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The Folk Names Of Fruits Among Serbs And The Criteria For Their Stratification

dc.contributorПипер, Предраг
dc.contributorЈовановић, Владан
dc.creatorЈошић, Неђо Г.
dc.description.abstractАутор се у раду бави народним називима воћака у српском језику. Како је ријеч о народним именима за појединачне варијетете важнијих ботаничких родова, о називима с основама различитога поријекла, непосредним и метафоричким образовањима – аутор у њиховом раслојавању и анализи користи различите критеријуме, те даје одређена запажања и закључке.sr
dc.description.abstractThe folk names of fruit trees that are grown (or were grown) on Serbian territory present the core of Serbian fruit terminology, its central and most important part. This is not a voluminous lexical fund, but from the lexical-semantic and formation standpoints it is a very interesting one and can be analyzed according to various criteria. I. The botanical criterion implies placing a botanical species at the head as a hypernym (i.e. Malus pomila = grown apple), which has subordinated folk names for some of its varieties as its hyponyms. The application of this criterion helps to define the relations between representatives of different genera (particularly among representatives of the genus Prunus, as the broadest in Serbian fruit terminology). II. Using the linguistic affiliation of constituent bases or fundamental lexemes as the criterion clearly indicates that Slavic bases and generative bases developed on Serbian ethnic territory form the core of a universal fund of folk names for Serbian fruit trees; bases originating from the Turkish language play a less important part in its development. III. The lexical-semantic criterion is linguistically the most appropriate. This criterion is based on methodological assumptions of componential analysis. Description and analysis are based on fruit yield as the most powerful naming inducer. The Serbian fruit name inventory is viewed as a whole which is further divided according to semantic naming parameters. Uniting directly motivated names and metaphorical formations within the framework of certain parameters (e.g. color, size, taste, etc.), the lexical-semantic criterion makes it possible to present naming in all its breadth, thus clearly showing its generative-semantic potential.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.publisherБеоград : Институт за српски језик САНУsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178009/RS//sr
dc.sourceСловенска терминологија данасsr
dc.subjectнародни називи воћакаsr
dc.subjectкритеријуми раслојавањаsr
dc.subjectлексикологија и терминологијаsr
dc.subjectсрпски језикsr
dc.titleНародни називи воћака код Срба и критеријуми њиховог раслојавањаsr
dc.titleThe Folk Names Of Fruits Among Serbs And The Criteria For Their Stratificationen
dcterms.abstractJošić, Neđo G.; Narodni nazivi voćaka kod Srba i kriterijumi njihovog raslojavanja;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 157. Одељење језика и књижевности ; књ. 28sr

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