Приказ резултата 421-440 од 2436

      On „Particularizers” [1]
      Once more on the verbal aspect and linguistic politeness in the Slavonic imperative: A parallel with Greek [1]
      One More Time about the Relation between Morphemic Analysis and Word-Formation Analysis [1]
      One Sententional Model with the Prepositional Ассusativ as Proleptic Subject [1]
      One Type of Condensation of the Temporal Clause in the Serbian Language [1]
      Onomastyka polska [1]
      Oб отражении в словаре местоименных слов (на примере указательных местоимений оволики, толики, онолики) [1]
      Parenteza i metarečenica [1]
      Parenthesis and Metasentence [1]
      Passive as a (semantic and a) grammatical category (in Macedonian and in Polish) [1]
      Pavica Mrazović i Ružica Primorac, Nemačko-srpskohrvatski frazeološki rečnik [1]
      Pavle Solarić’s Orthographic and Grammatical Principles and the Beginning of Serbian Language Standardisation [1]
      Pavol Štekauer, Meaning predictability in word formation: Novel, context-free naming units, John Benjamins, 2005 [1]
      Paweł Kowalski (ed.). Słowotwórstwo w przestrzeni komunikacyjnej [1]
      Pejorative Terms for People in the Serbian Language [1]
      Periphrastic Predicative Expressions in Slavic [1]
      Petite contribution à la syntaxe contrastive de la phrase simple en langues indoeuropéennes. Les structures syntaxiques fondamentales en serbe et en français [1]
      Petrovici E., Daco-slava, "Dacoromania" X, partea II [1]
      Petrovici E., приказ: Istvan Kniezsa [1]
      Petrovici Emile, La population de la Transylvanie au XI-e siecle приказ: Istvan Kniezsa [1]