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Challenges in drinking water supply of rural mountain areas

dc.contributorШкорић, Драган
dc.creatorЈовановић, Драгана Д.
dc.creatorПауновић, Катарина Ж.
dc.creatorИлић, Драган
dc.description.abstractРепублика Србија је развила законодавни оквир, којим се подржавају и регулишу снабдевање водом, каналисање и промоција санитарно-хигијенских услова, међутим ниво имплементације регулативе је незадовољавајући, посебно у сеоским срединама, укључујући и плано ве за њихово унапређење и одрживост. Идентификовани главни изазови у водоснабдевању сеоског подручја укључују планирање услуга, развој инфраструктуре, управљање и одржавање система, редован надзор над здрав ственом исправношћу воде за пиће, питање власништва и финансирања. Истраживање је спроведено у оквиру пројекта „Брза процена здравствене исправности воде за пиће из система снабдевања водом у сеоском подручју у Републици Србији“ према методологији Светске здравствене организа ције тј. приручника „Брза процена здравствене исправности воде за пиће: приручник за примену“ (енгл. “Rapid assessment of drinking-water quality: a handbook for implementation”). Циљеви овог рада су да се процене и анали зирају преовлађујући санитарно-хигијенски услови у тзв. малим водово дним система и индивидуалним водним објектима у брдско-планинским сеоским срединама, као и да се развије план активности, мера и решења за унапређење ситуације. За анализу и процену санитарно-хигијенских услова у водним објектима брдско-планинских сеоских средина изабрани су подаци са Златиборског и Моравичког округа. Истраживање је спроведено у пери оду од априла до августа месеца 2016. године. Студија је показала да многа изворишта, резервоари и дистрибутивне мреже поседују значајне техничке недостатке, као што су: неадекватност поклопаца и цеви на каптажи и око ње, непостојање дренажних канала, оштећеност вентилационих отвора на резервоару, старе дистрибутивне мреже са двојним и дивљим прикључцима, као и да имају велике губитке воде у систему. Ови идентификовани ризици могу значајно да угрозе здравствену исправност воде за пиће што представља значајан јавно-здравствени проблемsr
dc.description.abstractAccess to an adequate water supply is a fundamental human right, which is implicitly recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia [1], in Article 74, paragraph 1, as a right to a healthy environment and to be timely and fully informed about the status of the environment. The Republic of Serbia supports and participates in joint initiative of the United Nations (UNECE) and the World Health Organization (WHO), at the global level, to evaluate and identify barriers and challenges related to water, sanitation and hygiene in order to set priorities for the improvements in these areas and protect health of the population. The Republic of Serbia ratified the Protocol on Water and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (hereinafter “the Protocol”) in 2013 [2] and set National targets and target dates, and participated in reporting the “Global analysis and assessment of sanitation and drinking water – GLAAS” in 2014, as well [3, 4]. The Republic of Serbia has developed a legislative framework that supports and regulates water supply, sanitation, and hygiene promotion, however, the level of implementation of the regulations is unsatisfactory, particularly in rural areas, including plans for their improvement and sustainability. The main challenges that Serbia faces in providing safe drinking water in rural areas refer to service planning, infrastructure development, operation and maintenance of the system, regular monitoring of the drinking water quality, unsolved ownership issue of the small scale water supply systems and sustainable financing. This research was conducted within the project “Rapid Assessment of the drinking water quality in rural areas in the Republic of Serbia”, which supported the implementation of the Protocol in Serbia in 2016. The survey was conducted according to the methodology of the World Health Organization [6]. The objectives of this study were to assess and analyze the prevailing sanitary conditions of rural small-scale water supply systems (SSWSS), particularly in mountainous areas, in order to undertake measures and find solutions for the improvement of the situation. The data on sanitary surveillance from Zlatiborski and Moravicki districts were chosen for analysis and assessment of the sanitary conditions in small-scale water supply systems of the mountainous region. The results shown that only 2.6% of SSWSS were managed by public utilities, while 97.4% of SSWSS were operated by local communities, group of citizens, and various committees that are not recognized as legal entities for service provision. The most common type of water sources in mountainous areas was protected spring (98.9%). The area around the spring was not fenced or the fence was damaged in 84.1% SSWSS, 60.6% sources were without a ditch above the spring or it was non functional, and the animal were reported to have access within 10 m of the spring in 55.7% of cases. With respect to the distribution network, 94% rely on the one or two reservoirs in the system. The main concern of public health relevance is the fact that the water from 93.2% SSWSS in mountainous areas is not being disinfected. Additionally, the aging of the SSWSS is evident. On average, they were built forty years ago without replacement of the largest part of the network during the last 10 years. This study also found that many water sources, reservoirs and distribution networks have significant technical faults such as: unprotected and open reservoirs, the absence of drainage channels, the old network with double and wild connections, faulty masonry of springs, as well as high levels of non-revenue water. These identified risks may significantly compromise the safety of drinking water and consequently threaten human health. Small scale water supply systems in mountainous areas are facing numerous problems in system operation and maintenance, technical shortcomings and lack of personnel and financial resources sufficient for the sustainability of such water supply systems. By analyzing the prevailing sanitary-hygienic conditions in small scale water supply systems in the mountainous areas of Zlatiborski and Moravicki region, we have identified their basic characteristics and risks, which may lead to the contamination of drinking water and thus compromise the health of users. This methodology has demonstrated its convenience of quick and easy understanding of the situation on the ground and detection of the risks to the safety of water and health of consumers. Identified sanitary conditions and risks in SSWSS could lead to drinking water contamination, inadequate services, water shortage and occurrence of water-related diseases. Thus, there is the need for the prompt action and the application of intervention measures, both at national and local level. The recommendations for the improvement of the situation would be, amongst others, addressing SSWSS in national and local policies, establishing the water protection zones (at least fencing and marking water sources and catchment area), regular chlorination, regular and systematic drinking water quality monitoring, promotion of the development and application of a risk-based assessment and management approach (Water Safety Plan, WSP), as well as the implementation of educational and awareness-raising programmes for the local communit.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Српска академија наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceВодоснабдевање становника брдско-планинских пределаsr
dc.subjectсанитарни надзорsr
dc.subjectвода за пићеsr
dc.subjectсеоска срединаsr
dc.subjectмали водоводни системиsr
dc.subjectsanitary supervisionsr
dc.subjectdrinking watersr
dc.subjectrural environmentsr
dc.subjectsmall plumbing systemssr
dc.titleИзазови у снабдевању водом за пиће у руралним срединама брдско-планинских пределаsr
dc.titleChallenges in drinking water supply of rural mountain areassr
dcterms.abstractPaunović, Katarina Ž.; Ilić, Dragan; Jovanović, Dragana D.; Izazovi u snabdevanju vodom za piće u ruralnim sredinama brdsko-planinskih predela;
dc.description.otherНаучни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 174. Одељење хемијских и биолошких наука ; књ. 13sr



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