Приказ резултата 46-65 од 2311

      100 Years Later: Conversations About Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac [1]
      100 година касније: разговори о Мокрањцу [1]
      100 година касније: Разговори о Стевану Стојановићу Мокрањцу [1]
      120-годишњица рођења Јосипа Славенског [1]
      2nd Research Symposium on Social Impact of Making Music 2017, London: Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 8—9 July 2017 [1]
      52. Мокрањчеви дани : Фестивалска руковет [1]
      53. Мокрањчеви дани : Фестивалско сазвежђе [1]
      54th IASA Conference and 4th ICTMD Forum. Istanbul, 11–15 September 2023. [1]
      55. Мокрањчеви дани, 11.09. – 12.09.2021. „Песма нас је одржала, њојзи хвала!“ [1]
      78 RPM at Home: Local Perspectives on the Early Recording Industry, International symposium, Academy of Music, Zagreb and online, 8–11 March 2023 [1]
      A bilingual musical manuscript from the Department of old books of Matica srpska Library (a contribution to Serbian-Greek chanting connections) [1]
      A composer’s inner biography: A sketch for the study of influences in Ljubica Marić’s oeuvre [1]
      A Contribution to Researching Russian-Serbian Connections in Sacral and Court Painting and Architecture through the Opera of Russian Emigrants in Serbia between the World Wars: Examples of Adopting Russian Models [1]
      A Contribution to the Study of Music in Interwar Yugoslavia: Russian Emigrant Periodicals [1]
      A Contribution to the Study of the Romanija's Style of the Singing to the Accompaniment of the Gusle through the Prism of the Guslar Milovan Srdanović [1]
      A critical review of the most important sources on Dimitris Mitropoulos 1896-1960 [1]
      A Critic’s Views by Slavko Osterc [1]
      A few Thesis on Moderate(d) Modernism and Tradition [1]
      A few Thesis on Moderated Modernism and Tradition [1]
      A Long Journey to the Future: On the Modalities of Preserving Tradition through Songs and Dances from the City of Vranje [1]