Prikaz rezultata 115-134 od 533

      Miracle-Working Icon in Byzantium [1]
      Miracles de St. Démétrius comme source historique [1]
      Monumental Painting in the Mrnjavčević State and Late Medieval Novgorod:Parallels in Program and Iconography [1]
      Mount Athos and Political Thought in the Slavic World [1]
      Mount Athos in the historical work of Nikephoros Gregoras [1]
      New Byzantine Seals from Morava (Margum) and Braničevo [1]
      New Kingdom in the South – Art in the Mrnjavčević State [1]
      O војним овлашћењима логотета дрома у 8. веку [1]
      O проблему такозваних сложених округа на Балкану у XI веку - два примера [1]
      O улози бугарских тврђава у рату 976–1018 [1]
      Odysseus the Philosopher, Bards and True Monks According to Eustathios of Thessalonike [1]
      On Byzantine origins of figural miniatures of Belgrade Alexandride [1]
      On the Conception of Homeric Allegories in the Twelfth Century [1]
      On the Execution of Rulings in Serbian Medieval Law [1]
      On the first marriage of king Milutin [1]
      On the first reference to monasticism on Mount Athos [1]
      On the icons of Sinai and Raithou martyrs in Saint Catherine’s monastery at Sinai, with an overview of the cult and iconography of these saints in East Christian art [1]
      On the inscription on the baptismal font from the time of prince Višeslav. Some epigraphic remarks [1]
      On the military competences of the logothetes tou dromou in the 8th century [1]
      On the question of the Byzantine rule in Croatia in the late 10th and early 11th century [1]