Now showing items 813-832 of 2311

      Na sledi sledilcem in sopotnikom modernizma Béle Bartóka: Josip Slavenski in Marko Tajčević [1]
      Nagrada 'Stevan Mokranjac' za 2005. godinu - Dejan Despić - diptih za engleski rog i gudače [1]
      Nagrade i nagrađivanje u oblasti muzičkog stvaralaštva [1]
      National Repertoire of the Opera of the National Theater in Belgrade (1970-1990) [1]
      Nationalism studies and the spatial turn: The concept of national territory [1]
      Nauka kao umetnost – interdisciplinarnost u naučnim radovima Dragutina Gostuškog [1]
      Negating the West, Going East. On Socialist Realism in Yugoslavia (1945-1950) [1]
      Negating the West, Going East. On Socialist Realism in Yugoslavia (1945-50) [1]
      Neither East nor West, in between but not a bridge: A riddle for a new discipline, the ethnogeomusicology [1]
      Nekoliko teza o umerenom modernizmu i tradiciji [1]
      Nemogoča avantgarda Vladana Radovanovića [1]
      New age in Serbia, Zoran Simjanović: New ideas symphony [1]
      New age u našem prostoru, Zoran Simjanović - New ideas symphony [1]
      New Data, New Methods? Sources on Ladies’ Salon Orchestras in Europe, 1870–1918 [1]
      Ni Istok ni Zapad, nešto između, ali nije most - zagonetka za novu disciplinu, etnogeomuzikologiju [1]
      Nikola Borota’s Kameni cvijet (Stone flower) and inscriptions on stećak tombstones: Semantic and poetic level [1]
      Nina Sun Eidsheim and Katherine Meizel (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Voice Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. [1]
      Ninth International Conference on Music and Minimalism. Minimalist Intersections. 25. 5-1. 6. 2024. [1]
      Ninth International Conference on Music and Minimalism. Minimalist Intersections. 29. 5-1. 6. 2024 [1]
      Noi istorii ale muzicilor românești. 2 vols: I. De la vechi manuscrise la prioda modernă a muzicii românești; II. Ideologi, instituții și direcții componistice în muzica românească din secolele XX–XXI. Еds. Valentina Sandu-Dediu and Nicolae Gheorghiță. Bucharest: Editura Muzicală, 2020, 372 + 444 pp. ISBN 978-973-42-1155-5 (Vol. I) and 978-973-42-1156-2 (Vol. II) [1]