Now showing items 41-60 of 2436

      Application of lexical information in grammar: On the data of Czech verbs [1]
      Are there three variants of the definite article in Macedonian? [1]
      Are we Witnessing a Renesance of the Dialectology? [1]
      Arne Gallis, Beiträge zur Syntax der Richtungsverba in den slavischen Sprachen besonders im Serbokroatischen [1]
      Arne Gallis: Etudes sur la comparaison slave. - Oslo. 1946. [1]
      Arten der lexikalischen regulierung der Kausalität im rahmen des komplexen Satzes [1]
      Arten der lexikalischen regulierung der Kausalität im rahmen des komplexen satzes [1]
      Arto Mustaèoki: Teorija funkcionalânogo sintaksisa. Ot semantičeskih struktur k jazákovám sredstvam, Jazáki slavànskoè kulâturá, Moskva, 2006 [1]
      Aspects of The Semantic Structure of the Text : Conjunctions and Particles as Predicates [1]
      Associative Relations of Serbian Adjectives in the Free Association Verbal Test [1]
      Asyndetic sentences with a concretiser [1]
      Avvakum as az and ja* [1]
      Axiological Dictionary of the Serbian Language – a Proposal for its Compilation [1]
      Belo as both a linguistic and a cultural problem [1]
      Bemerkungen zur Kulturgeschichte Europas [1]
      Bergbauterminologie in alten Serbischen texten [1]
      Between grammar and dictionary: With special reference to Slovene verb [1]
      Bibliografie von Arbeiten zur linguistischen Beschreibung der serbokroatischen Gegenwartssprache [1]
      Bibliographia personalis в журнале јужнословенски филолог [1]
      Bibliographia personalis у часопису Јужнословенски филолог [1]