Matijašević, Srđan

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  • Matijašević, Srđan (7)

Author's Bibliography

Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer

Labus, Nebojsa; Krstić, Jugoslav; Matijašević, Srđan; Pavlović, Vladimir

(Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society, 2023)

AU  - Labus, Nebojsa
AU  - Krstić, Jugoslav
AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Pavlović, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Powder mixture consisted of ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) and Fe2O3 blended powders, was found laminating during compaction. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and a combination of PVA with polyethylene glycol (PEG) added as a plasticizer, were introduced as polymer binders to improve the compaction of oxide mixtures. It has been done by forming a suspension of oxide mixture and varying the polymer solution concentration and composition. By evaporating the solvent, new materials were obtained, which consist of oxide particles bound via polymer. In such a manner obtained hybrid materials were characterized with attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The oxide polymer material was compacted at 200 MPa and the expansion of this compact during heating was monitored in temperature range up to 550ºC with dilatometer. It was found that PVA forms graft polymer with PEG and specific interaction with oxide particles surface was revealed.
AB  - Смеша прахова састављена од ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) и Fe2O3 комбинацијепрахова је показивала ламинацију током пресовања. Поливинил алкохол (PVA) икомбинација PVA са полиетилен гликолом (PEG) који је додат као пластификатор, сууведени као полимерно везиво за пресовање оксидних прахова. Везиво је уведено такошто је формирана суспензија смеше различитих оксида прахова у полимерномраствору. Концентрације полимера и састави су варирани. Уклањањем растварачадобијени су нови материјали који се састоје од честица оксида повезаних полимерима.Ови хибридни материјали окарактерисани су методама ометене тоталне рефлексијефурије трансформисане инфрацрвене спектроскопије (ATR-FTIR) као идиференцијалне термичке анализе (DTA). Микроструктура је посматранатрансмисоном електронском микроскопијом (TEM). Оксид-полимер материјали супресовани на притиску од 200 MPa и ширење испреска током грејања је праћено у температурском опсегу од собне до 550ºC употребом дилатометра. Нађено је да PVAформира графт полимер са PEG и да постоји специфична интеракција полимера саповршином честица оксида.
PB  - Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer
SP  - 189
EP  - 2023
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.2298/SOS220828005L
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Labus, Nebojsa and Krstić, Jugoslav and Matijašević, Srđan and Pavlović, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Powder mixture consisted of ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) and Fe2O3 blended powders, was found laminating during compaction. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and a combination of PVA with polyethylene glycol (PEG) added as a plasticizer, were introduced as polymer binders to improve the compaction of oxide mixtures. It has been done by forming a suspension of oxide mixture and varying the polymer solution concentration and composition. By evaporating the solvent, new materials were obtained, which consist of oxide particles bound via polymer. In such a manner obtained hybrid materials were characterized with attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The oxide polymer material was compacted at 200 MPa and the expansion of this compact during heating was monitored in temperature range up to 550ºC with dilatometer. It was found that PVA forms graft polymer with PEG and specific interaction with oxide particles surface was revealed., Смеша прахова састављена од ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) и Fe2O3 комбинацијепрахова је показивала ламинацију током пресовања. Поливинил алкохол (PVA) икомбинација PVA са полиетилен гликолом (PEG) који је додат као пластификатор, сууведени као полимерно везиво за пресовање оксидних прахова. Везиво је уведено такошто је формирана суспензија смеше различитих оксида прахова у полимерномраствору. Концентрације полимера и састави су варирани. Уклањањем растварачадобијени су нови материјали који се састоје од честица оксида повезаних полимерима.Ови хибридни материјали окарактерисани су методама ометене тоталне рефлексијефурије трансформисане инфрацрвене спектроскопије (ATR-FTIR) као идиференцијалне термичке анализе (DTA). Микроструктура је посматранатрансмисоном електронском микроскопијом (TEM). Оксид-полимер материјали супресовани на притиску од 200 MPa и ширење испреска током грејања је праћено у температурском опсегу од собне до 550ºC употребом дилатометра. Нађено је да PVAформира графт полимер са PEG и да постоји специфична интеракција полимера саповршином честица оксида.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer",
pages = "189-2023",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.2298/SOS220828005L",
url = ""
Labus, N., Krstić, J., Matijašević, S.,& Pavlović, V.. (2023). Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer. in Science of Sintering
Belgrade : Association for ETRAN Society., 55, 189-2023.
Labus N, Krstić J, Matijašević S, Pavlović V. Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer. in Science of Sintering. 2023;55:189-2023.
doi:10.2298/SOS220828005L .
Labus, Nebojsa, Krstić, Jugoslav, Matijašević, Srđan, Pavlović, Vladimir, "Oxide Powder Mixture with Poly-vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and added Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as Plasticizer" in Science of Sintering, 55 (2023):189-2023, ., .

Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer

Labus, Nebojša; Krstić, Jugoslav; Matijašević, Srđan; Pavlović, Vladimir B.

(Belgrade : ETRAN, 2023)

AU  - Labus, Nebojša
AU  - Krstić, Jugoslav
AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Pavlović, Vladimir B.
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Powder mixture consisted of ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) and Fe2O3 blended powders, was found laminating during compaction. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and a combination of PVA with polyethylene glycol (PEG) added as a plasticizer, were introduced as polymer binders to improve the compaction of oxide mixtures. It has been done by forming a suspension of oxide mixture and varying the polymer solution concentration and composition. By evaporating the solvent, new materials were obtained, which consist of oxide particles bound via polymer. In such a manner obtained hybrid materials were characterized with attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The oxide polymer material was compacted at 200 MPa and the expansion of this compact during heating was monitored in temperature range up to 550 ºC with dilatometer. It was found that PVA forms graft polymer with PEG and specific interaction with oxide particles surface was revealed.
PB  - Belgrade : ETRAN
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Labus, Nebojša and Krstić, Jugoslav and Matijašević, Srđan and Pavlović, Vladimir B.",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Powder mixture consisted of ZnO, Mn2O3 (MnCO3) and Fe2O3 blended powders, was found laminating during compaction. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and a combination of PVA with polyethylene glycol (PEG) added as a plasticizer, were introduced as polymer binders to improve the compaction of oxide mixtures. It has been done by forming a suspension of oxide mixture and varying the polymer solution concentration and composition. By evaporating the solvent, new materials were obtained, which consist of oxide particles bound via polymer. In such a manner obtained hybrid materials were characterized with attenuated total reflection Fourier transformed infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The oxide polymer material was compacted at 200 MPa and the expansion of this compact during heating was monitored in temperature range up to 550 ºC with dilatometer. It was found that PVA forms graft polymer with PEG and specific interaction with oxide particles surface was revealed.",
publisher = "Belgrade : ETRAN",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer",
url = ""
Labus, N., Krstić, J., Matijašević, S.,& Pavlović, V. B.. (2023). Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer. in Science of Sintering
Belgrade : ETRAN..
Labus N, Krstić J, Matijašević S, Pavlović VB. Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer. in Science of Sintering. 2023;. .
Labus, Nebojša, Krstić, Jugoslav, Matijašević, Srđan, Pavlović, Vladimir B., "Oxide powder mixture with poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) and added polyethylene glycol (PEG) as plasticizer" in Science of Sintering (2023), .

Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution

Labus, Nebojša; Marković, Smilja; Nikolić, Maria Vesna; Rosić, Milena; Matijašević, Srđan

(Belgrade : ETRAN Society, 2022)

