Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Značaj i uloga prepiske u osvetljavanju ličnosti i stvaralaštva Milenka Paunovića

dc.creatorMilanović, Biljana
dc.identifier.issn1450-9814 (print)
dc.description.abstractThe correspondence of the composer and writer Milenko Paunović (1889-1924) has a great role in revealing different aspects of his life, work and mind. Nearly 100 letters are preserved, most of which belong to his correspondence with his family and particularly with his sister Jelena Paunović, a pianist. One part of Jelena's correspondence with other persons gives us also diverse information about her brother. All the saved letters are kept in the holdings of the Institute of Musicology and the Serbian Archive. Paunović's correspondence is discussed from several viewpoints. In the introduction of the article is given a brief survey and description of the correspondence (according to the list enclosed at the end of the text). This is followed by analysis of some of Jelena's letters that clarify certain facts about the posthumous fate of Paunović's works. In the two central parts of the article the correspondence is observed as a source rich with information concerning Paunović's biography, dating and chronological systematization of his works as well as his (un)realized plans for performance. The concluding discussing is devoted to Paunović's personality, his ambitions, aspirations, relations to the others: it is possible to determine and explain his artistic creation like a specific autobiography and his correspondence speaks in favor of this thesis.en
dc.description.abstractPrepiska Milenka Paunovića, kao i korespondencija njegove sestre Jelene Paunović, osvetljava različite aspekte života i rada ovog kompozitora i književnika. Ona sama ili ukrštena sa drugim izvorima, omogućava nam da saznamo pojedine biografske momente, da ustanovimo vreme nastanka pojedinih dela, kao i da dublje shvatimo misaoni i estetski svet Milenka Paunovića, a time i mehanizme njegovog stvaralaš
dc.sourceМузикологија / Musicology
dc.subjectMilenko Paunovićsr
dc.subjectJelena Paunovićsr
dc.subjectStana Đurić Klajnsr
dc.subjectMiloje Milojevićsr
dc.subjectMaks Regersr
dc.subjectKarel Hofmajstersr
dc.subjectMuzikološki institutsr
dc.subjectArhiv Srbijesr
dc.titleThe importance and role of correspondence in researching the personality and work of Milenko Paunovićen
dc.titleZnačaj i uloga prepiske u osvetljavanju ličnosti i stvaralaštva Milenka Paunovićasr
dcterms.abstractМилановић Биљана С.; Значај и улога преписке у осветљавању личности и стваралаштва Миленка Пауновића; Значај и улога преписке у осветљавању личности и стваралаштва Миленка Пауновића;
dc.citation.other(2): 27-55



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