Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Architects’ Attitudes to the Housing Issue in the Interwar Serbia

dc.contributorKadijević, Aleksandar
dc.contributorIlijevski, Aleksandra
dc.creatorVuksanović-Macura, Zlata
dc.description.abstract„Stambenim pitanjem“ u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji nazivano je razmatranje stambene situacije siromašnih stanovnika i traženje rešenja za odgovarajući stan. Stambena kriza која је nakon Prvog svetskog rata potresala Evropu, bila je izuzetno izražena i u novoformiranoj Kraljevini Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, kasnije Kraljevina Jugoslavija. Loš kvalitet nasleđenog stambenog fonda, ratna razaranja i intenzivne migracije iz sela u gradove, za posledicu su imali ozbiljan nedostatak stanova. U evropskim državama, prevashodno onim koje su imale pro-socijalističke vlade, reakcija na takvo stanje je bila višestruka, a arhitekte su imali značajno mesto u realizaciji stambenih programa. Predmet ovog rada jeste odnos arhitekata prema stambenom pitanju velikog broja siromašnog gradskog stanovništva u međuratnoj Srbiji. Njihovo angažovanje i stav su sagledani preko delovanja unutar vodećih profesionalnih udruženja i grupacija. Koristeći savremene izvore poput stručnih časopisa, izveštaja i javnih predavanja, u radu je rekonstruisan odgovor srpskih arhitekata na složeno stambeno pitanje u međuratnom
dc.description.abstractThis paper discusses the architects’ attitude toward housing problems of the large population of urban poor in interwar Serbia. A severe housing crisis that shook Europe after the end of World War I was also very pronounced in the newly formed the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia. In European countries, especially those with pro-socialist governments, the response was manifold and diverse. It involved the establishment of garden suburbs, the construction of industrial settlements and residential districts, as well as the development of multi-year housing programs, such as the “Red Vienna” and the French Habitations à loyer modéré. Architects played an important role in the implementation of these housing projects. At their second meeting held in Frankfurt in 1929, the Congrès internationaux d’architecture moderne (CIAM) elaborated the issue of the minimum dwelling for low-income households (Die Wohnung für das Existenzminimum). What was the response of architects and their associations to the pronounced housing crisis in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, and Serbia? In 1919, Serbian architects joined the newly established Association of Yugoslav Engineers and Architects (UJIA). Among the diversified contributions that can be found in the “Technical Gazette” (Tehnički list), the official bulletin of UJIA, published twice a month, with a total of 480 issues between 1919 and 1939, the coverage of housing issues was sporadic. In this respect, the articles on Ebenezer Howard’s concept of a garden city, by architect Jan Dubový (1925) stood out for its integrated approach to the technical, economic, aesthetic and social aspects of the architectural activity related to the housing for the poor. While the socially engaged architecture was one of the postulates of the international architectural avant-garde, the members of the Belgrade Group of Architects of the Modern Movement (GAMM) were primarily focused on the form and aesthetics of residential architecture. Branko Maksimović, one of the most active members of GAMM, was concerned with housing issues, but rather as a freelance architect than as a member of the group. On the other hand, the authorities rarely invited architects to participate in the sporadic housing projects that they implemented. The lack of an active social response of Serbian architects to the shortage of small, healthy and affordable dwelling for poor residents partly reflected the general lack of a welfare state and the political will of the ruling authoritarian regime to address the housing problem
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu – Filozofski fakultet, Institut za istoriju umetnostisr
dc.sourceArhitektura i vizuelne umetnosti u jugoslovenskom kontekstu: 1918–
dc.subjectstambeno pitanjesr
dc.subjectmali stansr
dc.subjectarhitektonska udruženjasr
dc.subjectsiromašni stanovnicisr
dc.subjectmoderna arhitekturasr
dc.subjecthousing questionsr
dc.subjectminimum dwellingsr
dc.subjectarchitects’ associationssr
dc.subjecturban poorsr
dc.subjectmodern architecturesr
dc.titleArhitekte o stambenom pitanju u međuratnoj Srbijisr
dc.titleArchitects’ Attitudes to the Housing Issue in the Interwar Serbiasr
dcterms.abstractВуксановић-Мацура, Злата; Aрхитекте о стамбеном питању у међуратној Србији; Aрхитекте о стамбеном питању у међуратној Србији;



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