AU  - Labus, Nebojša
AU  - Marković, Smilja
AU  - Nikolić, Maria Vesna
AU  - Rosić, Milena
AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Sintering and phase transition are often superimposed at dimensional change diagram recorded during heating. Phase transition kinetic is thus hard to deconvolute due to the superposition of the sintering and phase transition dimensional change phenomena. Metastabile perovskite phase ZnTiO3has transition to stabile spinel Zn2TiO4which occurs at 945oC with high kinetic rate. Nano powder with 40 nm particle diameter was pressed uniaxially at 200 MPa pressure without binder to form compact that will be consequently sintered. Dimensional change during heating was monitored using dilatometric thermo-mechanical analyzer TMA model SETSYS Evolution. Lever`s rule was used to calculate amount of the emerging phase during phase transition. The compacted specimens were treated on the nonisothermal schedule up to 1050oC.Sintering phenomenon of the ZnTiO3 nanopowder compact was also recorded up to 900oCwith isothermal holding of 25 minutes where phase transition was avoided due to lower temperature and isothermal holding. Second run heating of the obtained sintered specimens were recorded with the heating schedule of non-isothermal heating up to 1050oC. Kinetic of the phase transition was obtained from dilatograms recorded during sintering and from bulk on the second run heating. Furthermore, phase transition kinetics was obtained by subsequent data subtraction of the sintering curves without phase transition from the dilatation sintering curves containing phase transition. In such a manner complex kinetics of phenomena such as sintering, linear expansion and phase transition recorded as dimensional change during heating brings the recognition of their mutual interconnected relations. Also application of these mathematical operations on dilatometric data leads to the established procedure for the sintering and phase transition data treatment.
PB  - Belgrade : ETRAN Society
PB  - Belgrade : Academic Mind
C3  - Зборник радова / IX међународне конференције ИцЕТРАН и LXVI конференције ЕТРАН, Нови Пазар 6-9. јуна 2022. године = Proceedings / IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 6-9, June, 2022
T1  - Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution
SP  - 479
EP  - 486
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Labus, Nebojša and Marković, Smilja and Nikolić, Maria Vesna and Rosić, Milena and Matijašević, Srđan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Sintering and phase transition are often superimposed at dimensional change diagram recorded during heating. Phase transition kinetic is thus hard to deconvolute due to the superposition of the sintering and phase transition dimensional change phenomena. Metastabile perovskite phase ZnTiO3has transition to stabile spinel Zn2TiO4which occurs at 945oC with high kinetic rate. Nano powder with 40 nm particle diameter was pressed uniaxially at 200 MPa pressure without binder to form compact that will be consequently sintered. Dimensional change during heating was monitored using dilatometric thermo-mechanical analyzer TMA model SETSYS Evolution. Lever`s rule was used to calculate amount of the emerging phase during phase transition. The compacted specimens were treated on the nonisothermal schedule up to 1050oC.Sintering phenomenon of the ZnTiO3 nanopowder compact was also recorded up to 900oCwith isothermal holding of 25 minutes where phase transition was avoided due to lower temperature and isothermal holding. Second run heating of the obtained sintered specimens were recorded with the heating schedule of non-isothermal heating up to 1050oC. Kinetic of the phase transition was obtained from dilatograms recorded during sintering and from bulk on the second run heating. Furthermore, phase transition kinetics was obtained by subsequent data subtraction of the sintering curves without phase transition from the dilatation sintering curves containing phase transition. In such a manner complex kinetics of phenomena such as sintering, linear expansion and phase transition recorded as dimensional change during heating brings the recognition of their mutual interconnected relations. Also application of these mathematical operations on dilatometric data leads to the established procedure for the sintering and phase transition data treatment.",
publisher = "Belgrade : ETRAN Society, Belgrade : Academic Mind",
journal = "Зборник радова / IX међународне конференције ИцЕТРАН и LXVI конференције ЕТРАН, Нови Пазар 6-9. јуна 2022. године = Proceedings / IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 6-9, June, 2022",
title = "Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution",
pages = "479-486",
url = ""
Labus, N., Marković, S., Nikolić, M. V., Rosić, M.,& Matijašević, S.. (2022). Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution. in Зборник радова / IX међународне конференције ИцЕТРАН и LXVI конференције ЕТРАН, Нови Пазар 6-9. јуна 2022. године = Proceedings / IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 6-9, June, 2022
Belgrade : ETRAN Society., 479-486.
Labus N, Marković S, Nikolić MV, Rosić M, Matijašević S. Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution. in Зборник радова / IX међународне конференције ИцЕТРАН и LXVI конференције ЕТРАН, Нови Пазар 6-9. јуна 2022. године = Proceedings / IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 6-9, June, 2022. 2022;:479-486. .
Labus, Nebojša, Marković, Smilja, Nikolić, Maria Vesna, Rosić, Milena, Matijašević, Srđan, "Sintering and Phase Transition of the ZnTiO3 Nano Powder Dilatometric Data Deconvolution" in Зборник радова / IX међународне конференције ИцЕТРАН и LXVI конференције ЕТРАН, Нови Пазар 6-9. јуна 2022. године = Proceedings / IX International Conference IcETRAN and LXVI ETRAN Conference, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 6-9, June, 2022 (2022):479-486, .

