Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

After The Golden Period: Opera of the Belgarde National Theatre (1971–2011)

dc.contributorЖунић, Драган
dc.contributorЂурђановић, Миомира М.
dc.creatorСпасић, Вања
dc.description.abstractУ овом раду сам настојала да укажем на могућност истраживања културне политике у Србији на примеру рада Опере Нaродног позоришта у Београду, као и репертоарске политике Управе опере у друштвено-политичком и културолошком оквиру у периоду од 1971. до 2011. године. Разлог да се посветим истраживању рада Опере у поменутом временском раздобљу јесте питање: шта се догађало са Опером после златног периода? Сазнање да не постоји ниједна студија у којој је прикупљена и систематизована грађа о раду Опере Народног позоришта у протеклих четрдесет година, подстакло ме је да истражим могуће разлоге за „сумрак“ институције која је, током златног периода била једна од најјачих адута југословенске културне политике.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this paper I tried to address the possibility of researching the cultural politics in Serbia in the case of Belgrade National Th eatre Opera as well as the repertoire politics of Opera’s management in the social-political and the cultural context between 1971 and 2011. I wanted to address the following question: What was happening with the Opera after the Golden period? Th is paper discusses the changes that have infl uenced the development of the given cultural institution’s work. Within the institution, there were problems as evidenced by the White Book, which was published 1970 in order to inform the general public about the idea of opera’s all-round reform. Th e book stated that the main reasons for the reform were: ‘insuffi cient professionalism’, material and fi nancial situation and the Opera’s repertory. At the end of the 1960s, the National Th eatre failed to “prepare” basic conditions for reform. In 1968 Th eater Community was founded, as well as specifi c self-association and through the activities of the organization National Th eatre secured substantial funding. Th ere were several reform initiatives to improve the situation in Opera, such as the idea of establishing a chamber theater - Krug 101 and the improvement of professional work in Opera. By the beginning of the 1980s, Yugoslavia was economically falling even deeper into crisis and that refl ected in the work of Opera. Th e beginning of 1990s was marked by strong political interference in all spheres of life, which was typical for a society in transition. Preliminary concept of cultural politics of this period was to propagate the desirable national values of the new Yugoslavia. Th is was confi rmed by the fact that the repertoire of the Opera exempted all the works of the composers of the former countries of Yugoslavia and set only a part of Serbian authors. It was a time when the theater faced insuffi cient funding from the state budget. Th is situation infl uenced the quality and quantity of performance. Former Socialist Party was replaced with Democratic Party, which in the next ten years (2000–2010) strived towards ‘modern’ Serbia. Th is was confi rmed by the work of the Opera, which aimed to return to the European stage (travel abroad, setting the forgotten and the new opera). From the early 1970s to 2011 in the work of the Opera, we tried to fi nd possible reasons that led to the “twilight” institutions. It is necessary now to focus on the cultural life by establishing a cultural policy that will determine the goals and strategies of cultural action. Th is direction may be possible after the transition, which means “regulated society” that will have a stable cultural policy, and thus defi ned the relationship between the state and national opera, and its repertoire.en
dc.publisherНиш : Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет уметностиsr
dc.sourceУметност и култура данас: зборник радова са научног скупаsr
dc.subjectкултурна политикаsr
dc.subjectрепертоарска политикаsr
dc.subjectзлатни периодsr
dc.subjectБела књигаsr
dc.subjectПозоришна комуна.sr
dc.subjectcultural politicssr
dc.subjectrepertoire politicssr
dc.subjectthe Golden periodsr
dc.subjectthe White booksr
dc.subjectTheatre communitysr
dc.titleПосле златног периода: Опера Народног позоришта у Београду (1971–2011)sr
dc.titleAfter The Golden Period: Opera of the Belgarde National Theatre (1971–2011)en
dcterms.abstractSpasić, Vanja; Posle zlatnog perioda: Opera Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu (1971–2011);
dc.description.otherПрви национални научни скуп са међународним учешћемsr



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