Приказ резултата 607-626 од 2440

      The Ethics of the Scholar and Professor Predrag Piper [1]
      The Evaluative Dimension of mEtaphor in Discourse: On the Possibilities of Bringing Together Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Appraisal Theory [1]
      The Evolution of the Imperfect in Serbocroatian [1]
      The Evolutive Aspect of The Short Jat Substituents Following the Sonant r – a Comparison Between the Serbian Literary Language and the Dialect of Vuk’s Ancestors [1]
      The Expression of Evaluation and Emotions in the Language [1]
      The expression of the singular/plural opposition in the East and South-East Slavic nouns [1]
      The Grammar of Syntactic Coreference [1]
      The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Verbal Noun [1]
      The Hypertext of a News Item through the Prism of Media Linguistics [1]
      The Image of Venice in The Mountain Wreath: some Imagological Observations [1]
      The Imperative in the Vernacular of the Sirinić Župa in the North Šar Mountains [1]
      The Indo-European mini est construction in Slavic [1]
      The informative role of presupositions and implications confirmed by Serbian language data [1]
      The Kashubian Indefi nite Marker Jeden ‘One’ and Its Grammaticalisation [1]
      The Language of the Accounting Ledger Journal of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Arad (1728‒1752) – Phonological Features [1]
      The Language of the Story of the Sage Ahiqar From Serbian Manuscript no. 53 of the National Library of Serbia [1]
      The meaning 'localization of object' and its expression in Serbian and Bulgarian [1]
      The Meta Language of a Lexicographic Definition in the Descriptive Dictionary (Based on the Dictionaries of the Serbian Language) [1]
      The Motivation for the Fixed Order of Clitics in Serbo-Croatian [1]
      The Origin of the Word Mazija [Steel] [1]