The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]

Matijašević, Srđan; Topalović, Vladimir; Savić, Veljko; Labus, Nebojša; Nikolić, Jelena D.; Zildžović, Snežana; Grujić, Snežana

(Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society, 2022)

AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Topalović, Vladimir
AU  - Savić, Veljko
AU  - Labus, Nebojša
AU  - Nikolić, Jelena D.
AU  - Zildžović, Snežana
AU  - Grujić, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The crystal growth rate of lithium germanium-phosphate glass was studied. The glasses have been homogenized using the previously established temperature-time conditions, which make it possible to remove a volatile substances from the glass melt. The AAS was used to determine the chemical content of obtained glass, the differential thermal analysis (DTA), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to reveal the isothermal process of crystal growth, respectively. It has been found that the experimental determined crystal growth rate has a tendency toward of exponentially increase with an increase the temperature.
PB  - Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society
C3  - Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application X New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 26-27. September 2022.
T1  - The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]
SP  - 42
EP  - 42
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matijašević, Srđan and Topalović, Vladimir and Savić, Veljko and Labus, Nebojša and Nikolić, Jelena D. and Zildžović, Snežana and Grujić, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The crystal growth rate of lithium germanium-phosphate glass was studied. The glasses have been homogenized using the previously established temperature-time conditions, which make it possible to remove a volatile substances from the glass melt. The AAS was used to determine the chemical content of obtained glass, the differential thermal analysis (DTA), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to reveal the isothermal process of crystal growth, respectively. It has been found that the experimental determined crystal growth rate has a tendency toward of exponentially increase with an increase the temperature.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society",
journal = "Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application X New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 26-27. September 2022.",
title = "The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]",
pages = "42-42",
url = ""
Matijašević, S., Topalović, V., Savić, V., Labus, N., Nikolić, J. D., Zildžović, S.,& Grujić, S.. (2022). The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]. in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application X New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 26-27. September 2022.
Belgrade : Serbian Ceramic Society., 42-42.
Matijašević S, Topalović V, Savić V, Labus N, Nikolić JD, Zildžović S, Grujić S. The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]. in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application X New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 26-27. September 2022.. 2022;:42-42. .
Matijašević, Srđan, Topalović, Vladimir, Savić, Veljko, Labus, Nebojša, Nikolić, Jelena D., Zildžović, Snežana, Grujić, Snežana, "The analysis of the crystal growth process of the lithium germanium phosphate glass : [invited presentation]" in Program and the Book of abstracts / Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application X New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Serbia, Belgrade, 26-27. September 2022. (2022):42-42, .

The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass

Matijašević, Srđan; Grujić, Snežana; Nikolić, Jelena; Topalović, Vladimir; Savić, Veljko; Zildžović, Snežana; Labus, Nebojša


AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Grujić, Snežana
AU  - Nikolić, Jelena
AU  - Topalović, Vladimir
AU  - Savić, Veljko
AU  - Zildžović, Snežana
AU  - Labus, Nebojša
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The nucleation process of lithium germanium-phosphate glass was studied to determine the temperature range of nucleation and the temperature of the maximum nucleation rate. The differential thermal analysis (DTA), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to reveal the nonisothermal and isothermal process of nucleation, respectively. The crystallization process occurred at a high homogeneous nucleation rate and the spherulitic crystal growth morphology. Nanostructured samples were obtained.
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass
SP  - 321
EP  - 334
VL  - 54
IS  - 3
DO  - 10.2298/SOS2203321M
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matijašević, Srđan and Grujić, Snežana and Nikolić, Jelena and Topalović, Vladimir and Savić, Veljko and Zildžović, Snežana and Labus, Nebojša",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The nucleation process of lithium germanium-phosphate glass was studied to determine the temperature range of nucleation and the temperature of the maximum nucleation rate. The differential thermal analysis (DTA), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used to reveal the nonisothermal and isothermal process of nucleation, respectively. The crystallization process occurred at a high homogeneous nucleation rate and the spherulitic crystal growth morphology. Nanostructured samples were obtained.",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass",
pages = "321-334",
volume = "54",
number = "3",
doi = "10.2298/SOS2203321M",
url = ""
Matijašević, S., Grujić, S., Nikolić, J., Topalović, V., Savić, V., Zildžović, S.,& Labus, N.. (2022). The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass. in Science of Sintering, 54(3), 321-334.
Matijašević S, Grujić S, Nikolić J, Topalović V, Savić V, Zildžović S, Labus N. The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass. in Science of Sintering. 2022;54(3):321-334.
doi:10.2298/SOS2203321M .
Matijašević, Srđan, Grujić, Snežana, Nikolić, Jelena, Topalović, Vladimir, Savić, Veljko, Zildžović, Snežana, Labus, Nebojša, "The Analysis of the Nucleation Process of the Lithium Germanium Phosphate Glass" in Science of Sintering, 54, no. 3 (2022):321-334, ., .

