Приказ резултата 112-131 од 261

      Tadija Pejović and the logical branch of Mihailo Petrović Alas’ successors [1]
      The contribution of Dučić's travelogues to the modernization of the Serbian poetic and standard language [1]
      The hydrointegrator of Mihailo Petrović Alas [1]
      The influence of mechanical activation on the electrical properties of Ba0.77Sr0.23TiO3 ceramics [2]
      The influence of mechanical activation on the morphological changes of Fe/BaTiO3 powder [1]
      The influence of synthesis conditions on the redox behaviour of LiFePO4 in aqueous solution [2]
      The Library of the Serbian academy of sciences and arts: 1841-2021 [1]
      The LiFe(1-x)VxPO4/C Composite Synthesized by Gel-Combustion Method, with Improved Rate Capability and Cycle Life in Aerated Aqueous Solutions [1]
      The problem of liability in the authentication of artworks, transparency and blockchain technology [1]
      The role of higher education in developing an innovation spirit [1]
      The Serbian School of Mathematics – from Mihailo Petrović to the Shanghai list [1]
      Theolinguistic Studies of Slavic Languages [1]
      Travels and travelogues [1]
      WATERS initiative “People and water” coexistence in the Slovakian Danube region [1]
      Академик Михаило Петровић – доприноси у науци и настави [1]
      Аутентичност дијалекатских исказа информатора из северног Косова [1]
      Ауторскоправни и практични аспекти дигитализације културне баштине [1]
      Библиографија Слободана Јовановића [1]
      Библиографија Јована Дучића [1]
      Библиотека Српске академије наука и уметности: 1841-2021 [1]