B., Milićević, Jelena, Đorđević, Nadica, Ignjatović, Nenad, Savić, Vojin, Najman, Stevo, Mihailović, Dragan, Vasiljević, Perica, Uskoković, Dragan, "Paramagnetic nanoparticles in the regeneration of the reduced alveolar bone density" in The Thirteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2011: Programme and the Book of Abstracts (2011):161-161, .

Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold

Vasiljević, Perica; Najman, Stevo; Đorđević, Ljubiša; Savić, Vojin P.; Vukelić, Marija Đ.; Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z.; Ignjatović, Nenad; Uskoković, Dragan

(Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2009)

AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Đorđević, Ljubiša
AU  - Savić, Vojin P.
AU  - Vukelić, Marija Đ.
AU  - Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z.
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2009
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Bone tissue reconstruction and reparation is a big challenge in medicine. Biocomposite materials based on hidroxyapatite are widely used in reparation of bone defects. Adult bone marrow-derived stem cells may be considered in two categories: hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow stroma (BMSC). HSC and BMSC do not only coexist in one organ, but functionally cooperate. BMSC have a critical role in the formation of hematopoietic microenvironment (HME). The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions between bone marrow cells and biocomposites based on HAp/PLLA (hidroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide) after subcutaneous implantation in Balb/c mice. In that purpose, bone marrow cells of Balb/c mice were seeded in HAp/PLLA tubes (15 mm×1,5 mm). The HAp/PLLA tubes with BMC was subcutaneously implanted with a needle into the intrascapsular region of the mouse. Implants were extracted after 2, 6 and 12 weeks. In implants after 2 and 6 weeks we found angiogenesis, collagenogenesis and new bone. Ectopic hematopoiesis was seen in implants after 12 weeks from implantation. As a good scaffold in the role of supporting osteogenesis and hematopoiesis, biocomposites HAp/PLLA can be good bone substitute materials in the bone reparation process. These results showed that the HAp/PLLA scaffold owned biological properties comparable to natural bone.
AB  - Ispitivana je biofunkcionalnost biokompozita hidroksiapatit/poli-L-laktida (HAp/ /PLLA) kao matrice za osteogenezu i hematopoezu posle subkutane implantacije singenim miševima Balb/c. HAp/PLLA oblikovan je u cevčice (15 mm×1,5 mm) koje su napunjene ćelijama koštane srži miša, a zatim implantirane. Kontrole su bile prokuvane tibije i femuri napunjene na isti način. Implanti su ekstrahovani posle 2, 6 i 12 nedelja i analizirani patohistološki. Angiogeneza i osteogeneza se vide već posle dve nedelje na implantima, što je izraženije na kostima. Vrlo izražena hematopoeza u implantima oba tipa se vidi posle dvanaest nedelja. HAp/PLLA može poslužiti kao matrica za ektopičnu osteogenezu i hematopoezu.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold
T1  - Ektopična osteogeneza i hematopoeza iz implantiranih ćelija koštane srži na matrici od biokompozita HAP/PLLA
SP  - 301
EP  - 307
VL  - 63
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND0904301V
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Vasiljević, Perica and Najman, Stevo and Đorđević, Ljubiša and Savić, Vojin P. and Vukelić, Marija Đ. and Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z. and Ignjatović, Nenad and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2009",
abstract = "Bone tissue reconstruction and reparation is a big challenge in medicine. Biocomposite materials based on hidroxyapatite are widely used in reparation of bone defects. Adult bone marrow-derived stem cells may be considered in two categories: hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow stroma (BMSC). HSC and BMSC do not only coexist in one organ, but functionally cooperate. BMSC have a critical role in the formation of hematopoietic microenvironment (HME). The aim of this study was to investigate the interactions between bone marrow cells and biocomposites based on HAp/PLLA (hidroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide) after subcutaneous implantation in Balb/c mice. In that purpose, bone marrow cells of Balb/c mice were seeded in HAp/PLLA tubes (15 mm×1,5 mm). The HAp/PLLA tubes with BMC was subcutaneously implanted with a needle into the intrascapsular region of the mouse. Implants were extracted after 2, 6 and 12 weeks. In implants after 2 and 6 weeks we found angiogenesis, collagenogenesis and new bone. Ectopic hematopoiesis was seen in implants after 12 weeks from implantation. As a good scaffold in the role of supporting osteogenesis and hematopoiesis, biocomposites HAp/PLLA can be good bone substitute materials in the bone reparation process. These results showed that the HAp/PLLA scaffold owned biological properties comparable to natural bone., Ispitivana je biofunkcionalnost biokompozita hidroksiapatit/poli-L-laktida (HAp/ /PLLA) kao matrice za osteogenezu i hematopoezu posle subkutane implantacije singenim miševima Balb/c. HAp/PLLA oblikovan je u cevčice (15 mm×1,5 mm) koje su napunjene ćelijama koštane srži miša, a zatim implantirane. Kontrole su bile prokuvane tibije i femuri napunjene na isti način. Implanti su ekstrahovani posle 2, 6 i 12 nedelja i analizirani patohistološki. Angiogeneza i osteogeneza se vide već posle dve nedelje na implantima, što je izraženije na kostima. Vrlo izražena hematopoeza u implantima oba tipa se vidi posle dvanaest nedelja. HAp/PLLA može poslužiti kao matrica za ektopičnu osteogenezu i hematopoezu.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Hemijska industrija",
title = "Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold, Ektopična osteogeneza i hematopoeza iz implantiranih ćelija koštane srži na matrici od biokompozita HAP/PLLA",
pages = "301-307",
volume = "63",
number = "4",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND0904301V",
url = ""
Vasiljević, P., Najman, S., Đorđević, L., Savić, V. P., Vukelić, M. Đ., Živanov Čurlis, J. Z., Ignjatović, N.,& Uskoković, D.. (2009). Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold. in Hemijska industrija
Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 63(4), 301-307.
Vasiljević P, Najman S, Đorđević L, Savić VP, Vukelić MĐ, Živanov Čurlis JZ, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D. Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold. in Hemijska industrija. 2009;63(4):301-307.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND0904301V .
Vasiljević, Perica, Najman, Stevo, Đorđević, Ljubiša, Savić, Vojin P., Vukelić, Marija Đ., Živanov Čurlis, Jelena Z., Ignjatović, Nenad, Uskoković, Dragan, "Ectopic osteogenesis and hematopoiesis after implantantion of bone marrow cells seeded on HAP/PLLA scaffold" in Hemijska industrija, 63, no. 4 (2009):301-307, ., .

Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model

Janićijević, Jelena M.; Najman, Stevo; Ignjatović, Nenad; Savić, Vojin P.; Kocić, Jelena S.; Vasiljević, Perica; Vukelić, Marija Đ.; Uskoković, Dragan

(Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia, 2008)

AU  - Janićijević, Jelena M.
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Savić, Vojin P.
AU  - Kocić, Jelena S.
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Vukelić, Marija Đ.
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2008
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The need for bone graft materials in osteoreparation is tremendous. Many researches have shown that calcium-phosphate bioceramics have good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity. We used nanocomposite biomaterial calcium phosphate coated with poly (dl-lactide-co-glycolide) or N-CP/DLPLG. The goal of this investigation was to examine weather N-CP/DLPLG has ability to sustain growth of bone marrow cells after subcutaneous implantation in Balb/c mice. For that purpose N-CP/DLPLG implants with and without bone marrow cells (control) were made. Implants were extracted after eight days and eight weeks. In implants loaded with bone marrow cells after eight days and eight weeks we observed fields rich in cells, angiogenesis and collagen genesis. These results showed that N-CP/DLPLG has property of tissue scaffold which sustain bone marrow cells growth and collagen production. This represents a good way for further examination of N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue scaffold in osteoreparation.
PB  - Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T2  - Hemijska industrija
T1  - Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model
SP  - 205
EP  - 210
VL  - 62
IS  - 3
DO  - 10.2298/HEMIND0803205J
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janićijević, Jelena M. and Najman, Stevo and Ignjatović, Nenad and Savić, Vojin P. and Kocić, Jelena S. and Vasiljević, Perica and Vukelić, Marija Đ. and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2008",
abstract = "The need for bone graft materials in osteoreparation is tremendous. Many researches have shown that calcium-phosphate bioceramics have good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity. We used nanocomposite biomaterial calcium phosphate coated with poly (dl-lactide-co-glycolide) or N-CP/DLPLG. The goal of this investigation was to examine weather N-CP/DLPLG has ability to sustain growth of bone marrow cells after subcutaneous implantation in Balb/c mice. For that purpose N-CP/DLPLG implants with and without bone marrow cells (control) were made. Implants were extracted after eight days and eight weeks. In implants loaded with bone marrow cells after eight days and eight weeks we observed fields rich in cells, angiogenesis and collagen genesis. These results showed that N-CP/DLPLG has property of tissue scaffold which sustain bone marrow cells growth and collagen production. This represents a good way for further examination of N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue scaffold in osteoreparation.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia",
journal = "Hemijska industrija, Hemijska industrija",
title = "Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model",
pages = "205-210",
volume = "62",
number = "3",
doi = "10.2298/HEMIND0803205J",
url = ""
Janićijević, J. M., Najman, S., Ignjatović, N., Savić, V. P., Kocić, J. S., Vasiljević, P., Vukelić, M. Đ.,& Uskoković, D.. (2008). Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model. in Hemijska industrija
Belgrade : Association of the Chemical Engineers of Serbia., 62(3), 205-210.
Janićijević JM, Najman S, Ignjatović N, Savić VP, Kocić JS, Vasiljević P, Vukelić MĐ, Uskoković D. Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model. in Hemijska industrija. 2008;62(3):205-210.
doi:10.2298/HEMIND0803205J .
Janićijević, Jelena M., Najman, Stevo, Ignjatović, Nenad, Savić, Vojin P., Kocić, Jelena S., Vasiljević, Perica, Vukelić, Marija Đ., Uskoković, Dragan, "Nanomaterial N-CP/DLPLG as potentional tissue graft in osteoreparation in combination with bone marrow cells on subcutaneous implantation model" in Hemijska industrija, 62, no. 3 (2008):205-210, ., .

Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells

Janićijević, Jelena; Najman, Stevo; Vukelić, Marija; Ignjatović, Nenad; Uskoković, Dragan; Đorđević, Ljubiša; Vasiljević, Perica

(Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA, 2007)

AU  - Janićijević, Jelena
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Vukelić, Marija
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
AU  - Đorđević, Ljubiša
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
PY  - 2007
UR  - 181
UR  -
AB  - Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is biomaterial widely used in the regeneration of bone tissue.
Addition of osteogenic cells to HAp implants may accelerate the bone repair process. The aim of
this study was to investigate how the bone marrow cells (BMCs) loading of porous
hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide (HAp/PLLA) act to ectopic osteogenesis. In this purpose
HAp/PLLA with and without BMCs was subcutaneously implanted into BALB/c mice. As a
control served implants from both types which weren’t implanted. Three weeks after
implantation, histological analysis of implants was done. It was observed significant resorption
and induction of collagenogenesis in implanted biomaterials. The structure of new bone was
seen in implants loaded with bone marrow cells.
PB  - Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA
C3  - Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Ninth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, September 10-14, 2007
T1  - Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells
SP  - 181
EP  - 181
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janićijević, Jelena and Najman, Stevo and Vukelić, Marija and Ignjatović, Nenad and Uskoković, Dragan and Đorđević, Ljubiša and Vasiljević, Perica",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is biomaterial widely used in the regeneration of bone tissue.
Addition of osteogenic cells to HAp implants may accelerate the bone repair process. The aim of
this study was to investigate how the bone marrow cells (BMCs) loading of porous
hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide (HAp/PLLA) act to ectopic osteogenesis. In this purpose
HAp/PLLA with and without BMCs was subcutaneously implanted into BALB/c mice. As a
control served implants from both types which weren’t implanted. Three weeks after
implantation, histological analysis of implants was done. It was observed significant resorption
and induction of collagenogenesis in implanted biomaterials. The structure of new bone was
seen in implants loaded with bone marrow cells.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA",
journal = "Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Ninth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, September 10-14, 2007",
title = "Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells",
pages = "181-181",
url = ""
Janićijević, J., Najman, S., Vukelić, M., Ignjatović, N., Uskoković, D., Đorđević, L.,& Vasiljević, P.. (2007). Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells. in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Ninth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, September 10-14, 2007
Belgrade : Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA., 181-181.
Janićijević J, Najman S, Vukelić M, Ignjatović N, Uskoković D, Đorđević L, Vasiljević P. Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells. in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Ninth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, September 10-14, 2007. 2007;:181-181. .
Janićijević, Jelena, Najman, Stevo, Vukelić, Marija, Ignjatović, Nenad, Uskoković, Dragan, Đorđević, Ljubiša, Vasiljević, Perica, "Osteogenic activity in a mice subcutaneous implant of porous hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide loaded with bone marrow cells" in Programme and The Book of Abstracts / Ninth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2007, Herceg Novi, September 10-14, 2007 (2007):181-181, .

Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije

Janićijević, Jelena; Najman, Stevo; Ignjatović, Nenad; Savić, Vojin; Kocić, Jelena; Vasiljević, Perica; Uskoković, Dragan

(Beograd : Institut tehničkih nauka SANU, 2007)

AU  - Janićijević, Jelena
AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Savić, Vojin
AU  - Kocić, Jelena
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2007
UR  -
AB  - Ispitivan je nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica za reparaciju kosti pri korišćenju kostne srži kao izvora osteogenih ćelija na modelu subkutane implantacije singenim miševima Balb/c. Implanti su napravljeni od nanomaterijala mešanjem sa razblaženom krvlju i kostnom srži, a ekstrahovani su nakon osam dana i osam nedelja. Implanti bez kostne srži su bili kontrola. Nakon osam dana se na periferiji implanta vide gusta polja sa ćelijama, a u materijalu se vidi lakunarna organizacija sa prisustvom ćelija. Uočljiva je vaskularizacija i registrovan je kolagen. Na kontrolnim implantima je celularnost vrlo slaba. Posle osam nedelja redukovana je površina nanomaterijala i celularnost implanata.
PB  - Beograd : Institut tehničkih nauka SANU
C3  - Program i knjiga apstrakata / Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 24–26. decembar 2007
T1  - Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije
SP  - 5
EP  - 5
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Janićijević, Jelena and Najman, Stevo and Ignjatović, Nenad and Savić, Vojin and Kocić, Jelena and Vasiljević, Perica and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Ispitivan je nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica za reparaciju kosti pri korišćenju kostne srži kao izvora osteogenih ćelija na modelu subkutane implantacije singenim miševima Balb/c. Implanti su napravljeni od nanomaterijala mešanjem sa razblaženom krvlju i kostnom srži, a ekstrahovani su nakon osam dana i osam nedelja. Implanti bez kostne srži su bili kontrola. Nakon osam dana se na periferiji implanta vide gusta polja sa ćelijama, a u materijalu se vidi lakunarna organizacija sa prisustvom ćelija. Uočljiva je vaskularizacija i registrovan je kolagen. Na kontrolnim implantima je celularnost vrlo slaba. Posle osam nedelja redukovana je površina nanomaterijala i celularnost implanata.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut tehničkih nauka SANU",
journal = "Program i knjiga apstrakata / Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 24–26. decembar 2007",
title = "Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije",
pages = "5-5",
url = ""
Janićijević, J., Najman, S., Ignjatović, N., Savić, V., Kocić, J., Vasiljević, P.,& Uskoković, D.. (2007). Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije. in Program i knjiga apstrakata / Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 24–26. decembar 2007
Beograd : Institut tehničkih nauka SANU., 5-5.
Janićijević J, Najman S, Ignjatović N, Savić V, Kocić J, Vasiljević P, Uskoković D. Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije. in Program i knjiga apstrakata / Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 24–26. decembar 2007. 2007;:5-5. .
Janićijević, Jelena, Najman, Stevo, Ignjatović, Nenad, Savić, Vojin, Kocić, Jelena, Vasiljević, Perica, Uskoković, Dragan, "Nanomaterijal N-CP/PLGLP kao potencijalna tkivna matrica u osteoreparaciji pomoću kostne srži na modelu subkutane implantacije" in Program i knjiga apstrakata / Šesta konferencija mladih istraživača Nauka i inženjerstvo novih materijala, Beograd, 24–26. decembar 2007 (2007):5-5, .

Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant

Najman, Stevo; Đorđević, Ljubiša; Savić, Vojin; Ignjatović, Nenad; Miljković, Miroslav; Vasiljević, Perica; Uskoković, Dragan

(Niš : University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, 2005)

AU  - Najman, Stevo
AU  - Đorđević, Ljubiša
AU  - Savić, Vojin
AU  - Ignjatović, Nenad
AU  - Miljković, Miroslav
AU  - Vasiljević, Perica
AU  - Uskoković, Dragan
PY  - 2005
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Siloxane polimers have been widely used in biomedicine and pharmacy due to their biocompatibility. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a natural constituent of bones, and therefore widely used in maxillofacial and orthopedic surgery. HAp itself is amorphous and without elasticity, so its characteristics can be improved when combined with organic polymers. We evaluated the interaction of cells and composites made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and HAp by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 10 days after their intraperitoneal implantation into Balb/c mice. Two composites which were different in the quantity of HAp were analyzed. Both of them showed high adhesive characteristics for different cell types. The erythrocytes in cell clusters could be seen on the surface of the composite with higher quantity of HAp.
AB  - Siloksanski polimeri široko se koriste u biomedicini i farmaciji. Hidroksiapatit (HAp) je prirodni konstituent kosti i zato je u širokoj upotrebi u maksilofacijalnoj i ortopedskoj hirurgiji. Sam HAp je amorfan i nema elastičnosti, pa se njegove osobine poboljšavaju kombinovanjem sa polimerima. Ispitivali smo interakciju ćelija i kompozita izrađenog od polidimetilsiloksana (PDMS) i HAp-a skening elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM) 10 dana posle intraperitonealne implantacije ovih materijala u Balb/c miševe. Analizirana su dva kompozita koji se razlikuju u količini HAp-a. Oba se karakterišu visokom adhezivnošću za različite tipove ćelija. Eritrociti se vide u ćelijskim klasterima na površini kompozita sa većom količinom HAp-a.
PB  - Niš : University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine
T2  - Acta medica Medianae
T1  - Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant
T1  - Ćelijski odgovor na intraperitonealni implant kompozita pdms/HAp
SP  - 5
EP  - 8
VL  - 44
IS  - 3
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Najman, Stevo and Đorđević, Ljubiša and Savić, Vojin and Ignjatović, Nenad and Miljković, Miroslav and Vasiljević, Perica and Uskoković, Dragan",
year = "2005",
abstract = "Siloxane polimers have been widely used in biomedicine and pharmacy due to their biocompatibility. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a natural constituent of bones, and therefore widely used in maxillofacial and orthopedic surgery. HAp itself is amorphous and without elasticity, so its characteristics can be improved when combined with organic polymers. We evaluated the interaction of cells and composites made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and HAp by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 10 days after their intraperitoneal implantation into Balb/c mice. Two composites which were different in the quantity of HAp were analyzed. Both of them showed high adhesive characteristics for different cell types. The erythrocytes in cell clusters could be seen on the surface of the composite with higher quantity of HAp., Siloksanski polimeri široko se koriste u biomedicini i farmaciji. Hidroksiapatit (HAp) je prirodni konstituent kosti i zato je u širokoj upotrebi u maksilofacijalnoj i ortopedskoj hirurgiji. Sam HAp je amorfan i nema elastičnosti, pa se njegove osobine poboljšavaju kombinovanjem sa polimerima. Ispitivali smo interakciju ćelija i kompozita izrađenog od polidimetilsiloksana (PDMS) i HAp-a skening elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM) 10 dana posle intraperitonealne implantacije ovih materijala u Balb/c miševe. Analizirana su dva kompozita koji se razlikuju u količini HAp-a. Oba se karakterišu visokom adhezivnošću za različite tipove ćelija. Eritrociti se vide u ćelijskim klasterima na površini kompozita sa većom količinom HAp-a.",
publisher = "Niš : University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine",
journal = "Acta medica Medianae",
title = "Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant, Ćelijski odgovor na intraperitonealni implant kompozita pdms/HAp",
pages = "5-8",
volume = "44",
number = "3",
url = ""
Najman, S., Đorđević, L., Savić, V., Ignjatović, N., Miljković, M., Vasiljević, P.,& Uskoković, D.. (2005). Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant. in Acta medica Medianae
Niš : University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine., 44(3), 5-8.
Najman S, Đorđević L, Savić V, Ignjatović N, Miljković M, Vasiljević P, Uskoković D. Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant. in Acta medica Medianae. 2005;44(3):5-8. .
Najman, Stevo, Đorđević, Ljubiša, Savić, Vojin, Ignjatović, Nenad, Miljković, Miroslav, Vasiljević, Perica, Uskoković, Dragan, "Cell response to intraperitoneal pdms/HAp composite implant" in Acta medica Medianae, 44, no. 3 (2005):5-8, .