Prikaz rezultata 154-173 od 543

      Quaestor (κυαιστωρ) – Quaesitor-οσ – κοιαιστωρ [1]
      Quel etait le peuple pannonien qui parlait μεδoς et strava? [1]
      Quis Ergo Presbyter Diocleas? Рана дубровачка историографија и Летопис попа Дукљанина [1]
      Re-animation of Byzantium: the case of the chapel of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Belgrade [1]
      Revisiting the Veljusa Frescoes: Notes on the Iconographic Program of the South Parekklesion [1]
      Sacred and profane topography in a medieval Serbian parish – An outline [1]
      Saint Sisoes above the grave of Alexander the Great. A monastic theme of post-Byzantine art and its examples from the 17th century Serbian painting [1]
      Samuilo's state : its extent and character [1]
      Sava Nemanjić and Serbia between Epiros and Nicaea [2]
      Semantra and Bells in Byzantium / Клепала и звона у Византији [1]
      Serbia and Dioclea in the work of John Skylitzes [1]
      Serbian State in the work of Byzantine Historian Doucas [1]
      Serbian-Byzantine relations at the end of the 11th and the beginning of the 12th century [1]
      Settlement of the Slavs in Asia Minor During the Rule of Justinian II and the Bishopric Των Γορδοσερβων [1]
      Slavic ethnonyms in the Bavarian Geographer: A historiographic linguistic analysis [1]
      Some Remarks on the Divergences in the Narrative of George Akropolites and Theodore Skoutariotes [1]
      Son-in-law of the Greek Emperor. Eastern Policy [1]
      South Slavic Lands [1]
      Stefan Nemanjić’s Life of St Symeon as a Source for the Chronology of Changes on the Grand Župan’s Throne [1]
      Studenica : The Funerary Church of the Dynastic Founder - The Cornerstone of Church and State Independence [1]