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The application of pesticides in forestry

dc.creatorТабаковић-Тошић, Мара
dc.description.abstractУпотреба пестицида у шумарству Републике Србије врло је комплексна, захтевна и суочена са низом ограничавајућих факто- ра. Иако су шумски екосистеми по својој структури најсложенији, иако су у њима бројне епифитоције и градације економски штетних организама, катастрофална је чињеница да дозволу за примену у шумарству Републике Србије, има шест активних супстанци са инсектицидним, три са фунгицид- ним и једна са родентицидним деловањем. У промету се налази укупно 29 комерцијалних производа: по 14 инсектицида и хербицида и један роденти- цид. Неприхватљива је чињеница, да у време експанзије и максималне ак- тивности, често крајње деструктивне, низа фитопатогених микроорганизама, посебно гљива, годинама немамо регистрован нити један фунгицид. Следећи проблем је што само један инсектицид, и то за сузбијање губара, може да се користи у објектима за производњу шумског садног материјала. Исти случај је и са заштитом непрерађеног мртвог дрвета. Велики број регистрованих комерцијалних препарата са хербицидним деловањем, а потреба за њиховим коришћењем је врло мала. Узрок оваквог стања је, које није специфично само за подручје Републике Србије, незаинтересованост произвођача и њихових заступника, који сматрају да регистрација, за примену у шумарском сектору, њихових комерцијалних производа, нема економску оправданост. Приступањем процесу сертификације шума, наша земља се опреде- лила за поштовање FSC политике у примени пестицида. Готово сви, до сада регистровани и примењивани пестициди ‒ инсектициди за сузбијање нај- штетнијих градогених врста дефолијатора у шумским екосистемима, налазе се на листи забрањених. За борбу против економски најштетнијих врста ин- секата остала су само четири биолошка препарата на бази Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. кurstaki. У шумарству Републике Србије, још увек се не примењује законска ре- гулатива Европске уније која забрањује једино могућу, апликацију пестицида из ваздуха, па је спровођење репресивних мера сузбијања штетних биотич- ких агенса, немогућа.sr
dc.description.abstractThere is the general tendency, both in abroad and in our country, that the forest management should be sustainable, cost-effective, ecologically acceptable and socially justified, which implies the improvement of the work methods and development of the individual and general responsibility. The Sustainable Forest Management has become the recognizable and widely spread concept of the protection of the different values and services which forests provide to the community. It is the system of management by which the social needs, economic aspects and ecological values of the forest ecosystems are harmonized. In the last decade, there were intensive discussions on the concept of the sustainable forest management, when it comes to both private and public- owned forests, and some instruments, such as the certification of the forests were promoted. Regarding the forestry in the Republic of Serbia, in 2006 two greatest enterprises for the forest management – State Enterprise Srbijašume and State Enterprise Vojvodinašume, decided to apply the certification based on the principles set by Forest Stewards Council – FSC. The factors which disturb the allelopathic relations in the ecosystem can reduce the ecological stability of it, and this stability is much affected by the health condition of the ecosystem and by the potential threats posed by the mass occurrences of the phytopathogenic fungi and harmful insects. The integral protection implies: minimization of the application of pesticides in the cases when the application of them is necessary to reduce the population of harmful agents to the tolerable level; cultivation of the plant species and their varieties or forms, which are resistant and tolerant to the most significant biotic and abiotic adverse agents; application of biological methods in all the cases when it is possible; use of biotechnical preparations and plant extracts; application of genetic engineering; modification of breeding-technical methods in practice; other methods which contribute to the stabilization of forest ecosystems. The application of pesticides in the forestry of the Republic of Serbia is very complex, demanding and faced up with numerous limiting factors. In spite of the fact that the forest ecosystems are most complex regarding the structure, that there are numerous epiphytotics and outbreaks of the economically harmful insects in them, the sad truth is that only six active ingredients with insecticidal, three with fungicidal and one with rodenticidal activity have been granted a license for the application in the forestry of the Republic of Serbia. There are 29 commercial products in the circulation: 14 insecticides and 14 herbicides and one rodenticide. There is the unacceptable fact that in the time of the expansion and the most intense activity of the numerous phytopathogenic microorganisms, which are frequently totally destructible, particularly of the fungi, no fungicide has been registered for many years. The further difficulty is that the above preparations can be beneficial only to the forest stands. Only one insecticide, applied for the control of the gypsy moth, which is present periodically, can be used in the facilities for the production of seeds and forest seedling material. There is the same situation with the unprocessed dead wood – one insecticide is used for the control of the apple bud moth and oak weevil on the oak logs. The additional interesting fact which refers to the pesticide management is a large number of the registered commercial preparations with the herbicidal activity, whereas there is a very small need for the application of them. Such a condition, which is not peculiar only to the territory of the Republic of Serbia, is caused by the lack of the interest of the producers and their representatives, who are of the opinion that the registration for the application in the forestry of their commercial products is not cost-effective. By selecting the process of the forest certification, our country has chosen to respect the FSC policy in the application of the pesticides (“The systems of the management have to promote the development and application of the ecologically acceptable non-chemical methods for the control of the pests and aim at the avoidance of the use of the chemical pesticides; It is necessary to take measures in order to prevent and minimize the outbreaks of the insects, diseases, wildfires and development of the invasive plant species; One of the basic elements of the planning of the plantation management is also the plan for the holistic fight against the adverse biotic factors, which is increasingly based on the prevention and biological control methods, and less and less on the chemical pesticides and fertilizers”.) Almost all pesticides – insecticides for the control of the most harmful outbreaking defoliating species in the forest ecosystems – which have been registered and applied so far, are on the list of the forbidden ones [DECIS 2.5 EC, FUTOCIS EC 2.5, KONFUZIJA and POLUX (active ingredient deltametrin), CORRIDA 48 SC and DIMILIN SC 48 (active ingredient diflubenzuron), GROM (active ingredient lambda-cihalotrin), FASTAC 10–EC and FASTAC FORST (active ingredient alfa-cipermetrin]. In other words, there are only four biological preparations, based on Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki (FORAY 48 B, WORMOX OF, CONDOR OF, D STOP), which can be applied for the control of the economically most harmful insects. The legislation of the European Union prohibits, due to the peculiar environmental conditions, the air-application of the pesticides in the forest ecosystems, which is the only possible way, thereby disabling the application of the validly registered pesticides, so it is impossible to take the repressive measures of the control of the adverse biotic agents.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceКоришћење пестицида у биљној производњи и заштита животне срединеsr
dc.subjectинтегрална заштитаsr
dc.subjectекономски штетни организмиsr
dc.titleПримена пестицида у шумарствуsr
dc.titleThe application of pesticides in forestryen
dcterms.abstractTabaković-Tošić, Mara; Primena pesticida u šumarstvu;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 181. Одељење хемијских и биолошких наука ; књ. 16sr

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