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The Relationship between the Vernacular and the Literary Lexicon in the Typikon of Archbishop Nikodim

dc.creatorСавић, Виктор Д.sr
dc.description.abstractУ раду се анализира однос између народне и књижевне лексике у Типику архиепископа Никодима. Запажа се посебно место грецизама, чија фонетска разноликост сведочи о живом контакту преводиоца и његове средине с грчким језиком, не само с непосредним предлошком. Поред типично књижевних лексичких јединица, неологизама и калкова, издваја се наслеђена старија лексика, заједничка за црквенословенски и народни језик (од старословенског до млађег редакцијског слоја), као и без сумње народна лексика, уз посрбе, углавном везане за књижевни контекст. Издвајају се ретко посведочене лексеме везане за специфичан свет типикâ. У закључку, препознају се критеријуми за идентификацију народне лексике. Анализа указује на произвољност у избору лексичких средстава, између књижевних или некњижевних форми (резултат је језичка хетерогеност). Ово је битна одлика језичког израза карактеристичног за српске типике, још од првог међу њима, Савина Хиландарског типика.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Typikon of Archbishop Nikodim (1317–1324) was the first Slavonic translation of the Typikon of Jerusalem (1318), compiled a whole century after the establishment of the Serbian Archbishopric (1219). This was the accomplishment of Sava’s long-term programme in the spirit of the liturgical reform carried out in the monastic communities of Mount Athos in the early 14th century. The paper analyzes the relationship between the vernacular and the literary lexicon. It particularly highlights Greek loanwords, the phonetic diversity of which reveals intensive contacts of the translator and his environment with the Greek language, and not only with the particular text that was being translated. The Greek loanwords associated with specific topics, along with typical literary lexical units (neologisms and calques) confirm the existence of a specific ecclesiastical discourse that was actively used in the ecclesiastical and liturgical environments to which Archbishop Nikodim belonged (first of all, Hilandar, where he had been the hegumen before being appointed as the head of the Serbian Church in 1317). The wide-ranging vernacularization, which is particularly reflected in Greek loanwords, but also in other parts of the lexicon, accompanied with the use of a typically vernacular terminology and words from the literary language with Serbian phonetics, shows that this colloquial style used in ecclesiastical circles underlies the language of the Typikon of Archbishop Nikodim. The language of the translation is diversified, falling somewhere in the middle of the register, where forms adopted from artificial and living languages intertwine without specific motivation (bridging diglossia). Interestingly, this typikon and other Serbian typika are the sources for the scarce lexicon, poorly known or entirely unknown in other written monuments. The insight into the sources and the detailed analysis of the lexicon reveal the main criteria for the distinction between the vernacular and the literary lexicon: (1) genetic – a comparative historical analysis reveals the local origin of a word; (2) the type of distribution – a limited distribution within blocked contexts or adopted quotations are typical for literary words with Serbian phonetics, and not of the genuine vernacular lexicon, though they sometimes overlap; (3) physical characteristics of the words; (4) semantic characteristics – the absence of artificial meanings. The partial alterations of the later manuscript copies of the Typikon (e.g. the Kovin Typikon from the Archive of the SASA, second quarter of the 14th century) show that some elements of this lexicon or some lexical forms were perceived as expressive.en
dc.publisherБеоград : Савез славистичких друштава Србијеsr
dc.sourceСрпска славистика : том 1 : језикsr
dc.subjectТипик Архиепископа Никодимаsr
dc.subjectЈерусалимски типикsr
dc.subjectсрпскословенски језикsr
dc.subjectсрпски народни језикsr
dc.subjectTypikon of Archbishop Nikodimsr
dc.subjectTypikon of Jerusalemsr
dc.subjectOld Serbian Church Slavonic Languagesr
dc.subjectSerbian vernacular languagesr
dc.titleОднос између народне и књижевне лексике у Типику архиепископа Никодимаsr
dc.titleThe Relationship between the Vernacular and the Literary Lexicon in the Typikon of Archbishop Nikodimen
dcterms.abstractSavić, Viktor D.; Odnos između narodne i književne leksike u Tipiku arhiepiskopa Nikodima;



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