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Lives and work of the Serbian scientists

dc.contributorСарић, Милоје
dc.contributorДелић, Доминика
dc.contributorMarković, Ratko
dc.description.abstractThe edition "Lives and Work of the Serbian Scientists" is of a great importance for scientists and science in general, especially for the young people who are at the very beginning to address the problems of science. Fact that everything that was achieved by previous generations is easily forgotten, obliges us to treasure, in this edition, all precious information that was gathered by numerous predecessors of contemporary researchers. In that way their achievements will remain at disposal to the public as foundation and inspiration for new endeavours. When a person with good intentions reads biographies and bibliographies of scientists presented in this edition, he can not but be proud of the creators of the Serbian science, primarily because in their scientific work enormous efforts, persistence and intuitiveness were built in. It is obvious that persistent intellectual effort, astonishing practical mind, whole life dedicated to science, created very impressive strong personalities that, for historically short period of time, raised up Serbian science to the world height. Outstanding scientific minds given in this edition were not studied and addressed only from the scientific point of view, but from philosophical, social and existential ones. Biographies clearly show that their work completely fulfilled them, made them happy, open and ready to help their successors to grasp the high level of personal achievement and fulfilment, after success in science is accomplished. Due to many reasons, work on this edition was not an easy task. Everything that was achieved in our science is genuine national treasure, its value makes the basis of national identity and future aspirations. Foreword to this book gives review of scientists whose lives and work were studied till now.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.subjectSerbian scientistssr
dc.subjectStevan Jakovljevićsr
dc.subjectStevan Nikolićsr
dc.subjectVjačeslav Žardeckisr
dc.subjectČedomir Simićsr
dc.subjectVukić M. Mićovićsr
dc.subjectRadivoje Berovićsr
dc.subjectJovan Karamatasr
dc.subjectLazar J. Stojkovićsr
dc.subjectJovan Tucakovsr
dc.subjectŽivojin Tešićsr
dc.subjectPavle Savićsr
dc.subjectJovan Belićsr
dc.subjectSava Petkovićsr
dc.titleЖивот и дело српских научникаsr
dc.titleLives and work of the Serbian scientistsen
dcterms.abstractŽivot i delo srpskih naučnika;
dc.description.otherБиографије и библиографије / Српска академија наука и уметности : књ. 5. II одељење, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада научника српског порекла ; књ. 5sr



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