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Petаr Bingulac's Music Criticism in Misao Magazine: Evaluations Of Serbian Choral Music and its Performers

dc.contributorЛајић Михајлоивћ, Данка
dc.creatorВојводић Николић, Дина
dc.identifier.issn1450-9814 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2406-0976 (online)
dc.description.abstractThis article is devoted to Petar Bingulac’s critiques of choral music published in the magazine Misao – a total of twenty-four reviews, most of which are on choral music and its performers. I discuss Bingulac’s selected reviews from the point of view of critical-analytical interpretation. One of the goals is to determine the author’s dominant method when writing reviews and to assess his role in Serbian music criticism, taking into account the context in which the selected writings were created. I also compare his reviews of choral music performances with the views of other prominent
dc.description.abstractМисао, прецизније, његовим критикама хорског стваралаштва. У овом часопису Бингулац је објавио укупно двадесет четири критике, од којих је највише оних посвећених хорској музици и њеним извођачима. Предмет истраживања је критичка анализа одабраних Бингулчевих критика из угла критичко-аналитичке интерпретације. Један од циљева је утврђивање ауторовог доминантног метода/приступа при писању критика. Кроз анализу ће бити позиционирана његова улога у српској музичкој критици, узимајући у обзир временски контекст у којем одабрани написи настају. Тежиште студије је на анализи одабраних релевантних примера из његових критика хорске музике, уз поређење с дискурсом и ставовима других критичара.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the period between the two world wars, the cultural life of the Yugoslav capital city of Belgrade was striving towards modernisation. This aspirational drive was reflected in the founding of a number of art magazines and the development of music criticism within them. One such magazine was Misao [Thought], initially published as a literary-political and soon as a literary-social magazine. Music criticism was the most cherished type of writings on music in the magazine, which also published notes about music, reviews of opera and ballet performances, and the like. The editors of the magazine wanted to distance themselves from amateur writings about music, which is noticeable in the section Muzički pregled [Musical Overview]. The authors did not refrain from using professional terminology. One of the committed, professional collaborators of the magazine was the music critic and essayist Petar Bingulac, who wrote seventy-four reviews for the magazine that were published in twenty-four articles in the period 1927–1931. The position of Serbian choral music, domestic choral production, guest appearances by foreign artists and choral performances were often commented on, all with the aim of bringing this music closer to the audience, which attended the concerts in relatively large numbers. These writings reveal to us a writer with broad understanding, clear and firm attitudes and values, an author who enjoyed art and at the same time vigilantly followed social trends, reacting to them sharply with his pen. In his reviews Bingulac was constantly aiming for dialogues between music, works, events and the audience, which is clearly visible in the writings analysed in this
dc.publisherБеоград : Музиколошки институт Српске академије наука и уметностиsr
dc.subjectPetar Bingulacsr
dc.subjectmusic criticismsr
dc.subjectchoral musicsr
dc.subjectПетар Бингулацsr
dc.subjectмузичка критикаsr
dc.subjectхорска музикаsr
dc.titleМузичке критике Петра Бингулца у часопису Мисао: вредновање српске хорске музике и њених извођачаsr
dc.titlePetаr Bingulac's Music Criticism in Misao Magazine: Evaluations Of Serbian Choral Music and its Performerssr



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