Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Mokranjac in the Works of His Successors - From the Citation Imitation to the Citation Polemics

dc.contributorMedić, Ivana
dc.creatorБожидаревић, Саша
dc.identifier.issn1450-9814 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2406-0976 (online)
dc.description.abstractРуковети Стевана Мокрањца представљају својеврстан културни канон, чији су примарни постулати уграђени у хорска остварења готово свих потоњих српских композитора који су стварали дела инспирисана фолклором. Овај део Мокрањчевог стваралачког опуса био је предмет разноврсних музиколошких, музичкотеоријских и других врста стручних анализа. Аналитички домети таквих радова послужиће као парадигма за примену специфичне методологије и терминологије преузете (и делимично редефинисане, у складу за захтевима музичког дискурса) из Теорије цитатности Дубравке Ораић Толић (Oraić Tolić 1990). Циљ рада је да се, уз помоћ теорије цитатности, препознају, истраже и класификују различити појавни видови и варијанте Мокрањчевих стваралачких принципа у руковетима и сродним формама српских композитора, Мокрањчевих наследника.sr
dc.description.abstractUsing the interdisciplinary approach to Stevan Mokranjac’s Garlands [Rukoveti] and his successors in the Serbian choral music after World War II, while simultaneously relying on Dubravka Oraić Tolić’s Theory of Citation (1990), I have continued the work of distinguished scholars in the field of Serbian postwar music and their diverse analytical experiences. Whilst critically evaluating the existing analytical interpretations, in this article I have pointed to the alternative solutions and interpretations of the relevant issues of the organisation of the musical flow of Garlands and related formal types in almost all relevant musicotextual segments. Departing from the problems posed by the phenomena of intertextuality and citational procedures as elaborated by Dubravka Oraić Tolić, in this article I focus on their different embodiments as established in the relation between Stevan Mokranjac’s Garlands and garlands and similar forms of the second half of the 20th century; I also specify analytical methods and their creative application on the analysis of individual choral works. During this process, certain different types of the intertexual communication in the garlands written by members of different generations required more precise definition, i.e. additions and redefining of the existing terminology of the theory of citations, and an introduction of new terms. The selected analysed sample incorporates both the works that nowadays constitute the basis of the choral concert repertoire, and the works which are nowadays mostly neglected and not so attractive to performers and music theorists.Analytical issues discussed in this study have repeatedly pointed to the importance of Stevan Mokranjac’s Garlands as a paradigm for the authors of the second half of the 20th century, and repeated the vitality of his creative contributions to Serbian music. This has, in turn, reinforced the common knowledge on the work of Mokranjac as the fundament for the development of contemporary Serbian music.en
dc.publisherBelgrade : Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Artssr
dc.sourceМузикологија / Musicology
dc.subjectсрпски послератни композиториsr
dc.subjectруковети и сродне формеsr
dc.subjectтеорија цитатностиsr
dc.subjectфолклорни цитатsr
dc.subjectСтеван Мокрањацsr
dc.subjectStevan Stojanović Mokranjacsr
dc.subjectSerbian postwar composerssr
dc.subjectgarlands and related formssr
dc.subjectfolklore citationsr
dc.subjecttheory of citationsr
dc.titleМокрањац у делима наследника – од цитатне имитације до цитатне полемикеsr
dc.titleMokranjac in the Works of His Successors - From the Citation Imitation to the Citation Polemicsen
dcterms.abstractBožidarević, Saša; Mokranjac u delima naslednika – od citatne imitacije do citatne polemike;



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