The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass

Matijašević, Srđan; Topalović, Vladimir; Grujić, Snežana; Savić, Veljko; Nikolić, Jelena; Labus, Nebojša; Zildžović, Snežana

(Belgrade : ETRAN, 2021)

AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Topalović, Vladimir
AU  - Grujić, Snežana
AU  - Savić, Veljko
AU  - Nikolić, Jelena
AU  - Labus, Nebojša
AU  - Zildžović, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The selected lithium germanium-phosphate glass was prepared by a conventional melt-quenching technique. The XRD method was employed to confirm the glass was obtained and to reveal crystalline phases during heat treatment. The dilatometry (DIL), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to determine the characteristic temperatures and enthalpies of crystallization and melting of the crystalline phase. The DTA and DIL were used to obtain the viscosity curves by applying the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) equation.
PB  - Belgrade : ETRAN
T2  - Science of Sintering
T1  - The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass
SP  - 301
EP  - 310
VL  - 53
IS  - 3
DO  - 10.2298/SOS2103301M
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matijašević, Srđan and Topalović, Vladimir and Grujić, Snežana and Savić, Veljko and Nikolić, Jelena and Labus, Nebojša and Zildžović, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The selected lithium germanium-phosphate glass was prepared by a conventional melt-quenching technique. The XRD method was employed to confirm the glass was obtained and to reveal crystalline phases during heat treatment. The dilatometry (DIL), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to determine the characteristic temperatures and enthalpies of crystallization and melting of the crystalline phase. The DTA and DIL were used to obtain the viscosity curves by applying the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) equation.",
publisher = "Belgrade : ETRAN",
journal = "Science of Sintering",
title = "The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass",
pages = "301-310",
volume = "53",
number = "3",
doi = "10.2298/SOS2103301M",
url = ""
Matijašević, S., Topalović, V., Grujić, S., Savić, V., Nikolić, J., Labus, N.,& Zildžović, S.. (2021). The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass. in Science of Sintering
Belgrade : ETRAN., 53(3), 301-310.
Matijašević S, Topalović V, Grujić S, Savić V, Nikolić J, Labus N, Zildžović S. The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass. in Science of Sintering. 2021;53(3):301-310.
doi:10.2298/SOS2103301M .
Matijašević, Srđan, Topalović, Vladimir, Grujić, Snežana, Savić, Veljko, Nikolić, Jelena, Labus, Nebojša, Zildžović, Snežana, "The thermophysical properties of primary phase in lithium germanium phosphate glass" in Science of Sintering, 53, no. 3 (2021):301-310, ., .

Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima

Matijašević, Srđan; Zildžović, Snežana; Stojanović, Jovica; Đošić, Marija; Nikolić, Jelena; Stojanović, Mirjana; Labus, Nebojša


AU  - Matijašević, Srđan
AU  - Zildžović, Snežana
AU  - Stojanović, Jovica
AU  - Đošić, Marija
AU  - Nikolić, Jelena
AU  - Stojanović, Mirjana
AU  - Labus, Nebojša
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Cilj ovog rada je prikaz mogućnosti primene prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolitskog minerala kao adsorbenta i materijala za sanaciju voda kontaminiranih uranijum jonom. Modifikovani uzorci zeolita dobijeni su tretiranjem prirodnog zeolita - klinoptilolita sa kiselinama: hlorovodoničnom, oksalnom i limunskom. Polazni i modifikovani zeoliti su okarakterisani hemijskom analizom, skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), rendgenskom analizom (XRPD), IC spektroskopijom, termičkom (TG/DTA) analizom i određivanjem kapaciteta katjonske izmene, a polazne i neadsorbovane količine uranijum jona su određene fluorimetrijski. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni da se ispita uticaj odnosa čvrsto/tečno, pH i vremena na adsorpciju uranijum jona na zeolitu. Utvrđeno je da tretman sa kiselinama zeolita povećava adsorpciju uranijum jona. Najviši indeks adsorpcije imao je uzorak zeolita modifikovan sa hlorovodoničnom kiselinom. Dobijeni rezultati adsorpcije na H-zeolitu su izračunati prema Langmirovom modelu.

Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057
Razvoj stakala sa kontrolisanim otpuštanjem jona za primenu u poljoprivredi i medicini (MPNTR - 34001)
AB  - The objective of this study was the review of natural zeolite, modified with acid, as a candidate material for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by uranium(VI). The modified zeolite samples were obtained by treatment of natural zeolite - clinoptilolite with acids: hydrochloric, oxalyc and citric. Starting and modified zeolites were characterized by chemical analysis, SEM, XRPD analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermal (TG/DT) analysis and by determination of cation exchange capacity, while starting and nonadsorbed amounts of uranium(VI) ion were determined by fluorometric method. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of solid/liquid ratio, pH and time on the U(VI) uptake by zeolite. Modification of zeolitic tuff with acids significantly increased adsorption of uranium(VI). The highest adsorption of uranium(VI) ion was achieved on clinoptilolite modified with hydrochloric acid. Uranium(VI) adsorption data for zeolite modified with hydrochloric acid was fitted to the Langmuir model.

Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057
The development of glasses with controlled ions release for application in agriculture and medicine (MESTD - 34001)
T2  - Zaštita materijala
T1  - Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima
SP  - 551
EP  - 558
VL  - 57
IS  - 4
DO  - 10.5937/ZasMat1604551M
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matijašević, Srđan and Zildžović, Snežana and Stojanović, Jovica and Đošić, Marija and Nikolić, Jelena and Stojanović, Mirjana and Labus, Nebojša",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Cilj ovog rada je prikaz mogućnosti primene prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolitskog minerala kao adsorbenta i materijala za sanaciju voda kontaminiranih uranijum jonom. Modifikovani uzorci zeolita dobijeni su tretiranjem prirodnog zeolita - klinoptilolita sa kiselinama: hlorovodoničnom, oksalnom i limunskom. Polazni i modifikovani zeoliti su okarakterisani hemijskom analizom, skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), rendgenskom analizom (XRPD), IC spektroskopijom, termičkom (TG/DTA) analizom i određivanjem kapaciteta katjonske izmene, a polazne i neadsorbovane količine uranijum jona su određene fluorimetrijski. Eksperimenti su sprovedeni da se ispita uticaj odnosa čvrsto/tečno, pH i vremena na adsorpciju uranijum jona na zeolitu. Utvrđeno je da tretman sa kiselinama zeolita povećava adsorpciju uranijum jona. Najviši indeks adsorpcije imao je uzorak zeolita modifikovan sa hlorovodoničnom kiselinom. Dobijeni rezultati adsorpcije na H-zeolitu su izračunati prema Langmirovom modelu.

Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057
Razvoj stakala sa kontrolisanim otpuštanjem jona za primenu u poljoprivredi i medicini (MPNTR - 34001), The objective of this study was the review of natural zeolite, modified with acid, as a candidate material for the remediation of groundwater contaminated by uranium(VI). The modified zeolite samples were obtained by treatment of natural zeolite - clinoptilolite with acids: hydrochloric, oxalyc and citric. Starting and modified zeolites were characterized by chemical analysis, SEM, XRPD analysis, IR spectroscopy, thermal (TG/DT) analysis and by determination of cation exchange capacity, while starting and nonadsorbed amounts of uranium(VI) ion were determined by fluorometric method. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of solid/liquid ratio, pH and time on the U(VI) uptake by zeolite. Modification of zeolitic tuff with acids significantly increased adsorption of uranium(VI). The highest adsorption of uranium(VI) ion was achieved on clinoptilolite modified with hydrochloric acid. Uranium(VI) adsorption data for zeolite modified with hydrochloric acid was fitted to the Langmuir model.

Projekat MPNTR, br. 142057
The development of glasses with controlled ions release for application in agriculture and medicine (MESTD - 34001)",
journal = "Zaštita materijala",
title = "Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima",
pages = "551-558",
volume = "57",
number = "4",
doi = "10.5937/ZasMat1604551M",
url = ""
Matijašević, S., Zildžović, S., Stojanović, J., Đošić, M., Nikolić, J., Stojanović, M.,& Labus, N.. (2016). Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima. in Zaštita materijala, 57(4), 551-558.
Matijašević S, Zildžović S, Stojanović J, Đošić M, Nikolić J, Stojanović M, Labus N. Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima. in Zaštita materijala. 2016;57(4):551-558.
doi:10.5937/ZasMat1604551M .
Matijašević, Srđan, Zildžović, Snežana, Stojanović, Jovica, Đošić, Marija, Nikolić, Jelena, Stojanović, Mirjana, Labus, Nebojša, "Uklanjanje uranil-jona iz rastvora kiselo tretiranim zeolitima" in Zaštita materijala, 57, no. 4 (2016):551-558, ., .