Now showing items 33-52 of 2033

      A battonyai szerbek: a Szerb Tudományos és Művészeti Akadémia Néprajzi Intézetének kutatásai [1]
      A Brief Review of the concept of the future in anthropology [1]
      A Budapesten és környékén élő szerbek etnikai identitása: a Szerb Tudományos és Művészeti Akadémia Néprajzi Intézetének kutatásai [1]
      A contribution to research of succesion-property relations in the second half of the 20th century : as exemplified by Vranje and its surroundings [1]
      A contribution to the vampire studies among Serbs or vampire stories from Luznica [1]
      A Decade of Studying Guest Workers Through the Projects of the Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society [1]
      A Diachronic Approach to the Effect of Social and Political Factors on the Function of Church Bells with Serbs [1]
      A Few Problems Concerning Studies on Ethnicity/Ethnic Identity in Cultural Anthropology [1]
      A few questions concerning exterior migrations of Yugoslav population during the second half of the 20th century: A time for reconsideration [1]
      A minute’s silence: the development of modern cremation in the European communist countries [1]
      A mosaic of archival closeness : anthropology of memories from the Pannonian to the Adriatic Sea [2]
      A New Аpproach To Мagic [1]
      A Post-cultural Perspective: Challenges of Multiculturalism in Contemporary Montenegro (the Pljevlja Case Study) [1]
      A reading of the end of "Medea": without catharsis? [1]
      A review of the phenomenon of anti-Serbism and some of its consequences - importance, global spread and danger, controlling the past [1]
      A Society without Holidays: the crisis of holiday culture in post-socialist Serbia [1]
      A Step Forward or a Step Backward En Route for Europe: Serbia in Searching for the European Identity in the Beginning of 21st Century [1]
      A Szerb Tudományos és Művészeti Akadémia Néprajzi Intézete és a budapesti Szerb Intézettel való együttműködés [1]
      A Trip to Tokyo: Ethno-Nationalism in Vranje Since 1999 [1]
      A Window into (someone else’s) backyard: Euro-integration process, the Kosovo myth and in-filling spaces of cultural intimacy in the borders of Serbia [1]