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The Magazine “Slavenska muzika” (1939–1941) in the History of Serbian Music Periodicals

dc.contributorVasić, Aleksandar
dc.creatorВасић, Александар
dc.identifier.issn2406-0976 (online)
dc.description.abstractFrom November 1939 to March 1941, the monthly magazine “Slavenska muzika”, a journal of the Association of Friends of Slavic Music, was published in Belgrade. The magazine did not differ from other Serbian magazines of the interwar period in its sections. “Slavic music” also published essays on music, music criticism, reviews of books and music editions, notes, news, obituaries, and in one case, polemics. However, differentia specifica of this review is the exclusive focus on the music of the Slavic nations. The study provides a review and analysis of the texts in this journal. It was noticed that in “Slavic music” were crossed the Slavophile idea, which has a long tradition among Serbs, and Marxism, at that time strongly represented by one part of Belgrade musicians. The study also contains an integral bibliography of “Slavic music”, which has not been published so far.sr
dc.description.abstractОд новембра 1939. до марта 1941. године у Београду је излазио месечни часопис „Славенска музика“, гласило Удружења пријатеља славенске музике. По својим рубрикама часопис се није разликовао од других српских часописа међуратног доба. И „Славенска музика“ је неговала есеје о музици, музичку критику, приказе књига и нотних издања, белешке, вести, некрологику, а у једном случају и полемику. Међутим, differentia specifica ове ревије јесте ексклузивна окренутост музици словенских народа. Студија доноси приказ и анализу текстова у овом часопису. Уочено је да су се у „Славенској музици“ укрстили словенофилска идеја која код Срба има дугу традицију, и марксизам, у оно време снажно заступан од једног дела београдских музичара. У прилогу студије се налази интегрална библиографија „Славенске музике“, која до сада није објављена.sr
dc.description.abstractIn 1939, the Association of Friends of Slavic Music in Belgrade launched the monthly magazine “Slavenska muzika” [Slavic Music]. The magazine was focused on the musical past of the Slavic peoples, as well as their contemporary music. The publishing of “Slavic Music” was interrupted by the Second World War. The magazine published essays on Slavic music, concert and opera criticism, translated literature, news, notes, obituaries and, in one case, polemics. In a small number of cases, “Slavenska muzika” took over texts from other magazines. A total of 110 articles and contributions were published. The contributors to the magazine were musicians of various profiles – composers, conductors, music writers, music interpreters and pedagogues. The magazine was the work of experts and was intended for a musically educated audience. The Slavophile idea had a long tradition among Serbs. “Slavic music” is certainly an offshoot of that tradition. However, in the period between the two world wars, a part of Belgrade musicians accepted Marxist ideology. This was significantly expressed in “Slavic Music”. The magazine wrote about the music culture in the Soviet Union; the contextual, deterministic interpretation of the history of music was supported, and the aesthetics of socialist realism came to the fore. The central figure of Marxist orientation in “Slavic music” and, in general, in the Belgrade music culture of that time, was Vojislav Vučković, composer, musicologist and conductor. The idea of promoting Slavic music culture in the magazine “Slavic music” had limitations. Of the Slavic countries, Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia were present. The minimal representation of Polish themes is noticeable. The reasons for this disproportion probably lie in the traditionally strong musical ties with Czechoslovakia, where several associates of our magazine studied, and Russia. The connection of Serbian culture with Poland has always been incomparably more intense in the field of literature. Despite the shortness of its publication, “Slavic Music” is a distinctive phenomenon in the history of Serbian literary on music. It shed light on Slavic music culture as a separate entity within European music. The perspective advocated by this bulletin of the Association of Friends of Slavic Music had no successors in Serbian music periodicals. The study brings an analysis of the concept and structure of the magazine “Slavic music”, as well as an analysis of the views of music writers. At the end of the study, there is an integral chronological bibliography of the magazine “Slavic music”, which has not been published so far.sr
dc.publisherБеоград : Музиколошки институт Српске академије наука и уметностиsr
dc.sourceМузикологија / Musicologysr
dc.subject“Slavic Music” (review, 1939–1941)sr
dc.subjectSerbian Music Periodicalssr
dc.subjectVojislav Vučkovićsr
dc.subjectMilka Đajasr
dc.subjectMarxism in Serbiasr
dc.subjectЧасопис „Славенска музика“ (1939–1941)sr
dc.subjectсрпска музичка периодикаsr
dc.subjectВојислав Вучковићsr
dc.subjectМилка Ђајаsr
dc.subjectмарксизам у Србијиsr
dc.titleЧасопис „Славенска музика“ (1939–1941) у историји српске музичке периодикеsr
dc.titleThe Magazine “Slavenska muzika” (1939–1941) in the History of Serbian Music Periodicalssr
dcterms.abstractVasić, Aleksandar; Časopis „Slavenska muzika“ (1939–1941) u istoriji srpske muzičke periodike;



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