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The Condition of Semivowels and Palatalized Consonants k, g in the Type of Speeches of Timok-Luznica

dc.creatorСавић-Грујић, Ана Р.
dc.description.abstractBelic's study the dialects of the eastern and southern serbia comprises the wide area of Dialectical types, with the obvious tendency of the young erudite to notice the common features as the Signs of the whole, but also to describe the internal differences which form the particular dialectical Zones and systems. That is just why belic's dialects are the basic and the most complete book about Prizren-timok speeches, being also abundantly documented and authoritatively structured, every Further research of particular speeches and particular language segments from the areas of belic's Dialects have relied od this foundation stone. In that way many questions, which were made by beli¢ And also widely resolved, were profounded and precized, which actually contributed to the constitution Of the clear linguistic image of the prizren-timok speches in the frame of serbian speaking area as a Wholeness. However, in spite of the former research, numerous nonlinguistic factors initiated the Appearance of the innovations whose incorporation is particularly obvious in the young people’s way Of speaking, which, on the linguistic plan, results in the need to continue the further research work and The interpretation of the collected linguistic facts. Having this idea in mind our tendency is to, taking beli¢’s dialects into consideration, view The changes which demand phonetic plan, and which are referred to the degree of the preservation of Semivowels which as archaisms typical of the whole prizren-timok dialect, and the palatalization of the Consonants & and g in front of e, i and behind /, /j, nj as the innovative features of the timok-luznica Speaking type. The research is based on the lexical material which is made of the adjective and Nominal lexemes, which are used to qualify and nominate the persons of male which is based on the Expression of certain (most frequently negative) physical characteristics; this is particularly obvious at The several puncts in the area around svrljig, which belong to the timok-luznica dialectical type. Linguogeographical maps, which are attached, are used to precise geographical spreading of The different phonetic realizations of the analyzed lexemes.sr
dc.description.abstractНаш рад представља покушај да у светлу Белићевих Дијалеката источне и јужне Србије сагледамо промене које захватају фонетски план, а тичу се степена очуваности полугласника, као архаизма својственог целом призренско-тимоком _ дијалекату, и палатализације сугласника к и 2 испред е, и и иза ], љ, њ као иновативне одлике тимочко- лужничког говорног типа. Истраживање се заснива на лексичком материјалу сачињеном од придевских и именичких лексема, којима се у неколико одабраних пунктова у сврљишком крају означавају особе мушког пола на основу поседовања особине која се манифестује у спољашњем виду и оставља непријатан естетски утисак.sr
dc.publisherНиш : Филозофски факултетsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/178020/RS//sr
dc.sourceАлександар Белић - 110 година од појаве српског дијалектолошког зборникаsr
dc.subjectсрпски језик; призренско-тимочки дијалекат; тимочко-лужнички говорни тип; полугласник; палатализовани сугласници к; гsr
dc.subjectPrizren-Timok Dialect; Timok-Luznica Speaking Type; Semivowel; Palatalized Consonantssr
dc.titleСтепен очуваности полугласника и палатализованих сугласника к, г у тимочко-лужничким говорима сврљишког крајаsr
dc.titleThe Condition of Semivowels and Palatalized Consonants k, g in the Type of Speeches of Timok-Luznicasr



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