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Vladimir D. Laskarev’s contribution to the work of the Serbian Geological Society

dc.creatorГанић, Мери
dc.description.abstractVladimir Dimitrievich Laskarev, Serbian geologist of Russian descent, was one of the most signifi cant members of the Serbian Geological Society. In the 1920’s he emigrated from the Soviet Union leaving his professorship at the University of Odessa. He continued his private life and professional work in Belgrade, teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of Belgrade, where he came at the invitation of Jovan Cvijić, who was its Rector at the time, and of Professor Petar Pavlović, who taught at the Faculty of Philosophy. Professor Laskarev was highly appreciated for his knowledge of the Tertiary system prior to his arrival to Belgrade and he immediately started his study of the loess deposits that were poorly understood at the time. His fi rst announcement on loess in Zemun was presented in a meeting of the Serbian Geological Society held on 10 January 1921, when his fellowship was offi cially announced. His later work was a continuation of his focus on Tertiary rocks. In an annual meeting of the Serbian Geological Society held on 10 April 1924 he delivered a lecture titled “On the Congeria beds and their importance for the tectonics of the Belgrade area” (Laskarev, 1932). This lecture was published in detail in the Proceedings compiled as a tribute to Jovan Cvijić but under a diff erent title ”Equivalents of the Upper Sarmatian of Serbia” (Laskarev, 1924). The aforementioned testifi es to the fact that Professor Laskarev used the term Paratethis for the fi rst time in the meeting in April and hence opened a new chapter in the understanding of paleogeoraphic relations worldwide and in local domains. Having realized how important the Serbian Geological Society was for the development of geological sciences in Serbia, Professor Laskarev delivered a signifi cant number of lectures in Society’s meetings concerning topics such as Tertiary and Quaternary in the vicinity of Belgarde, tectonics of Bukulja mountain, Miocene vertebrate fossil fauna, Quaternary beds with Corbicula fl uminalis, which were published in “Comptes rendus des séances de la Société Serbe de géologie” and “Analles Géologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique”. Laskarev contributed with his suggestions and advice to the improvement of the journal “Comptes rendus des séances de la Société Serbe de géologie” and published his works in diff erent languages in order to make them available to a wider geological readership.en
dc.description.abstractПрофесор Владимир Димитријевич Ласкарев (1869‒1954), иако руског порекла, припада плејади српских геолога који су оставили неизбрисив траг у историји Српског геолошког друштва и српској геологији уопште. Као већ познати геолог и професор на Универзитету у Одеси (тадашња Русија, односно Совјетски Савез), стицајем животних околности, постаје избеглица и бежећи од погрома комунистичке власти у Совјетском Савезу, своју каријеру наставља у Београду, на Филозофском и Природно-математичком факултету, Универзитета у Београду. Истовремено постаје и члан Српског геолошког друштва, где својим саопштењима и радовима у Записницима Српског геолошког друштва и Геолошким аналима Балканскога полуострва даје нови печат геолошким истраживањима не само у локалним оквирима, него и у европским и светским. Позната и призната су његова пионирска истраживања на лесу у околини Београда, којима се бавио по доласку у Београд, као и проучавање Паратетиса, опште прихваћеног палеогеографског термина за епиконтинентално море које се током неогена простирало на територији од централне Европе до јужне Русије.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметности : Српско геолошко друштвоsr
dc.sourceВладимир Д. Ласкарев - живот и дело : поводом 150 година од рођењаsr
dc.subjectVladimir D. Laskarevsr
dc.subjectloess in Zemunsr
dc.subjectthe Serbian Geological Societysr
dc.titleДопринос Владимира Д. Ласкарева раду Српског геолошког друштваsr
dc.titleVladimir D. Laskarev’s contribution to the work of the Serbian Geological Societyen
dcterms.abstractGanić, Meri; Doprinos Vladimira D. Laskareva radu Srpskog geološkog društva;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 185. Одељење за математику, физику и гео-науке ; књ. 8sr



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