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On Linguistic Publicistic Style Innovations as Found in the Examples of Daily Newspaper Headlines

dc.creatorМарјановић, Милица
dc.creatorМарковић, Наташа
dc.description.abstractУ раду ће се поредити језик дневне штампе с почетка прошлог века и језик данашњих дневних новина. Циљ је да се на основу анализе језика новина сагледају сличности и разлике у језику публицистичког стила на почетку 20. века и данас. Поредиће се сви језички нивои (фонетски, морфолошки, синтаксички, лексички) на основу чега ће се утврдити да ли има неких промена, и, уколико их има, каква је њихова природа.sr
dc.description.abstractRelying on an analysis of newspaper headlines from the beginning of the last centry and more current headlines, we have attempted to show that key journalistic features tend to persist irrespective of when the texts themselves were written. Earlier headlines were visually not as prominent, while today’s headlines are more eye-catching, an effect which is usually achieved by means of various graphic devices. When it comes to phonology and punctuation, differences emerge based on the existing rules of writing and speech of the times during which the texts originated. Differences were also noted in the length of the headlines, and thus in the level of their information status. Older headlines are shorter and contain less information, while the new ones are longer and offer a more complete information structure. The greatest difference between the headlines in our corpus is that today more emphasis is placed on the effective procedures which are used to achieve expressiveness, significance and which are used to draw the attention of the reader. For this reason, the means of achieving more attractive headlines – the use of figures of speech, various phrasaes, paraphrases, oxymorons, quotes, puns, devations from the customary, acceptable opionions and situations, are more developed today than they were in the older issues.sr
dc.publisherNiš : Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.sourceJezik, književnost, promene : jezička istraživanjasr
dc.subjectновински наслов; Политика; стари наслов; нови наслов; променеsr
dc.subjectNewspaper Headline; Politics; Old Title; New Title; Changessr
dc.titleО језичким иновацијама у публицистичком стилу на примерима наслова из дневне штампеsr
dc.titleOn Linguistic Publicistic Style Innovations as Found in the Examples of Daily Newspaper Headlinessr



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