Prikaz rezultata 1-20 od 30

      Body weight regain: mechanisms of occurrence and therapeutic approach [1]
      Contemporary concept of hypophysitis [1]
      Contemporary treatment of type 2 diabetes: achievements and dilemmas [1]
      GLP-1 analogues in treatment of obesity [1]
      GLP-1 аналози у терапији гојазности [1]
      Glucose metabolism and metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [1]
      Influence of gonadal steroids on cardiovascular diseases in the menopause and involutive hypoandrogenism [1]
      Is vitamin D a new hormone? [1]
      Mediterranean diet in the prevention and treatment of depression in obese people [1]
      Mедитеранска исхрана у превенцији и лечењу депресије код гојазних [1]
      Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and polycystic ovary syndrome: is there a connection? [1]
      Novelties in the treatment of lipid disorders [1]
      Novelties in treatment of Graves’ disease [1]
      Obesity and male gonadal function [1]
      Obesity in gestational diabetes: risk for cardiovascular disease [1]
      Phenotypes in obesity and their paradoxical connection with cardiovascular diseases [1]
      Subclinical thyroid dysfunction in the elderly population [1]
      Глукозни метаболизам и метаболички синдром код болесника са хроничном опструктивном болешћу плућа [1]
      Гојазност и репродуктивни систем код мушкараца [1]
      Гојазност у гестацијском дијабетесу: ризик за кардиоваскуларно обољење [1]